Longevity: Starting from the Qi Tags-Chapter 138 - 118: Jiang Yuan Returns to the Clan, The Arrogant Enforcement Hall! _2

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Chapter 138: Chapter 118: Jiang Yuan Returns to the Clan, The Arrogant Enforcement Hall! _2

Translator: 549690339

At this moment, Jiang Tian was lying on the ground howling in pain, desperately pressing down on his severed right arm.

“Brother, dear cousin, hurry up and take her down, I want her to wish she was dead,” he cried.

Looking at his severed arm lying off to the side, his heart filled with utter despair.

A body defect, meant that reaching the meridian-breaking realm was now his limit.

With one arm gone, how could he possibly open up all three hundred and sixty meridians?

As for the restoration of his arm, those miraculous elixirs and potent medicines were beyond what he could handle.

Looking at the girl who seemed like a fallen fairy, his eyes were filled with spiteful hatred.

It was she, who had ruined everything for him.

The old man’s face gradually darkened.

Shu Xiaoxiao’s actions were equivalent to slapping his face openly.

As a person ages, he values his reputation more.

How could he not be angered when slapped in the face by a servant he considered beneath him.

“Good! Very good! A mere servant dares to be insolent, today I will teach you the meaning of ‘sect rules’!”

As soon as these words fell, the aura of his Ninth Level Meridian-Breaking cultivation was undoubtedly displayed.

Powerful suppression emanated from him unabashedly, causing even the tranquil lake behind them to churn into giant waves.

“Kneel down before me!”

He shouted, lifting his palm then slowly pushing it down.

In the air, a giant golden hand was formed.

In a split second, the spiritual energy within a radius of several yards burst into life violently, converging crazily towards the golden palm in the sky.

The overwhelming aura caused the buildings below to shatter, and the stone-paved ground underneath continuously cracked.

Jiang Yu took a few steps back, fearful of being affected by the now fully formed demonic suppression hand.

Looking at gigantic palm that was about to descend, Shu Xiaoxiao no longer held back.

She drew her sword and instantly a sword aura in the form of a long river charged towards the sky.

Meridian-breaking Realm, Sixth Level!

Feeling her current aura, the old man was momentarily taken aback.

How can it be Sixth Level of Meridian-breaking Realm!

His heart immediately became somewhat uneasy.

If her current performance attracted the attention of the Supreme Mystery Sect’s high-ranking officials…

There was no doubt that Shu Xiaoxiao would not be punished at all.

On the contrary, he would be the one blamed instead.

The rules, were set by man only.

A peerless genius could completely disregard some of the sect’s rules, for they represented the hope of the sect’s future.

Even if they made a mistake, towards such peerless geniuses, the high-ranking officials of the sect would only address it lightly.

Therefore, when he sensed the aura of Shu Xiaoxiao’s reaching the Sixth Level of Meridian-breaking Realm, he instantly sensed bad luck.

After hesitating for a moment, his eyes filled with killing intent.

She must not be allowed to live!

By killing her, I would only be killing a servant, and no one would blame me.

If I let her live, given her youthful beauty and the strength of Sixth Level Meridian-breaking Realm, she will surely seek revenge on me sooner or later.

Moreover, if the attention of the high-ranking officials of the sect is attracted, given her performance now, she will inevitably be listed as a core disciple, and might even be cultivated as the next Sect Leader of the Supreme Mystery Sect.

Thinking of these, he made a decision instantly.

His spiritual power was pushed to the extreme, making the golden palm even solid.


The collision of the Sword Aura River and the Golden Giant Palm caused a powerful wave that made the buildings around collapse.

Seeing this, Jiang Yu quickly picked up Jiang Tian from the ground and retreated more than thirty yards.

Then his eyes widened in shock: “This is impossible!”

He could see that the Golden Giant Palm and the Sword Aura River had both held their own for two breaths before scattering.

The old man’s face changed drastically.

He was shocked that he, a Ninth Level Meridian-breaking Realm cultivator, three minor realms higher than her, and whose spiritual power was at least four to five times hers, could not subdue this young girl with a full-force move.

What kind of monster is this?

Just at this moment.


Behind him, a sword’s hum suddenly rang out, causing resonance in both heaven and earth.

The old man instantly felt as if his back was pierced by a thorn.

Not good!

It’s sword intent!

His face turned pale with horror.

He swung back his finger pointing out.

“Demonic Annihilation Finger!”

A deep black light shot out of his fingertips.


The sound of a golden and iron strike suddenly rang out.

As his finger shot out, the incoming sword was deflected away just three yards from his body.

Dressed in black, Gu Mo was getting closer at a rapid speed, he made a gesture and the long sword that was deflected returned to his hand instantly.

In the sky above.

Kong Nian was looking at the scene with a bit of surprise.

“This must be your bodyguard! He is indeed an excellent seedling! His sword intent has reached a remarkable level, causing resonance with the heavens and the earth. Judging from his recent performance, the Divine Bridge Realm should pose no significant difficulty for him.”

“As long as he continues his cultivation diligently, he would inevitably break through into the Divine Bridge Realm.”

Jiang Yuan nodded with a smile, “Correct! I previously sought a position of an inner sect disciple for him in front of the Sect Leader. It seems his sword dao is quite outstanding.”

Jiang Yuan felt very satisfied at the sight of the approaching Gu Mo.

He was glad he hadn’t hindered Gu Mo’s future. A realm at the fourth level of meridian breaking was nothing to scoff at.

Gu Mo summoned back his long sword, sheathed it, and began to rapidly approach the old man.

The old man took a quick glance at Gu Mo’s attire and was furious, “You are so bold! An inner sect disciple dares to ambush an Administrative Officer of the Heavenly Pillar Peak. Do you wish to betray the Sect!”

Gu Mo remained icy cold, his hand on the hilt of his sword, not uttering a single word.

Within a few breaths, he was within ten zhang of the old man.

As soon as Gu Mo stepped into that range, the old man instantly felt a strong sense of impending danger rise within his heart.

Looking at Gu Mo who was still constantly getting closer.

He instantly had a bad feeling.

At this level, surely there was no way this strange feeling was simply an illusion.

This was the instinctual reaction of a cultivator to danger. The old man immediately retreated.


In an instant, without waiting any longer, Gu Mo suddenly unsheathed the long sword in his hand.

This sword strike was the pinnacle of all he had executed thus far.

It contained his sword intent. Striking with all his spiritual power, once the sword leaves the scabbard, there can be no regrets.

As he swept out with this sword strike, a brilliant white light as bright as the sun suddenly blinded everyone, causing them to wince in pain.

This sword light was even more dazzling than the sun!

Tears welled up in the corners of Jiang Tian and Jiang Yu’s eyes.

The old man constantly retreated, barely defending himself, until he retreated tens of zhangs away. Then he finally stopped.

He sighed softly.

He had underestimated the situation just now. If he had retreated half a step later, he would have been gravely injured if not dead.

He looked at Gu Mo with an extremely solemn expression.

He lifted his hand to feel his neck, and a few strands of blood gradually seeped out.

This sword intent was terrifying!

If his realm was one level higher, I might have met my end here today.

The old man’s gaze flickered as he looked at the somewhat exhausted Gu Mo.

He then glanced at Shu Xiaoxiao, who remained spotlessly clean.

I can’t delay any longer, at least I have to handle that girl first.

He slowly approached, ready to make his move.

Then a loud voice came from afar, “This is Heavenly Pillar Peak, no fighting is allowed here. Who’s fighting?”

Just as this voice reached everyone’s ears, a team of ten men in Enforcement Hall uniforms appeared before their eyes.

The old man slowly dispersed the aura around him and said, “Captain Lin, you’ve come at a perfect time.”

He pointed to Gu Mo and said, “This man, an inner sect disciple, ambushed me from behind and tried to kill a Sect Officer. He must be punished.”

He then pointed at Shu Xiaoxiao, “And this person is just a servant, yet she dared to strike superiors. She cut off the arm of an inner sect disciple. This crime is undoubtedly deadly.”

“Ah, so it’s Deacon Chu!” Captain Lin greeted him.

He scanned his surroundings with a surprised look at Shu Xiaoxiao’s appearance and temperament.

However, he was only surprised. He never paid much attention to women.

Then he looked at Gu Mo, who appeared to be in low spirits.

He shook his head slightly in his heart, seemed like an unknown pawn, he didn’t have any impression of him.”

Although he had some doubts, considering that Deacon Chu had served the Supreme Mystery Sect faithfully for more than a century and had many connections, many people were willing to give him face.

He hesitated for a moment, then waved his hand and ordered, “Take these two away!”

“Yes, Captain!”

In the sky above.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Yuan had a somewhat disappointed expression.

“Senior, is this the reformed Enforcement Hall? They don’t even ask for the reason anymore? They just take people away directly?”

Kong Nian fell into silence. With Xiao Ruochen as the head of Enforcement Hall, it had indeed improved.

But old habits die hard. Even though most of the Enforcement Hall disciples who acted unrighteously have been purged once.

There are still a considerable number of people like Captain Lin below, who practiced favoritism.

It was precisely these favor-based practices that caused the Enforcement Hall to decay step by step.

As a few people below approached Gu Mo, he was quick to draw his sword.

After this short period of recuperation, he had regained some strength.

With a flash of the sword light, the three men who moved closer retreated with screams, their bodies covered in blood.

“You dare to resist the Enforcement Hall! The Enforcement Hall has the right. Those who resist the law will be executed!”

Captain Lin said coldly.

He slowly pulled out the long knife from his waist and walked towards Gu Mo with large strides. The aura of the seventh level of meridian breaking was vast and oppressive, dominating in all directions.

Gu Mo showed no expression, clenching the long sword in his hand.