I Became a Magical Cheat Loli Witch-Chapter 38Vol 2 : Dungeon challenge for the first time in a while

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This would be our first attempt at the dungeon, [Ancient City—Apanemis]. (T/N: アパネミス Apanemis)

“Map, check; equipment, check; consumables, check. Are we missing anything else?”

“Everything is good nanodesu!”

“Then, let’s advance to the 10th floor as soon as possible. After that, we’ll just go with the flow”

With that, we greeted the gatekeeper and challenged the dungeon capture.

Despite the fact that it was a dungeon open to anyone with a level of D-rank or higher, monsters that are D-rank would only appear on the 5th floor and up. It seems that only small-fry monsters that even a child could beat would appear on the 1st and 2nd floors.

After examining the map, Teto dealt a single blow to a monster and placed the dropped items and magical stone into the magic bag.

"I've heard of it before, but it’s still strange. This plains-style dungeon."

The dungeon that we captured before was a cave-type dungeon that was previously undiscovered by the world. As a 5-floor dungeon, the scale was quite small, but this dungeon appeared to be quite large.

The floor we were on had a wide view and a clear blue sky, and it appeared to be an open floor with a limited range of possibilities.

“It’s awfully easy to explore. Let’s go”

Using the map as a guide, we descended to the 5th floor using the shortest path and encountered the monster known as the gatekeeper, which blocked the passage at every 5th floor.

“Majo-sama, I’m going nodesu!”

“En, do your best. Guess I’ll also——[Wind Cutter]!”

Coordinating as a group was troublesome, but since Teto and I were able to defeat it with one blow, it was considered as a complete annihilation.

Well if I were to take it seriously, a powerful magic spell could instantly destroy it.

"I wonder if the stone golem possesses a greater overall strength. It was a boss that had assimilated with and protected the dungeon's core, so I guess it's only natural that it would be superior.”

Saying that, we quickly descended to the 6th floor of the dungeon.

In the skies of the dungeon plains, the movement of the pseudo-sun provided a general sense of the passage of time, but I occasionally stopped to check the time with a pocketwatch I had created using [Creation Magic].

"It's almost time for lunch. Let's have lunch in the safe zone on the sixth floor."

“Agreed, nanodesu!”

We made small talk with Teto and occasionally looked at the map of the dungeon until we got to a watering hole, also called the safe zone.

We also saw adventurers resting who had won the fight with the 5th-floor gatekeeper.

After beating a gatekeeper in a dungeon with 5 or more floors, you could sign up for the transfer circle if you gave mana to the transfer circle in the safe zone of the floor. If you passed mana through after that, it seems like you would be able to move between the dungeon entrance and the transfer circle.

Teto and I greeted the other adventurers with a nod, touched the dungeon’s transfer circle, registered, and then headed to a separate area for lunch.

"Let's aim for the tenth floor next"

“Roger, nanodesu!”

By focusing mana on my eyes and ears, we moved down the quickest route while utilizing wind and earth magic to sense the terrain's surface and a map obtained from the guild to keep a look out for enemies.

Even at this level, a single swing of Teto's magical sword caused the creatures to fall to the ground repeatedly.

As we passed by an adventurer who turned back from the hunting ground to head for the transfer circle on the 6th floor, we challenged the 10th floor gatekeeper.

“This time it’s ogres, huh. Let me do it this time”

“Understood nodesu!”

Teto retreated, and as I floated slightly off the ground using suspension magic, I observed the three ogres.

Previously I was only able to deal damage to a person’s skin with [Wind Cutter], but now it was different.


As soon as I aimed the end of my staff at the ogres, a focused beam emanated from its tip. The beams of light fired at the speed of light pierced an ogre's heart, burned it to ash, and left a gaping circular hole in the ogre's chest.

“Then, next——a sweeping [Laser]!”

The ogre didn't bleed even though a hole on its heart had burned out. It took a step with its natural strength, but in the next second, a ray of light was swung sideways and went through its neck. This caused all of the ogres' necks to fall to the floor of the dungeon.

“So, it’s like that. I'm unsure of its effectiveness against enemies with high heat and magic resistance, but wasn't that a bit overpowered?"

It is easy to detect it at night because of its reliance on light, but it's a quiet magic with a strong penetrating power. The aim was also inflexible and it fired straight ahead, so accidently striking an ally could be lethal.

"Since it has a high fatality, I wonder whether it would be best to create and use fire metal with [Metal Shot], compressed water with [Water Cutter], or a spear of explosive fire with [Burst Lance]."

It would be preferable if I first increased the amount of mana I could put into [Wind Cutter] to boost its cutting strength. Or, if you just want the cutting power, the black magic that uses the space elements to create a separation between an opponent's neck and body is likewise effective.


“It’s hopeless. I’m thinking of dangerous magic spells one after another. For now, let’s just register for the transfer circle of the 11th floor”

“Understood nodesu!”

Then we registered for the transfer circle on the 11th floor, broke out from the dungeon, and visited the guild.

“Oh, isn’t that Chise and Teto? How was the dungeon challenge today?"

We met Arsus-sama and the others in the guild, probably because our return times were similar.

“We passed the 10th floor to accustom ourselves before leaving”

“Ridiculous as usual. Well, do your best not to die. We are currently exploring the 24th floor!"

The map purchased from the guild definitely only had 20 floors, so they were probably the top adventurers in this town.

Well, we intend to gain money gradually and increase our ranks after that. Then, see you later!"

“Good night, nanodesu~”

We sold a portion of the materials and magical stones obtained from the dungeon located behind the guild.

In the Dungeon City, points would be awarded based on the tier of the dungeon-dropped item.

"Well, I'd like to advance to B-rank, but there's no rush. Let's proceed at our own pace"

“‘My pace’ is the best nodesu” (T/N: マイペース literally “my pace” as taken from English, so doing things at your own pace ._.)

Well, our “pace” was progressing at a speed impossible for ordinary people, but we weren’t overdoing it so it was fine.

With that, we were able to advance to the 11th floor of the dungeon on the first day.