MTL - Ace Evolution-v13 Chapter 30 Huaiguizhuang

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The ancient Chinese martial arts were divided into five categories: "golden wood, water, fire and soil" according to the five elements. They are all very magical spells. They can glide thousands of miles away with the power of nature in an instant, which is dizzying and difficult to adapt. However, in order to perform this kind of martial arts, you must perform preliminary preparations. For people / monsters with higher Taoism / monster power, the shorter the preparation time required to perform martial arts. Even if the mana with high mana such as Guan Shiyin can reach the level of smooth hair.

However, for Yao Gonglin, who has absorbed the soul of the demon dog Da Li, he is far from being able to achieve this skill of smooth hair, but he is also quite skilled in this way. The moment he turned back, it was confirmed that the enemy could not catch up with him within five seconds. He opened his mouth and sprayed a thick red fog to wrap himself in it, forming a layer of hazy shield. At the same time, Yao Gonglin has chanted a spell and combined it with the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth. As long as the short three seconds have passed, he can successfully escape and return to the safe area!

But all of a sudden, an indescribable icy feeling spread throughout Yao Gonglin's body. He only felt that the scenery around him suddenly twisted like a water wave, turning into a huge multi-colored vortex, and he was in the center of the vortex It seems that the sky is dark and dark at night. Immediately after that, a dazzling light came to his eyes!

The light was so clear and true that Yao Gonglin's eyes came with an intolerable tingling, and then a huge evil vertical eye appeared in his eyes, sharp and deep, the feeling passed from the vertical eye. It's not endless suction, but a crashing invisible push. Yao Gonglin seems to feel that his three souls and seven souls have been torn off piece by piece like petals, and then ethereal under the dark clouds!

In this great fear, he couldn't help speeding up the process of chanting the spell, but was shocked to find that Baixian Bailing's spell was actually invalid, and then a calm and cold figure emerged slowly from the rear. Sneer:

"In front of me, it's really stupid to want to escape with the ability to chant a spell!"

Fool Title Skill: Degenerate Aura!

The effect of this skill can only make it extend the skill casting time by 25%. In the case of instant skills, the mental energy consumption increases by 30%. However, Fang Lin is now upgrading the pupil of the fool again, so the degenerate aura can also mislead the plot characters, causing their skills to suffer intense interference and causing failure, but the chance of failure depends on the spiritual power of the caster himself. It is also determined by the subject's own mental strength against the surname. Yao Gonglin is obviously unable to resist Fang Lin's mental power, so his dream of performing the Five Elements of Puppet Art was immediately strangled in the cradle!

Yao Gonglin is one of Yang Ming's six nominal brothers. He originally had his own extraordinary ability, but his ability is to favor first-class assistants, and the focus is to strengthen the grasshead **** and the other brothers who are righteous. However, because of the difference in his thoughts, he was greedy and abrupt, and he had the idea of ​​devouring himself, and ran to follow Fang Lin. As a result, he was occupied by Fang Lin. The giant fern fossil spear lent to Fang Lin was naturally restrained by his hands and feet. In fact, if Yao Gonglin's evaluation in space is not inferior to that terrible pocket sea urchin king, it is the existence that Fang Lin must use the ultimate killing "absolute nothingness" to knock down.

His own martial arts failed bizarrely. In addition, the person in front of him looked like a mountain, a cliff, standing upright, and a sea of ​​anger. Yao Gonglin's eyes were red, and he was wheezing and panting, but he had the illusion of a dead end. He could only grit his teeth:

"Dare you touch me, big brother will never let you go!",

Fang Lin looked down slightly, a sneer appeared on the corner of his lips:

"Oh? The elder brother you are talking about is Yang Ye, right? I regret that I have always let others go, but not others. Let me say that Yang Ye is probably my trip. The goal!"

At this time, Yao Gonglin had nothing to say and nothing to say. He stared resentfully at Fang Lin, seeming to deeply engraved his image temperament and even a trace. Fang Lin raised his hand, and a lilac flame had hit the ground. Even Yao Gonglin, who had a great loss of heart, felt the vicious meaning of burning the musculoskeletal in that flame. He yelled, leaping into the sky, and suddenly felt the stars shining in the sky-but immediately woke up, it just rained during the day, and the moonlight was not dim, let alone starlight-just when he realized this At one point, a huge horrible beam of light had fallen in the sky, pure and bright, covering Yao Gonglin in the center.

Space-based Ion Cannon!

Under the action of powerful weapons in this super-tech era, Yao Gonglin's flesh quickly scorched and blackened, scoring several corpses, but from the ground he had previously stood on, he suddenly jumped out of three black shadows, flinging in three different directions. go with! However, when encountering the beam of light of the space-based ion cannon, it was impossible to break through the area covered by the beam of light, which was extremely painful.

Fang Lin said lightly:

"You're playing a ghost trick, and you want to escape my eyes. For me, pretending to be strong is useless, and deliberate weakness is not cheap."

Yao Gonglin had a desperate expression on his cheek that was completely scorched by the Space-based Ion Cannon. His skull burst suddenly, as if struck by a huge hammer with a heavy hammer on top of his head. The soul of the demon dog with a long waist and a neck, taking advantage of the opportunity that the power of the space-based ion cannon has weakened, broke the mask in one fell swoop and escaped everywhere.

But the ground suddenly rushed out a mini creature with a big mouth, a big head and a short figure. It was just a childish version of Barbie like a big head doll. It bit the soul of this mighty monster dog with a big mouth. Dropped and swallowed. Then the look of slackness suddenly refreshed, and then the scars on the body disappeared.

"How's the taste? I won't get upset anymore," Fang Lin picked up the key that had fallen from the ground, and said lightly.

Bobby nodded and nodded contentedly.

Fang Lin calmly said:

"It's best to restore the heyday. We have to find out the unlucky **** before the news of Yao Gonglin's death. After this small period of calm waves, it is almost impossible for us to have such a free movement." , ...

Apparently, the vision caused by the impact of the space-based ion cannon has shocked many people. But for most people, it will only be regarded as a rare and reasonable scene where the stars fall, and it will not be mixed with Grandpa Yao, who has to shake his feet. Fang Lin also has his own hardships, because if he uses the skills of Bajieji, he will eventually be able to hook up with the power of nature. For a man such as Yang Yan who is extremely powerful, he cannot find himself from these clues. However, it is not difficult to guess and determine some of their own attack methods.

The only thing that makes Yang Yan bewildered is the super-technical force from the future!

Fang Lin and Bobby smoothly sneaked into the farm under the Erlang Temple outside the Guankou. This farm occupies a large area, and because there are often "miracles" in the local area, there are many sly little landlords in order to escape the service. Taxation is also a collusion between the industry and the management of the farm, and it is linked to the name of the farm. The less tax is paid equally by everyone. If it was elsewhere, the local officials could naturally seize it directly in the name of a demon, but no one dares to do so here. Unless he wants the whole family to be drowned in the next Minjiang River next day.

The direct consequence of this incident is that Fang Lin underestimated the difficulty of finding the unlucky raccoon and overestimated his ability to find people. So he can only resort to powerful magic magic. When he controlled the seventh person, he finally got a very valuable information: Although there are only four beasts on the side of Lao Hetou in Dongzhuang, it is necessary to push for good food. When it was grinding, it could bear the work of twenty animals!

Fang Lin didn't say anything, just like the old man from Dongzhuang flew to the past, but he just walked to the door of Dongzhuang, and his heart made a noise. Because the layout of the entire Dongzhuang is quite strange, it forms a diagonal "H" shape. The two large locust trees planted in the center of Zhuang are lush branches and leaves ~ ~ forming the front line in the words. Huai is a ghost in the wood. It has always been a yin and yin. If it is cool in summer in the locust forest, it is easy to catch a cold and get cold. There are two giant locusts in Zhuangzi that set the tone. Not only will people become sick, but also the newly-caught **** will lay eggs, the newly moved men will shrink, and even rabbits, chickens, Ducks, etc. are difficult to feed and grow, let alone horses, cattle, mules and other large livestock.

Then, according to the information previously obtained, this old man must also be a difficult bone, and the four animals he possessed must not be ordinary beasts, at least it should be similar to the leaked heavenly machine and punished. The existence of the wronged souls here.

Now that many things have been inferred, Fang Lin, despite some anxiety, also understands the principle of insatiable speed, and begins to quietly merge into the shadow, and dives into the old Ho's home.


(To be continued)

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