MTL - Accompanying the Phoenix-Chapter 31

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Shen Li went into the military camp. Because of the broken things, the heart was filled with some unwilling anger, but when she saw the familiar faces of the surrounding generals, she temporarily left those unhappiness behind her head. One by one, the generals who came back to the ceremony, only to see her in the Shangdu of Wangdu, but also came up to the microstrip and complained: "Wang Ye left without saying anything to me, the end will find a good way!" "

Shen Li smiled and took his arm: "Is it the king? Go back and pick a pub. The king is the king, let you drink and enjoy!"

There is a gentleman next to him: "Wang Ye can not be as thick as this."

"Oh, I can hear this, Wang Ye, see you have a share!"

"Cheng, please!" Shen Li saw the training platform, remembering the purpose of coming to the military camp today, Yang said: "This king is so good today, let the soldiers come to practice with me, and have won ten strokes. Going to drink with the generals!"

It is a glory to lose with the king of Bi Cang. In a time, the barracks were full of excitement, and the generals called the elites of their men to make them and the glazes. Every soldier did not put water on the glass. He could use a trick to get it. trick. At one hour, there were dozens of people on the stage, but none of them had passed ten strokes.

The amount of the glass was hot and sweaty, but the eyes were more and more shining. At present, this soldier is the only one who has had five strokes in her hands. She boasted: "There is potential." Behind the soldier, the soldier did not react slowly, and he wanted to hide sideways. He wanted to smear the glass but swept his feet. He chased him down and put his shoulders on his chest. The soldier was busy confessing to lose, Shen Li loosened him, pointed a few words of his shortcomings, let him end.

"The next battle!"

A sudden breeze passed. In the blink of an eye, the man in white clothes quietly stood on the other side of the training platform and smiled: "Please stop fighting."

Under the stage, no one noticed, when did the Shenjun come to the military camp, and no one saw how he came to power. The glazed face was slightly cold, and the sweat on his face was wiped off. He stared at the line: "What is the meaning of God?"

"When I stayed alone for a long time in the sky, I haven't seen such a lively scene for a long time, I want to come and join in the fun, but Wang refused to compare with me?"

"The gods respect the body, the glass does not dare to offend..." After the words are finished, the body shape flashes in the glass and sinks, and reaches for the shoulder of the glass to hold her. This method is actually a glass. Used with the small soldier. The side of the glass was allowed to move sideways, and the shoulders were shaken by the mana. The hand turned and punched, and then he greeted the face, but his eyes slammed on his cheek, and he did not wait to stop himself. It was a meal, letting the opportunity to seize the opportunity, holding her wrist in one hand and twisting it behind her, the action of the glass was once again fixed.

"Wang Ye is afraid of hurting me?"

The heart of the glass is annoyed, the waist is bent, and the force of the line is followed, a flip is over, and the sleep is solved. The other hand grabbed the shoulders in the air, and when she landed her feet, she only listened to a low drink and threw her shoulders and threw them out. When I threw it out, I couldn’t see the palm of my hand, and the others were gone. The sound of "哒" sounded softly, and the glass fell sharply. At the same time, the elbow did not hesitate to hit the abdomen. But as in the cotton, the strength is scattered.

This kind of fighting is like her usual dialogue with the line. Every offensive language is dispelled by him, and she has never let her hit the field once.

When I think about it, Shen Li’s heart feels more awkward, and the movement is even more impetuous, but the more urgent it is, the more it takes to stop it.

When the glass was irritated, she thought about why she had to fight with her, and she had to fight with him. He played her in the palm of her hand, and she could not jump out of his palm by herself. The action of her attack was stopped, and the action stopped.

It was discovered that the original, in addition to the initial move, was the active attack. The latter he was always defending, like playing with her, from the beginning to the end is her own one-man show.

At the right time, she was standing face to face with the line, very close, one hand stopped between the necks, and the wrist happened to be held. She looked up and saw her smile. She said, "Wang Ye, the ten strokes have already passed."

Shen Li worked hard, earned the hand of the action, and stepped back two steps: "What is God wanting?"

"I heard that Wang Ye said that after ten strokes with you, I can ask for alcohol and drink, and I don't like drinking, so I want to ask Wang to discuss something."

The glazed face is cold, but it is still good because of the occasion: "Since God has won the glaze today, what do you want, but it does not matter."

"I want to ask the prince three questions." I stopped a glance at the audience. When I saw the ink standing on the outside and the graceful one on the other side, the lips were curved. "First, I want to ask the prince, Who is General Shangbei?"

The named Shangbei Yiyi, the soldiers everywhere looked at him with suspicion, and Shangbei was anxious to sweat: "How can God ask this question! At the end, there will be people with family!" : "Just the same."

"Where is this old general who is the prince?" The squad pointed to the white-beard veteran.

"It is also a classmate."

"What is the general of the Mexicans?"

When the glass was silent, Yu Guang’s eyes saw the outside of the ink side, and saw another Rong Jun who suddenly saw the light. This line of Jun Jun today wants to completely remove her words! In the past, the ink side expressed her confession. When she explicitly refused, she should not let him hope in any occasion. Tong Rongjun said privately just to scare him and let him know. And now...she is not only trying to help the ink party to swindle this lie today, but naturally she can’t make a false lie and harm the ink side. And today the soldiers are here...

"It's still just a colleague." She faintly said this, in exchange for the satisfaction of the hook.

The following generals have scratched their heads for this inexplicable problem. I don't know what kind of riddles I played. Only Grace Liu laughed at the waist. At this moment, even though the glass repeatedly told them to ignore these things, they still couldn't help but pinch their fists.

You are really good at stopping God!

"Today's test is over here." She glanced coldly and turned to step down. The first one went to the side of the ink side. Coldly confessed to him: "If the Rongjun is wrapped around you in the future, hey. Kill me."

When the ink side snorted, he whispered, "Wang, but... didn't help me?"

The face of the glass is black again. Gave him a look, the ink side immediately snorted. At the right time, the generals all left the doubts of the talents, and came around to let Shen Liu invite them to eat wine. When the glaze was towed away by the generals, the ink side stood in the original position and looked at the back of her talking with the generals. The lips were unconsciously moving, and the jaws said: "Thank you for your heart."

Suddenly the cold wind blew, the ink side of the ridge of the ridge of the cold for a moment, still did not find where it came from, they heard people shouted: "Ink." The glass in the crowd suddenly turned back and rushed at him, " Go."

When the ink side slammed, he shook his head and said, "I will stay in the military camp."

"Take him away." Shen Li ordered, turned and continued. The two generals took the ink side, and the group left the military camp in a lively, and the soldiers stayed behind to do daily exercises. When Rong Jun Deng Deng ran up to the training platform, although he did not dare to make a second time, it was still difficult to conceal the joy of the road. "Thank you for knowing God!"

"I don't want to help you." I stopped looking at Jun Rongjun. "Just... I want to make people fun." But... the result is exactly the same as he expected, but why didn't he make him happy? .

What he wants to see is not so light and opposite.

When Rong Rong looked up and saw the face without smile, Zhang mouth wanted to say, God Jun, you are not like playing other people's appearance... But when you talk to your mouth, Rong Rongjun still swallows his interest and turns to the road. : "So, let's say goodbye." Then he would chase away the party where Shenli left. Unexpectedly, the steps have not yet been taken, so I listened to the faint saying: "You seem to be too arrogant here."

Yan Rongjun’s body was tight, and he turned his head and looked at it. He saw a smile on his face that was smeared with a smog: “Nature, it’s not going to blame the grandson for anything.” Tones, "I sent the letter to the heavens yesterday, and I gave it to the Emperor."

After stopping and turning away, he left alone to stand on the training ground, and his face was cold and sweaty. He seems...heard the sound of the emperor’s anger at the scene...

In the evening, Shen Li and the generals drunk until late at night.

The ink side sent the tiny glazed glass back to the palace, and bid farewell to him. The glazed door pushed into the house and bypassed the shadow wall in front of the gate, but saw the line wearing a single coat and casually wearing a piece of clothes standing in the front yard. His eyes were cool. Looking at her fixedly. The four eyes met, and Shen did not say anything to him. He turned to look for meat.

"Wang Ye is also a person who wants to marry the heavens, so he will return with the man late. This is not good."

The glazed footsteps, the light on the face of the lantern in the courtyard made her facial features more three-dimensional, but there was no light shining in her eyes: "Oh? Not good? That **** said, how to applaud?" Shen A glass of wine, sneer, "Looking at the people who have married with themselves, to entangle their subordinates, is this God's good?"

I rarely heard that Shen Li spoke with people in such a tone, and stopped frowning: "You are drunk."

"You can be awake." The eyes of the glass are hidden by three points, three minutes of anger, three points of anger, and more unclear emotions. They sneer: "If you want to talk about what is good, Shenli swindles today and confesses me." If that, it is good. It dispels his mind and helps my subordinates. It is also inevitable that after the things of Rong Rongjun have made things big, my face is stunned. What did you do today? Ha! Ah!" Shen Li laughed. "I finally forced the glass to admit defeat. Can you be satisfied? Just don't know if you are doing it. Your actions are in the eyes of the glass. It is like a mortal who eats vinegar. What can I do to prove it, what is it? Is this **** looking like a glazed?"

Silence was silenced, and Muir looked away and smiled: "Wang Ye is drunk, God, where is the feeling?"

The ancient gods, there is no desire, no matter where you want to go. The glaze should have known.

"If that's the case." Shen Li turned and walked into his house, leaving only a cool words in the night wind. "In the future, no matter who you care for, what you do, you still want to stop the gods, and you have to stop."

"Let the glass grow a life."

The cool breeze, the hair that lifted the line. He looked up and looked at the gray sky of the demon world. After a long time, he said to himself: "Well, I try to be."