MTL - 1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract-Chapter 8 .Secretary Guidelines (2)

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   It is heard that in order to sign a high-profit order, she is not clear with some outside partners.

   Moreover, after Xu Anxi became the manager of the electronic sales department, he took Mu Qingyu to the knife when he had nothing to do.

   Whenever there is a big deal that she negotiates, Xu Anxi will definitely rob him. Whenever there is a client that is difficult to win, she always sends Mu Qingyu there.

  At least, Mr. Wang of Hengshi Enterprise yesterday was pushed to Mu Qingyu by Xu Anxi because he was stingy and lustful.

  If it wasn't for the large amount of money given by the Leng Group, there would be no need for Mu Qingyu to stay here all the time, just to see her face.

  However, even if this is the case, don't think she is easy to bully!

   Sure enough, when Xu Anxi heard her doubts, her face turned red, and her voice rose several octaves: "Mu Qingyu, what kind of attitude is this! Are you not afraid that I will call you a c in the next department assessment?"

  Leng's Group has an assessment for employees every six months, which is divided into three levels of abc. A is excellent, b is good, and c is poor.

  If you take two cs in a row, you will be politely "dissuaded" by the company.

  Unexpectedly, Mu Qingyu didn't even raise her head, and didn't even give her a glance.

  The entire office was silent, no one dared to speak.

  Xu Anxi didn't expect that she would be so "ignoring" herself that she would be suffocated immediately, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

  Just as she was about to poke her forehead, a phone call came in. The ringtone was harsh, but no one dared to answer it.

   After a long time, a subordinate answered tremblingly: "Hello—"

   "Your deputy manager, put her on the phone!"

   This subordinate looked at the two people in the center who were at war: "Mu, deputy manager Mu, someone is looking for you."

  Mu Qingyu, who was half dead just now, slowly stood up, Xu Anxi was still standing beside her, without raising her eyes, she said angrily: "Good dogs don't block the way."

   "You!—" Xu Anxi wanted to be suffocated by her and blushed. Just as she was about to reason, she had already walked to the phone and connected: "Hi, I'm Mu Qingyu."

  A clear voice came from the receiver: "Why are you so slow! Is this your efficiency?"

  Mu Qingyu was taken aback, how could she not know the voice in the receiver? She nodded immediately: "yes, I'll come right away."

  Hung up the phone, she returned to her seat without even looking at Xu Anxi. She doesn't have many things, and she can pack them all in a handbag.

  —This, is this a sign that Mu Qingyu wants to resign?

  Xu Anxi's eyes almost popped out, until Mu Qingyu packed all her things and was about to leave the office, she still couldn't recover.

   "Wait a minute!" She screamed, "Mu Qingyu, do you think I really dare not fire you? You do these shameful things, and you lose the reputation of the company and walk away. You are really shameless!"

   Unexpectedly, her scolding further escalated, and her words were vile and shameless. Finally, Mu Qingyu couldn't take it anymore! She suddenly stood up "huo", and threw a folder on the table over: "Xu Anxi, I got the manager's position after climbing onto the director's bed by myself, don't pretend to me!"

  The pieces of paper in the folder scattered, reflecting her pale face.

   "You, you..." Xu Anxi stretched out her finger painted with crimson nail polish and pointed at her face, but couldn't say a complete sentence.