Invincibility Begins with a Super Fairy Manny IBWASFM-Chapter 123 - : Nice to meet you, Iโ€™m Yu Ran!

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Chapter 123: Chapter 123: Nice to meet you, Iโ€™m Yu Ran!

Translator: 549690339

Yu Ran was not in a good mood today. ๐‘“๐‘Ÿ๐‘’๐“ฎ๐“Œ๐‘’๐’ท๐˜ฏโ„ด๐‘ฃ๐“ฎ๐“.๐’ธโ„ด๐˜ฎ

Her own third brother had been killed, yet her father had demanded that everyone stand down, prioritizing the old ancestorโ€™s emergence from seclusion above all else.

And the person who killed her third brother even had the audacity to announce that they would be coming to Lingnan in the next few daysโ€”how infuriating!

They say when a woman is in a bad mood, she wants to eat.

Yu Ran was no exception.

But she only held the attitude of giving it a try, without much hope.

However, as soon as she sat down and tasted the first skewer grilled by Xue An, her eyes gradually widened in amazement.

The skewer carried a rich aroma, exploding with flavor in her mouth at the first bite.

It caught her taste buds completely off guard.

Before she knew it, Yu Ran was hooked.

It wasnโ€™t just her, either; the other diners were also spellbound, eating ceaselessly.

But just as Yu Ran was thoroughly enjoying herself,

a group of fierce-looking thugs approached the barbecue stall.

The sight of these men caused the stall ownerโ€™s face to change dramatically, and he hurriedly went to greet them.

โ€œBrother Bao, what brings you here?โ€

The leader was a middle-aged man with triangular eyes, bare-chested with an aggressive dragon tattoo on his front.

Upon hearing the stall ownerโ€™s words, Brother Bao let out a few cold laughs.

โ€œI heard you hired a barbecue chef whose skills are quite remarkable, attracting so many people!โ€

The stall ownerโ€™s face turned bitter, and he was just about to say something when Brother Bao led his men to Xue An.

โ€œKid, which gang are you from? Donโ€™t you know that setting up a stall on this street requires my permission?โ€ Brother Bao spoke in a chilly tone.

Xue An lifted his head and narrowed his eyes slightly, โ€œAre you talking to me?โ€

โ€œOh, for Peteโ€™s sake, if Iโ€™m not talking to you, am I supposed to be talking to this lobster?โ€ Brother Bao sneered menacingly.

Xue Anโ€™s eyebrows raised, and his gaze turned icy.

At that moment, Yu Ran put down her skewer, frowned, and said to the steward beside her, โ€œGo and take a look!โ€


The steward strode forward, and before Brother Bao could react, he raised his hand and delivered a resounding slap across the face.

The slap stunned Brother Bao, who was just about to get angry, but on recognizing the person who had slapped him, his body trembled, turning pale as a sheet with cold sweat forming on his forehead.

โ€œChief Steward, whatโ€ฆ what are you doing here?โ€ Brother Baoโ€™s earlier arrogance dissipated, and he started nodding and bowing like a grandson, speaking in a groveling tone.

โ€œThe young lady is dining here. If you dare to cause any more trouble, watch your heads!โ€ the steward said coldly.

โ€œYes, yes, yes, we deserve to die! We actually dared to disturb the young lady!โ€

Brother Baoโ€™s teeth were chattering, clearly terrified.

โ€œGet out of here!โ€ the steward commanded coldly.

Brother Bao and his companions scampered away like they had been granted amnesty, not even daring to look back.

The turmoil subsided.

Xue An turned to look and saw a beautiful young lady sitting at a table not far away. When she caught his eye, she smiled slightly at him and raised her wine glass.

A thought crossed Xue Anโ€™s mind.

Then the steward approached once more, saying politely, โ€œMaster, our young lady invites you to join her.โ€

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Xue Anโ€™s mouth, and he casually walked towards the young ladyโ€™s table.

Yu Ran was also sizing up Xue An.

She had not paid him much attention at first, but a closer look now made her eyes light up.

He was a graceful young man who seemed to stand apart from the world,

handsome and with a refined disposition. Most importantly, those eyes of his were like deep pools, profound and unfathomable.

After a brief examination, Yu Ran pointed to the chair in front of her.

โ€œPlease, have a seat!โ€

Xue An didnโ€™t refuse and directly took a seat opposite Yu Ran.

The two were silent for a moment before Yu Ran smiled first.

โ€œI thought the person who could grill such delicious food would certainly be a portly chef, but I didnโ€™t expect such a handsome young man.โ€

Xue An smiled faintly, โ€œYouโ€™re not bad either, those guys just now seemed to be quite afraid of you.โ€

Yu Ran chuckled, feeling that his originally gloomy mood had suddenly improved a lot, and then he extended his hand seriously, โ€œLetโ€™s get acquainted, my name is Yu Ran!โ€

Xue An looked at Yu Ranโ€™s slender, jade-like hand, as if contemplating something, and after a moment, slowly reached out and gave it a light shake.

โ€œMy name is Xue An!โ€

Xue An?

Yu Ran frowned; that name was not a good one.

It happened to share the same surname with that annoying guy who killed his third brother and intended to cause trouble at the Yu Family in a few days.

However, there were many people in the world with the same last name, so Yu Ran was only slightly startled before he returned to normal.

โ€œAre you here for tourism, Mr. Xue?โ€ Yu Ran asked with interest.

Xue An nodded his head, โ€œSort of, and also planning to find a friend!โ€

Yu Ran said with a smile, โ€œFinding a friend? You could talk about it, as long as theyโ€™re in Lingnan, I might be able to help.โ€

Xue An looked at Yu Ran and then said faintly, โ€œHer name is An Yan! Do you know her?โ€

โ€œAn Yan?โ€ Yu Ran furrowed his brows and then thought carefully.

โ€œI have no impression! Do you have a picture?โ€

Xue An took out the photo he carried with him and handed it to Yu Ran.

Of course, he could tell that this Yu Ran must also be from the Yu Family, so he wanted to inquire in advance whether An Yan was at the Yu Family.

But waiting until Yu Ran had looked at it, he shook his head firmly, โ€œI havenโ€™t seen her! She must not be in Lingnan.โ€

โ€œAre you sure?โ€ Xue An frowned.

โ€œOf course, Iโ€™m sure!โ€ said Yu Ran confidently, then asked curiously, โ€œWhat is this friend to you?โ€

โ€œOhโ€ฆ my wife!โ€ Xue An took back the photo and stood up to leave.

Although this woman claimed to be unaware, Xue An certainly wasnโ€™t going to let it go at that.

The memory of Yu Yang couldnโ€™t be faked, the Yu Family surely knew about An Yanโ€™s whereabouts.

However, Xue Anโ€™s abrupt stand and leaving left Yu Ran somewhat astonished.

From a young age, everyone who met her would pamper her, especially the boys who, upon seeing her, would show their best side.

Just to leave a good impression in Yu Ranโ€™s eyes.

But unexpectedly, this man was so indifferent.

He even seemed unwilling to talk more!

I did just save you once, after all!

As these thoughts crossed her mind, Yu Ran felt somewhat angry.

Sensing his young mistressโ€™s displeasure, the chief steward moved forward half a step and blocked Xue Anโ€™s path.

Xue An stopped in his tracks, a trace of indifferent smile playing on his lips.

โ€œWhat? You want to stop me?โ€

โ€œThe young lady hasnโ€™t finished speaking, you cannot leave!โ€ the steward said coldly.

At that moment, Xue Xiang and Xue Nian came bouncing over.

โ€œDaddy, daddy, weโ€™re full, letโ€™s go back!โ€

The voices of the two little girls attracted the attention of many people.

Yu Ran also noticed this scene and her heart stirred.

He was already a father?

Xue An smiled, holding one child with each hand, preparing to leave.

The steward wanted to stop them, but Xue An gave him a deep look.

The chief steward felt the manโ€™s gaze to be exceptionally cold, and even though it was just one look, it rendered him completely frozen in place, unable to move!