I've Become a Genius Actor-Chapter 74:

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Chapter 74:

Ah The trolls are relentless today.

Someone sighing and closing their phone was none other than the YouTuber YooilYooilHae', who gained over 50,000 subscribers after a video of them giving a gift to Han Yooil at the airport went viral.

YooilYooilHae', also known as YoolHae', had been actively posting since the airport video. They edited and uploaded parts of dramas featuring Han Yooil, adding sound effects and subtitles to fan meeting videos released by his agency.

Lately, YoolHae was eagerly awaiting the broadcast of First Time With a Wandering Theater Troupe'. Joining Han Yooil's Lonely' chat room was one of the ways to pass the time.

Han Yooil's Lonely' room was more entertaining than expected.

(A GIF of Seon Gihyeon' getting up abruptly from <Sing in High School>)

(A GIF of Yooil' threateningly speaking to Joonki in <The Last Diner>)

(A GIF of The Man' wandering around in <Daydream>)

Thanks to Yooil's relentless build-up of his filmography in a short period, fans could easily converse using just GIFs. free webno vel

Above all, the Mooyi folks were serious about creating these GIFs.

However, the Lonely' room had never been as noisy as today. As soon as Yooil mentioned Lonely Han Yooil' in his Shasta live, trolls claiming to be Han Yooil quickly flocked to the Lonely' room's door.

"Is this a joke?"

YoolHae watched, annoyed, as the new troll was forcibly ejected. It was already the thirteenth time.

Soon, the chat room started filling up with GIFs commemorating the disappearance of the troll.

It was towards the end of this flow that a newbie in the Lonely' room posted an unexpected photo.


With a feeling akin to receiving a tribute, YoolHae clicked on the photo of Han Yooil.


A selfie with clear skin and slightly wet hair tips stood out. In the background, a bed's headboard and pillows were visible.

It looked like a relaxed photo taken just before going to bed.

While naturally saving the photo, YoolHae suddenly thought,

"But have I seen this photo before?"

After scrutinizing the photo, it seemed like it was genuinely the first time.

The fact that it wasn't found even in the fan club hinted that it was a yet-to-be-released photo.

Someone in the Lonely' room asked the person who posted the photo using a GIF.

(A GIF of Han Yooil in <Roll it Fun> asking the production team, Where did you find this?')

The response was immediate.

Hello. This is Han Yooil. (Smiling emoticon)

I didn't know how to verify myself, so I uploaded a photo I just took! Thank you always. Have a great night, everyone!

At that moment, YoolHae dropped their phone in shock.

"No way!"

And that day, the fact that Han Yooil was once kicked out of his own Lonely' room, along with him posting a photo in the Lonely' room, started circulating in various communities.

Actor kicked out of his own Lonely' room

[Screenshot from the open chat room

of Han Yooil]


Can't believe it

So cute

But why is the verification selfie so flawless?



Agree, I'm not even a fan of Han Yooil but I saved it

Lately, I really like Han Yooil

[An actor who works hard during live broadcasts and even visits his Lonely' room during filming Really admirable]


Fans must be so happy

Seriously, I'm a fan of someone else, but it seems like Han Yooil does more lives than my idols lol


Does anyone know what Han Yooil is filming now?

Jinhee! It's a remake of a 70s movie.

Wow, I can't wait.

Looking forward to it.

The news also spread among Han Yooil's classmates.

Korean Lit Kim Jinwoo: Han Yooil

Korean Lit Kim Jinwoo: You've got a Lonely' room, lol

Korean Lit Hwang Riu: What's a Lonely' room?

Korean Lit Kim Jinwoo:

Korean Lit Kim Jinwoo: You're a bit out of touch, mate

Just a few days ago, even Yooil himself was unaware of the existence of his Lonely' room. He felt a bit embarrassed as he watched the chat in the group chat.

Korean Lit Kang Hana: Yooil! Have you registered for your classes?


Yooil replied quickly.

Having spent the entire course registration period in Berlin, Yooil boldly decided to skip it and aim for the course correction period.

Korean Lit Hwang Riu: Eh?

But when his classmates saw the timetable Yooil sent, they all began to deny the reality.

Korean Lit Hwang Riu: How did you manage to get into the screenplay class?

Korean Lit Kim Jinwoo: WTF;

Korean Lit Kang Hana: That's impossible

Korean Lit Kang Hana: Are you joking..?

When Yooil showed them the online campus screenshot, the chatroom erupted again.

Korean Lit Kang Hana: (Emoticon of tears)

Korean Lit Kim Jinwoo: (Emoticon of pulling out hair)

Korean Lit Kang Hana: Some get courses during correction period I've been waiting since 8 am and still failed

Korean Lit Hwang Riu: Maybe you're just unlucky

Korean Lit Kang Hana: Riu

Korean Lit Kang Hana: Do you want to die?

Korean Lit Kim Jinwoo: I'll also pick up courses during the correction period

Surprised by the strong reactions, Yooil had simply followed Brion's advice and pressed the buttons in sequence. He had heard that getting into the screenplay class was difficult, but he hadn't expected it to be this intense.

I wanted to take the screenplay creation class.'

Above all, it was the best course for him as it not only fulfilled his major credits but was also assignment-focused.

Yooil finished the chat by stirring up his classmates' jealousy once more, promising to share his experience later.

* * *

"Unnie, unnie!"

Seo Hyunju's manager rushed towards her artist with cheerful steps.

"You'll hurt yourself, Hyein."

Caught by Seo Hyunju's elegant face for a moment, the manager regained her senses and handed over her phone. The YouTube app was open.

"Unnie! You haven't seen this yet, right?"

As Seo Hyunju nodded, the manager continued.

"This is the trailer for the wandering theater troupe it features Um Jiyoung, Moon Yuhwa, and also"

"The one with Seula, right?"

"Yeah, that's right!"

Seo Hyunju nodded and took the phone.

She had heard plenty about the Wandering Theater Troupe' from Yoon Seula.

However she was curious about the trailer.

"Shall I play it for you?"

"Yes, please."

The trailer began with bright faces of Um Jiyoung, Moon Yuhwa, and Yoon Seula disembarking from an airplane.

[The wandering theater troupe boldly steps into Germany!]

Their happy faces while tasting street food and rolling on the beds at the accommodation flashed quickly on the screen. However, the music soon changed.


Can we really post this?

Ah, I don't think this will work.

Do we have to post something with the guest every day?

The serious conversation between Um Jiyoung and Moon Yuhwa, along with Yoon Seula shaking her head, was shown sequentially.

The trailer showcased Producer Yu's unique and sensible editing style.

However, the most crucial part was towards the end.

[And the appearance of a special guest]

The footage seemed to be taken from a distance, almost secretly.

Wow, this is going to be big

Are you sure you got it right from the start?

As the murmurs of the production team were heard, the shaky camera revealed a scene.

As the focus gradually sharpened, it became clear who was being filmed.

A foreign man with a slightly grown beard sitting on a caf terrace. And the face of the person sitting opposite him became distinctly visible.

It was Han Yooil.


Seo Hyunju raised her eyebrows.

From the woman with a camera directly in front of him, it seemed like Yooil was in the middle of a shoot.

Can I ask you for a favor?

Han Yooil looked straight at the man and delivered his line.

Although not a native speaker, his pronunciation was impressively natural.

If it's okay with you

Just as Han Yooil was about to continue, the screen tinted orange just in time.

[Tomorrow evening at 10 PM, on YTBC!]

"What do you think, unnie?!" asked the manager.

"Looks interesting."

"Chi, you say that but you won't watch it, will you?"

Seo Hyunju smiled lightly and stood up.

"Actress, we're about to start shooting!"

* * *

The scenes scheduled for shooting today for Han Yooil and Seo Hyunju totaled three. Like always, the filming concluded swiftly without any particular NGs.

The only thing left was a short insert featuring Yooil alone.

Seo Hyunju watched Han Yooil, who was busy filming, for a long time.

In fact, Seo Hyunju belonged to the school of thought that believed talent' is innate. However, Han Yooil was peculiarly not someone with exceptional talent'.

Yet, he was efficient in acting and had an excellent learning ability. He seemed to know better than anyone how he appeared.

His acting seemed calculated yet didn't feel forced, as if it was second nature

Maybe that's what it means to be an actor.'

However, there was something that had been bothering her while acting alongside him.

Was it because she had scrutinized more closely after watching the trailer for the wandering theater troupe?

Until now, she had hesitated to speak up, but somehow, she now felt assured that it was the right time to say something.

Seo Hyunju casually called Yooil, who had just finished shooting the insert.

"Yooil." freewebno vel.com

"Yes, sunbaenim."

Seo Hyunju looked at Han Yooil, who quickly came to her side.

After a brief contemplation, she opened her mouth.

"Do you enjoy acting?"

For others, it might have sounded like a critique. Indeed, Seo Hyunju often heard comments about her being too harsh on her juniors, despite her intentions.

Fortunately, Han Yooil didn't seem to take it badly.

"It's fun," he replied.

"That's good. I also enjoy acting with you, Yooil."

Seo Hyunju slightly smiled before continuing,

"But what I wanted to say is sometimes, Yooil, it seems like you're trying to show everything in every single scene. As if each moment is your last."


Yooil took a deep breath.

"You might not notice it, but as an observer, it feels a bit desperate."

Seo Hyunju added cautiously,

"You're quite young and just beginning in acting."

It's okay not to be that desperate.

Her words were kind.

However, that warm advice felt like the sharpest critique Yooil had ever received.

Yooil swallowed hard before managing to reply,

"Thank you"

His voice was almost choked.

Heading back to the car where Min Woojin was waiting, Woojin immediately looked concerned upon seeing Yooil's expression.

"Yooil, are you okay?"

"Yes, hyung."

Yooil forced a smile.

But as soon as he leaned back in the seat, the sigh he'd been holding back escaped.

As if each moment is your last.

It's okay not to be that desperate.

Seo Hyunju's words echoed in his mind all the way home.

I thought I hid it well.'

But he was caught.

And during acting.

Yooil slowly shifted his gaze.

The progress towards his goal still floated on the translucent screen.

Phase 3 Goal Achievement Rate: 33.1%

He didn't want to be obsessed with numbers, but it was inevitable.

Yet, he never expected his desperation' to be revealed, even in his acting.

If you wish, you can undergo additional training for this.

At Brion's words, Yooil slowly nodded.

* * *

As the filming of Jinhee' progressed, the new season of First Time With a Wandering Theater Troupe' was aired.




It starts

And right after the first broadcast of Wandering Theater Troupe'.

The online communities ignited.

New novel chapt𝒆rs are published on free(w)ebnovel(.)com

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