Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize-Chapter 302 Stranded - Final

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Th𝓮 most uptodate nov𝑒ls are published on 𝙛𝙧𝓮𝓮𝙬𝓮𝒃𝒏𝓸𝒗𝓮𝙡.𝓬𝓸𝓶

Chapter 302 Stranded - Final

?Filled with hope, Emma promptly responds.

"This is Emma from Aldenmere Conglomerate, requesting assistance! Over!"

"This is Lamborghini rescue team. Where are you? Over." The pirate, posing as a sea rescue team member, inquires about Emma's specific location.

"I don't know, but I'm on the island south of Japan. My plane crashed!" Emma replies.

"Your plane crashed!? Where!? Is there any other survivor!?" The voice on the other end asks.

Emma considers whether to inform the pirates that Daniel has already left the island on a raft. However, fueled by frustration with him, she decides against it, hoping he faces the challenges alone.

"No, there's only me and the other one, she's…" Emma is about to reveal her lady's identity to expedite assistance, but an enthusiastic shout from the other side cuts her off.

"She? Two women!? That's great!" The excitement in the voice belongs to someone other than the initial speaker, likely the communicator guy's friends nearby.

"Two women!?" Emma repeats, sensing eagerness, excitement, and something unsettling in the other voice. Something is off.

"I'm sorry, my friends are too excited. I mean… It's good that you're both safe despite being women." The pirate attempts to smooth things over, sensing that Emma is catching on to the ruse.

"You're on the island where the plane crashed, right? Can you make a campfire and create smoke? So that we can know exactly where you are." The pirate asks.

However, Emma, already suspicious, doesn't answer. She quickly cuts off the communication and runs to find her lady.

On the pirate side, they realize their cover is blown. The communicator guy curses at his friend for jeopardizing their scheme and promptly reports the situation to his superior. They now have two helpless women as merchandise to sell to the confederation.

Regret gnawed at Emma as she sprinted back to her lady, cursing herself for not heeding Daniel's warnings. Yet, resentment towards him lingered, fueled by the frustration of being kept in the dark about the reasons behind his actions.

Palpitations quickened her heartbeat as worry clouded her thoughts. They were now entangled in a perilous situation, and she couldn't shake off the feeling of impending danger.

"We need to move! Now!" Emma urgently urged as she reached their camp, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and urgency.

"What!? What happened!?" Seraphina startled, but she quickly followed Emma's instructions without protesting.

Emma swiftly explained to Seraphina what had happened, leaving her lady startled and afraid. Together, they gathered essential belongings, and Emma guided her deeper into the dense forest that covered the heart of the island.

As they ventured into the thick foliage, the challenge became apparent. The forest floor was uneven, with roots and branches creating obstacles in their path. Seraphina stumbled slightly, and Emma steadied her, their eyes exchanging a silent understanding.

"We have to find a safe spot to hide." Emma said, her tone a hushed urgency. The sound of rustling leaves seemed to echo her unease.

Seraphina, though visibly concerned, nodded and followed Emma deeper into the forest. The foliage above filtered the sunlight, casting dappled shadows on the ground. The air felt dense with the scent of earth and vegetation.

As they moved further away from the shore, Emma's senses remained on high alert. Every snapping twig and distant sound made her jump, fearing the unknown that hid within the forest. The notion of the pirates closing in intensified her challenge, but determination fueled Emma's steps. She couldn't afford to let fear paralyze her.

Finally, Emma found a secluded spot, a small cave well-hidden amidst the foliage. "Lady Seraphina, stay quiet and hidden. I'll keep watch. We can't let them find us," Emma instructed, her eyes scanning the surroundings.

Seraphina, though visibly anxious, nodded in agreement, trusting Emma to navigate through this perilous situation. They huddled in the hidden sanctuary, the forest around them seemingly alive with the mysterious sounds of nature. Emma's worry persisted, but the resolve to protect her lady kept her vigilant in the face of the unknown threat that loomed over the island.

The heavily armed pirate group made landfall on the island. Their leader, Captain Red, meticulously inspected the wreckage of the plane and the abandoned campsite, his cunning eyes scanning for any clues about the survivors.

Captain Red, a seasoned pirate with a beard and a malicious smile, knelt near the remnants of the campfire, taking in the faint scent of charred wood. His scrutiny revealed the absence of any signs of male presence, and scattered men's clothing suggested a grim outcome for the other passengers.

"Boss, looks like there were only two of them. No signs of other people," reported one of the pirates, holding up a piece of fabric that appeared to belong to a lady's clothing.

"Boss! There are another three graves; it seems there were three additional casualties, all men. I think they died in the plane crash." Another underling approached, reporting his findings and handing the boss a data document procured from the wreckage.

The pirate boss, after reviewing the data, furrowed his brow as he processed the information. "That's strange. The plane crashed, three men died, but the only survivors were two women!?" The peculiar circumstance raised suspicion, but the boss reasoned it might be an odd stroke of luck. He kept his doubts in check but remained cautious.

"Alright, follow their trail. They can't be far. And be cautious; they might be leading us into a trap."

Armed with weapons and fueled by the prospect of a profitable transaction, the pirates pursued the faint signs left by Emma and Seraphina. The thick forest and challenging terrain mirrored the obstacles faced by Emma earlier, but the pirates pressed on.

The forest seemed to tighten around them as the pirates moved farther from the shore. Tension hung thick in the air, and the occasional rustle of leaves heightened their anticipation.

Finally, the pirates reached the secluded spot where Emma had hidden Lady Seraphina. The small cave concealed the women from sight, but the pirates noticed the obvious trail left by Emma, who lacked the skills to conceal her path effectively.

"We're close, people. There's our prize," the captain said in a hushed tone, pointing at the small cave in the distance hidden behind the foliage.

The pirate boss then signaled his crew to surround the area quietly. With a menacing grin, he motioned for them to be prepared for any resistance.

Step by step, the pirates moved in, their guns pointed at the entrance of the cave. One of the pirates received the signal to go check it out. He nodded at his captain and cautiously entered to inspect.

Pierced! Splout!

"Arrrrrrrrrrggghhhh! My eyes! My fucking eyes!" The first pirate who checked the cave screamed in agony as two sharp stones flew directly toward his eyes, destroying them in the process.

Ratatatata! fr(e)ewebn(o)vel

He immediately fired randomly inside the cave, hoping that the bullets would eliminate the one assaulting him. As the bullets ran out from the current clip, a silhouette rushed from the dark toward the first pirate, and a sharp stone pierced his neck, ending the scum's life.

The one who assaulted the first pirate was none other than Emma. Before any pirate could react, she used the first pirate's body as a shield and grabbed his sidearm to fire at the pirates whose weapons she judged as dangerous enough to penetrate her makeshift cover.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Four shots, three pirates down, as the others quickly took cover to shield themselves from Emma's line of sight and returned fire.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

A fierce gunfight rang out, with Emma at a clear disadvantage. She was both outnumbered and outgunned by the pirates. Her ammo reserves, procured from the first pirate, quickly ran out, and she managed to kill only four additional pirates from the remaining group of ten.

Determined to survive the ordeal, Emma made a quick decision to risk it all. She sprinted toward the nearest pirate, utilizing her speed at the peak of human capability.

The targeted pirate returned fire, but Emma, judging the bullet trajectory by its barrel, evaded the shots before they were even fired.

"Impossible!" The pirate who had shot at Emma shouted in disbelief, witnessing a living, breathing human evading bullets with such precision.

Emma's reflexes and split-second decisions were precise and decisive, as if she were accustomed to fights like this.

The moment she reached the nearest pirate, she swiftly killed him with a sharp stone she had prepared and used the pirate's gun to fire back at the group, taking down two additional pirates.

At that moment, Emma noticed a grenade-like object flying toward her. She quickly rushed out from cover and dropped to the ground. Instead of the usual explosive blast, a large amount of smoke billowed from the grenade.

"Cough, cough, cough! Damn it, tear gas." Emma felt the tear gas sting her eyes. She randomly fired in the direction of the pirates, trying to scare them away. While still firing, she sensed movement nearby and quickly shot.

"Argh! God damn it, you bitch!" The one who cried out was Captain Red, attempting to sneak up behind Emma but getting shot in the arm. However...

"Emma! Run!" A familiar voice rang out, and Emma briefly regained her sight to see that her lady had been captured by one of the pirates. Before she could react further, she felt a sharp pain at the back of her head, knocking her unconscious. Captain Red had used the butt of his rifle to strike her down, and that was the last thing she knew before losing consciousness.

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