MTL - Accompanying the Phoenix-Chapter 79

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A loud noise, a tremor in the ground, it seems that there is a very hot air wave washed out from the depths. The feathers were in a shape that had to hold the wall and not fall to the ground. Waiting for the tremor to calm down, the doormen behind them are whispering, guessing what the monsters have made this time, and made such a big move at the beginning of the birth. Everyone is worried

Yu Yu glanced at them and walked silently, pushing open the solid wooden door, and the next road was only for those who had been licensed.

There is a torch on the closed ramp, and Xu is the illusion of Yu Yu. She seems to feel that today's fire is brighter than ever. Going to the bottom of the road, the stone door in front of it was closed, and the feathers raised their hands and slammed the door knocker, but only knocked it, the stone door collapsed, and the feathers were stunned. The dazzling light inside the house was exposed through the thick dust, and the stunned feathers could not help but pick up slightly. eye.

"Make it up! Hahaha! It has finally become! It has finally become!"

Liu Ming’s voice is hoarse with a maddening joy. His back looks a bit stunned in the fire map. He walks slowly to him: “Master...” She looked over the body of Liu Ming and saw The house was in a mess, Dan furnace turned over and the flame burned everywhere, and in the fire, a young boy stood quietly. He looked like he was sleeping with his eyes closed. It looked like he was six or seven years old. An ordinary child is no different, but there is a flame burning on him.

Yan Yu slightly shocked: "Master... is this?"

"Feng Lai." Liu Ming’s eyes were full of fire and light, and he grinned. "He called the phoenix."

Liu Ming stepped forward and walked over to the fire. He stopped at Fenglai and took him out of the sea of ​​fire. Feng Lai is still asleep, and Liu Jing looks at his strange smile: "With him, I can make more monsters, and I don't have to worry about not being able to control them. I just need to control this child."

Such a small young child... is the monster that Master has made to refine it?

"But I haven't woken up yet." Liu Ming put the phoenix into Yu Yu's arms. "You hug him back and lie down. I check if there is something wrong." Then he went to the room where the flame was still burning. .

琉羽愣愣 looked at Liu Ming, and looked at the child in his arms, and finally had to sigh and lead.

Holding the child out of the stone hall, the door people are pointing at her behind, some say that Master is crazy, and some just shake their heads and sigh. Yu Yu did not pay attention to it, until the phoenix came back to his house, looking at the child's tender face, Yu Yu also felt that Master may not be normal, such a weak child, how can control those monsters.

Just thinking, suddenly seeing the child's eyes fretting, Yu Yu leaned closer to see him, the day, the child opened his eyes, a pair of red eyes in her eyes clearly reflected.

"Feng Lai?" Yu Yu saw his smile open in his eyes. The child's eyes were clearer than the stream. "My name is Yu Yu."

Feng Lai looked at her with a sigh of relief, as if she didn't know what she meant. Yu Yu pondered for a while, the heart of this child was created by the master, like a baby, there is no half-understanding of this world, and I don’t understand her.

Yu Yu wants to get up and leave, wants to pour a cup of tea, but she has not taken a step, the sleeves suddenly and tightly, the child stared at her with a fixed look, a small hand holding her sleeves tightly. Yu Yu stunned and said, "What's wrong?"

Feng did not say anything.

Probably... is afraid of being alone. When Yu Yu thought about it, she bent down and lifted him from the bed. Feng Lai’s hand let her hug, but she subconsciously held her hand around the neck of Yu Yu. He swung his head and breathed on the cheek of Yu Yu.

Yu Yu took him to the table and sat down, let Feng come to sit on his lap. She took the cup, poured him a cup of tea, and then put it on the phoenix's mouth: "Do you drink tea?"

The smell of the fragrance floated into the nose of the phoenix. He blinked his eyes. His eyes finally moved away from the face of the feathers and fell on the green tea soup. He opened his mouth and carefully tasted it. The taste brought him feelings surprised him. His eyes widened and his eyes fell on the face of Yu Yu.

Yan Yu smiled: "Tea." She taught him, "This is tea."




"No, it's tea."


Hearing him for a while, he was surprised, and Yu Yu was also surprised: "You are so smart."

"so smart."

Yu Yu licked his head. When he was chatting happily, the door was suddenly pushed open. The man came into the house with a gloomy face, almost in a questioning tone: "What kind of monsters did Master refine? !"

The smile on Yu Yu’s face slightly converged. She touched the head of Feng’s head and whispered: “Sister.”

When Shen Muyue had not entered the inner room, he angered: "He knows that the previous monsters have hurt the Devils! How many soldiers died because they went to catch the monsters!" She bypassed the screen, but saw Yu Yu in her arms. Holding a twilight-colored child, she gave a slight glimpse. "Whose child is this?"

Yu Yu was silent, and then sighed: "This is the new monster that Master has refined."

When Shen Muyue stunned, Muir was furious: "The ridiculous!" She slammed her sleeves, and the strength of the clothes smashed the screen. After the sound was heard, the silence inside the house, Shen Muyue quietly looked at Yu Yu, "You still intend Continue to help him?"

Yu Yu is silent.

Can not hear the answer, Shen Muyue face iron blue fell to the door.

The screen fragments were smashed by the ground, and the feathers were sitting with some force, and the boring heart could not be said. In fact, she did not question Master. But now the number of monsters is not what they can control. Instead of thinking of other ways to destroy them, it is better to follow the Master’s plan and make a more powerful monster to let him control...

The troubles in my heart were not finished, and Yu Yu suddenly felt that her eyebrows were warm. Feng Xiao’s small fingers fell on her frowning brows and smashed twice, flattening those wrinkles.

Yan Yu Wei Wei, Muir smiled: "Nothing." She took Feng's hand, some helpless thoughts, but Master did make such a child, this ... how can she be assured of so many monsters Throw it to this child.

Fenglai seems to like the feathers very much, always sticking to her and refused to come down. Liu Ming looked at the phoenix and handed it over to Feng Yu for care, and he devoted himself to the process of more busy refining the beast. Liu Ming never gave Yu Yu how to teach him to raise the phoenix. He never said what he should be like. He just wants to let him feed him and let him live. If you talk about it carefully, the only thing you have to say is to let the phoenix come into contact with the monster.

But such a child who doesn't understand anything, how can Yu Yu feel relieved when he alone touches the monster.

She will carry him with him from time to time. Feng Lai is very clever and sensible, and learns everything quickly. However, in ten days, he and Yan Yu went in and out of the alchemy room, and occasionally helped her to fight. Even with the help of Fenglai, Yu Yu is still busy, and in addition to taking care of Fenglai's daily diet, this is half a month.

In the middle of the DPRK’s criticism of the monsters, the elders invited Liu Ming and his disciples to go to the forum to discuss the monsters. The squadron’s food was arranged before he left. .

No one thought that the discussion in this meeting was a full three days. The elders intended to persuade Liu Ming to give up the monster. However, Liu Ming refused to retreat and stalemate for three days. Finally, Liu Ming walked away and said: It is a foregone conclusion that the monsters attacked the heavens, and the opponents can leave."

The elders could not, but they had to disperse the meeting.

Yu Yu was also able to go out of the House of Representatives. When he returned to the room, he did not see the phoenix. He asked him to stay in the alchemy room for three days and three nights. Yu Yu looked for it, and Fang Yi pushed the door into the house and saw the phoenix. He reached out and smashed something into the stove that was still burning. Yu Yu was so scared that he hugged him. He could not help but drag him out. Feng came to call: "Wait! Wait! I have to get it!"

The phoenix came to great strength, and Yu Yu couldn't earn him. When he took out the things, a dirty face was full of smiles, but Yu Yu only looked at his sleeves and pinched his arms up and down to check. Once again, until I was sure that I was not burned, I let go of my heart, but my heart was calm, and the fire could not help but rise. She was very angry and said: "You don't want this arm! Knife to me, I Come on!" The words are fierce, and I think it is anxious.

Feng Lai was smashed, and the things in his hand just had to be held in front of Yu Yu’s face, and he came back silently. He really turned a knife from the Dan furnace and handed it to Yu Yu, then stretched his arm. Go out.

Yu Yu stayed and squatted with the phoenix: "Do you think I don't dare to blame? Are you forcing me?"

"If you want to be jealous, give it to you." His eyes didn't dodge, just like saying, what do you want, I will give it to you.

Yu Yu looked at him, and for a moment he didn’t know what it was like. In the face of Feng Lai, he stood for a long while, and finally took the knife in his hand and threw it to the side. He slammed his eyes and hit him on his head, but the strength of the final fall was incredibly light, and the phoenix came quietly. She was there, but she saw a helpless smile on her face: "Bad boy."

Feng Lai allowed Yu Yu’s hand to linger on his head, and he did not know that the look in his eyes was mottled like her broken light.

Yu Yu suddenly stopped his hand and then gestured for a while: "Are you growing too fast?" she asked. "How do you feel suddenly a lot higher?"

Feng Lai did not answer this question, but handed the things in his hand to Yu Yu: "Dan medicine." He said, "It should be able to eliminate fatigue."

It’s this thing that drums up the three days and reaches for the fire. Yu Yu took the medicinal herb and put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it. Then he sighed: "This... toxic..."

The phoenix came to a glimpse, like the moment when the strength was exhausted. He looked at his expression and immediately smiled. As soon as he swallowed the medicinal herbs, Feng Feng was surprised and reached out to stop, but Yu Yu Has swallowed, his heart is tight: "琉羽!"

"It's okay." Yan Yu smiled. "Although there are one or two smiles of toxicity, it is extremely effective in relieving fatigue. Thank you Fenglai."

Feng Lai’s look at her is that today, he understands two emotions, one is loss, and the other is distressed, or perhaps, it is called heartbeat.