MTL - A Happy Life Across the Beastman Continent-Chapter 153

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By the time Wu Xiaoyin became more agile and able to get up, it was already three days later. When Wu Xiaoyin took his three cubs for a walk after breakfast, he saw Kos carefully watching Xiao Kai, but Xiao Kai was walking fast. Walking towards Wu Xiaoyin, seeing Wu Xiaoyin's figure, he shouted: "Xiao Xiao, I'm going to find you!"

Wu Xiaoyin looked at Xiao Kai's pace, and felt that Cos's worry was justified. With such a fast speed, what if he didn't see the road clearly and bumped into each other, "Go slowly, watch the road carefully, and look for the road." What's the matter with me?"

Wu Xiaoyin grabbed the cub by his leg, and wanted to help Xiaokai, but Xiaokai easily got rid of the support of Kos and Wu Xiaoyin, and said angrily: "No need to help, I'm fine, I'm just greedy." Yes, I want to eat your cooking. You also know that Kos and I are not very good at cooking, but now I want to eat your delicious food. You don’t know, I didn’t do much in the previous cold season. I have been greedy, that is to say occasionally, since I ate your delicious food on that spring outing, I have been out of control. I think about it day and night, and I can’t eat anything else if I’m so greedy .But you have to believe, really, it's not me who wants to eat, it's the cubs in my belly who want to eat, really, I swear."

Xiao Kai rubbed his stomach and looked at Wu Xiaoyin with tears in his face. What else could Wu Xiaoyin say, so he had to pull Xiao Kai to let him go slowly, and cook for him by himself.

Lei Dian'er, Wu You and Lei Huo'er, who were left behind, quit and kept pestering Father, wandering around his feet, trying to get Father's attention, but now Wu Xiaoyin's attention is too low. I'm on Xiaokai's side, thinking to prepare the ancestor's meal quickly, otherwise it doesn't matter if Xiaokai is hungry, what if the cub in Xiaokai's belly is hungry!

Ever since, Lei Lu looked at Xiao Kai who was eating the rice made by Xiao Xiao, and it really didn't please his eyes. Reduce some, you must know that I am reluctant to cook with my hands on weekdays, for fear of getting hurt, and the result is, okay, hum!

Although Lei Lu really wanted to throw Xiaokai and Kos out, but when he thought that Xiaokai still had a small baby in his belly, he couldn't do it, and he couldn't go to Kos to do it, otherwise it would just be an excuse for Xiaokai to come from home. Eating and drinking, in the end, all the gas can only be swallowed in the stomach.

Lei Lu still hoped that this situation would only happen this time, but as the hot season came, the cubs in Xiaokai's belly didn't want to eat anything except Xiaoxiao's food, and the result of eating was Xiaokai's Suffering, no matter how you eat it, you still have to spit it out in the end, which makes Xiao Kai and Kos exhausted.

On the contrary, Wu Xiaoyin didn't think it mattered, because Lei Lu used to cook, so Wu Xiaoyin could only tinker with some models, blueprints, etc. Now he can cook for his family and friends by himself. Happy, except that I hope that Lei Lu can spend less time at night, and the days will be even better!

I originally thought that the days of frying and frying would be over when next year’s growing season came, and Xiaokai’s belly would be over. Unexpectedly, an accident brought the days forward a lot, and Wu Xiaoyin hoped that the days would be the same as usual, Not as it is now.

What happened? This had to be one night just after the harvest season, the weather was getting cooler, and the cubs in Xiaokai's stomach were relatively stable. When my own Ke La came to see Xiao Kai, he stopped Xiao Kai from eating without restriction.

You must know that when Cora was born, Bin suffered a lot, because the cubs ate too well when she was pregnant. When Cora was born, they were much bigger than the average cubs. As a result, Bin was the one who suffered. Now Seeing that Xiao Kai is already fatter than when he was about to give birth, he quickly stopped: "Xiao Kai, you can't continue eating like this, or you will feel better when you give birth."

Xiao Kai burped, accepted Cos's attentive care, wiped his mouth and washed his hands, and returned: "What's the matter, it will be a big deal, and I will get stabbed in the stomach. I saw that my uncle, who had a difficult labor last time, looks pale after the caesarean section." very good."

Wu Xiaoyin frowned and said, "Xiao Kai, you'd better give birth by yourself. Caesarean section is much more harmful to the body than natural delivery, especially the conditions here are not very good, and you will suffer."

Kos looked at Xiao Hebin's serious expression, swallowed his saliva, and assured him tremblingly: "I will watch Xiao Kai, and I won't let him eat any more, but if Xiao Kai is so hungry that he still has stomach What about the cubs in the house?"

Wu Xiaoyin explained: "Either let Xiaokai eat, or stop eating when he feels full, and then go for a walk after eating."

Bin also nodded in agreement, so Xiao Kai got into the habit of taking a walk after meals.

On this day, Wu Xiaoyin was pestered by four kids to eat fried fish, so after dinner, Bin accompanied Xiao Kai for a walk around Wu Xiaoyin's house. The situation is very abnormal, the eyes are red.

Bin Lima pulled Xiao Kai back and walked back, but Xiao Kai was pulled back by Le and fell to the ground, and Xiao Kai's face turned pale. There were no other clansmen around, so Bin shouted loudly, and the orcs would definitely be able to hear them.

Hearing Bin's yelling, Le finally became a little sober, the red in his eyes faded a lot, the fear flashed past, and he ran away, leaving Bin at a loss and Xiao Kai who was already in a coma.