Apocalypse: God-level Zombie Synthesis System-Chapter 10

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𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙪𝙥𝙡𝙤𝙖𝙙 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙖𝙩 𝒇𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙬𝒆𝒃𝙣𝒐𝙫𝙚𝙡.𝒄𝙤𝒎

Chapter 10

Yun Man walked with Ye Li, feeling somewhat uneasy and upset.

“Senior, how come it seems like you’re only a Level 3 Awakened Being?”

Yun Man cautiously looked at Ye Li. Although she was a Level 7 Awakened Being, she couldn’t help but feel that Ye Li was unfathomable.

For example, that Tier 1 zombie. She didn’t know where it had gone. Thinking of that Tier 1 zombie, she shuddered in fear.

It was like a towering tower, overwhelming her and making it hard to breathe.

“That’s right. I’m only a Level 3 Awakened Being.” Ye Li nodded.

“Then why are you so determined to go to the East District?” Yun Man looked at Ye Li in astonishment.

Ye Li didn’t answer. He didn’t want to reveal his intentions just yet.

Seeing that Ye Li didn’t respond, Yun Man sighed inwardly. She had finally escaped from the East District. It would be life-threatening to go back there.

“Senior, the East District is just ahead,”

Yun Man pointed ahead,and ahead was a dilapidated city..

Ye Li surveyed the East District and indeed, it looked even more devastated than where he was just now. There must be a lot of zombies here.

The thought of encountering many zombies made Ye Li somewhat delighted. As long as there were plenty of zombies, he could go on a frenzy of synthesis.

Yun Man looked at the smile on Ye Li’s face and was stunned. How could he still be smiling when they had reached the gates of hell?

“Let’s enter the East District,” Ye Li said slowly.

Yun Man nodded, and the two of them entered the East District.

When Ye Li arrived in the East District, he saw zombies roaming in all directions.

Ye Li realized that Yun Man was right. There were indeed many zombies in the East District.

Senior, zombies are coming towards us,

Yun Man exclaimed, pointing ahead.

“Roar! Roar!”

Ye Li noticed over thirty zombies charging at them, and he smiled.

“Don’t make a move!” Ye Li looked at Yun Man and said.

Ye Li thought Yun Man, being a high-level Awakened Being, might accidentally kill some of these zombies, which would be a loss for him.

“Come out.”

Ye Li released Ah Da.

“Subdue these zombies for me.”

After hearing the command, Ah Da rushed towards the group of over thirty zombies.

Ah Da, now a Tier 1 zombie with retained supernatural abilities, possessed terrifying power.

These thirty-plus zombies couldn’t withstand Ah Da at all and were instantly knocked to the ground.

Yun Man stood there motionless, as if frozen. It turned out that her suspicion was correct. This Tier 1 zombie was truly under Ye Li’s control.

Ye Li ignored Yun Man’s astonishment and began to synthesize the thirty-plus zombies.

One male zombie… one male zombie.

One female zombie… one female zombie.

All the thirty-plus zombies were Level 1 zombies.

Ye Li synthesized them into a Level 5 male zombie and a Level 5 female zombie.

Ye Li wasn’t completely satisfied and hoped to encounter another wave of zombies.

“Senior, how did over thirty zombies turn into only two? And their levels have all increased.”

Yun Man finally gathered her courage and asked the question she had been wanting to ask.

“That is the purpose of my coming to the East District,” Ye Li smiled slowly.

“Beep beep beep!”

At that moment, Yun Man’s communication device beeped.

As the name suggests, the communication device was used for communication, but unlike a cellphone, it used energy and didn’t need to be charged.

Yun Man pressed a button, and a virtual screen appeared in front of her.

A beautiful woman appeared on the virtual screen.

“Yun Man, are you in the East District? Why can’t I contact the others?”

“Teacher, I…”

“Don’t say anything. Send me your coordinates. We’ll come to find you.”

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