MTL - Accompanying the Phoenix-Chapter 4

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Marchday, the night is still long, the **** is still not bright when it is reported, but the glass is awakened from the dream, only because she noticed the footsteps of the ground, but she blinked for a moment and found that she did not know when She was covered by a piece of cloth, and she was shocked. This is not the devil's Qiankun bag that has smashed her!

After a panic struggle, my head finally breathed the air outside. There was no demon, nor was it a chase. She still slept under the grape rack, and she still had no hairy pheasant.

The air is concentrated in the air. There was a subtle sound coming from the front yard, and the glass was ready to go to the front yard.

The courtyard door opened slightly, and there was noisy noise outside. The glass sneaked out the head in the crack of the door. The light of the torch lit the lane, and two carriages stopped in the alley. The cloth girl who saw yesterday was standing with her mother. Together, the males in the house are loading things into the carriage, and Xingyun is helping them. After everything is ready, other people are on the train, only the girl and her mother are standing. outside.

"Xingyun, you are going to go early. Although these years are neighbors, we have not been able to help you. I want to come here very much. I am afraid that I will never see each other again. Take care."

"Auntie rest assured, Xingyun knows." He smiled and said, the middle-aged woman seemed to be extremely emotional, sighed and covered the car. The little girl stayed face to face with the cloud.

The girl turned her head and said nothing, and the fire reflected the glare of her eyes.

"At this time, the southbound line will be a wild peach blossom." The line of clouds looked at the end of the lane, suddenly whispered, "I am not a good person." These four words are heavy, and the glass is sorrowful, can not help but look up at him, in the backlight The side face is with a heart-rending beauty, but there is no fluctuation in his eyes, not ruthless, it is really ignorant.

Shen Liuzhen looked at him and suddenly felt that this person might be more complicated than she imagined.

The girl listened to this, and her eyes were red, and two drops of tears fell. She said deeply, "Go to the cloud, take care."

This goes, no return period, and life has never met. The glare sighed, but when I saw the clouds, I sent the carriages far away, and the sound of the wheels...

The sound of her running in the sound of the wheel is not so obvious.

The glazed eyes were bright, left and right, and there were no one left. Only the clouds were still watching the old neighbors. The glazed squeezing the door and rushing toward the direction of the alley.

When I rushed to the street, there was already a hawker on the street, and the glaze looked back. I didn’t see the cloud coming. She was so relieved that the cloud was too mysterious to understand her, but she could understand Not afraid of her at all, she is now seriously injured and wants to escape the demon world, there is no spirit and he grinds. Wait... seriously injured? Suddenly raised the wings and raised the wings. As for the tossing yesterday, where did she come from to support her on the road?

Think carefully, as if you woke up yesterday morning, your physical strength recovered very quickly. What is it that is what the cloud did to her? Or is it because of something wrong with eating? I remembered the delicious gimmick and the fragrant rice that was too fragrant last night. The glazed unnaturally stretched out my neck and swallowed.

"Where is the strange chicken!" There was a rough voice from a man behind him. "Running to the center of the road, I want to mention a tooth festival!"

When she saw her head, she saw the big man behind her hand reaching for her wings. With her experience yesterday, she would be so easily caught by her. Dahan screamed and said: "Chicken! See if I don't fold your neck!"

The glazed figure flashed and went down to the street vendor's table. The big man rushed to chase it, knocked over the stall, and the street vendor did not follow it. He clashed with him. Shenli took the opportunity to shuttle under the stalls. The road, she stopped for a moment, the neck was pinched, and then the whole body was lifted up: "Don't make a noise, don't make a noise, this chicken is here." Another hawker smashed the glass and went there. go.

The glass sighed and the paws lifted. Three blood marks were pulled down on the back of the man's hand: "Ah! The broiler of the wild!" The man ate pain, slammed his hand, and dropped the glass on the ground. Kung Fu took care of his drink, rolled on the ground, and the arrow turned into an alley, until no one caught her behind him and stopped, kneeling on the ground and gasping.

It’s not easy to be a chicken.

She was thinking, the door behind the door "Oh," opened, and a basin of water with a lot of sand and leaves poured her face: "The street is so lively." The voice of the woman When it sounded, the glaze felt the rotten leaves slid down from the top of her head. "啪嗒" fell to the ground. She suddenly took the anger that was about to erupt, and slowly turned her head to look at the young woman behind her.

What is this stuff that splashed on her...

Really... it’s awesome!

The eyes of the two eyes on the woman's eyes, the height difference makes the glass reflect the identity of her present, combined with the experience of yesterday and today, the woman in the heart of the glass is so bad that the woman is caught in the wings: "Who is home? Chicken? How come this hair is released?"

Suspended his legs and struggled, but he saw a man coming out from home: "Nobody raises chicken next door. I don't know where to run from the stew. It just happens to be a lot of work today, and I will come back to make up at night."

Stew your uncle! I am so angry that I want to eat it when I see the chicken! It’s a good life, everyone is so light!

The man took care of the clothes to go out, and the woman sent him to the door. Before going out, the man reached out and touched the woman's head: "The girl is going to work hard today."

The woman's face was red, her hand was loose, and the glass grabbed the opportunity to bite her bite. The woman exclaimed, and the glass broke away from the bondage, and then fled away from the dead, leaving the couple to continue to feel affectionate.

All the way to run, until noon, went to the suburbs, Shenli met at least ten guys who wanted to catch her to eat, she couldn’t move, tired and hungry, sitting down on the grass by the river, heading Drinking two waters in the river, then quietly looking at the overcast sky, watching a spring rain will fall.

"You want to play with me, right?" She asked the sky like this, her voice was so cold.

The spring thunder rang, the raindrops fell, and the glass struggled to get up to find a place to shelter from the rain.

When I turned around, I saw the man in the Qingyi white dress standing on the bank of the river with his back, and the four eyes met, and the glass was so touched that he couldn’t help himself.

It was like walking through the 18th floor of Hell, and suddenly I saw the little yellow flower in the sun soothing the soul.

Although the man on the embankment is far better than the little yellow flower, although the contrast between this person and the chicken makes the picture not beautiful.

Across the curtain of the rain, the cloud stared at the dust of the dust for a long time, and slammed his head and smiled.

This... this is definitely a mockery!

"Stupid chicken." The line of clouds was squatting, but took out a paper fan from the scorpion behind him, and then slowly walked toward the glass.

The glaze has been unable to escape, and has no intention of escaping. Although I don’t know what this cloud is, in the end, the worst result is that it is stewed. In the cloud, she can eat before she dies. Ok.

The oil-paper fan propped up on the top of the head: "Colbling, I thought you wouldn't come back when you ran. It turned out that you are here to wait for me to return home."

Shen Liu took his head and ignored him. The cloud is not too dirty to pick her up and put it in her own back. "You are really a skill, and the district can make yourself so embarrassed and hard for half a day."

"Oh!" Take your path! Shen Li couldn't help but yell, "Oh!" There are so many nonsense.

The cloud is smirking and no longer speaks. A paper fan blocked the rain from the head, and no drop fell on the glazed body.

Tired for a long time, Shen Li followed him to recite the bumps of the arc, and soon fell asleep, but did not sleep for a long time was awakened by a cool, her subconscious squatting, claws stretched out, mouth to bite.

"You broiler is so oyster." The cloud took a scoop and took a step back.

The glazed smashed the water on the two shredded wings, and stood guarding him: "What?"

"Can you do anything?" Xingyun smiled and asked her, "You are so dirty that you have just dug up the things you just dug. I will help you and them all wash together. Otherwise, do you prefer to go to the pond to play? "

Sinking aside, I found myself in a large tub with a bunch of wild mountain ginseng. She shaved the ginseng with the claws and grabbed her claws. "Slightly, broke the phase." Can't sell the price."

"You...sell this kind of participation?"

"Which kind?" Xingyun pulled her claws and rubbed it with a loofah net. After washing it, she grabbed the other one. It seemed to think of something. He acted with a smile and smiled. Shen Li, "What do you think is it?"

Too close distance, too beautiful face makes the glass heart beat a beat, watching the smile of the lips of the cloud, there is a feeling of being stunned for a while, Bi Cang Wang is angry and screamed, "Don't let go!" "

The sharp tipped forward and poked straight on the nose of the line cloud. The cloud was unprepared, and was poked back, and took a few steps to stabilize the body. He licked his nose and did not raise his head.

There is still an angry gas in the heart of the glass, but seeing the cloud has been hanging his head, she wondered if she is heavy, and how to poke him out is good?

And... if he wants to deal with his present... glamorous.

At the moment of sorrow, the shoulders of the clouds shook slightly.

Shen Liu looked at him inexplicably, and he heard him laugh out. The glaze was getting more and more stunned. Is her cockroach poisonous? Is this stupid?

The cloud dropped his hand, with a red nose, and he was not afraid of death. He patted her head gently: "Good effort."

He was not angry at all, took the loofah and continued to brush the ginseng.

Suddenly sat down in the tub, the first time I couldn’t read a person...

"Stupid chicken." With this whisper, Shen Li looked up, and a wet mud group "啪" licked her face.

The mud ran down and blocked the nostrils with little frost. She was busy breathing her mouth, but the sand was drilled into her mouth, and the glass coughed and rolled in the basin.

The cloud continues to wash the ginseng calmly.

This guy... this guy is a kid! Revenge the overweight child!

Shen Li decided to stay in the house of Xingyun for two reasons. First, her physical strength recovered very quickly here, but in two or three days, the injury left by the ink on her body did not affect her. The impact. Second, she didn't want to be caught and stewed.

Let Shen Zi’s own mana do not know when he can recover. I don’t know when to recover from the human body. I don’t know when I can leave here, and I don’t know when the demon chasing will come. But fortunately, the time in the sky is always faster than the world, and she has won a lot of time.

"Eating." Xingyun called out in the room, and Shenli sat down at the dinner table.

Shen Li believes that the food made by Xingyun has made her physical strength recover so fast, so she eats everything he does every day, just... "Why is it another girl?" Shen Li stared at the front plate. Food, dissatisfied with a paw knocked on the edge of the plate. What is delicious again, eating every day is enough to be boring. The most important thing is that she wants to open up!

"Is it not good?"

"It's delicious, but I want to eat meat."

"No money."

The words that were too decisive made the glass squint, looked up at the same cloud in the hoe, and looked up and down at him: "Is it not good to eat meat occasionally? You don't look like you have money." But shouldn't it be poor?"

The cloud calmly smiled: "I am very poor, but the temperament is too good."

Although this sounds uncomfortable, what he said is also true.

Shen Li turned his head and looked at the mountain ginseng road he was drying in the yard. "What wild ginseng you sell? This should make a lot of money."

"Changed to the drugstore boss for medicine." He said this in an understatement, as if he did not care about his illness.

The glare was heard, and he stunned for a long while. He didn’t dare to say more, only silently burying his head.

In the middle of the night, Shen Li estimated that the cloud was asleep. In the middle of the night, the moonlight was condensed in the yard for a long time, and then the claws were extended to the white stone in front of him. The white stone flashed on the white stone. It seems to have become gold, but for a moment, Guanghua disperses, it is still a common stone.

The glare of the glass sighs, and it still doesn't work. The body's breath is empty, and even a simple spell of gold and stone can't be done.

She was sitting awkwardly by the stone, and this helplessness was first experienced in life.

Looking into the dark lacquered room, the night wind brought a little scent of the medicinal scent in the room. The two glazed wings fluttered twice, and once again stood up and continued to look up to the moonlight. Concentrate on the breath.

This line of clouds is also considered to be of her kindness, and she knows the truth of her knowledge. Although she is a prince, although she is a prince, she is a martial servant, killing the enemy and fighting against it, saving the people and treating the disease but not doing it. If you can't get sick, let him live a better life in his lifetime.

The glass was deeply breathed, and the smoke of the moon was absorbed into the body. She leaned over and smashed the white stone. The Guanghua victory, the glazed eyes blinked, and the golden light in the white stone kept moving, but in the end it was still disappearing.

Her heart was angry, and she slammed the white stone: "The useless thing!" The voice did not fall, and her paw screamed, "It hurts." She squatted twice. The glaring glaring at Shiraishi, drinking "the stone!"

At the end of the journey to the stone, continue to apply the method of stone into gold.

The glass that was only devoted to a stone was not known. After the dark door of the cabin, there was a pair of eyes, and she smiled and took her actions into the eye. After the glass failed to know the first few failures, Tsing Yiyi swayed and turned into the back room.

The cloud rolled over in the cupboard and found out a dozen copper plates. He measured two things: "Go buy two or two meat tomorrow."