MTL - 80s Wedding Night: Cannon Fodder’s Original Partner is Gone-Chapter 311 Scumbag double standard

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   Song Baozhu guessed right, Li Baogen then rented a house in Longjing, obviously wanting to stay here.

   When they rented a house, they chose to be near the beauty salon, obviously because they wanted to make it easier for Li Xiaolan.

  Li Xiaolan did not live with them, but insisted on living in the staff dormitory provided by Song Baozhu.

   Not far from the dormitory, there is a nursery, also run by Song Baozhu.

   As an employee, one of the benefits that Li Xiaolan has is that she can send her child to a nursery and someone will help take care of her.

   Of course, this nursery is open to the society and charges a fee, but as an employee, Li Xiaolan can enjoy the internal price.

   After seeing the environment and price of the nursery, the Li family felt that it was relatively affordable.

  The environment of the nursery is very good, and there are many toys. The teachers will play games with the children and teach some things. It is a bit like a kindergarten, and it is much better than the kindergartens they have seen.

  Although the fee is not low, there is a big discount for the internal price of the staff. The family compares the two prices and always feels that they have made a lot of money.

  Especially, when the child is sent to the nursery, they don’t have to take the child with them all day and can go to earn money.

  Li Baogen is quite ambitious, and Du Yueying's ambition is not small.

   Seeing that Song Baozhu, who used to be a fellow countryman, was so developed that he even drove a car, how could Du Yueying not be sour?

   There is also a beauty salon. They spent a lot of money when they came down today.

  Du Yueying still wants to go in the future, how can you do without making money?

  The Li family settled down temporarily in Longjing.

  Song Baozhu found a master for Li Xiaolan to take her, and that person happened to live in the staff dormitory, so Li Xiaolan could usually follow her in the dormitory.

   In the evening of the same day, Song Baozhu invited the Li family and Li Xiaolan's master to dinner, settled the relationship between master and apprentice, and then drove them back in person.

   The next day, the Li family got busy.

  Li Xiaolan put on the staff uniform and started the probationary period. Her three children entered the nursery, and her parents walked with Manlongjing, looking for business opportunities.

   In the county seat of his hometown, Duan Aihua's arm was scratched. He was afraid that his family would find out, so he didn't dare to go home.

   After driving the truck back, he rested at the unit.

   But the next day he went to Li's house to find Li Xiaolan, wanting to have a good talk with her and let her stop thinking.

   It was only when I went to Li's house that I found out that Li Xiaolan actually took his three sons and followed her parents out for a swim!

Where did    go, the Li family refused to say.

   Duan Aihua couldn't help being a little angry, but as soon as he turned down, brother Li Xiaolan shouted in dissatisfaction, "What do you mean, Duan Aihua? Why, you want to hit my brother-in-law again?"

   As soon as these words came out, everyone around looked at them.

   Duan Aihua's face changed, and he denied it quickly: "Brother, you misunderstood, I didn't think about hitting you."

   He really didn't think about hitting this eldest brother.

   But being angry is also really angry.

  Li Xiaolan actually ran out with the child, what did she want to do?

  Too nonsense!

   Big Brother Li was very dissatisfied with him for a long time, how could he let him go easily now?

   He continued to shout loudly: "Then why are you throwing your face at me? Or is that what you always do to my sister? My sister gave you three sons, and you bully her like that?"

   These words, the eyes of people around Duan Aihua began to look wrong.

   Duan Aihua could only explain again with a straight face: "Brother, you are wrong, Xiaolan is my daughter-in-law, how could I bully her?"

   Big Brother Li was very angry with him, and his fiery temper immediately exploded: "How dare you say that you are not bullying? You hooked up with that vixen surnamed Qi outside. What are you not bullying?"

   Duan Aihua's face also became extremely ugly in an instant, he said displeased: "Brother, I know you have misunderstood me, but you can misunderstand me, don't misunderstand Comrade Qi.

   She is a lesbian, these rumors might kill her! And I was innocent with her. It was only because she was not easy to see that I helped her. You think too much. "

Brother Li was so angry that he wanted to beat him again, he pulled up his sleeves and clenched his hands into fists: "Oh, you know she's a lesbian, so why would you ride around with her in the same car? If my sister says goodbye every day The man in a car, can you be happy?"

   When Duan Aihua heard this, his brows instantly wrinkled tightly, and his face became extraordinarily ugly.

  Li Xiaolan is in a car with another man?

   Can that be the same?

   And she is a woman, has a man and a child, why would she take another man's car?

   Duan Aihua suddenly had a very bad premonition in his heart, and he asked displeasedly, "Brother, tell me the truth, where did Xiaolan go?

   Now she not only ran away by herself, but also took three children with me. I am her husband and the father of the children. I should know where they went, right? "

   Big Brother Li rolled his eyes and said, "You want to know? Okay, I can tell you. As long as you promise not to find that vixen in the future, I'll tell you."

   "You..." Duan Aihua's face changed, "Brother, Comrade Qi and I are innocent. It's really not what you thought."

   Big Brother Li snorted coldly: "Then since you and her are innocent, why can't you separate? I told you not to go to her, but you are not happy. Could it be that your wife and children are not as important as that vixen?"

"Brother!" Duan Aihua shouted suddenly, "Please keep your mouth clean, Comrade Qi is an innocent person, not a vixen. You are ruining her reputation like this, it's not good. It really makes her angry. , she can sue you."

Brother Li was really annoyed by Duan Aihua's attitude this time: "Then you can let her sue, anyway, my dad has already said, if you don't want to break up with her, then divorce Xiaolan, child Follow Xiaolan from now on.

   Anyway, you have a fox spirit now, and you don’t care about the son my sister gave you, so it’s up to our Li family to raise it, anyway, it’s not that we can’t afford it! "

   He originally thought that Li Xiaolan and Duan Aihua had three sons, and the divorce was not good, so there was no need to make such a fuss.

   As a result, this person is really shameless, and while he refuses to break up with that fox spirit, he dares to say that they are innocent.

   When everyone else is a fool?


   Clean ass!

  A lonely man and a widow have been in a car for so long, how can he still be innocent?

   "Divorce? Impossible! I don't agree!" Duan Aihua categorically refused, "I want to see Li Xiaolan, if you don't want to tell me where they went, eldest brother, then I can only report the crime."

   Big Brother Li pointed directly with his hand: "Okay, then you go to report, whoever doesn't report is the grandson!"

   Duan Aihua was so angry that he ran to report the case. When the police arrived, Li eldest brother finally stopped hiding and revealed Li Xiaolan's whereabouts: "My sister went to Longjing."