MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 734 Baby, daddy is disappointed in you

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The ghouls are uniting.

So, what about the tyrant Bai Ye?

He was sitting in a spacious and bright conference room—the kind that often appear in movies and TV shows.

A long table that can seat a lot of people.

Floor-to-ceiling windows, on the upper floors.

This is usually where the board of directors of a large group meets.

At this moment, there are not many people in the spacious conference room.

At least compared to a pile of chairs, there are not many people at all.

At the end of the conference table, a middle-aged man with a gloomy face sat.

The momentum is like a dark cloud over the city.

Behind him, stood two tower-like silent bodyguards—black bodyguards.

Opposite him "in the distance" is the current CCG chief Bai Ye.

Interlace your fingers, under your nose, with your hands propped up on the table.

Looking at the middle-aged man.

On both sides of the table near Bai Ye, are the directors of the three CCGs.

They could have held their heads high and looked at most people with their noses.

At this time, it seems that the seat under the **** is not a chair.

But a red soldering iron, a sharp thorn.

Although in winter, the temperature is very low in an empty room.

The three people were still sweating on their foreheads.

There is no reason for it, none of the two people sitting like them can afford to provoke them.

Needless to say, the night.

After the transaction, these three directors are Bai Ye's loyal dogs.

Not diverted by fear or anger.

To put it simply, now Bai Ye gave them an order to let them kill the middle-aged man on the opposite side.

Even if they know that there is no return, they will grit their teeth and do it.

Incarnate the worst, most cowardly but most determined dead soldier.

And the other, a middle-aged man with a gloomy face opposite Bai Ye.

This person is the controller and president of the Sanyou Chamber of Commerce.

The Sanyou Chamber of Commerce, to be precise, should be the Sanyou chaebol, the Sanyou consortium.

control the economic lifeline of the country.

The president of Sanyou - Sanyou Run coughed twice, and the country would tremble a few times.

Compared with "three days and two heads" for a batch of prime ministers.

Sanyou Run is the king of the new generation in this country.

Why is it a new generation, because Sanyou Jun's father passed away three years ago.

Really hand over the monster Sanyou chaebol into the hands of Sanyou Jun.

At the same time, Sanyou chaebol is also an important sponsor of CCG.

Whether it is the manufacture of Kuyink, or all kinds of equipment for the convenience of dealing with ghouls, it is very expensive.

Although the Sanyou chaebol has never interfered much with CCG.

But in a sense, it is not an exaggeration that CCG is working for the Sanyou chaebol.

Facing the big boss, how can you not be nervous?

Look at the serious face of the president!


If you look closely at Bai Ye, you will find that although he looks like he is watching Sanyoujun.

In fact, he was blinded.

It gave the impression that it was as if reaching out and shaking his hand in front of him would not make Bai Ye have the slightest reaction.

The legendary "sleep with eyes open"?

In other words, the basic state of many students during class.

He is in Caoying and his heart is in Han.

"President Bai, can you tell me that your CCG's Arima Guishou is the one-eyed king, what's the matter?"

After creating a period of low air pressure, Sanyou Jun asked.


Bai Ye was silent.

"President Bai, I'm talking to you!"


Silent, Silent is the current CCG chief.

"white night!"

Sanyou Jun growled.

How dare you ignore him? !

No one dared to ignore him!

Not even his father would ignore him like this since he was born.


Bai Ye finally responded, leaning back and placing his feet on the table, "What are you talking about?"


Sanyou Run was angry and slammed the table.

The black tower bodyguard behind him, without saying a word, stretched his right hand into the lining of his clothes.

Pulled out two pistols.

Pulling a gun without saying a word is very rude.

However, their guns were not aimed at Bai Ye, but at the back of Sanyou Run's head.

The angry expression on Sanyou Jun's face froze.

"Where's your father... er, dead?" Bai Ye asked casually, "Isn't it right, I remember that he wanted to be the perfect ghoul and live another five hundred years. Can't he just do some experiments on himself? of?"

"what are you saying!"

Sanyou Run was restless.

If it wasn't for the two pistols on the back of his head, he would have stood up.

"You didn't know?" Bai Ye glanced at Sanyourun and shook his head sympathetically, "Poor child, it seems that your father didn't die, but went underground?"

"Indeed, it's more convenient to go underground. After all, ghoul experiments are inhumane at all."

"But you don't know, it's too useless."

Bai Ye pointed out.

"Sanyou cooperated with our CCG, hoping to create a perfect creature based on ghouls, even Yamada knows."

A director next to him wiped his sweat and whispered, "Chief, my name is Ide."

"Well, I see, Panasonic."

Bai Ye responded casually, "That Three Friends episode, right? You Ma Gui will be a special case, temporarily unable to meet the requirements and not suitable for general development. Don't worry, your father is not in such a hurry. Become a 喰After planting, it can live for a long time.”

"I...not called Sanyouji!"

The only thing Sanyou Jun can refute, it seems that this is the only thing left.


Bai Ye waved his hand impatiently, "You can go now, I have developed new products that meet the requirements, I will inform you, and then go to the CCG official website to buy them yourself."

"Although you are the first party, but recognize the reality, this is a seller's market."

"Daquan, see you off."

"That, Commander."

Director Ite said bravely, "This is the building of the Sanyou Chamber of Commerce."

"Oh, sorry."

Bai Ye stood up from the remonstrance, smiled at Sanyou Run, and walked towards the door of the conference room.

When he walked to Sanyou Run, Bai Ye stopped, patted him on the shoulder and said, "You can have a good chat with your dad, you have the same dream, it's very good. You can unite, you can unite, to CCG's The bigger the funding, the faster the research progresses.”

"Scientific research is quite expensive."

"I always feel that the CCG funds are not enough recently, and the armed helicopters can only be bought in this size."

Sanyourun wanted to tell Bai Ye that it was the limit that he could only buy such a big one.

Bigger, is it going to start a war?

But he didn't dare, he could only watch Bai Ye and others leave.

Bai Ye and others left.

The black tower bodyguard behind Sanyou Run also withdrew his hand.

"How dare you betray me!"

Sanyou Jun roared loudly at the two of them.

The expressions of the two bodyguards did not change, or they had changed, but they couldn't tell.

"They didn't betray you."

An old voice came from the speaker on the ceiling of the room.

Sanyoujun's face changed drastically again.

In just a few minutes, he almost showed the changes in his face in this life.

Go through the machine, although the sound is somewhat distorted.

But Sanyou Run still heard it, this voice belonged to his father, Sanyou Taro.

not dead!

His father really didn't die!

So, as Bai Ye said, he has turned into a ghoul?

"They just tell you to calm down, don't yell at Bai Ye."

Sanyu Taro said, "You bastard, that's my partner! What right do you have to talk to him like that!"

The voice turned into a roar at the end.

Let Sanyourun drop his head.

After a while, he got up from his chair, then knelt on the ground again, and said loudly, "I was wrong! Father, please forgive me this time!"

Hidden cameras in the corners, he believes.

The situation in the room has been moved.

It was completely conveyed to Miyu Taro's eyes.

"I'm disappointed in you."

Sanyu Taro said.

Sanyou Run didn't look at him, bit her lip tightly, and pressed her forehead to the ground.

"never mind."

"On the CCG side, you do as Bai Ye said. Our great and prosperous world is about to come. At that time, even a waste like you can live as you want..."


"Cub, Dad is very disappointed in you."

CCG headquarters, Bai Ye is heartbroken.

In front of him was the dejected General Arima.

"It's clearly three days, three days after three days, three days after three days, it's almost ten days! There are horses!"

"Why, why haven't your people come to rescue you?"

"Isn't that group of ghouls united? Bronze Tree, the king of counseling, has come out to make trouble."

"Hurry up and storm the CCG headquarters to save you, the one-eyed king!"

"Have you been abandoned?"

"Master Chief, let them go." Arima Guishou said.

There were no good three days at all.

The dignified one-eyed king has become a miserable bait.

"I want it too."

Bai Ye said, "You don't live up to your You said that as long as you are qualified, why should I be talking nonsense here?"


Arima Gui will be at a loss.

"Forget it."

Bai Ye waved, "It's really not good, I can only stimulate it with "The One-Eyed King Wu Miserable". Youma, what kind of genre do you like?"

Arima Guishou was silent for two seconds, and then said with difficulty: "Qingchun, it's better to be younger."

If you don't answer, the consequences may be worse.

"I didn't expect you to be such a one-eyed king! The inferiority of your nation."

Bai Ye said, "But you're thinking too much. I'm asking, do you like Hei Shushu, Yellow Shushu, or White Shushu. Do you want to stand up obediently, or do you want to take the initiative?"

Arima Gui shook his body: "Master Chief, please kill me."