MTL - Admiral in the Marvel Universe-v2 Chapter 467 Discrimination

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Hearing Strange's words, Thor and Loki froze at the same time, and their calves began to tremble.

After the battle just now, they were very clear about the difference in combat power between the two sides. Asgardians like to fight, but they don't like to be abused. With their current fighting strength, they have no chance to fight against these two people except for all-round beatings. Two possibilities.

Cao Gui rolled his eyes: "I'm not interested, it has nothing to do with me, ah~"

As he said that, he yawned and waved his hand very boringly. The door of the dense space opened, and Cao Gui was taken away. The remaining three stared at each other with big eyes. Isn't it a holiday? Why did you just let it go?

Strange's face twitched. I just sent you over and I was beaten up. They both stabbed you and it's okay?

This is too bullying!

Strange almost crooked his nose with anger, how could he be treated so unfairly?

"Cough...Secretary wizard. Can we leave?" Thor said with a light cough. After seeing the battle just now, he had matured a lot and asked in a tentative tone.

"That's right, we're still looking for our father." Loki was very smart. He knew very well that the reason why Cao Gui didn't do anything to him and Thor was definitely because of his god-king father.

If you don't have your father to control, the end of the two of them will definitely be miserable. Just look at Strange and you will understand. There is no big old man behind him who can appear at any time, so he was beaten and could only swallow it.

In fact, Loki guessed 80% of Cao Gui's thoughts. He didn't act because of Odin's existence, but... more because Odin was dying!

The old guy's time is short, and if he sees his son beating up with a bruised nose and a bruised face, and even sees his last face with a bruised face, he might get angry and drag him to death...

Thinking of this, Cao Gui's scalp felt numb. If the dying person was angry, it would be troublesome.

So Cao Gui didn't do it this time. Anyway, Odin is going to be cold. There are always opportunities when he is not there.

Hearing the words of the two brothers, Strange thought for a moment, opened the space door and sent them out. He didn't know Odin's situation, but Strange didn't want Loki to stay on Earth, the ghost knew what he would do. troublesome thing.

So send it away as soon as possible, and the sooner the better.

However, as soon as the Thor brothers left, the blue-light space door lit up, and Cao Gui walked in again.

"Wang Defa?!" Strange's eyes widened, what's the situation?

"Is there a way to see the situation of the Odin family?" Cao Gui asked: "Odin's behavior is very abnormal. He exiled himself for the first time in countless years, which is very abnormal."

Hearing Cao Gui's words, Strange's expression changed slightly, and he nodded in approval for a moment. When Odin appeared on Earth before and expressed his thoughts of exile, Strange felt that something was wrong.

"Yes, but God King Odin is very strong..." Strange said worriedly.

Cao Gui didn't speak, Dan Dan looked at him, the Supreme Mage was not necessarily very strong, but his methods were outrageous.

Gu Yi is like this, she can't beat Dormammu, but by absorbing the power of the dark dimension and the dimensional array, she has blocked Domamu for countless years.

Strange is even more extreme, calling the Supreme Mage less than a spring and autumn, and can rely on magic to fight back and forth with the four-gem Thanos.

With Cao Gui's current strength, Thanos who hits one gem is confident that he will win. If there are two Thanos, then the situation is a little erratic. If there are three... If the power gem is not among them, Cao Gui is confident that he can resist the first resistance. Yes, let's wash and sleep.

"Well, there is indeed a way..." Strange shrugged and said, the white light of Dandan lit up in his hands, and the Eye of Agamotto slowly floated up.

This thing is a time gem, but it's not just a time gem, it's a magic weapon that monitors dimensions.

Odin belongs to an outsider, and it is reasonable to observe him with this thing. After all, the Supreme Mage does this job.

After a while, white light shot out, turning into a light screen, and a green seaside cliff appeared in the sight of Cao Gui and Strange.

In his sight, Odin looked at the boundless sea dumbfoundedly, with a dazed expression.

"Father, we're here to pick you up," Thor said softly, standing beside Odin.

"Go home? Oh, yes, your mother is calling me..." Odin looked at the sea suddenly and said slowly.

These words left Thor and Loki confused and confused.

Strange's expression changed slightly, and he looked at Cao Gui in surprise. Cao Gui shrugged and nodded.

"Loki, remove your magic!" Thor frowned slightly and said in a deep voice.

Loki shook his head, his face was solemn, and he was silent. He was not like Thor, he heard the meaning of Odin's words.

"Oh, it's really not easy to get rid of your magic." Odin patted Loki on the shoulder: "Your mother will be proud of you."

Saying that, Odin took the hands of his two sons: "Sit with me, I'm running out of time."

As soon as this sentence came out, whether it was Thor, Loki, or Strange who was observing in the mirror space, they all understood that Odin's limit was approaching.

"I didn't expect God King Odin to leave..." Strange looked solemn. As a Supreme Mage, he knew very well why the earth was safe and sound.

The earth is located on the edge of the solar system. It is a remote place in the universe, and its reputation is not obvious. Therefore, low-level civilizations do not know this place, and they are unwilling to come when they know it.

The high-level civilization is afraid of the prestige of the Supreme Mage, and it is not easy to set foot on it. In addition, this place is nominally under the jurisdiction of Asgard, and no one will easily provoke Odin, so the earth has been safe and sound.

However, Master Gu Yi has left, and his successor has not reached the level of Master Gu Yi... at least not yet.

And now, Odin is about to leave, it can be expected that the earth in the future will rarely be peaceful...

Thinking of this, Strange's heart was heavy, and he was eager to improve his strength.

In the light Odin slowly talked about Hela, and told his two sons that Ragnarok had arrived and could not be stopped. After speaking, he turned into gold powder and floated to the sea, completely gone. .

"Sigh..." Strange sighed, although he had expected it, he still let Strange sigh when he saw Odin's departure.

"Don't sigh, there's a worse one over there." Cao Gui pouted and said angrily.

"Ah?" Strange was stunned for a moment. Just now, he was worried about his situation, and he was distracted for a while, and didn't hear about Hela.

But Cao Gui said a word, and he remembered it immediately. Although Odin's words came in from the left ear and the right ear, who was Strange? A true genius, MD.

After nibbling on the book, the others may be average, but the memory is definitely strong enough to have no friends. In a short memory, Strange remembered the matter of Hela.

In the light screen, the dark green light suddenly lit up, and a strange-looking space door appeared, and the elf queen with smoky makeup swayed and walked out slowly.

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