MTL - After Becoming a Male God, I Broke Three Big Guys-Chapter 21 Birthday

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Since he was going to eat at someone else's house, Qiao Yu felt that he should not be empty-handed. As the elevator went down, she turned her head and asked, "Do your parents have any favorite fruits? Let me buy some as a gift."

"No... they don't live with me."


She quickly crossed the topic, "So you are cooking today? Are you going to buy some ingredients?"

"Well... the first floor is the supermarket."

Qiao Yu hadn't been to the supermarket by himself for a long time, and as soon as he got to the first floor, he happily pushed a cart and went straight to the fresh food area.

Ye Xiguang followed her silently to select vegetables. He didn't know her taste and favorite dishes, so he hesitated to ask her, "Qiao Yu, what do you like to eat?"

"I can, I will eat whatever you do." She said casually, "By the way. I don't eat coriander."

At this moment, what he remembered was what she had said not long ago - "A girlfriend can say anything."

Shaking his head to shake out the inexplicable thoughts, he began to choose some dishes that he could cook well.

Next to the fresh food area, there are cooked food, hot pizza, and siomai exuding an attractive fragrance under the warm yellow light. She couldn't help but packed a lot.

Ye Xiguang watched her instruct her aunt to help her wrap up the food she had chosen. At this time, Qiao Yu's face would have an obvious childish expression, and her eyes were shining, like a little boy who was drooling over the food in front of her. hamster.

In this way, she is no longer a dazzling star out of reach, but just an ordinary teenager with fireworks that is within reach.

"Dangdang-" She shook the white plastic bag in her hand, "Tonight we can gather a table full of Han Chinese."

He was also infected by the happy mood she exuded and smiled.

Qiao Yu didn't rob Ye Xiguang at checkout, and he paid the bill together with her cooked food.

"My birthday, I should invite you." He gently blocked Qiao Yu's mobile phone with his hand and could not refuse, as if he had forgotten that it was Qiao Yu's treat before.

Take Line 3 from the subway station near the shopping mall, and take five stops to the neighborhood where Ye Xiguang lives.

Ye Xiguang's house has a scent of literature, there are paintings and calligraphy hanging everywhere, and books are displayed, but it is not very popular.

Qiao Yu's hand brushed the books on the shelf. The authors of those books had the same name - Yi Qing.

"Is Yi Qing your grandfather?" She remembered that Ye Xiguang had mentioned that his grandfather was a writer.

Ye Xiguang was sorting out the ingredients when he heard the words and raised his head, "Yes, that's his pseudonym."

"Do you like writing because of your grandfather?"

"Well... Grandpa has a great influence on me." He paused, "but I can't write as well as he is."

"Who said that? You can't belittle yourself."

"...I've tried to show others what I've written."

"He said you didn't write well?"

"No, he didn't say good or bad." He shook his head, "Maybe he couldn't bear to hit me."

"What if he thinks you're good at writing, but just doesn't want to affirm you?" Qiao Yu looked into his eyes, "It's like a girl who wears extraordinarily beautiful clothes to work one day, but she doesn't get any praise from her female colleagues at the end of the day. ."

"Can her female colleagues see that she's extraordinarily beautiful today? Of course. But if they compliment the girl, they'll feel too proud of the girl."

"So they will deliberately turn a blind eye."

"So, how can you deny your own work because of someone's noncommittal?" Qiao Yu continued, "Maybe you just didn't wait for a generous Bole."

Ye Xiguang listened to every word and every word she said, as if there was a stream of heat pouring into the body somewhere, melting the ice that he thought was indestructible little by little.

"Okay, for your birthday today, I'll reluctantly act as your bole." She spread her hands, "Show me all the novels you've written, and I'll help you taste them. Kam."

"No, no need." In fact, he had some confidence in his creation at the beginning, but if he wanted to show it to her, it would not work.

In case he's actually not that good at writing...

He was afraid of being rejected by her.

"Don't be shy, classmate Ye." She stretched her claws to his schoolbag, "The ugly daughter-in-law also wants to see her in-laws."

So frightened, Ye Xiguang rushed over and hid his schoolbag behind him.

While guarding against her possible sneak attack, he stepped back to the bedroom, "I can't write it now."

Then Qiao Yu heard her silent and reserved classmate solemnly assure her: "If one day I write a good work, I will be the first to show it to you."

"Okay, talk counts."


Since his grandfather's death, Ye Xiguang has lived alone for several years, and has been self-reliant. He tossed out three dishes in less than an hour. He wanted to do it again, but Qiao Yu quickly stopped him.

The small round table was filled with dishes cooked by Ye Xiguang and cooked food from the supermarket. It looked quite rich.

Qiao Yu didn't expect that Ye Xiguang's craftsmanship was not bad, and the dishes he made made people move.

Ye Xiguang was a stuffy gourd, and Qiao Yu didn't plan to provoke the topic, so the two of them ate quietly.

As the sky darkened, and both of them had almost eaten, Qiao Yu suddenly realized one thing - there was no birthday cake for this small birthday party today.

Seeing that it was getting late, she slowly put down her chopsticks and said to him apologetically, "Ye Xiguang, it's getting late, I have to go back."

The happy ending was caught off guard.

Ye Xiguang slowly swallowed the food in his mouth, feeling that his throat was a little blocked.

"I'll drop you off." He wiped his mouth with a tissue and was about to stand up.

Qiao Yu had already put on his schoolbag and was about to leave, "No need, I can find the way myself."

After he finished speaking, he left quickly without giving him a chance.

Ye Xiguang stared blankly at her closing the door, unable to recover for a long time.

The sky was getting dark slowly, but he was sitting in the darkness, the loneliness he had long been used to came up and wrapped him tightly.

Many times, he felt that he was about to suffocate in such loneliness.

At this moment, a doorbell broke the silence, and an unbelievable thought emerged from his mind uncontrollably. He stood up abruptly, rushed to the door, and opened it tremblingly.

The candlelight in the darkness shines especially brightly, illuminating the face of the boy holding the cake.

In her mouth she hummed softly:

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..."

Strong emotions swept his heart, and the scene in front of him was like a surprise from God, so he couldn't tell whether it was in a dream or not.

"Ye Xiguang, it's time to make a wish and blow the candle!" she urged in a low voice.

He approached in a daze, his hands clasped together.

"Ye Xiguang, what wish did you make?"


If there is no accident, Xiaoye should be the worst of the three sons.