MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 13 Young Master (thirteen)

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Freshened up, Shi Rong took Shi Jingge to the garage and gave him the new sports car that Shi Jingge liked.

As soon as Shi Jingge entered the garage, his eyes were attracted by the sports car, touching here and there, his eyes were surprisingly bright.

"Brother, how about I take you out for a drive?"

Can Rongqing still refuse at this time?


Two people got into the car.

Shi Jingge was in high spirits.

He only had sports cars in his eyes, and he couldn't notice anything else.

The phone rang several times, but he acted as if he didn't hear it, but Shi Rongqing took a second look and found that it was a text message from Mu Jincheng, so he naturally ignored it.

The moment the car drove out, Shi Rongqing saw Mu Jincheng outside the gate.

The sports car roared past without a single pause.

Shi Rongqing let out a breath of foul air slowly, and said nonchalantly, "I seem to have seen Mu Jincheng just now."

"Ah?" Shi Jingge asked in confusion, "Has he left yet?"

"It seems not." Shi Rongqing shook his head, "You drove too fast, and I didn't look too carefully."

"However, I haven't said hello to anyone. Is it not good to ignore them twice?"

Shi Jingge said in bewilderment, "Aha?"

"I didn't see him at all, how do I say hello?"

Shi Rongqing raised the corners of his lips slightly in his heart, but his face was serious, with a bit of sudden realization.

"Oh yes, you two are good brothers, how could you get into a fight over such a trivial matter?"

"Brother, of course you will trust the other party."

"Look, Mu Jincheng has been cheated so many times, and even hurt you, and sent you so many false news, you never blamed him."

"How could he blame you for such a trivial matter?"

Shi Jingge raised his head and complied happily, "Yes!"

"That's good," Shi Rongqing wrote lightly, "My brother doesn't want to ruin the relationship between the two of you just because I'm jealous."

Shi Jingge said boldly: "He and I are good brothers, so don't worry about these things."

Shi Rongqing: "..."

Although, I was still a little upset to hear my little brat say that.

Forget it, don't bother with this little fool.

Shi Rongqing also knew his little **** well, and knew that if he couldn't beat Mu Jincheng to death with a stone hammer, Mu Jincheng would still be able to make a comeback with his little bastard.

As long as Mu Jincheng rolls out a few more scapegoats.

So it must be done in one go, directly hammered to death.

Moreover, Mu Jincheng has really worked **** the surface.

There are not many stone hammers that can be found.

Shi Rongqing has found out about Wei Han's place now, and there doesn't seem to be any problem with Wei Han's account income and so on.

But he is very lucky, he can win a prize every three to five times, and occasionally he can get a big prize in some supermarket shopping.

Is it really just luck?

That's not necessarily true.

A trace of sarcasm flashed in Shi Rongqing's eyes.

Soon, Shi Jingge's voice sounded.

"It's almost there, brother, remember to open the window and brush your face!"

The little bastard's voice was brimming with joy, and the corners of Shi Rongqing's lips curled up, "Got it."

"Brother, I can't drive steadily!"

"Steady," Shi Rong paused, "I don't even look at who the younger brother is."

"That is."

The little **** raised his head, his tail was going up to the sky.

Shi Rongqing chuckled softly, this harmonious scene was something he never dreamed of before.

Not only Shi Rongqing didn't dare to think about it, but even the employees of Shi's Enterprise didn't dare to think about it either!

Who didn't know that the two brothers of the Shi family had a bad relationship.

Who doesn't know the difference between the two brothers of the Shi family, one in the sky and the other in the ground.

The last time Shi Jingge appeared in Shi Shi, he came to Shi Rong to clear the fight!

How could one not be surprised to see these two brothers walking into the Shi family's gate one after the other?

The next second, Shi Jingge's arm was on Shi Rongqing's shoulder, Shi Rongqing not only did not refuse, but also smiled.

Everyone: "..."

Is this more than a surprise? This is simply horror!

Wasn't it true that they were hallucinating?

"This sports car is awesome!"


"Performance is simply perfect!"


"Even the colors are so pretty!"


"Hey hey, thank you brother."


Shi Rongqing turned his head to look at Shi Jingge, who rubbed his nose and lowered his head in embarrassment.

Shi Rongqing smiled, reached out and rubbed Shi Jingge's head, "Thank you Xiaoge for sending me to the company."

Shi Jingge suddenly raised his head, and said with high spirits: "Isn't that what I should?"

The two brothers walked all the way, talking and laughing, very close.

Passing employees look at me and I look at you, and they all see incredible in the eyes of each other.

... Was it really their indifferent and aloof president and their vicious and arrogant young master just now?


But when they looked back, they realized that it was all true.

Really couldn't be more true.

Soon, the news that the young master and the boss came to the company together, and the two of them were talking and laughing shoulder to shoulder spread throughout the company.

When Sister Sun got the news, she felt like a bolt from the blue.

The last time the young master came to the company, it was a big mess, the black face of the boss seemed to be still in front of his eyes, why did this happen again?

Talking and laughing? Hook shoulders? That's all temporary!

Who doesn't know that this young master is a mad dog? God knows when he will go crazy!

But as a secretary, Sister Sun looked at a series of documents that needed to be reported, so she could only bite the bullet and knock on the office door.


As soon as Sister Sun came in, the first thing she saw was Shi Jingge lying on the sofa.

At that moment, Sister Sun only felt a headache.

In the next second, something incredible happened to Sister Sun.

The young master sat up from the sofa.

The young master's sitting posture is very regular.

Keep your legs together and put your hands on them, like a schoolboy.

Sister Sun couldn't help but take a second look.

The young master seemed to have noticed her gaze, and suddenly looked up.

Sister Sun smiled subconsciously, a standard professional smile, polite and polite.

The young master seemed to be taken aback for a moment, and his straight back seemed to relax. He scratched his hair and smiled, a little embarrassed and a little shy.

...wait, shy?

Sister Sun was taken aback by the two words that appeared in her mind.

...How could this young master be shy?

Shi Rongqing coughed lightly, "Pour me a cup of coffee."

Sister Sun immediately responded, "Okay."

"I didn't call you," Shi Rongqing waved his hand and looked at Shi Jingge with a smile naturally showing in his eyes.

"Xiaoge, pour me a cup of coffee."

Sister Sun was a little frightened. Can this young master be ordered?

To her surprise, the young master responded, stood up, and asked, "What flavor?"

"Black coffee is fine." Shi Rongqing wrote lightly.

The young master nodded and walked out.

That appearance is really kind of cute.

Sister Sun was in a daze.

This young master has changed too much, right?

It's like going back to the factory and redoing it!

"My brother," Shi Rong paused, and said flauntingly, "I'm worried that I won't eat when I'm busy, so I have to come to work as a supervisor."

Sister Sun: "..."

A few seconds later, Sister Sun said dryly, "You brothers have such a good relationship."

"Naturally," Shi Rongqing couldn't hide his complacency, "Brother, how can you have a bad relationship?"

Sister Sun: "..."

Shi Jingge came back soon and put the coffee in front of Shi Rongqing.

Shi Rongqing signaled him to go out to play, but Shi Jingge ran away.

Shi Rongqing took a sip of the coffee, looked up helplessly, and said to Sister Sun: "Look at him, he said black coffee, black coffee, but he insisted on adding milk."

"Thinking about my poor stomach all day long, not being able to drink this or eat that, not to mention how annoying it is."

This time, Sister Sun was able to say sincerely: "You brothers have such a good relationship."

"This little **** has grown up." Shi Rongqing cursed with a smile, and took another sip of coffee.

Sister Sun was in a daze.

It turns out that parents, brothers and sisters all over the world are the same when they show off their children!

Even the always indifferent boss—

After showing off the child, Shi Rongqing started his day's work.

I don't know if it's because of the blessing of love coffee, but he has been refreshed and efficient this morning.

But Shi Jingge is different, he is very boring.

But although boring, he didn't do anything.

In the beginning, for the young master's arrival, the secretarial team was in full swing.

It turned out that they were thinking too much.

The young master usually plays games lying on the sofa, and considerately turns off all the sound effects. If someone comes in, he will sit down, and if no one comes in, he will lie down.

Don't talk, don't make trouble, go out occasionally, and then get a cup of coffee for the boss.

The word "boring" almost hangs on his face, but he still suppresses his temper, and only looks at Shi Rongqing occasionally, and those eyes make people feel distressed.

An employee accidentally sprained and all the documents fell on the ground, and he helped to pick them up.

In less than one morning, the secretary group had a different impression of him.

— This young master is too obedient!

— completely different from what they imagined!

Not to mention the secretary group was surprised by this, even Shi Rongqing himself was shocked.

After the shock, there is distress and guilt.

Fortunately, it was basically finished. He pushed an unimportant meeting until the afternoon, and then he woke up the drowsy Shi Jingge and said, "Let's go."

"You're not very interested in that either."

"Let's go see what you're interested in."

Shi Jingge's eyes lit up.

The next second, he looked at Shi Rongqing's desk, and hesitated again.

Shi Rongqing was so moved.

When the child grows up, he knows that he loves his brother.

"Let's go, brother has been busy all morning, and he also needs to relax."

"Besides, the entertainment industry is not our family's industry?"

"Going to check it out."

Only then did Shi Jingge happily follow.

"Oh, by the way," Shi Jingge scratched his hair, "How are the two stars I recommended?"

"Oh, both of them."

Shi Rongqing thought about it, because it was recommended by his younger brother, so he paid more attention to it in the past two days.

"Li Zhuoyun...Is that his name? The contract is signed, and we will join the group later."

"As for the other...Director Su likes her very much, and wants her to play the third female role in a fairy tale drama. It is said that the character design is very good. I contacted her agent, but her agent refused, it seems The schedule is not suitable, Director Su is still a little depressed."

"Rejected?" Shi Jingge's eyes widened in disbelief, "How could it be?"

"No, I have to call her and ask her."

Shi Rongqing didn't stop him, but Shi Jingge's phone was taken out, but he didn't make a call.

"What's the call?" The young master said confidently, "Wouldn't it be enough for a modern person to send a WeChat message? How old-fashioned to make a phone call!"

Shi Rongqing was almost amused, paused, and said: " are right."

So the young master sent a WeChat message.

Soon, the young master received a reply from Hua Mingyi.

【what? 】

[I didn't refuse! 】

[How could I refuse? 】

[I don't have a job at all now, I value that interview so much! 】

[Young master, are you sure? Are you sure Director Su really wants me? 】

[Please, this is very important to me, don't lie to me. 】

Through the screen, I could feel Hua Mingyi's collapse.

The young master pretended to be dissatisfied and said, "How could I lie to you? My elder brother is right next to him, and he told me himself!"

"What's wrong?" Shi Rongqing asked.

"She said she didn't refuse, she didn't even know that she passed the audition, and she told me not to lie to her, how could I lie to her?"

Shi Jingge handed the phone to Shi Rongqing, Shi Rongqing frowned slightly, "It seems that her manager has kept this matter from her."

The young master became anxious instantly, filled with righteous indignation, "You dare to hide the job introduced by the young master, I think she is tired of the job! See if I don't knock out her teeth!"

Shi Rongqing grabbed the young master's arm, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"Ancestor, where are you going? Rushing to fight with others? Are you trying to put yourself and her on the hot searches?"

The young master said blankly, "Then what should we do?"

Shi Rongqing sighed, "Call her and let her calm down."

"Then ask her to sign the contract. Director Su hasn't found a suitable candidate yet, and he is thinking about her."

"By the way, ask her if she wants to change her manager."

Change agent?

Of course Hua Mingyi wants to!

She wanted to change her manager even in her dreams!