MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 684 Shocked 1 finger!

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At the end of the steps, a tall man appeared.

He was dressed in purple-black clothes, and the cloak behind him rattled in the cold wind blowing.

Tang Fifteen, the head of the Tang Sect.

Fifteen years ago, at the age of fifteen, this person defeated Tang Xiaoyu, who was at the height of his power and could almost be regarded as the next head of the Tang Sect.

Tang Xiaoyu was disheartened and left Tang Sect. After his return, his temperament changed greatly, neither yin nor yang, so he changed his name to Tang Bai.

After Tang Fifteen unified the Tang Sect, he secretly entered the capital of the gods.

After defeating Zhuge Zheng I, I floated away, showing the "superior demeanor".

At the age of fifteen, he had already stepped into the top ranks of the arena.

Fifteen years have passed now, and Tang Shifu, who has been silent for fifteen years, how strong should he be?

"kill him."

Tang Shifu did not obey, and immediately went down to fight Bai Ye for 300 rounds.

he said coldly.

A figure swept towards Bai Ye.

This is a beautiful woman with a brilliant sword in her hand.

Tang Qianhong among thousands of paper and thousands of rainbows, the sword in his hand is named "Jingying".

More importantly, this sword can burst into dazzling illusions when wielding it, which is captivating.

Cooperating with "Thousand Rainbows Transforming Swordsmanship", it is even more powerful, killing the enemy in the heart.

She is known as the "Tangmen Sword Queen".

However, even if Tang Qianhong is tyrannical, facing Bai Ye is nothing but a trick.

Tang Wanzhi, who was in the same position as her, died in the hands of Bai Xiangye in front of him.

Of course, Tang Qianhong wouldn't recklessly come to die just because of Tang Shifu's words.

She is just an "introduction" and "signal".

When Tang Qianhong urged the sword in his hand to cooperate with the sun to emit a dazzling glow of neon clothes.

Some Tang Sect disciples also moved.

About 30 people rushed out from the **** next to the stone steps, each of them naked.

The exposed skin was a strange blue-purple color.

His face was extremely ferocious, and his body exuded an indescribable smell.

looming, looming.

Half-dead army!

Compared with the most vicious team in the Tang Sect, the vicious guard dog, a group of friendly spirits, it can be described as a small witch.

These people took the strange poison "half-life" before they started, and then caused the mutation.

Humanity is lost, no pain and no fear, skin and flesh are as tough as leather, covered with poison,

It is simply a fierce beast, like a walking corpse.

It is a very powerful and tragic murder tool!

The half-dead approached from behind and beside Bai Ye.

They are scrambling for each other, leaving only one "path of life" in front of them.

It's not that they don't understand "siege", leaving a gap.

But the only way to survive is already full of dangers.

Behind Tang Qianhong, several figures were already catching up.

The expression of one person was extremely indifferent, and the breath exuded from the whole body was as if this person had never lived.

With both hands squeezed into a sword stance, a sad and mournful meaning came to his face.

It gives people the urge to give up hope completely and return to the West.

Tang Bu'a (e), one of the three guardians of the Tang Sect, practiced "The Heartless Judgment", and his martial arts was "Qi Lingzhi".

In the face of Bai Xiangye, who can kill Tang Ren with one blow.

Tang Bu'a didn't, and didn't dare to take any chances.

Even if many people besiege one person, as soon as he makes a move, it is the ultimate move - all thoughts are ashes, dead water is one heart!

Tang Bu'a was surrounded by a man who was somewhat similar to Tang Ren.

With a violent expression on his face, he was Tang Ren's younger brother, the helmsman of Tangmen Dongruo, Tang Man.

Afterwards is a royal robe. At first glance, he looks like a member of the royal family, and the "Sword of the Son of Heaven" in his hand is also extravagant.

But if you look closely, you will find that this person has a certain bloodthirsty smile on his face.

Obviously not a decent person.

The rudder master of Beiruo, the sadistic perverted madman - Tang Minghuang!

There is another erratic figure, like a phantom lost track, the hidden weapon flying out of his hand has already attacked Bai Ye in the splendid brilliance.

The intelligence agent, Tang Baishou, was also a member of the Tang Sect known for his hidden weapons.

In addition, those thousands of disciples of the Tang Sect who are guarding the outermost have already carried the crossbow arrows hidden behind their backs!

Such a huge number of crossbow arrows.

It really surprised them ruthlessly!

One Tang Dynasty in the world!

It is not only the Jianghu martial arts who want to "take the surname of Tang", the "Tang under the world is one Tang" in the Tang 15th, but also the imperial court.

Compared with Li Chenzhou's ambition, it is comparable.

Tigers in front and wolves in the back, heaven and earth, the real place of death!

How can Bai Choufei solve such a dead end?

A lot of hidden weapons have been detained in the hands of the ruthless, although Bai Ye said that they do not need to take action.

Tangmen's current goal is only aimed at Bai Ye.

But Bai Ye is in danger, and it is impossible for them to be ruthless.

The same goes for Shen Huchan, Lan Yuanshan and others.

Be ready to do it anytime.

The sword light in Tang Qianhong's hand became brighter and brighter.

This thrilling psychedelic barrier is enough to make people dizzy.

Suddenly lost consciousness, and instantly let it be slaughtered.

Not to mention the white night that was shrouded in it, even the ruthless onlookers and others were also affected to a certain extent.

I can only feel that there are those vague figures in the splendid brilliance.

Especially Bai Ye, with white clothes and white hair, is more integrated into it...

Perhaps, this is the key to breaking the game?

Tang Qianhong cooperated intentionally, and Tang Bu'a and others could not be affected by the sword light.

But not the half-dead, they also lose sight.

It's just that the half-dead people don't seem to need power.

They just need to determine the position, and it is enough to rush to fight.

You don't need to use your eyes, you can find your opponent's whereabouts just by "smell".

If you want to seize this key to break the game, it is difficult!


A dull loud sound like a dull thunder resounded above the stone steps and in the sky.

The splendid brilliance disappeared instantly.

The sky is scattered with crystal clear fragments, which are broken crystal swords.

Everyone only saw the figures of the Half-Dead Army, Tang Bu'a, Tang Qianhong and others flying out.

Those poisonous people lost their voices in midair.

When it fell to the ground, it had become a corpse.

Tang Bu'a and the others were a little bit luckier, and they could still show incredible expressions on their faces.

They simply don't understand what just happened.

At the moment when their attack was about to fall on the person in front of him.

The sound of thunder sounded in the ear.

At the same time, the energy was completely chaotic, and there was an incomparable pain from the whole body, as if a huge hammer was slamming on the body.

It smashed the bones of the whole body to smash.

It was like a thunderstorm fell from the sky and landed on him.

Severe pain, paralysis.

They didn't even see when and how the current leftist made his move.

only know-

At that moment, everyone was completely defeated!

"What kind of martial arts is this?"

Tang Bu'a, the only one who was barely able to stay awake, spat out a mouthful of blood and insisted on asking.

He is a man who is not afraid of death.

Others, whether forced or "active", acted as "stunned ghosts" one by one.

It has been completely defeated by a blow that Bai Ye can't find any clues at all.

From the inside out, from the body to the heart.

The reason they didn't die is simple.

One, Bai Ye wants to be famous.

Second, it can be used as waste.

"Jing Zhe."

Bai Ye glanced at Tang Bu'a and answered his question.

Shocking Finger · Shocking Insect!

All things are out of shock, and shock is thunder, so it is called Jingzhe.

The most powerful move in the single-finger outbreak of the shocking finger.

Not a defensive move, but an attacking move.

"Jing Zhe?"

The dead man's expression on Tang Bu'a's face subsided a little, and he couldn't hold back and fell into a coma.

Tangmen naturally investigated Bai Chou Fei Bai Zuo Xiang.

Knowing his shocking finger, you can also guess that he will be Guan Qi's body-shattering and invisible sword qi.

It's just that Tang Bu'a didn't think about it.

Such a group of people united to kill the siege, not even the killer move that the other side was frightening.

Just a shock.

It has achieved the real "stinging insects and ran away"!

The numerous Tang Sect disciples outside the stone steps were already unsteady with their crossbow arrows in their hands.

Bai Ye looked up at Tang Shishi again.

This time he didn't speak, but just laughed, and the smile was full of ridicule - is the master of the Tang Sect such a coward who only dares to send his men to death?

Tang Shifu's hair fluttered, and it seemed that he finally planned to meet this Bai Xiangye in person for a while.

But at this moment, a hand stretched out from behind him and patted Tang Shifu's shoulder.

"Let us old guys try it."

A man with an ordinary face who could not tell his age crossed Tang Shifu and said.

Tang Shifu's rising momentum calmed down again.

In the Tang Sect, the only person who could let Tang Fifteen listen a was him.

Tang Shifu's master, the most troublesome and elusive person in the Tang Sect, Tang Qianzhang!

Moreover, it was not just Tang Qianzhang who shot.

Tang poison!

The first of the five sage kings of Tang Sect, Tang Rulai, the master of Tang defeat, and the remaining four sage kings.

The nine elders of the Tang Sect Veterans Association, and even the Sect Master!

They have already taken off their original robes, revealing their mature, old, or strange faces.

The previous generation of these Tangmen.

Already twitching.

Next, it will be a more dangerous killing game than before.

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