MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 18 Baienbei Medical Research Center

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Along the way, Song Yin gave Bai Ye a very profound ideological education, telling him what words should not be said nonsense.

At the same time, he also took advantage of the red light time to delete all the books related to the Whisperer on Bai Ye's mobile phone, which made Bai Ye feel very sorry. He obviously learned a lot of postures from the book - no, a lot of knowledge.

Carefully parked the mini in the parking space on the side of the road, and educated Song Yin, who was all the way to Bai Ye, and said, "We're here, let's get off the bus."

No one came to pick up Bai Ye and Song Yin today, but Bai Jincheng told Song Yin that someone would be waiting for them in the store.

After getting out of the car, she looked at the signboard of "The No. 1 Macross Civilization Trading Pavilion in the Universe" that was full of futuristic technology. The style was very attractive, but the actual content was very discouraging. Song Yin felt the corners of her eyes twitch. for a moment.

Although at that time, with the idea that Bai Ye would be happy, he did not persuade him not to call him this name.

But when everything is settled and the shop can be opened in earnest, it is quite shameful to have such a middle school name.

Bai Ye didn't feel any sense of shame, he was very satisfied with this sign.

Bai Ye and the others were waiting in the store. The man in the suit last time saw Bai Ye and Song Yin who were admiring the sign outside the store and immediately stood up.

After meeting Song Yin last time, he has been obsessed with this beautiful female doctor.

After I went back, I did a little investigation and found that she graduated from a famous university, came from a scholarly family, and was a female academic bully since she was a child. As for the character, you can see that she is virtuous and virtuous by looking at the fool (Bai Ye) she treats, and she is a perfect match.

The man in the suit is also in his early thirties this year. He looks upright and has a successful career. He can speak well in the huge Jincheng Group, and can be regarded as a social elite.

He felt that he might be able to attack the beautiful doctor, and the two could start a romantic love story.

In the end, isn't it beautiful to have a lover's family?

Even if we part ways, we can add a wonderful memory to our life.

So, after making up his mind, the man in the suit walked to the door of the store with a smile that was three-point confidence, three-point romance, and three-point charm.

But when he just stepped out of the store, he saw the beautiful doctor whispering something to the white autistic fool, Bai Ye.

As a result, Bai Ye waved his hand impatiently and said, "I see, you've already talked all the way, and I won't cover the night in the future."

Hearing these words completely, the real man in a suit, the smile on his face instantly stiffened.

The whole person fell into a state of petrification.

"I told you, you are not allowed to carry bags at night!" Song Yin looked at Bai Ye, she was so angry.

"It was you who brought it all the way." Bai Ye was very aggrieved.

"I mention it so that you don't mention it." Song Yin's chest rose and fell.

"I don't mention it anymore." Bai Ye said.

"...In short, that's the way it is. There is no Bao Ye, and no Bao Ye is allowed, understand?" Song Yin instructed Qian Wan, worrying about Bai Ye's healthy growth.

Bai Ye nodded, indicating that he understood.

Song Yin let out a long sigh, turned slightly, and saw the petrochemical man who was "upgraded" from an elite suit man. She realized that the topic she had just discussed with Bai Ye was a bit inappropriate - at least the location was not suitable at all.

After an embarrassed smile, Song Yin changed the subject and asked, "Are you alone?"

When the petrochemical man heard Song Yin ask himself, he was finally released from the petrochemical state, and the "three-pointed" smile on his face became even more embarrassing than Song Yin: "Yes, I am alone, and Dong Bai is still out of town and hasn't come back. Everything has been prepared. Okay, I have already put the phone numbers of some suppliers and repairers on the counter. Don't worry about the expenses such as water and electricity, the group will pay them uniformly. If there is anything you don't understand or need help, please call We will send someone to resolve this call."

The petrochemical man said everything he had to say in one breath, handed Song Yin a business card, and hurriedly drove away.

This sad place, the place where dreams are broken, he never wants to come again.

Rich people are bastards!

"He looks so sad that he is about to burst into tears." Bai Ye said while looking at the car's butt.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go." Song Yin suddenly felt very tired. Although Bai Jincheng offered her a high price, the money was really not easy to earn.

The store has been decorated, and the materials used are also very high-end, and there is basically no taste.

Even some basic goods are already placed on the shelves.

But for now, there are only snacks and drinks.

Song Yin took a cursory look at them. They were all relatively popular products, and it would not be a problem to sell them.

More or less, I can earn back a little bit of capital. Neither Song Yin nor Bai Jincheng have any expectations for the profit of this super-time civilization trading pavilion.

"Crack Kazak."

Song Yin was watching when she heard a voice behind her. She turned around and saw that Bai Ye had already opened a pack of potato chips and started eating.

Seeing Song Yin looking at her, Bai Ye handed over the potato chips.

Song Yin let out a faint sigh. There is a long way to go.

Fortunately, until the evening, Bai Ye didn't have any more troubles. In the afternoon, he also made a few orders. He didn't seem to be much different from an ordinary store manager. Of course, his attitude towards customers was a little colder.

Basically, he likes to buy or not. "My shop name is invincible in the world, you think it's funny because you don't know how to appreciate it".

Song Yin originally taught Bai Ye how to do business, or that people should not be so reckless.

As a result, Bai Ye plausibly used the seller's market to refute it. As for dealing with people, Bai Ye thinks that he is the conscience of the rich second generation who doesn't grab girlfriends everywhere.

Song Yin really wanted to say, "Where is the seller's market in your trading house?"

After thinking about it later, everything has to be gradually approached, so I just give up.

When it was close to the meal time, Song Yin called for two takeaways, ate them with Bai Ye, and accompanied Bai Ye until around 8 o'clock, and left after telling some things.

As for Bai Ye, he was sitting behind the cashier, staring at the computer screen. After waiting around nine o'clock, he grabbed the remote control next to him and pressed it.

The rolling shutter door descends from top to bottom, which means that the trading pavilion of the first superhuman civilization in the universe is officially closed today.

"Hei, can you get the right and wealth for the few transactions today?" Bai Ye asked while leaning back in his chair.

Today's transaction is not through the rod of power and wealth, but an ordinary transaction.

Bai Ye wanted to know whether such an ordinary transaction would gain power and wealth.

"A large number of large-scale transactions can be accumulated to obtain a certain amount of power and wealth." Hei replied.

"It's just not too much, right?" Bai Ye asked.

"The transaction through the scepter will get more power and wealth." Hei said.

Bai Ye nodded slightly.

Ordinary transactions that do not pass the scepter are not completely impossible to obtain the right and wealth value, but in terms of "quantity", it is almost negligible, and it can be used as a supplement that is better than nothing.

In fact, even if it is a transaction through the rod of power and wealth, if it is a transaction like today, the value of power and wealth obtained is extremely small, much less than the first taxi driver.

After all, Bai Ye is no longer Bai Ding. A second-level agent, with 1662 points of wealth in hand, can be regarded as a person with a bit of "capital".

Turning off the lights on the first floor, he walked to the apartment on the second floor, splashed his face with cold water, and made himself mentally shaken.

Bai Ye said, "Teleport."

disappeared directly into the room.

When it reappeared, it was already on an abandoned pier in Gotham City, and it was the pier where the Penguins met last time.

However, the cruise ship that seemed to have been scrapped went further afield, and I don't know whether it drove past, or folded its anchor and drifted past.

He took out a few banknotes from the penguin from the portable space. After walking for about half an hour, he came to a relatively lively street. Bai Ye stopped a taxi and reported an address.

This address was when Bai Ye and Bain were in a madhouse, and the Penguin helped find a good location for the research lab.

Bain felt quite satisfied and did not change it.

Now that Bai Ye arrives, I feel more satisfied.

It is completely different from the sneaky and very insidious basement of the lunatic asylum. The research center in Bai Ye is on the top floor of a building, with a lively and bustling street at the foot.

In the words of the Penguin, the more such a place is, the safer it is.

For example, his Iceberg restaurant is a good example.

The only thing that makes Bai Ye unsatisfied is the name. It is called "Bai Enbei Medical Research Center". I don't know who started it. According to Bai Ye's aesthetics, it must be called the first time-space civilization medical research center in the universe.

After getting out of the car, he stood under the building and waited for a while, and soon a bald man with a height of about two meters and a strong figure without any sense of bulkiness walked to Bai Ye's side. UU reading

This man's face is not good-looking, but he has sharp edges and corners, very masculine, a standard tough guy.

The tough guy said softly to Bai Ye, "Let's go."

Bai Ye stared at the man, frowning: "You are..."

He didn't go on.

The man opened his mouth and said in an invisible shape, "Bane."

"It turns out that you look like this, I thought you looked ugly." Bai Ye said, Bane in front of him did not have a Titan venom injection device, nor a mask with a perverted breath, he was a completely normal person.

Just now, Bai Ye thought this man was Baine's subordinate.

Baine nodded calmly, wondering if he was agreeing with Bai Ye.

Taking Bai Ye to the back of the building, in a remote alley, Bain opened the closed door.

When he was in the car, Bai Ye had already contacted Bane and asked him to send someone to pick him up. Unexpectedly, Bane would come down by himself.

Behind the door is a small room like a storage room, with a huge storage elevator door to the west.

The two got on the elevator, and Baine introduced the basic situation to Bai Ye.

This elevator door is an elevator that leads directly to the top floor. Originally, the top floor was a place like a science and technology research institute, but it was empty after it was moved.

After a little modification, it can be used as a research room for the development of Titan medicine, which is very convenient.

Various defense and security facilities are still under construction, but research has made some progress.

"This research center is registered under your fake identity." Bain handed Bai Ye a piece of information as he spoke.

Inside is Bai Ye's fake identity in this world - Nate Bai, an Asian orphan who lost both his parents when he was a child, and grew up in an abandoned orphanage.