MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 103 Little White Flower (End)

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Of course Brother Xuan didn't care.

Seriously, he wanted to punch too.

But he nodded, it didn't seem to be of any use...

Brother Xuan silently looked at Mr. Yue and Master Zhao.

This is also a tacit consent.

Wen Xusheng was satisfied, and silently looked at Mr. Yue and Master Zhao.

The others also understood what Wen Xusheng and Brother Xuan meant, and looked at Mr. Yue and Master Zhao very cooperatively.

On the point of "beating Gu Yishen", everyone put aside previous suspicions and quickly reached a consensus.

Mr. Yue and Master Zhao fell into deep thought.

After a while, Master Zhao took the lead in compromising, and said dryly, "Don't strike too hard."

Mr. Yue followed closely, "Remember to call me when the time comes."

Master Zhao silently looked at Mr. Yue, who said innocently, "Don't you want to beat me up?"

A few seconds later, Master Zhao said slowly: "...Don't say it, you really want to."

Who wouldn't want to beat Gu Yichen?

So everyone happily reached a consensus.

Master Zhao told Shi Jingge and the others other details. Based on everyone's memories and speculations, a complete story could be deduced slowly.

"... Gu Yichen is really scary," Xu Shanyu couldn't help but sighed, and the others nodded with sympathy.

Master Zhao patted them on the shoulder as comfort, and thanked them again at the end.

Mr. Yue took up the conversation, "We need to take Gu Yichen away and put him in a magic circle that completely isolates his power, so as to wake him up and ask more questions. If he is willing to say something, maybe we will get a more complete answer." the truth."

Once Gu Yichen is awake, he can use his ability, maybe he can't completely control it, and it will also affect people, especially those who have given him true affection.

When the time comes, if Gu Yichen still hides some evil tricks and comes to a dead end, then they won't have a place to cry.

To deal with such "dangerous elements", they must be careful and careful.

"But," Brother Xuan hesitated for a while, and said tactfully, "Gu Yichen is also a public figure."

Gu Yishen is also a star, he still has a certain number of fans, and he has a certain amount of exposure. Today, he had a conflict with Wen Xusheng and others in the live broadcast, and then disappeared. This...isn't that good?

Everyone understood what Brother Xuan meant, and Mr. Yue laughed on the spot, "Don't worry."

"We'll take care of it."

After getting Mr. Yue's response, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. For a while, the living room became quiet.

In the silence, Mr. Yue and Master Zhao bid farewell, they still have a lot of things to deal with, so they can get Gu Yichen back quickly, so they can feel at ease earlier.

Several masters carried Gu Yichen into the car, and did not allow Shi Jingge and the others to come into contact with them during the whole process. There were many talisman papers pasted inside the car, which seemed to be specially prepared for Gu Yichen.

At the moment when the door was closed, Shi Jingge suddenly sighed: "...This really looks like the plot of those blockbuster science fiction movies."

Wen Xusheng looked at him, cheered and said, "How do you say?"

"Aren't many sci-fi blockbusters played like this? Some planet sent an alien over, and then used some special method to control humans. For us, this is liking and mind control, and then slowly controlling more humans. Ultimately achieve the goal of dominating the earth."

"Of course, such a setting is often the villain boss. The protagonist group resisted the attack of the villain boss, discovered the conspiracy of the villain boss, and finally saved the earth."

Shi Jingge bit the bullet and made up a plot, thinking, he can only help here.

Wen Xusheng was amused by Shi Jingge, "Didn't you really make this up?"

Shi Jingge glared at him.

"You don't want to highlight the last game, do you?" Wen Xusheng raised his eyebrows and said with a strange smile, "You want to be the protagonist?"

Shi Jingge moved expressionlessly.

"Aww—" Wen Xusheng exaggeratedly yelled a few times, and then saw Song Xiangyan open his mouth, as if he wanted to speak, suddenly Fu Ling thought, and said before Song Xiangyan, "Of course you are the protagonist."

Wen Xusheng drew a long tone, with a smile in his tone, "He is the eternal and absolute protagonist in my life."

Song Xiangyan slowly closed his mouth that had just been opened, and he looked at Wen Xusheng in astonishment.

Wen Xusheng noticed Song Xiangyan's gaze on him, but he didn't have time to pay attention to it.

He stared at Shi Jingge fixedly, and his heart beat faster and faster.

Although I know that Shi Jingge won't give him any satisfactory reply, but...

...still nervous!

Sure enough, Shi Jingge's face showed a mixed expression of entanglement and disgust.

He hesitated and said: "Your earthy love talk... Did you learn it from Baidu?"

Wen Xusheng looked at him expressionlessly.

"It doesn't mean anything else." Shi Jingge used the words quite euphemistically, "It's just a little bit of a show."

"Or change the tone next time?"

After struggling for a while, Shi Jingge proposed a revision.

"Maybe it will be better if you use a serious tone?"

It seems that maybe it is not much better?

Wen Xusheng ground his teeth, raised a pair of "evil" hands, and vigorously rubbed Shi Jingge's hair.

"Obviously you are the one who can spoil the atmosphere and make people dance the most!"

"Oh," Shi Jingge blinked and showed a provocative smile, "I did it on purpose."

Wen Xusheng tried his best to look angry, but when he saw Shi Jingge's shining eyes, he still couldn't control his smile.

Without Gu Yishen, the boulder pressing on Shi Jingge, he became more lively.

Even if it is deliberately annoying, it is also full of vigor.

No wonder it looks good.

Mr. Yue and Master Zhao also watched the farce of Shi Jingge and Wen Xusheng, so they waved goodbye to them.

Seeing that they didn't accept his hint, Shi Jingge felt a little helpless. He had tried his best to hint, but it was really not a good hint.

Shi Jingge scratched the side of his face.

Wen Xusheng looked at him and asked, "Are you hungry?"

Shi Jingge glanced at him warily, but didn't speak.

"How about having a meal together?" Wen Xusheng held out his hand to Shi Jingge, "I know a family whose braised pork is particularly delicious. It's fat but not greasy, it melts in your mouth, and it's a little sweet."

"Desserts are also very delicious, especially the taro crisps, which are absolutely a must."

"No other store's taro cakes can compare with that store."

"Do you want to try it?"

Wen Xusheng launched a sugar-coated offensive against Shi Jingge!

Shijingge——Shijingge's heart beat!

Song Xiangyan's radar played a great role at this time, he stood up at the moment of "never ending"!

"Xiao Ge," Song Xiangyan sighed, "Have you forgotten our agreement last night?"

Last night, Song Xiangyan and Duan Anyian went to find Shi Jingge and said to "get together and chat" tonight.

In fact, I just couldn't watch it anymore, and wanted to tell Shi Jingge the truth about Gu Yichen.

Who knew that so many things happened today, the truth is almost known to everyone now, although Gu Yichen's origin and so on are still unknown, but these are not important anymore.

Although there is no need to talk about the truth now, it is still possible to get together and chat.

In particular, this is a reasonable and legitimate reason to drive Wen Xusheng out.

Duan Annian cooperated to follow up, lowered his head and said softly: "...I've been looking forward to it for a day."

"It's a deal, isn't it?"

Oh shit.

Why is Xiaoge so attractive?

Duan Annian couldn't sit still anymore.

Wen Xusheng sighed in his heart.

Shi Jingge pursed his lips, looked up at Wen Xusheng, and quickly looked away, "I have something to do tonight."

Wen Xusheng shrugged his shoulders and asked for the next best thing, "Tomorrow?"

Before Shi Jingge could speak, Song Xiangyan quickly said, "Tomorrow, Xiaoge and I will go to City G to participate in a program recording. This is also the itinerary that we have already planned."

"Okay," Wen Xusheng was very talkative, "then the day after tomorrow. If the day after tomorrow doesn't work, then the day after tomorrow. I always have time."

"After all, someone still owes me a meal."

Wen Xusheng looked at Shi Jingge with a smile, and it was unrealistic to attack his love rival before abducting him home.

What is the most important thing now, of course, is to put the ring on Xiaoge's ring finger and lock him up for the rest of his life!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Shi Jingge nodded with difficulty. Wen Xusheng was so elated, when his manager came to pick him up, he thought that Shi Jingge had accepted his confession.

It almost knocked Wen Xusheng's good mood off.

"Book me a ticket to City G," Wen Xusheng yawned, "Tomorrow morning is best."


"What are you doing in City G?"

"Travel." Wen Xusheng didn't change his face.

The agent gave him a suspicious look, always feeling that something was wrong, but there was no evidence.

He could only resentfully book someone a ticket to G City.

Not long after Wen Xusheng left, the six boys and brother Xuan went out for dinner together.

It was still the club they used to go to, with top-notch confidentiality and high security, but it was expensive.

This time Brother Xuan waved his hand, "I'm treating you, order whatever you want."

Song Xiangyan took the ordering device, and said with a smile: "Then I'm not polite, it's rare that Brother Xuan is bleeding heavily, so we can't miss this opportunity."

Others booed one after another, Brother Xuan pretended to be in pain and cursed a few words, and the private room was full of joy.

Everyone got together to order food, and Brother Xuan asked them to order wine for the first time, but the alcohol content was strictly regulated, so that there were only a few fruit wines to choose from, not even low-alcohol red wine.

"This is an alcoholic drink." Shi Jingge complained with a bitter face.

"If you are not satisfied, you can drink fruit juice." Brother Xuan said ruthlessly.

Shi Jingge sat upright, and said very seriously: "I love alcoholic beverages, alcoholic beverages make me happy."

Everyone laughed, Brother Xuan couldn't pretend to be cold anymore.

After drinking for three rounds, the atmosphere in the private room became even hotter. Brother Xuan picked up a piece of food with chopsticks and didn't eat it. He just put it on the plate and said, "There's something I've been wanting to tell you all along, but I didn't find anything. Chance."

"But after Gu Yichen's incident happened today, I felt that it's better to end everything today, so as not to delay it for a few more days and add some sadness for nothing."

The atmosphere in the box froze for a moment, this was the first time that Mr. Yue and others mentioned Gu Yichen's name after they left.

"You also know that there is no banquet in the world that never ends."

"Well, there are very few men's groups that don't disband."

"The company has also been planning to let you untie, and it can be seen from your recent resources."

"I've been with you for several years, and we've gone through so many things together, and walked through the gate of **** without knowing it. It's considered a life-and-death friendship."

"I won't hide it from you guys anymore," Brother Xuan said very sincerely, "You guys each have something you are good at, and the future development path will definitely be the same. If you have resources at home, you can also find an agent in advance Yes, we still have time to slowly untie and disband, let alone a year or so, but now because of Gu Yichen, these may have to be advanced, so it's hard to say."

"But today I put the words here for you. If you keep in my hands, I will never let you call this Brother Xuan for nothing."

"If you choose other managers, you will still be friends, and you will go through life and death together. Do you still care about this little thing?"

The box suddenly fell silent.

Song Xiangyan looked at Shi Jingge subconsciously, and found that Shi Jingge's face turned pale.

Song Xiangyan said slowly: "If we all choose you, brother Xuan, is there still a need to disband?"

Brother Xuan smiled wryly, "The company has its own considerations."

The company asked you to disband, why don't you disband?

Song Xiangyan looked at Shi Jingge steadily, Shi Jingge seemed to have noticed his gaze, raised his head, forced a smile, shook his head, and signaled that he was fine.

Song Xiangyan's heart suddenly felt a twinge of pain.

The box became even quieter, and there seemed to be only the sound of everyone's heavy or thin breathing.

In fact, none of them knew that this day would come.

It's just that I didn't expect it to appear in this way.

Shi Jingge raised his wine glass first, and said in a calm tone, "Don't pull that face, as if we'll never see each other again."

"Even if it's disbanded, won't we meet again in the future? We won't cooperate? We won't make phone calls, video chat and chat for a day? We won't come out and make an appointment for dinner?"

"Our relationship won't change."

"It's like graduating from college," Shi Jingge paused, "We have known each other for several years, experienced a lot together, mastered a lot of professional knowledge, learned a lot of life principles, determined our future goals, and then Let go and chase."

"It seems that it is also a good thing."

"Although it seems to be separated, there are always many things that will not change."

No one expected that the first person to speak was Shi Jingge, who was most attached to the boy group.

The corners of his eyes were a little red, and his face was a little pale, but deep in his eyes, there was firmness and persistence, with a warm light.

Duan Anian smiled suddenly, Xiaoge, who has experienced so many things, is like a fruit that is gradually ripening, and its greenness has faded in the wind and rain, and it began to exude an attractive sweet fragrance.

Duan Annian lowered his eyelids, and said slowly: "It's as if we will move to the entertainment industry in the future, and we can be in the same crew every day."

"Since we can't, isn't it a matter of time before we separate?"

"But Xiaoge is right, some things will never change."

Duan Annian also silently raised his glass.

Song Xiangyan wiped his face, smiled, and said frankly: "I won't talk about those twists and turns, just say, come to me Song Xiangyan if you have something to do in the future, as long as it doesn't violate morality and the law, I, Song Xiangyan, have nothing to say."

Xu Shanyu forced a smile, "I will have a concert in the future, and if you want to use me as the background board, then I will definitely have a lot of face."

"Then if I become a variety show star, I will take you to the variety show together and introduce to the audience that this is my best friend, just like brothers."

"It's different for me. I want to take Brother Xuan together, and let Brother Xuan also go to variety shows to experience our suffering."

Brother Xuan cursed with a smile, and also raised his wine glasses, and the wine glasses of several people collided together, making crisp sounds.

Everyone looked at each other, the corners of their lips moved, but in the end they didn't say anything.

Suddenly, someone laughed, and then everyone else laughed too.

Intermittently, faintly sad.

Everything is in this glass of fruit wine, there is no need to say it.

At least at this moment, the seven people present trust each other.

Perhaps it was because the parting was placed in front of my eyes, and the neglected affection in the past, with the effect of alcohol, slowly volatilized in my heart, bulging, as if it was about to overflow.

All the quarrels, rejections, and anger in the past were turned into ashes and disappeared with the wind, and what was replaced was full of reluctance.

Brother Xuan stood up suddenly, raised his wine glass and said to Shi Jingge, "Xiao Ge, I'm sorry about the past."

"Also," Brother Xuan raised his head and said solemnly, "Thank you."

Shi Jingge didn't know what to say, opened and closed his mouth, and finally shook his head without saying a word.

Brother Xuan patted him on the shoulder, raised his head and drank the glass of wine, "Call brother if you have something to do."

Shi Jingge hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Others also came to toast to Shi Jingge one after another. The toasts were so sincere that Shi Jingge drank all of them.

The alcohol content of fruit wine is generally relatively low, and Brother Xuan didn't pay much attention to it. As a result, Shi Jingge drank too much.

This body has never touched alcohol before, but it is quite sensitive to alcohol. After drinking a few more glasses, I feel dizzy.

But although Shi Jingge was drunk, his wine taste was not bad, and he didn't drink like crazy, just laughed.

He was good looking, and he was the youngest one, but now he was drunk again, and his smile was obedient, soft and cute, which only made people have a strong desire for protection.

Now, everyone couldn't drink any more alcohol, so they ate something in a hurry and went back to the dormitory with the little drunk.

Back in the dormitory, Song Xiangyan threw the little drunk back into the room. He wanted to help make a bed or something, but when he turned around, the little drunk locked him out.

Song Xiangyan was angry and funny, knocked on the door from the outside, "Open the door!"

"I..." Shi Jingge's tone was a bit weird, but to Song Xiangyan's ears, he just thought it was cute, "Don't open it!"

Just like a child throwing a tantrum.

Song Xiangyan tried a few more times, but all ended in failure, and finally did not let Shi Jingge open the door.

Angry and funny, he took out his mobile phone and recorded some of Shi Jingge's quotations, planning to give Shi Jingge a "surprise" tomorrow.

But Shi Jingge, who was drunk, was extremely excited.

He couldn't sleep, and he didn't want to open the door to see other people, and didn't know what to do. After dawdling for a long time, he turned on the phone silently, stared at the screen for a while, and then sent Wen Xusheng a video invitation.

During the whole process, Shi Jingge staggered to and fro, unable to sit or lie down, his clothes were messed up, and his phone was held upside down. As soon as Wen Xusheng connected the video, he saw Shi Jingge naked The calf, almost did not cry out.

"Xiao, Xiaoge?" Wen Xusheng stammered.

Shi Jingge laughed, a little silly, "Why is your head upside down?"

Wen Xusheng: "...Because you took your phone down."

"Oh," Shi Jingge replied blankly, stared blankly at Wen Xusheng, and repeated, "Why is your head upside down?"

Perhaps it was because he was not sober after drinking, but Shi Jingge's voice was sticky, which made people feel soft-hearted.

"Then do you want my head to come straight?" Wen Xusheng coaxed me nicely.

Shi Jingge frowned, as if he was caught in some kind of battle between heaven and man, and finally, he whispered: "What do you think?"

"I think." Wen Xusheng said with a smile.

Shi Jingge reacted for a while, then nodded obediently, "Then, come right here."

Wen Xusheng: "!"

Such an obedient and well-behaved little song is too cute!

So Wen Xusheng instructed Shi Jingge from a distance how to turn his head straight.

But the little drunk's brain had long since left home, and he couldn't even hear Wen Xusheng's instructions clearly.

The corners of Shi Jingge's eyes were red, and he looked at Wen Xusheng helplessly, "Still, it's upside down."

Wen Xusheng hurried to coax him, and after coaxing for a long time, Shi Jingge suddenly "righted" Wen Xusheng over as if he had opened his eyes.

Wen Xusheng was angry and funny, "Did you do it on purpose?"

Shi Jingge tilted his head, his eyes were clear and translucent, extremely innocent.

Wen Xusheng's heart trembled.

Then I saw that the little drunk with a sharp heart smiled and nodded, very righteous.

Before Wen Xusheng could say anything, the screen suddenly went black!

Wen Xusheng hurriedly called Shi Jingge, but what he got was the news that the phone had been shut down.

At that moment, Wen Xusheng picked up his clothes and wanted to find someone.

In the next second, Wen Xusheng's mobile phone popped up a reminder that the battery was low.

This is when he was in the car and charged for a period of time.

If Shi Jingge is not charged, it should be out of battery after making such a long video call with myself?

Wen Xusheng heaved a sigh of relief, scolded a few fools in his heart, and asked his agent to send Brother Xuan a message to ask about the situation.


Do fools in love have to hurt poor single dogs?

At this time, Master Zhao and Mr. Yue were still working hard in the special department.

"What the **** is this? I haven't been able to match any evil things so far."

"Neither are monsters."

"Nor are ghosts."

"What exactly is this?"

Mr. Yue couldn't help complaining: "It's just like non-terrestrial organisms."

In an instant, something flashed in Master Zhao's mind, which made him turn his head involuntarily and stare fixedly at Mr. Yue.

Mr. Yue: "?"

"Why do you look at me like that?" Mr. Yue wrapped his arms around himself, "I'm not selling myself!"

Master Zhao: "..."

After a few seconds of silence, Master Zhao said slowly, "Do you still remember, before we left, when Xiaoge and Mr. Wen got into a fight, he said something about the plot of a science fiction movie?"

"Remember," Mr. Yue nodded in confusion, and soon realized, " mean, aliens?!"

Master Zhao may also feel that this conclusion is a bit unbelievable, so he coughed lightly, "Is it possible?"

"..." Mr. Yue was silent for a few seconds, "Then how to confirm?"

"Perhaps," Master Zhao suggested, "we can seek the help of scholars who study the universe."

Mr. Yue: "..."

Very well, the fantastic linkage of science and metaphysics has begun.

Early the next morning, when Shi Jingge woke up, he still had a headache.

It was Song Xiangyan who woke him up.

Also brought last night's recording.

Shi Jingge picked up the pillow and hit him, Song Xiangyan ran fast, finally Brother Xuan stood up, punched a child, and carried them to the airport.

When boarding the plane, Song Xiangyan was quite happy. The two-person world between him and Shi Jingge is about to begin!

In the end, he was unhappy for two seconds, and Song Xiangyan heard a sound that made his alarm bell go off.

—"What a coincidence, Xiao Ge, you also fly this flight?"

Wen Xusheng appeared in front of Song Xiangyan and Shi Jingge with a bright smile.

Shi Jingge was taken aback for a moment before saying, "Why do you...?"

Wen Xusheng looked at Shi Jingge, and after a while he said slowly: "A certain person was drunk yesterday."

Time Scene Song: "..."

"Talked with me for more than four hours."


"And accepted my confession."


"Of course I'm going to come and have a look!"

Wen Xusheng spoke the last sentence with confidence.

Shi Jingge silently took out his phone.

"What are you doing?" Wen Xusheng asked after seeing Shi Jingge open WeChat.

Shi Jingge rubbed the tip of his nose, and said coldly, "Block you."

Wen Xusheng: "!"

Song Xiangyan's eyes lit up, hurry up, hurry up, Xiaoge move faster!

Of course, in the end it was not blacked out.

Wen Xusheng came to G City to visit in name, but in fact he soon joined the program group and became a "staff" of the program group, watching the "work" of Shi Jingge and Song Xiangyan, and occasionally went to Shi Jingge quietly Put two pieces of candy in your pocket.

Then, basically wherever Shi Jingge appeared, Wen Xusheng would appear there.

He has a wide network of contacts in the circle, and he is full of confidence. Everyone is willing to sell him a favor. It's not such a thing, so why not agree to Wen Xusheng?

So much so that later, when Song Xiangyan saw Wen Xusheng mingling with those staff members, there were no more disturbances.

Get used to it.

It was Shi Jingge who had a serious conversation with Wen Xusheng.

Wen Xusheng was silent for a moment, "...I'm pursuing you, don't you feel it?"

Shi Jingge said in shock: "Aren't we already together!"

Wen Xusheng: "..."

Time Scene Song: "..."

The moment their eyes met, both Shi Jingge and Wen Xusheng saw shock from the other's eyes.

Shi Jingge let out a "puchi" laugh, "I'm kidding you."

Wen Xusheng: "!"

At the moment Wen Xusheng was gnashing his teeth, Shi Jingge stretched out his hand to him, "So, do you want to be together?"

Wen Xusheng grasped Shi Jingge's hand, and said firmly, "Yes!"

On the day the two officially got together, Shi Jingge took him back to "meet the parents".

Of course, it refers to the other members of the boy group, who were originally in this world and have no relatives.

Perhaps because they knew this day would come, Song Xiangyan and Duan Anian were quite calm. They looked at Shi Jingge with relief and blessings.

Shi Jingge gave each of them a hug.

Needless to say many things, everything goes without saying.

They are great friends and want each other to find happiness more than anyone else.

It's just that it doesn't hurt to cause Wen Xusheng a little trouble.

They, Xiaoge, were not so easily abducted.

Others also gathered around, their eyes were very similar to each other, even Brother Xuan.

The affection they had for dealing with Gu Yichen together that day had finally broken up.

On the day when Shi Jingge and Wen Xusheng got married, the hymn cp fans were overjoyed, and the fans who saw Wen Xusheng chasing after him all the way cried with joy, they got it for real!

After marriage, Shi Jingge and Wen Xusheng also raised a kitten. Wen Xusheng added another creature to the kitchen list, and even learned cat food, but the kitten was very picky and always made Wen Xu Sheng was furious.

In addition, the two are also committed to various public welfare undertakings. Shi Jingge is very experienced in this, although he himself does not know where his experience comes from.

Gu Yichen was trapped in a special prison in the special department, and never came out to make trouble again.

This world is a thriving place where the sun shines. Everyone is running towards the sun and working hard for tomorrow.

And tomorrow will definitely be better than now.

Perhaps it was the days affected by Gu Yichen's manipulation, or the life span of this body was affected. When Shi Jingge left this world, it was surprisingly early.

As for Wen Xusheng, he also died together with him.

It was early in the morning, when everyone found them, their hands were still held together, with a little smile on their lips, and they walked peacefully and peacefully.

On the day of the funeral, many people came.

All the people who have worked together in the circle, the members of the boy group, Brother Xuan, those who have been helped by Guo Shi Jingge and Wen Xusheng, as well as Master Zhao, Mr. Yue and others.

Mr. Yue, Master Zhao and others came late and did not bring flowers, but two strings of beads.

Looking at the photos of Wen Xusheng and Shi Jingge, Master Zhao said in a low voice, "I wish you all peace and success in reincarnation, and grow old together."

When Shi Jingge opened his eyes again, he stood in a void, and those sealed memories flashed in his mind one by one, making him involuntarily curl his lips.

The voice of System 111 sounded at the same time: [The host world repulsion has dropped to 0. 】

[Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the task and gaining the recognition of the world. 】

Shi Jingge tilted his head and said with a smile: [It seems different to perform the task like this. 】

It is no longer a cold task, but a real life in that world

System 111: [Aha? 】

Shi Jingge shook his head and didn't explain too much. He missed his lover and his picky and cute kitten.

【Seal my memory and send me to the next world. 】

System 111 hesitated and said: [Don't you need to take a break? 】

Shi Jingge shook his head.

System 111 said dryly: [Alright then. 】

After a pause, System 111 said again: [The next world is a special world, with ghosts and ghosts, does the host need to keep some memory? 】

Shi Jingge was stunned for a moment, and asked: [Part of the memory? 】

[For example, you learned a lot when you were in the world of cultivating immortals,] System 111 explained, [I can extract this part of memory to you, of course, it will not be extracted to other people, but all the things learned to you. 】

【unnecessary. ] Shi Jingge shook his head and refused. Those things were experienced together. He didn't like to put virtual symbols on the people inside, just to make the next world easier.

What he has learned, he has spent a lot of time and energy on learning, and those are imprinted in his soul, even if he has no memory, he may not be unable to use them.

There is a word called self-help instinct; there is another word called muscle memory.


[If it's a special world, I should have a golden finger, right? ] Shi Jingge asked with a smile.

Unaware of the approaching danger, System 111 nodded readily, [Yes. 】

[Is the last world also a special world? ] Shi Jingge asked casually.

System 111: [... yes QAQ. 】

[Then why didn't I have a golden finger in the last world? ] Shi Jingge asked with a good temper.

System 111 was ashamed: 【…It was my mistake. 】

Shi Jingge smiled: [Then this world, ghosts and ghosts, sounds scary, so protect me more? 】

System 111 nodded readily: [No, no problem! 】

How can it be compensated for a golden finger?

Its host is so gentle and soft-spoken, it doesn't even blame it for making mistakes, and it doesn't intend to report it at all!

Such a good host... At least two gold fingers must be compensated!

It... It's system 111 is willing to give energy back to the host in exchange for gold fingers!

In this way, Shi Jingge sealed the memory and came to the next world without stopping.

In this world, he is a magic stick, the kind of magic stick that stands under the overpass to tell people's fortunes.

There is a little bit of real talent and real learning. After all, he is a real teacher from a famous family, although he has been kicked out long ago.

In most cases, he relies on bluffing and deception in exchange for money.

The original owner knows some face-to-face skills, has a lot of research on human micro-expressions, and is very slippery with his lips, and can easily get words out of other people's mouths.

Then rely on the information obtained during the dialogue and the other party's face, micro-expressions, etc., to roughly infer the other party's psychology, find out the other party's problems, and say what the other party wants to hear. If the other party comes here, forget it, the original owner will also Get two compliments; if the other party wants to continue, the original owner will continue to dig information from the other party's mouth, then switch, take advantage of the victory to pursue, tell the other party everything they want to hear, in exchange for money.

Come to fortune-telling, who wouldn't want to hear the news they want to hear?

Of course, if the other party is easy to cheat, he will cheat more.

But relying on this hand, the original owner is also famous under the south of the city bridge.

He also has a good reputation as a "magic operator".

It's just a pity that when he passed through, the original owner overturned the car.

Although not completely over.


There was a violent slamming sound on the door, causing the dust in this dilapidated courtyard to fly everywhere.

"If you don't open the door, we'll call the police!"

"I count to three!"

"three two-"

The syllable "one" just came out, and when several bodyguards looked at each other and were about to step in, the door was opened.

A thin, emaciated man with disheveled clothes and a faint sour smell appeared in front of everyone.

Several bodyguards showed disgust, and then withdrew to both sides.

A tall and vicious man slowly stepped forward.

His cold eyes swept over Shi Jingge, and the disgust in his eyes was even worse.

— “You are the one who lied to that stupid kid in our family?”

The author has something to say: Shi Jingge: After traveling so many times, QAQ has never been so embarrassing!

After thinking about it, let’s use the magic stick first wwww

I remembered that my friends and I used to count these things.

the result is good

We: This master is too accurate!

the result is bad

Us: feudal superstition is bad hhhh

Today all cuties have little red envelopes~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-04-18?23:50:19~2021-04-19?23:46:15~

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: Mo Zhun, Xiao Xiao, Jun Shiye, Liangcheng Fengyue? 10 bottles; Milk Tea Xiaosu? 5 bottles; Qi Chi? 3 bottles; Beizai, Zhou Jin, Luoyun? 1 bottle ;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!