I Became a Villain's Hero-Chapter 104: Riem’s Paradise (4)

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Chapter 104: Riem's Paradise (4)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/week, Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Here

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It was a moment of hesitation.

As Riem charged in, Song Soo-yeon was planning to use her powers.

No matter how much Jung-gyeom had told her... he would understand this.

She could use her abilities to either utilize the people around her to block Riem or directly confront Riem with her powers.

But a thought that suddenly crossed her mind made her hesitate.

...If she got caught here, would Jung-gyeom worry about her?

Jung-gyeom, who had declared that he had completely detached his feelings from her.

Jung-gyeom, who had said their relationship was over and that she should live on her own from now on.

Is it really over?

Does he not have even a sliver of feelings left for her?

Does he not care whether she suffers or not?

If it's a life where Jung-gyeom doesn't care anyway... it's already worthless.

Nothing would change if she got caught by Riem.

If Jung-gyeom really doesn't come to find her, biting her tongue and dying wouldn't be such a bad idea.

In that moment of hesitation, Riem's hand touched her arm.

"Got you."

And with Riem's excited tone, she was suddenly transported to another place.

A dark room, surrounded by stone walls.

Damp air enveloped her skin, and she could see iron bars in the distance.

It wasn't hard to tell that this was where Riem kept her slaves.

The fear that arose, her concern for herself, was momentary.

Song Soo-yeon took a gamble.

She pushed Riem away and took out her phone.

And before anyone could stop her, she sent a message to Stella.



Han Yoo-jung stuttered.

Knowing that I was concerned about Song Soo-yeon, she was cautious.

"There was, there was no other explanation. Just this..."

I realized as I read the message.

Perhaps I realized too late.

I couldn't leave Song Soo-yeon.

The deep anger that surprised me, the sensation of my blood turning cold, made it undeniable.

She still meant so much to me.

Like Solace, Song Soo-yeon had also made her way deep into my heart.

The mere plea for help made any hesitation disappear.

Rather, it calmed me down to the extent that all my nerves awakened.

I asked.

"Tell me everything you know about Riem."

"...Ri...Riem? If Riem took her-"

"-Don't ask back, just answer."

I reached out and grabbed Han Yoo-jung by the nape of her neck.

Our faces came closer.

Han Yoo-jung's pupils shook violently from side to side.

But soon, she swallowed her saliva and began to explain.

"...She... She's a teleporter. She can only use her ability once a day. If... If Luna has been taken by Riem, then she can't use her ability anymore today."

I memorized every word she said without missing a single detail. I don't think I've been this focused in a long time.

"...The worrying thing is, Riem has a peculiar taste..."

My face involuntarily frowned.

My heart sank as if dropping.

I had to try my best not to apply too much force with the hand that was holding Han Yoo-jung's nape.

"...She likes women. The reason she joined the alliance was also because she wanted women slaves. Considering Luna's appearance...maybe..."

"...Do you know where she lives?"

"I can roughly figure it out. I've heard that Riem already has two slaves... I have deduced a location based on that story... Ah, she also said she wanted to buy an island before. If you hadn't shown up, she probably would have bought it. Maybe she already did."

"Where is it?"

"The current location? Or the island?"

"Tell me everything."

I don't think I've ever been more urgent in my life.

Especially after the story about her preferences came out.

I hadn't forgotten how she developed a disdain for men.

The sexual harassment and molestation she had to endure.

I had to find her before anything happened.

Han Yoo-jung hesitated for a moment and then spoke.

"I...I'll mark it on the map. Come inside for a moment."



Voices could be heard through the corridor.

"Yes! Lord Riem! Understood!"

A woman's voice, not Riem's, was heard.

Measured and submissive in tone.

Riem was probably talking to her slaves.

Regardless of the process, they truly fit the term slaves.

Completely submissive to Riem.

Beyond manipulation, it was brainwashing.

Riem was even more sinister than I had imagined.

Soon, the sound of her approaching was heard.

Song Soo-yeon buried her face in her knees.

She didn't want to face Riem now.

She was only waiting for Jung-gyeom, uncertain if he would come.

"...Luna, lift your head."

The sound of a hand touching the iron bars rang out. Riem spoke to Song Soo-yeon in a sticky voice.

Song Soo-yeon, of course, did not listen to him.

But Riem did not care about that.

"...Ah. How much I cherish this time."


"These moments of your rejection are precious to me. They become the seasoning for when you'll like me later."

"...Get lost."

"Ah! Don't provoke me. I'm actually holding back a lot."

Song Soo-yeon's fingernails dug into her own arm.

I thought I could bear it, but... it was more disgusting and... more frightening than I expected.

Being forcibly confined felt horrible.

Did I do something foolish?

What should I do if Jung-gyeom doesn't ever come?

Did he even see the message?

Does he know I'm caught like this?

"Luna, do you know that you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen?"


"Actually, just having you here satisfies me. Should I call you a trophy?"

Then someone else approached.

Song Soo-yeon slightly lifted her head.

A beautiful woman in a pure white dress appeared, holding a plate of food in one hand.

Riem smiled at her.

"Thank you, Strawberry."

The woman, nicknamed 'Strawberry' as if she were a pet dog, nodded.

Of course, Strawberry was probably not her real name.

As soon as Riem closed her eyes, the woman called Strawberry approached and kissed her.

Unable to watch any longer, Song Soo-yeon looked down.

The explicit sound of their tongues intertwining filled the air.

Then, a metal plate beneath Song Soo-yeon's bars opened.

Through it, the food brought by the slave was passed in.

Riem said,

"Make sure to eat well."


"...If you don't eat, you'll be punished today."



Where is this place?

Song Soo-yeon kept thinking.

It wasn't a basement.

Through the windows barred with iron, the darkening sky was visible.

Could this be the island Riem so desired?

...It wasn't an impossibility.

Sometimes, she could smell the ocean.

Song Soo-yeon thought, about 5 days.

She could hold out for about 5 days.

...I'm not sure. Maybe it would be hard to last that long.

She feared she might end up like the woman called 'Strawberry'.

...If it's an island, how long would it take for Jung-gyeom to come?

Would he be able to find her?

Maybe he doesn't even care at all.

The longer she stayed in this dark place, the more her mind could only think of negative things.

Soon, footsteps sounded.

It had to be Riem.

Suddenly, she began to understand how the slaves were brainwashed.

Just the sound of footsteps made Riem play with her emotions.

Tension and fear arose.

Song Soo-yeon buried her face in her knees again.

To her, Riem said,

"...You didn't eat?"


The food had already gone cold and dried up.

Riem let out a long sigh.

Silence ensued.


Just when she wondered if she had left without a word,

The sound of keys jangling was heard.

Song Soo-yeon startled and lifted her head.


But Riem had already entered inside and was closing the bars again.

Only then did she realize that the bars served as a psychological barrier.

The barrier between them disappearing completely made her feel as if she had become more vulnerable.

She got goosebumps.

Her heart raced.

"...You should... receive a punishment, right?"


Song Soo-yeon curled up even more.

For her, who had only recently become an adult, this was a great fear.

-Swish... Thud.


At the sound that suddenly came, Song Soo-yeon lifted her head.

Riem was taking off her shirt.

She could already tell what her intentions were, what the punishment would be.

It was clearly sexual.

Just looking at the changed expression in Riem's eyes was enough to understand.

A terribly disgusting look.

She licked her upper lip as she approached her.

"...I said it's punishment, but actually... I can't hold back anymore."

Song Soo-yeon finally spoke.

"...Stop... it."

"...Huh? You're mine now, you know."

"...Stop... I said."

Riem took another step closer.

Song Soo-yeon had drawn a line in her heart, and she crossed it.

Her hands and eyes began to shine purple.

Hoping it would take effect on her, she attempted to manipulate her.

"...St, stop it."

Riem frowned and stopped.

Song Soo-yeon did not lose her momentum and continued to exert force through her hands.


However, Riem, who had stopped staggering, soon smiled.

"...Looks like it's not enough."

And she continued to approach.

"...Wha... what...?"

Song Soo-yeon, while sitting, slid backwards.

But Riem approached even faster.

"...Looks like I'll have to punish you."

Riem extended her arm.

Her hand hooked Song Soo-yeon's arm.

Riem's face was filled with an excited smile.

Song Soo-yeon's mouth twitched, but no words came out due to fear.

She couldn't say stop, don't, or anything at all.

She pushed at Riem, but Song Soo-yeon, who hadn't been eating well recently, didn't have much strength.

Riem swiftly tore off Song Soo-yeon's top.

This level of violence and malice was something she was facing for the first time.

Her mind went blank.

And in that state... there was only one person she could think of.

".....Ah.... Mister....."

As if begging, she called out his name.

She already knew Jung-gyeom wouldn't arrive in time.

But even so, she called out his name.

Riem said,

"Forget that man. Now I-"


At that moment, the entire building shook as if there was an earthquake.

Song Soo-yeon and Riem looked around at the commotion.

Riem asked as if talking to herself.


But his words were never completed.

From the shadows created by the moonlight piercing through the bars, a man burst out and grabbed Riem by the throat.

"Haa...haa... This bastard...!"

The man, breathing heavily, lifted Riem by the neck.

A dice falls in front of Song Soo-yeon.

The number was 6.

In this unbelievable situation, Song Soo-yeon murmured.

".........Ah, Mister...?"

Once again, her very own hero appears.