MTL - A Sorcerer’s Journey-v32 Chapter 2044 Abyss Battlefield (49)

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Yi Shiyi and Pumi Rothius did not agree with the plan of the second generation of the wizard king, and said: "Don't talk about the equivalent means of the equal balance of the witch's scepter, it is just cheaper than other ethnic groups, and the wizarding world is still not doing well. The preparations for the fall of the wizarding world. In seven days, about eighty-five hourglasses, as long as you can delay the delay, with my body 100% combat mode plus metal fire blessing, even if he can completely suppress it!"

Pumirosius is firm.

For the eternal sky city of the eternal sky, the super-robot is the first ancestor of the sacred body. Although the king of the second generation of sorcerers is equally confident, it is necessary to delay the seven-day time of such a sacred abyss.

"Can you think about the number of wizards in the Wizarding World?"

During the speech of the second generation of the wizarding king, it was also a "bang and rumbling", and was beaten to retreat and unable to fight back. The super robot was looking for it, and it was almost dismantled by the first arm of the sacred body. Metal fire The repair is not worth mentioning in the face of its destruction speed. The magical hopes of the super robot chest, the half-body twisted Megatron is also blown out, but fortunately did not fall to the Decepticons End.

"Oh! Every wizard who embarks on the journey of the Demon Hunter is ready to die, but as the king of the wizard who will unite the core of the will, it must not fall!"

The discourse is decisive, but the cruelty that emerges from it, even if the king of the second generation of wizards does not feel the hair blasting, seems to have seen some horrible scenes.

Pumirosius went on to say: "I have summoned the two masters of Vantage Quantum Light and the Magic Doll to support, and the seal wizards who can pose a threat to this demon ances are gathering, but the new Black Witch King is fighting against another The powerful ancestors can't get away, the world tree is the same, and the other major theater leaders are still transmitting in time and space, and they can arrive in one or two days. Don't waste energy, this kind of powerful creature wants time and space seal, and looks at the history of wizards. Except for the king of the early wizards, there is absolutely no one in the world of wizards!"

Although it is difficult to accept the words of Pumirosius, reason tells the king of the second generation of wizards, this is the case.

This is the most proud of his disciples who dare to speak like this. The two are not only teachers and friends, but also the mutual belief that the will inherits and even surpasses the soul and friendship. Nodded, the king of the second generation accepted the Pumiro. Xiusi’s suggestion.

The crystal is full of cracks. Pumirosius saw the scars and the nerves once again rushed to the ancestral ancestor of the one-armed sacred body. The other avatar was already afraid of death. He said: "Teacher, think about it. I think, how to minimize the loss of the wizard to support me to open the whole body posture, now is the crisis of life and death, if not, forcefully summon the return of the king of the early wizards, and his power will inevitably change the life of the heavens!"

Said, this crystal is full of cracks of Pemirosius, but also resolutely rushed into the rolling magic, completely covered by magic.

Bang, boom, boom!

The sound of the explosion is endless, and the ancestor of the one-armed sacred body, "Evil evil, evil spirits, evil spirits", is unscrupulous and violent, but there is nothing more, but its tyranny is enough to ignore many ordinary dominant creatures. Any attack, its punch is enough to destroy a small world!

The ancestor of the one-armed sacred body was shackled by two sects of Pumirosius and Megatron, and the Decepticons slowly repaired in the metal fire, and the super-robots in the void also stood firm in the air. On the vast metal surface of Yu Wanmi, it was actually humanized to show the color of incomparable anger, hands clenched with fists, accompanied by a terrifying roar, and the fist crashed.

Hey! Oh, oh...

However, it is not difficult to see from the rumble of the big step, the attack has no effect, and the death light attack is too slow and too heavy for the abyss ancestor, even in the mission. Whether the effect is still unknown.

"Hey, you guy, too young to see your mentor."

The king of the second generation of sorcerers shook his head and changed to the words of the other populations that were enough to make the king of the second generation of wizards violent, but in the mouth of Pumirosius, the king of the second generation of wizards shook his head and did not care.

"Not as good as the guy who has become a legend, but if I don't even have the qualification to fight it, why should I achieve the king of the wizard! Oh, as long as I don't kill me, on this scale battlefield, this There are a lot of metal fires, and the sky city of the Abyss is also good!"

After that, I was eager to join the second generation of wizards who rushed into the abyss in the fog of the abyss. The ancestor of the one-armed sacred body jumped like time and space, and the speed of breaking free from time and space rules suddenly appeared in the king of the second generation wizards. Behind him, if it is not the amazing insight of the face of truth, I am afraid that it is difficult to detect it.

"Evil, evil, evil, evil, then kill you first!"

The vascular blue veins of the hind legs of the ancestors of the one-armed sacred body are exposed, and it is obvious that some speed is also used. The 100-meter body is more than 20,000 meters of elements that can be easily opened by the king of the second-generation wizard. Insignificant, but it is such a shadow, but let the second generation of the wizard king's sense of crisis instantly explode, almost out of the battle instinct, the balance of magic in the hands of the magic wand backwards.

Hey! Rumble!

Short-term time and space condensate, the top dimension of the milky white balance light is dark and uncertain, and the incredible power is transmitted through the magic wand to the huge element of the second generation of the wizard king. The "咻" sound flies away millions of meters. The void distance is still unstoppable.

Even so against the results, the second generation of wizards is still much better than others.

甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩At the moment, with the rumbling of the rumbling of the world, no matter the sorcerer or the abyss dragon in the battlefield, all the creatures were squeezed into blood and dust, and the tip of the box pointed to the vanity of the kilometer. The sound of Xiusi’s flesh and blood “噗” completely collapsed, leaving only a twisted metal skeleton floating in the void want to destroy its cells from the infinite micro level, you can only carry it on Contact, but if there is no elemental body and truth balance magic wand blessing, no matter how many real bodies can be destroyed by its infinite microscopic decomposition, its own real body will inevitably bear its second fist, which is equivalent to the exchange of omnipotence. Soul. As for other ways, if you want to achieve more demanding conditions, what way should you start? ”

Indeed, the king of the second generation of wizards is not like Pumirosius said, but he has no choice but to pay a great price for this horrible abyss, but also has harsh fighting conditions. After all, this ultimate living body The way of being is itself the violation of the existence of balance rules!

This kind of existence, often referred to as the human form of civilization, is equivalent to 100% of the maximum power of the civilization.


PS: Fourth. Ask for the next month's ticket, reward, give the Egret some small support, add confidence to the "Witch Tour" has a good ending, also for the "media" to ask for the recommended votes and various comments, the same as the endless world system, with capital Mastering the rules, this book is worth a look.

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