MTL - 5 Big Shots Kneeled and Called Me Mom-Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 Slap

Ji Qisen led Gu Yi's dining table in front of a bamboo table and chairs, surrounded by flowers and vines, and the voice of birds. After the mother and child sat down, Gu Yi remembered the person just now.

"Who is that? How can it be so annoying?" Now thinking of it, Gu Yan was very disdainful. How could there be such a person, a wicked charm and defeated family, at first glance it was not a good person.

A big man, wearing white clothes, did he think he was doing a TV series?

"His name is Nie Yu." Ji Qisen glanced at his mother and explained to her in detail the origin of Nie Yu's birth. By the way, he popularized Nie Yu's junior high school and loved college, and changed the experiences of several girlfriends. Finally, he said: "It is said that he likes Internet celebrities now."

Gu Min immediately understood: "Is that the kind of awl-faced European-style open eyes with big eyes and high nose bridge?"

She brushed it on Weibo, and now it has gotten a little bit popular now.

Ji Qisen looked seriously at Gu Yan, a girl who was medically her mother but was out of touch with the real world for 25 years and felt that she had a great responsibility.

He must educate his mother well, not let her be deceived by some fancy means of the bad guy, not let her go astray, or let her be abducted by the bad man.

Thinking that if Nie Yu pursues her one day and becomes a couple with her, Ji Qisen feels that the picture is too beautiful and he dare not see it.

This is something he absolutely cannot tolerate.

So he once again popularized some of Nie Yu's problems with Gu Yan. He took heart, he played the world, he was the president of the top media group and did not know how many women did nothing, and Lu Zhiqian, which made Gu Chan hate, was part of his group. Signed actor of an entertainment company.

If those things in front of Ji Qisen's science are just to make Gu Jie subconsciously disgusted with Nie Yu, then the last sentence can be regarded as seven inches.

Gu Fang expressed his disgust at Lu Zhiqian's top boss, Nie Yu, and regretted: "How could there be such a slut, did his mother teach him well?"

At the same age, how could her son be so intelligent, gentle, and filial?

See, this is the gap.

Ji Qisen nodded approvingly: "Mom, you must understand that it is not twenty-five years ago, you know what you know and you don't know what you are doing, so you have to be more careful."

Gu Xun nodded fiercely: "Yes, you have to hide away when you encounter Nie Yu's swingers."

It would be great.

Ji Qisen finally breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, the order came just right. Unlike the Michelin chef's western-style meals at home, here is mainly Chinese style, carefully crafted, rich bamboo forest atmosphere, elegant garden scenery, ingenious meals, Gu You eat Be surprised.

At this time Ji Qisen's phone rang.

Gu Ye now knows what this cell phone does, but no one has called her yet, so she curiously urged: "Son, your phone, you can hurry up!"

Ji Qisen picked up his phone and glanced.

His personal mobile phone number is rarely known, and only a few can disturb him at this time, and he guessed it when he heard the mobile phone ring.

It's his father Ji Zhentian.

Ji Qisen stood up: "Mom, you eat, I'll go out and make a call."

Gu Yan was actually curious about her mobile phone call. She hadn't called yet, but guessing that her son must be serious, she nodded her head: "Oh, then hurry up, or the dishes will be cold."

Ji Qisen went out to make a call here, Gu Yi enjoyed the food alone, and ate almost. Ji Qisen hadn't returned yet, but she wanted to go to the bathroom, so she asked, got up and went to the bathroom.

Who knew when walking to this green toilet, they saw a white figure.

The young man in a pure white slim suit flexed his long legs slightly, leaning casually on the lush green bamboo, and his legs wrapped in white suit trousers were elegant and long. The sun is shining in the bamboo forest, with short hair raised, and a smile on his lips, he is lazy and cynical.

It is also handsome and unparalleled.

Gu Yan looked at the sun. He had a pair of long and narrow eyes, and he raised them slightly, adding a bit of evil, and the important thing is that those eyes were pale brown, lighter than the eyes of ordinary people.

This reminded her of her deceased mother, and her mother's eyes were lighter than ordinary people.

Somewhat uncomfortable in my heart, such a **** turned out to be the same color as his mother's eyes.

"Little girl, what's your name?" Nie Yu opened her thin lips slightly, her lazy voice with a strong sense of teasing.

"I don't want to talk to you." Gu Yan said coldly, dismissively.

"Why, is Ji Qisen not letting you talk to me?" Nie Yu looked at her pretentious indifference and couldn't help laughing.

"Yes." Gu Yan wrote the disapproval on his face: "So please don't ignore me, I don't want to ignore you either!"

"What is your relationship with Ji Qisen? He is chasing you?" Nie Yu felt more and more fun.

Gu Yan almost spit out the blood when he heard this: "Don't you understand people? Ji Qisen is my relative, a blood relative, so use your brain full of **** to guess others' Relationship, you know?

"Are they really relatives?" Nie Yu raised an eyebrow. "Does he have any relatives? Why haven't I heard of them?"

"You and Qi Sen are familiar?" Gu Ye heard this, and looked at Nie Yu with some doubt.

When she saw this Nie Yu from her own son, she felt that something was wrong. The two seemed to be at odds with each other, like the enemy, but this Nie Yu was quite familiar with her son.

"Hehe." Nie Yu grinned his teeth with a smile: "Not familiar, but I have only known since the age of four, and often fight."

Speaking of which, he had a playful smile on his lips, and he was about to bend forward. He wanted to make fun of this little girl to frighten and scare her. It is best to see her crying and seeing Ji Qisen's heartache. dead.

Gu Yan shouted in his heart--

It really is an enemy! From a young enemy!

Gu Yan looked at Nie Yu, took a deep breath, and decided to educate the child for his mother. This man in the province was reduced to a social scourge and his son did not deal with it. This is also a mother's kindness to remove obstacles for his son.

So she looked at Nie Yu seriously, and educated, "Nie Yu, since you and my family Qi Sen have known each other since childhood, why are you so hostile to Qi Sen in my house? Our Qi Sen people are very kind and few people, you At the same age, can't you turn Gan Ge into a jade and become friends? "

When Nie Yu was about to banter, he immediately drew in his throat.

Why, why is this young childish girl's eyes shining like a teaching director? Why did she teach herself like a little hen protecting her Ji Jisen chick?

Gu Xun couldn't stop talking about Nie Yu, and the joke on that face was frozen. She immediately felt that what she said should be valid, so she decided to make persistent efforts.

"Nie Yu, auntie believes that you are good children like my family, Qi Sen. You are about the same age, smart and excellent since childhood. Your father is still a good friend. Since you are like this, you could have been good friends and got along well. It does n’t matter if you do n’t fight, does it? ”


Nie Yu sprayed on the spot, laughing.

Gu Yan looked at Nie Yu who laughed, his face red and his ears red: "I'm not right? Why did you ask Qi Sen from my childhood? Why are you such a good kid, Qi Sen, why do you always have trouble with him?"

She doesn't care who the two are right or wrong, anyway, Qi Sen is her son, his son must be right, this bad guy Nie Yu must be wrong!

Gu Yan fisted furiously, Zhangya danced paws: "What are you laughing at?"

Nie Yu finally reacted to the persecution that the director of the lesson had just reprimanded. He stepped forward slowly, blinked handsomely, and said with a smile: "Little girl, only two people in this world can teach me. Do you know who it is? "

Gu Yan: "Who?"

Nie Yu: "One is my mother and the other is my wife."

Gu Yan: "?????"

Nie Yu squeezed her chin and sighed, "Unfortunately, I have no mother and no wife."

Gu Yan looked at Nie Yu with a dishonest look, and suddenly remembered that his goose had no mother since he was young.

It turned out that they were all poor children.

She said with some sympathy: "Actually, I can be you--"

When the voice fell, I heard Nie Yu said, "Why, do you want to be my wife?"

Gu Yan was immediately annoyed: "Don't make jokes!"

How could she fancy a child of the same age as her son!

However, Nie Yu looked at her angry little face, and even more deliberately teased her mind, and simply stepped forward: "Why is it a joke? I mean seriously, I want to pursue you, very seriously."

As he said, he stepped forward and smiled, with a smile on the face of the romantic children who teased good women.

At this time Gu Zheng was standing next to a bamboo plant, and when he saw this, he had to retreat subconsciously.

Nie Yu stepped forward even more. At this time Gu Yi had retired. There was bamboo behind her. She was a little scared and could only scare her and say, "Don't mess around, or I'll let my son strangle you!"

Nie Yu laughed and deliberately learned her tone and said, "You are so young, you have a son? Funny me!"

Speaking, he raised his arm to support the green bamboo behind Gu Jie, and he wanted to give Gu Jie an alcove.

Gu Yan was anxious. She came from twenty-five years ago and was relatively conservative in her bones. How have you seen this battle?

Anxious and angry now, raised his hand.

Hearing only a slap, Lisuo's slap fan hit Nie Yu's face.

On a handsome face, a five-fingerprint instantly stood out.

Nie Yu: "You, dare you hit me!"

Gu Yan took the opportunity to run, raised his eyebrows smugly, and almost spit out his tongue: "Hehehe, hit you, deserve it! If you dare to disrespect me later, just hit you like that!"

Nie Yu has been the proud of heaven since he was a child. Where he has suffered such grievances, raising his eyebrows, Shen said, "Stop me!"

However, when the words came out, a cold voice was rebuked: "Nie Yu, you are too much!"

Gu Yan looked up and saw that it was his son who spoke.

Great, she rushed over and shouted, "Son, Nie Yu bullied me!" 2k novel reading network