Lady Su’s Revenge-Chapter 638 - There Were Treasures Everywhere

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Chapter 638 There Were Treasures Everywhere

In Wu Rong and the people of Chimo Circle’s eyes, this might really be an extremely ordinary stone, but in Su Jiuzhou’s eyes, its pneuma was astonishingly the same as that of the twelfth-grade Black Lotus Throne that she saw in the thatched cottage in Shengxian City, and they only differed from each other on the level of their pneumas.

The twelfth-grade Black Lotus Throne had been guarded by Ye Che of Ghost Clan for 40,000 years, which showed its preciousness.

But in Chimo Circle, it was everywhere!

Su Li was so surprised. If Wu Rong’s words were true, although these stones could not make her remaining sixth-grade Black Lotus Thronemanifest itself, on account of plenty of Black Lotus Throne, and the remaining twelfth-grade sword-transforming method of Black Lotus would reappear in a very short time.

She hoped the legendary secret skills of Prehistoric Ghost Clan wouldn’t let her down.

Thinking of this, Su Li put down the stone in her hand and said, “I want to go outside and have a look alone.”

“Go outside?”

Wu Rong was startled, “There is no danger outside during the day, but you are alone…”

“I’ll just walk around and come back soon.”

Su Li smiled. Then she turned and left.

Although Wu Rong was very worried about her, Captain was not at home and she still had to guard the camp. She could only warn her repeatedly, “Then you should stay close to the camp. Don’t go far!”

“I see.”

Seeing Su Li leave, Wu Rong scratched her head and murmured, “She is able to communicate with me without any obstacles after such a short time! Has she restored her memory?”

The gate of the camp was kept wide open during the day, and Su Li walked out directly. She suddenly felt a change of the pneuma in the air. There was a bit more death pneuma.

“Is it because the camp is too close to the Death Region?”

Su Li guessed, looking up at the gloomy sky. It would take a few more days for her to recover, and it was still hard for her to fly in the sky.

After walking for a certain distance, she suddenly stopped, squatted down and rubbed the dust on the ground with her fingers. She just walked a hundred meters away from the camp, and the solid soil turned into soft sand. Food crop could not grow on this kind of soil at all. Naturally…mortals could not survive here. They might starve to death in such a place.

“Li Qing’s camp should be shrouded in a special field similar to a tactical matrix. It is neither a curb nor a tactical matrix. Probably, it is unique in this circle. I can’t understand it. Maybe such a harsh living environment nurtured it.”

As Su Li thought, she got up and continued to move forward. Although she did not fly, she definitely walked faster than Li Qing. Then the sandy soil around her turned into black and hard rocks.

Here was Death Region.

Su Li’s divine awareness swept across. Then she gave a serious look and appeared below a huge rock. There was only a palm-sized black lotus in the crack of the rock, which was blooming quietly and exuding a strong vitality that was incompatible with Death Region.

“Born in Death Region…”

Su Li thought of something and reached out to take off the black lotus. It was cold to touch. After a while, it withered, drifted away and merged with the black debris in the sky.

Su Li’s eyes glinted with self-deprecation. She crushed it’s stem in her hand and sighed lightly, “Even if you have this ability, you are still too weak.”

Was she talking about the black lotus or herself?

Who could tell…

Su Li was not a sentimental person. The black lotus’s unique way of living made her sigh with emotion. Soon Su Li put aside her distracting thoughts and began to look for the gravel of black lotus.

The black lotus had become debris and its pneuma had dispersed in Death Region. She didn’t want to be exposed, and it was not convenient for her to practice in Death Region. So, she could only find some more black stones and take them back. Fortunately, the universe ring could also be used in Chimo Circle.

In the entire camp, she only saw Li Qing had a universe ring.

She still remembered that the practitioner, whom she met in the space of the channel, told her that the universe ring was precious in Chimo Circle and ordinary people could not have it. Li Qing just became the seventh-class warrior (Huashen Realm). When she was a sixth-class warrior, she certainly wasn’t qualified for getting a universe ring. However, Su Li had asked Wu Rong by means of devious questioning. It turned out that Li Qing had always had the ability to store and carry things before.

Besides, Li Qing had the special means to set up the camp. Therefore, Su Li had to doubt Li Qing’s identity. It wasn’t good for Su Li to expose herself prematurely.

Before nightfall, Su Li returned to the camp. Li Qing didn’t come back. When Wu Rong saw that Su Li was intact, she was relieved. She ran to Su Li and said, “You must be tired and hungry after being out for so long, right? Dinner is almost ready. You’d better take a rest first.”

Su Li nodded and was about to leave. Suddenly, she heard a noise at the door.

She turned her head and saw Wu Rong changing her face. Wu Rong rushed to the door and shouted in a hurry, “Get out of my way!”

Su Li also followed. Then she saw that Li Qing was bloodied with a pale face. She was taken into the main tent quickly by Wu Rong with a serious face. Li Dazhuang and the others were also more or less injured. Their injuries didn’t look serious compared with those of Li Qing.

In Qingshui Circle, the black lotus was the holy object of Ghost Clan, and Human Clan would be hurt when touching it. And Li Qing had the pneuma of being eroded by the black lotus on her body.

Li Qing was equivalent to a warrior in Huashen Realm. She should not have been scratched by a stone, no matter how careless she was.

Light flashed through Su Li’s eyes. She followed them into the camp. Li Qing had taken off all the blood-stained clothes and leaned against the head of the bed tiredly.

When Wu Rong saw that Su Li was coming, she hurriedly shouted anxiously, “Come here and help me. It’s too slow for me to deal with it alone!”

Su Li saw that Li Qing closed her eyes and gasped harder than before. She didn’t hesitate, “What should I do?”

As soon as she said this, Li Qing opened her eyes in surprise, “You have…mastered our language!”

Su Li nodded, staring at the movements of Wu Rong’s hands.

Wu Rong pointed to the dense small wounds on Li Qing’s body and quickly said, “We need to clean up all her wounds as quickly as possible. The poison in Death Region is terrible. If we clean late, her power will plunge and she will get sequelae.”

Su Li picked up the extra cloth to dip it in water and used it to wipe the wounds on Li Qing. Every time she wiped a wound, she would secretly absorb the black lotus pneuma.

There were too many wounds on Li Qing’s body. Su Li deliberately controlled her speed, and it took two hours to absorb the black lotus pneuma from all the wounds.

“Captain, how do you feel?”

Wu Rong looked worried. Li Qing’s face was now a little ruddy. She smiled and nodded slightly, “Thanks to you. I feel much better.”

“That’s good!”

Wu Rong looked scared, “Captain, did you meet a corpse monster today? What’s the size of it?”

Li Qing nodded slightly and said in a cold voice, “It’s not big. It’s only the size of a palm. But its speed is extremely fast. Make preparation. We will move out early tomorrow morning.”

“Okay! I’m leaving now!”

Then Wu Rong left the camp quickly and took away the warriors who were still waiting in front of the camp. They were going to manage the affairs of their move together.

Li Qing sensed the rapid recovery of her body. She had been injured by the death poison. But it was the first time that she had recovered so quickly. Although Su Li did that so secretly and she couldn’t sense it, the only variable here was only Su Li.

Since Su Li didn’t want to be exposed, Li Qing didn’t mention it. She only smiled and asked, “Can you communicate normally?”

Su Li nodded and said calmly, “Yes. What hurt you?”

“A kind of monster in Death Region, which is called corpse monster by us. It rarely appears in the periphery of Death Region. So, I usually explore around the periphery.”

Speaking of this, Li Qing paused and said embarrassingly, “I won’t enter Death Region unless I get lost. I happened to meet you last time because I got lost and went deep into Death Region. Fortunately, we didn’t encounter a corpse monster. Otherwise, we would have been dead long ago.”

“Are the corpse monsterstransformed from the dead?”

“No, they are not all people. Many of them are animals, and their whole bodies are rotten and discharging pus, which is terrifying.”

Li Qing looked solemn, “I could meet it on the periphery, which means that Death Region has expanded again. When I just established the camp 30 years ago, Death Region only expanded every five years. While it expands every year now. It is accelerating in expanding.”

Deep worries appeared in Li Qing’s eyes. “I know that this circle is not infinitely large. If one day Death Region invades every inch of land of this circle, where…should we go?”

Light flashed through Su Li’s eyes. She couldn’t answer Li Qing’s question.

After all, here was not Qingshui Circle.

The black lotus pneuma was poisonous, but it had no effect on refining the corpse. It was just pure ghost poison. There must be secrets in Death Region. She wanted to investigate it after she recovered from her injuries.

But before that… Su Li couldn’t help but sigh lightly, seeing the terrible injuries in her body.

Li Qing thought that Su Li was frustrated at the current situation, so she couldn’t help but comfort, “Those things are left to the big shots. You…can master a language in just three days. You must have a high level of cultivation, right?”

Speaking cautiously, Li Qing blinked. It seemed that she didn’t want to irritate Su Li. “Can you…tell me your name?”

Su Li was stunned. She immediately dipped her finger into the water and wrote two words on the bedside in Chimo language.

After she finished writing, she raised her head and chuckled, “My name is Su Li.”

“Your name is so nice.”

Li Qing praised and then said, “The warriors accounted for less than one in ten of the people of our camp. The level of most of the warriors are low. You must have a high level of cultivation. You can stay in my camp and search for survivors together with us.”

Su Li was silent after hearing this. Then she asked, “Haven’t you ever thought of going to a large-scale camp? Your single power is negligible. If there is a disaster, your camp might be wiped out and your efforts would be wasted in an instant.”

The smile on Li Qing’s face immediately disappeared a bit. She knew it, but…she had her own difficulties.

“If it is inconvenient to answer, you don’t have to say.”

Su Li’s still pale face showed a bit of gentleness. “I’m very glad to help my savior.”

“I’m not the savior. I just did what I should do within my power.”

Li Qing waved her hand shyly, “By the way, do you feel better recently?”

Su Li sensed herself. Then she shook her head and sighed,

“Now I just recover…a little.”