MTL - Ace Evolution-Chapter 7 Skill Variation

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The two hurried through the chaotic town and went out together, but after seeing a special trip, Marcey did not wear a armor and a weapon, but held a shovel in his hand until the villagers who followed him watched. After dispersing, the stout man looked at Fang Lin sincerely:

"Roland, can you keep a secret for me?"

Wu Fanglin heard the word secret, and her heart moved, but she groaned on the surface:

"It depends on what it is. If there is something that might harm the town, I cannot guarantee it."

"No," said Marcel anxiously. "My love for this town is even greater than my love for Marina! I just hope you don't tell what you will see when you see it."

Wu Fanglin nodded his head at this moment. Marce went with him to the woods outside the village, and began to dig under a big tree. Soon a set of dark bodysuits was dug out. When Marce wore a thick body, he put on his head. The horned black hooded helmet with two horns holds a small round shield on the left, and the weapon is a hammer with dense barbs! The whole body is protected by heavy iron armor, and it looks like a stable and low iron fortress!

造型 This look made Fang Lin quite familiar. After thinking about it immediately, he realized that this is not the short trainee knight (BUSTER.S) with a horned helmet that will appear in the second act?

Marce sighed when Fang Lin couldn't keep his eyes on:

"Actually, I was part of the army of the evil archduke Gary Poti, but after a serious injury, the horse was scared off the battlefield and brought me here. It was Marina who saved me and helped me hide my identity. Since then, I have changed my faith and just hope to live here peacefully. "

忽 He suddenly raised his head and said firmly:

"I don't want anyone to destroy it! Even the army of Galibodi!"

Tong Fanglin nodded, and sighed deliberately and patted his shoulder. The corner of his lips has risen slightly when turning his back. In his speculation, Marce's strength is equal to multiple swordsmen, but at present, his strength is afraid to be much stronger than he had assumed in advance!

……………… ..

The two hurried along the road to the place where Marina was robbed, and soon met an escaped refugee who told them that the army of the evil archduke Galliburdi had been divided into three roads and began to surround them. The ransacking of some towns with no resistance, in fact, did not require his guidance at all. The thick black smoke rising from the distant horizon had already pointed out the direction for Fang Lin and Marce.

The closer the place was ransacked, the more the sight appeared. Some children were killed alive. Some women were naked, but their **** were cut off. Looking at all this, Fang Lin was shocked on the surface. Look, and Marce's face was covered in a heavy heavy iron helmet, he could not see his expression at all, but could only feel his inner anger from that thick breath!

Masked slaves began to appear in front of them. Their blood-stained lilac sleeves looked particularly conspicuous. These people were chasing and killing fleeing civilians, presumably because Marce's costume made them familiar. There were several masked slaves. Came unguarded, they also pulled the hair of a young crying girl, wanting to show their respect to come and offer offerings.

I responded to them with a thick, barbed steel hammer.

Fang Lin, who was behind Marce, secretly stunned, watching the heavy giant madly sweeping and smashing in the mask slave. He was really like a mad tiger, and he even saw a masked servant who was terrified by Mar. The small thick iron shield in the hand of the plug hit in the front, screamed and flew out more than three meters high, and Shengsheng would smash the wall of the nearby house, and then no more sound.

It wasn't until Marce stopped gasping that he was gasping, Fang Lin finally found out that within a few hundred meters, there were no more living people --- the blood of the invaders and the invaded, All flowed on the ground and melted together, and the steel hammer had been dyed bright red, and even a mixture of hair and flesh could be seen on it. Seeing such a flesh-and-blood slaughterhouse-like scene, although Fang Lin felt a little horrified, he saw a faint light on the bodies of some masked slaves. He was so happy that he grabbed the corpse to find the key, and finally A total of dozen wooden boxes were collected. I just didn't find any good things after turning them one by one, it was nothing more than inferior replies and inferior equipment.

Fang Lin doesn't plan to complete his first task at this time, but some things he can't take away, and it feels a pity to let them disappear. Suddenly, I think of the new chicken rib skill that I learned yesterday: cutting, just take it out. The short sword beside him practiced.

不 I do n’t know if I do n’t practice it. After the first practice, Lin only knew that the skill of this skill was incomplete. There were dozens of items that did n’t have the same success. Instead, they cut two things completely and disappeared! And after a prop is cut, no matter what the result is, it cannot be cut again.

I saw that there was only one rye bread (inferior quality) with 30 points of physical strength left in front of me. Fang Lin took the dagger in his hand and was determined to make full use of this last chance. He compared it with a dagger, and suddenly a very strange feeling appeared in his heart, as if holding a thick-backed chopping knife in the real world, facing the mountain-like ribs.

I was still in my heart, but my hand was cut without hesitation!

Suddenly, that strange feeling came to mind. Whenever it appeared, Fang Lin was able to overcome the defects of his genes in the real world and successfully surpass himself! But at this time, he was in another mysterious world, using his unique skills!

安静 The rye bread lying quietly in the box was suddenly cut into three pieces evenly!

Wu Fanglin was still immersed in that wonderful experience at this time. It took a while to return to God, and tried to pick it up in the box with his hand. Leng Buphan stretched out a large hand and grabbed it with a slap. Who wasn't Marce?

拉 The rude man pulled off the mask and shoved the loaf of bread in his palm into his mouth, chewing a few snoring words:

"It tastes great, you're a good cut."

Tong Fanglin was a little stunned, but fortunately there was a piece of bread left at the bottom of the box. He picked it up and the information immediately appeared:

"Rye snacks (general), category: food, portable, effect: restore fifteen physical strength in 80 seconds."

"This ..." He was shocked at once --- --- Rye bread that had only returned a total of 30 points of physical strength after cutting was divided into three pieces, and each piece could return 15 Click on the physical strength value, then the total resilience will rise to forty-five points, an increase of 1.5 times! And there are also attributes that can be carried, that is, if you are in a disadvantage during the battle, you can also slowly recover after eating a piece!

He looked at his cutting skills at this time, but found that he changed his name:

"Real Slicing: This is a mutant skill that combines your own mental power with cutting. This skill is unique to the round table warrior world. Using real cutting will consume 1 mental power. The effect of real cutting LIVE1 : You can process and divide the obtained loot. There is a 3% chance to process high-level unknown treasures, a 60% chance to increase the value of the loot, and a 6% possibility to make the loot change. A 21% probability may cause The processed items completely disappear. Note: When processing equipment, the chance of completely disappearing will double. The cutting range is limited to white, blue equipment, food, and some valuables. This mutation skill can only be advanced through the accumulation of proficiency , Unable to use potential point boost. "

(Supplementary note: The equipment in this world is divided into white, blue, gold, dark gold, and purple. There are also green suits, and each color of equipment is divided into low, medium, and high. The attributes of white and high equipment , Close to the attributes of blue inferior equipment. The 60% chance of real cutting increases the value of loot means that the inferior equipment can be upgraded to medium, and if the quality of the equipment itself is superior, it can be upgraded.)

Previously, Fang Lin was cut with a single knife, and the real cutting operation was successfully launched. The rye bread (inferior quality) was processed into rye snacks (ordinary), which not only improved the quality, but also changed its nature from non-portable to portable. This is the transformation of the cutting ability!

At this time, Marcey squeezed rudely, holding Fang Lin with one of his big hands, and said impatiently:

"Hey, go."

Wu Fanglin was still remembering the wonderful feeling of the previous cut, and frowned:

"and many more."

Suddenly he felt a pain on his face, and then turned round, and a salty taste poured out from the bottom of his tongue. At this time, his cheeks became hot and painful. When Fang Lin recovered his mind, the terrible one was still stained with blood. The huge hammer had pointed at him ruthlessly, and Marcey stood in front of him like a clumsy killing machine, his eyes bloody:


Wu Fanglin read from his eyes a serious and intense intention to kill. The years of murderousness that Marce had suppressed in his heart finally broke out, which made his spirit reach a paranoid madness! Fang Linmo climbed up silently, not frustrated by the heavy blow, but instead seemed to capture something in the chaotic thoughts, but lacked a key clue to link it.

The next destination the two men went to was the neighboring village that was also attacked. At this time, the horse on which they arrived was too afraid to approach Marse, who looked like a beast, even as far away as he was. , Also hoarse and hoarse.

As in the previous town, here is still full of killing, blood, plunder and death, Marcel's throat suddenly uttered a beast-like grunt, Fang Lin followed his gaze and found the tallest building in the town, before the church, A fairly new carriage was parked. It was Marina's carriage. There were dozens of people hanging from the roof of the carriage. Their expressions were distorted and painful. Obviously, they had suffered a great deal of torture during their lifetime. And rest in peace.

Fang Lin barely distinguished a few familiar faces from the head. After all, in the bar last night, the victims were drinking with him. The only thing worth comforting is that among the dozens of victims No women.

- - - - - -- Of course, it can also be understood that what Marina is facing now is probably more terrible than death.

At this time, Marcel had rushed up crazy, and the two masked servants of the carriage were smashed and deformed almost instantly, and the semi-covered door of the church flew in immediately, but then came in With a huge sound of metal clashes, Marce, who burst in like a bull, hurled back, and there were already obvious cracks and dents on the small black thick iron shield on his left forearm.

Soon after, a heavy shield sledgehammer wearing a horned helmet came out. His armor and weapon style were exactly the same as those of Marce, except that the color was fiery red. The man looked up at Marcy, who was breathing, and said in a buzzing voice:

"Traitor, today is your death!"

He raised the red one-handed sledgehammer in his hand, and 咚咚 咚咚 rushed towards Marceau! Both men were stout and short, and combined with their heavy body armor, Fang Lin estimated that their total weight was more than half a ton. The two men hugged and slammed into a residential building across the road. Here, the poor house collapsed immediately, arousing the dust of the sky!

Fang Lin pondered calmly next to him. Naturally, he would not let go of this great opportunity. He rushed into the church in three steps and two steps, and directly slashed a sword with a terrified mask slave ------- ----- Then saw the unconscious Marina being laid flat on the stage.

At this time, I heard the sound of two barbaric warriors fighting each other and hitting each other's armor with a bang. Fang Lin hesitated instead. He suddenly flashed his eyes, and started the Nightmare Mark to review the hidden mission received. The mission goal: Help Marce to see Marina and read the sentence carefully. A cold smile appeared.

方 When Fang Lin approached Marina, she woke up leisurely. When she saw a familiar person, she instinctively jumped up and hugged him, crying:

"Roland! Are you here to save me? Jack are all dead!"

Wu Fanglin said slowly:

"Yes, I came with Marce to save you."

Marina's face suddenly showed fear:

"Marce! Did he put on that evil armor blessed with the power of the demon again?"

Wu Fanglin nodded, meaningfully:

"For your lovely angel, UU reads He would rather fall into the devil. Your love will bear witness to eternity in this church."

Marina still had time to think about it. Suddenly, she felt a cold on her stomach. At this moment, Fang Lin even drew the short sword in his hand from the top to the bottom, pierced through Marinan's lower abdomen, and continued to penetrate upward. Deep into her throat!

No one can live after such an injury.

So she was very simple and died directly. Open eyes were filled with pain, unwillingness, and doubt. Fang Lin then quickly and calmly torn Marina's skirt, disguised as a style that had experienced intense struggles, and deliberately exposed her thighs. The snow-white thighs and the dark red blood formed a sharp contrast Fang Lin deliberately added some injuries to his body, picked her up and walked outside the church.

When passing the corpse of the masked slave before, the expressionless Fang Lin stepped on the corpse's throat and crushed the larynx and neck bone. He was so careful to prevent this Everything leaked out possible.

Twenty-four miles has become a ruin, and under the fighting between these two iron monsters, few buildings in this era can withstand their collision.

It was clear that Marce had fallen from the wind at this time. One corner of his helmet had even been broken, and cracks appeared in many parts of his black armor. A large amount of blood flowed from his mouth and stained his denseness. Beard. Little splashes on his thick black armor!

She Fanglin ran out in grief at this time holding Marina with a painful expression:

"Marce! I'm late! They want to insult Marina, she refuses to obey, and the mask slave saw me rushing in again, panic! Just kill her!"