MTL - Ace Evolution-Chapter 12 return

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When he woke up, Fang Lin felt rejuvenated and spent 20 points. He bought steaming meals directly in the Nightmare Space, filled his stomach, and went to the self-made exercise ground in the Nightmare Space for a full round. For orientation training, his willpower is extremely strong, and it is also a well-known record. After training in turn, he actually improved his attribute value again!

However, the further back this is, the greater the potential of the body is tapped, the harder this ascension.

At this time, the nightmare mark on his chest was displayed again. To be precise:


You have stayed in the nightmare space for a long time, and there is 2 hours and 28 minutes before the 30-hour deadline. Please choose to enter the nightmare world or return to the real world.

Fang Lin was so confused that he could return to the real world? Under the guidance of the mark, he came to a small door on the west side of the space. After entering there, it was like an elevator. After the door was closed, a sealed space was formed. There was a red light flashing on it, and soon a message came to me.

"Equipment in your Nightmare World has been forcibly removed and stored in a private space."

"In the real world, you can't reveal any information about the nightmare world to ordinary people, whether active or passive."

"The special skills you get from the nightmare world, try not to use them in the real world."

"After leaving the nightmare world, you cannot enter again after seven days."

"When the Nightmare Mark becomes hot, you must return to the Nightmare World within 24 hours to take over the task, return to the method, and concentrate your mind on the Nightmare Mark as you walk down the stairs."

"Time in nightmare space is not synchronized with the real world."

Although the information did not mention what would happen if these rules were violated, but the harsh and cruel meaning was ready to come out. As long as Fang Lin thought of the end of Wanqiang Wanlang, he would never want to try the consequences of violating the order, etc. After the message was sent, the door opened again, and Fang Lin suddenly appeared in front of him a dark, long staircase. He took a deep breath and slowly stepped up the stairs. Soon there was a bright light before him. Going up the stairs, it is the fondue hall of the "odd fragrance"!

He secretly exclaimed in his heart. Suddenly, the foreman Amei screamed and ran in from outside, and saw Fang Lin standing here, regardless of the usual restraint. She was horrified and cried:

"Wang Qiang! Wan Qiang, he was drunk! He just ran out and was killed by a car!"

Yun Fanglin sank! Wan Qiang clearly died in the nightmare space, and today's death must be to give him a reasonable excuse in the world! I believe that if I died in the world of the round table warrior, then I am killed by a car, I am afraid that it is just two poor people!

此时 He looked at the clock hanging on the wall at this time, and spent almost a week in the nightmare world. At this time, the real world was only half an hour later. However, full of energy, agility and speed, and the often invisible tattoo on the chest reminded Fang Lin clearly that it was not a dream! It's a harsh but hopeful reality!

The corner of Fang Lin's mouth rose slightly, and he pressed his temples lightly with his fingers --- --- This is the habitual movement he had developed from severe neurological headaches in the past --- --- --- he has begun to formulate in his mind Plan to strengthen your body.

Uh ...............

Because the physical fitness has been strengthened, with the help of several quick Sanda and Taekwondo guides bought on the book stand, Fang Lin insisted on using basic boxing skills, basic skills, and basic skills in just two weeks. The basic skills became LV1, but he later found out that if he wanted to further improve to LV2 through practice, unless he had some strange encounters, and the expert instructed him, he would have to practice for years!

However, he was pleasantly surprised to find another thing, that is, when chopping ribs, although the real cutting operation cannot be started directly, but whenever the "aura of light" appeared, only a few knives chopped the ribs. When the rules are equal, the blue bar symbolizing the experience of the actual cutting skill level will rise a little. Although it only appears to be one percent at a time, but Fang Lin has to wave his sword 10,000 times a day? As less is accumulated, this also becomes a great opportunity for exercise.

When Fang Lin chopped pork ribs and chopped chopped ribs with great enthusiasm, there were dozens of cases of vomiting and spitting in this city. Just after the SARS incident, people were smelling infectious diseases, but they were afraid of cholera Together, the city's catering industry closed down for rectification. Even if the strange fragrance business is booming, how can there be finished eggs under the nest? Boss He's expression was naturally wonderfully tight, but he had no choice but to take a vacation.

In this way, Fang Lin had nowhere else to go, but he was not left with nothing to do. He would analyze and collect some of the data about the nightmare world --- because he discovered that nightmare Most of the world's blueprints have changed from the booming arcade games! So everyone else can see that this guy who often misses school seems to be hooked on the game again. He holds the magazine in this area all day and shakes his head while sighing, but he doesn't know that Fang Lin is doing the most for survival. Hard work!

On this day, the sun was shining, and their dormitory was on the top floor again. There was no thermal insulation layer on it. It coincided with a power outage. A small bedroom was stuffed with eight people and turned into a steamer.

建议 This suggestion was immediately responded. These hot and hot party forests were easily tolerated, but he adhered to the "ordinary" and "not exceptional" principles, and rushed to the school's swimming pool with the stream.

Hagimoto has always been one of the best high-temperature cities in the country. The summer heat is fumigating the ground, and the sun is actually not very big. There seems to be a layer of dark gray crickets in the sky to filter out the bright of daylight. The rest is just the kind of thick stuffiness and heat, which sticks to the skin intimately, and in this case, I believe many people will think that there is nothing more exciting than swimming in the rippling swimming pool. Is it?

Unfortunately, Fang Lin didn't think so.

He hesitated for a while beside the pool with black and white marble tiles, always wondering if he wanted to flow into the wavy blue pool in front of him. I don't know why, from his childhood to today, he has always had a natural fear of water, even though the swimming pool in front of him can be regarded as high-grade even if it is placed in the whole country. Equipped with high-end air conditioners and sound-absorbing panels, as well as an automatic circulation filter system, an automatic water control system, and an automatic thermostatic device, he is fully staffed, but I don't know why, he still has the desire to exclude from the bottom of his heart.

There are people everywhere in Ouchi, men and women.

He took a deep breath and recalled the movement of others diving, and "plopped" into the water in front of him.

Two minutes later, the Fang Lin wolf, who was stunned and turned dizzy, climbed up his hands and climbed up. When he entered the water, his heart was very disturbed, his hands and feet were moving, his breathing was disordered, and he forgot to forget it. At this time in the water, I actually groaned a few sips of water and coughed violently. I just felt that there was a white water bubble in the water, and I couldn't reach the edge everywhere. Messing around, can't get to the bottom anyway.

When he was busy, Fang Lin's left hand was suddenly aching, and he suddenly realized that he must have hit the poolside. At this time, he couldn't care about the pain, and he hurriedly grasped it. This stabilized the center of gravity and emerged. After lying on the water, I lay on the edge of the pool and breathed for a while. I just felt the hot pain in my hand. I lifted it up and took off a large piece of oil, and my ears buzzed. I must have filled a lot of water. Go in.

The roommates next to the grandmother laughed together. The boss Geng Qiang in the bedroom was very good. He just pierced and hugged Fang Linshengsheng to the shore. His intention was just a joke. Fang Lin also suddenly lost his balance and thrashed in the water. Suddenly he felt solid in his hands. There seemed to be something to do, and he grabbed it instinctively.

Anyone who ca n’t swim knows that once you lose your balance in the water, your heart will naturally be a little flustered, so Fang Lin's grasp is actually unconsciously exerting his full strength. He immediately heard a scream in his ear, and he quickly let go of his hand, but he saw a girl in front of her face flushed with redness, crying over her chest.

He immediately returned to God and understood what was happening. When he wanted to come to his unconscious grasp, he pinched the vital part of the girl, and the force at the time was too heavy, at least it was bruised. group. But in this case, can she be exposed for injury?

When I encountered this kind of thing, UU read the book Fang Lin was naturally a little sorry, but he knew that at this time, no matter how he explained it, it was getting darker and darker.

"I'm from class 204 of the new civil engineering department this year. It's called Fang Lin. Come to me if you have any questions."

He said, he climbed ashore. His observation was very sharp. When he got up, he noticed that the girl's white skin on the inner thigh had a birthmark of red and rosy plum blossoms. The two phases were quite beautiful.

After these twists and turns, Fang Lin didn't have any thoughts about swimming. When several damaged friends in the bedroom came back, he was laughing and joking. He always joked about this. Mao Wei saw that Fang Lin always looked at the collected information and took pictures. After filming his evil smile:

"How does it feel?"

Fang Lin gave him a look of anger, but he felt an indifferent taste in his heart. Suddenly, he felt a thirst in his throat and eyes. Although he was calm and calm, his mental quality span was even mature like a forty-year-old middle-aged man. Years man. But after all, he is just a teenager less than twenty years old, and his body is instinctively craving the opposite sex. To humans, this situation is called the beginning of love sinus, and to the beast, it is a kind of naked mating.

Geng Qiang said with regret:

"The girl is a sophomore, called Hu Jia. I heard that her father is the deputy director of the city ’s public security bureau and also the captain of the special police team. There are many people who pursue her, but I am afraid you are in trouble today. "

Wu Fanglin heard the silence, but raised his eyebrows.

Suddenly, the door of the bedroom was kicked open! The iron door buckle was slammed out by a strong student, and brought wood chips to hit Mao Wei's head next to him, screaming, and tears were streaming out. Four or five tall and burly boys came in, headed by The man said coldly:

"Who is Fang Lin?"