MTL - Ace Evolution-v13 Chapter 8 Barbie's Ultimate Form

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Break! Barriers of Difficulty Chapter 8 The Ultimate Form of Barbie

The expression on Fang Lin's face was very strange. It was a complex expression intertwined with ambition, confidence and boldness. He smiled lightly:

"What I can't do may not be impossible for me."

Lin Yinshou's charming eyes were cold and poisonous at this time. She suddenly caught Fang Lin's collar and bit her lower lip.

"There are people in the world who can't do what you can't do! You lunatic, we can slowly and slowly strengthen our strength. Are we not progressing fast yet? Is our strength now? Still not strong? Why do you take such a risk? The three of us have been connected since we signed the koF contract, and if you splurge on your life like this, you are irresponsible to us! "

Fang Lin calmly said:

"It's a pity I don't have time to look back now."

He said that there were two bottles in his palm.

Two little bottles.

A bottle is already empty. A bottle is only half full. The crimson liquid inside has a mercury-like character.

An empty bottle was affixed with a piece of paper in beautiful English: and a half-full bottle was also affixed with a piece of paper with maTuRe (麦卓).

Lin Yinxiu paused:

"You ........ are you?"

Fang Lin said lightly:

"Since I summoned the serpent during the war in Zhangliao, I have been thinking about one thing. What would happen if I completely absorbed the blood of the heavenly gods in my current hands? I think at least using the power of the serpent will not be as tired as that day. ! "

"Eight Kingdom Protoss collections are Gounitz (Wind), Chris (Fire), Charmier (Ray), Qishangsha (Ground), Yamazaki Ryuji, Kadi Road (Liana's father died before waking up) Mai Zhuo Weisi. Of these eight people, I already have the blood of seven and a half people. Although the blood of Jiadilu has not been started, I have the blood of the Eight Gods who is stronger and more potential than him. I will combine the power of these eight people. Come out and form my own new powerful force! "

"After I obtained the Crystal Eyelash of the Fool, I realized that it can indeed greatly strengthen the pupil of the Fool's eye, so that I can control the balance of the power in the body. Therefore, I tried to absorb the blood of Maizhuo in my hand before entering the world. A small part ... Now the eight kinds of blood in the body have been blended together. The completely nothing force that has just been exerted has demonstrated my inference is completely correct. Now I have no escape route, either I am swallowed up by this kind of power or I completely tame it. I There is only one way forward and only forward! "

Lin Yinxiu said in tears:

"Why are you so eager for success? Why? Don't we have so much time?"

Fang Lin slowly shook his head and said:

"First of all, I have a premonition. The premonition has been particularly strong recently. It is a feeling of imminent crisis. I believe that the same is true of bayonet Relo, so it is at all costs for me to help them pass the III difficulty."

Speaking of this, Fang Lin's tone is even more solemn:

"Second ... For us, the nightmare space is simply the existence of God. It is almost omnipotent and can control our life and death .... Such a colossal monster actually fell to the need of me, which is almost an ant to him. What does it mean for a general existence to patch its own loophole? "

Lin Yinshou and Lao Hu suddenly stopped. They are both clever people, but sometimes they are blindfolded because Fang Lin gets a lot of benefits from space with his dissociation, so they are thinking about the benefits and nightmare space for them. It is true that the existence of the omnipotent these two conditions together, then really did not consider what Fang Lin said! At this point Fang Lin broke a chill before rising from his back.

"So." Fang Lin took a deep breath, and his eyes were transpired with an aggressive edge: "I need to absorb the soul as soon as possible to complete the complete version of Fool's Crystal Eyelashes. The fool's Crystal Eyelashes will undoubtedly make the fool's pupils. The effect is strengthened more. The stronger the pupil of the fool, the better I can better and better control the terrible increase power of the blood of the Eight Masters. The sooner I master the power, the more I can fully exert its power. The extra benefits brought are already worthless! According to my inference, only one ray of soul needs to be absorbed, and then I can fully absorb and absorb the blood of Metso and wait until the fool's crystal eyelashes are complete. Take control of the power of nothingness! "

After Fang Lin started playing "None", the person seemed to have weakened to the extreme, and the vitality passed away even when the decline reached its peak. He couldn't even see that he was a young man. Although he began to recover quickly after neutralizing the blank mass, that recovery was limited to the surface.

Only when the fool's crystal eyelashes absorbed that ray of soul and caused a qualitative change behind the forest did the forest truly recover from the inside out, and the recovery was quite rapid. At this time, the effort of speaking for at least awhile restored at least 80% of the heyday!

"Let's go." Fang Lin said faintly: "Although we are just like ants in front of Nightmare Space, there is also a saying that people will win the sky. Think of our dream of fighting in this world. Think of our courage to die. The future is vast, but I can say for sure that even if there are earth-shaking changes, our chances of survival are still the greatest because at least I am useful for the nightmare space, as long as it steadily occupies such a first hand and at least the other reincarnation It's impossible to beat us! "

A person walking quietly under the water, quietly, can clearly hear the surrounding water waves slamming on the bottom of the water. Everyone is thinking about their own affairs, especially Hu Huahao and Lin Yinshou, the time when they both followed Fang Lin. It ’s been a long time since the end of the battle, so in the nightmare world, although there is no such kind of instantaneous crisis of life and death in this fierce period of time, it was only mentioned by Fang Lin that if the thorns had a deep crisis in their backs.

In the previous battle with the Pocket Urchin King, it didn't take long for the Pocket Urchin King to come and go if the electricity was fast and incoherent. At this time, it was difficult to move forward because the underwater plants were too lush and completely blocked the line of sight. At present, it can be basically determined that the Fengshui Jixue, which is a trivial location, is the nest of the sea urchin king. The rice had to surface, and Wu Zaofu revisited Yuehua and the surrounding mountains to locate it and determine the location of Fengshui Jixue.

The group continued to travel for more than a hundred meters, and they were about to surface on the water to let Wu Fufu perform positioning again. Suddenly, an ice shield emerged from the dark. Flying in the water in the shape of a diamond, if the electricity is dangdang on the surface of the ice shield, the surface of the ice shield is constantly cracking and decaying, but this guy has goldfish essence, and the genes of the x person, not to mention it is underwater. It was actually a continuous re-condensation of new ice shields to block! Therefore, the large amount of light yellow diamond-shaped rays couldn't break his defense, but the iron needle was also pushed back by a live attack, and it had been repelled by more than twenty meters.

At this time, there was a group of spooky monsters in the giant water grass forest in front of Wakabayashi. Their humanoid skin color was yellow-red, but their hands and feet were strangely thin and slender. The slender bulge grew like a daffodil. There was a Taoist puppet on his head. This water monster has a crooked weird weapon in his hand, which is similar to the one-time item boomerang they received from Fang Lin.

These monsters are the hippocampus of the aquarium. The previous light yellow diamond-shaped rays are that they spit out of the mouth. There are some arc-shaped arc-shaped attacks that are thrown out by them. The hippocampus is good at long-range attacks. The most annoying thing is that they are moving very fast and quite a lot in the water at this time.

After the ranged attack reaches a certain density and strength, it can completely restrain the close-range attack. It's like the cavalry was originally restrained by the long-range attack archers after the modern firearms and firearms were in place, but the cavalry encountered the same long-range force and the end of the heavy gun was a dead letter. Of course, the strength comparison between Fang Lin and this group of seahorses is far from reaching the outrageous disparity between the cavalry and heavy machine guns. However, if dragged here or the power is consumed too much, it is not conducive to rushing to save Tang Seng Especially in the case where Fang Lin has no intention of confronting the Urchin King at present ~ ~ Fang Lin sighed, he suddenly reached out and took out a white round giant from his private space. egg. This giant egg's surface looks smooth. In fact, there are many raised patterns. If you look carefully, the pattern looks like a white cloud on the sky, moves statically, or flows slightly.

This is the giant egg that formed the last fatal blow to Zhang Liao!

The fool's pupil in Fang Linmei's heart shot a pale black light on the giant egg, showing a number of 95%.

"It's almost the same ..." Fang Lin said faintly that the gloves on his palms shone golden light, then a faint flame emerged from purple to blue to blue to black and finally to a colorless transparent giant egg. 95% of the rapid beating reached 1oo% in an instant! Then a clear crack appeared on the egg shell of the giant egg!

Fang Lin actually gave birth to Babi at this critical time of the deadlock!