MTL - After Being Fancied by a Necromancer-Chapter 3

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"Oh, Cyril! You're finally back safely! I asked Fitz to find you a few days ago, and he helped you find a job in the tavern. I flinched, and later heard from Old John that I saw you going to the Foggy Moon Forest alone! But it made us worry!"

The woman said a long series of words like a barrage of fire.

Cyril turned his head and saw that the person was a tall aunt with brown curly hair.

She was wearing a half-worn dress and carrying a small basket covered with cotton cloth embroidered with roses.

She saw Cyril, with a mixture of joy and worry on her face, which did not seem to be fake.

Cyril, who received the memory, immediately reacted, this is Aunt Maria, and her husband is Fitz, a blacksmith in the small town of Codswood.

The hunter has a lot of intersection with the blacksmith Fitz because of hunting tools, and the two have a good relationship.

Uncle Fitz and Aunt Maria helped Cyril a lot when the hunter died, and took care of him after that.

It's just that the sensitive and stubborn teenager can't accept the kindness of others calmly.

"Bless the goddess of light! Fortunately, you are all right!"

Aunt Maria gave the dirty Cyril a hug without disdain.

The pale and thin Cyril was hugged by the tall Aunt Maria like a chick, and he blushed a little by the warm embrace.

Cyril had never been so close to anyone before.

Before he crossed, he was a small staff member of the Interstellar Cultural Relics Research Institute, which was a remote and unpopular job. In the interstellar age with advanced technology, few people paid attention to those niche "Old Era" things.

But Cyril was a well-behaved and sensible child when he was in the Interstellar Orphanage. When he grew up, he also liked to quietly and quietly ponder those ancient books of the "Old Era" in the corner of the institute.

Since half a year ago, the archaeologists of the Institute brought back many ancient books from the 21st century BC from Blue Star, including a complete set of "Harry Potter" books, Cyril was particularly addicted to that story.

When he was fantasizing about the wizarding world for many days, the system just appeared, saying that it would give him a chance to experience the wizarding world he had been looking forward to.

The next thing is that the system made an error when calculating the coordinates of the plane, and Cyril came to this strange world by accident...

Aunt Maria sighed as she looked at Cyril a little distracted.

She thought that the hunter would not take care of the child before, look at this child.

Aunt Maria warmly invited Cyril to dinner at her house.

"I happened to ask Audrey to make a delicious creamy mushroom bisque for the evening today! And Lucien's favorite kind of nut fried skewers, you can't miss it!"

If the former Cyril would certainly not agree, the boy's self-esteem made him prefer to go to the dangerous foggy forest to make a living rather than be helped.

But now Cyril remembered that his physical strength had dropped to "1", and nodded obediently.

He was really hungry, his limbs were weak, his hands and feet were weak.

Cyril didn't want to walk around in this world without even knowing the wizard.

After that, he will find a way to repay Aunt Maria's family, he is confident.

Cyril followed Aunt Maria to her house and listened to the nagging of this kind lady all the way.

"It's here! You'll have to come more often in the future!"

Aunt Maria laughed.

What appeared in front of Cyril was a semi-old, but very clean and tidy log cabin.

The yard in front of the house is neatly piled with firewood, and the flowerbeds are also scattered.

There is also a simple swing under a large oak tree by the door.

Before he got close, he smelled the fragrant smell of dinner coming from the room.

Cyril's stomach let out a longing cry, "gu-gu-", the sound was not loud, but it could be heard clearly by the people around him, and he suddenly blushed.

Aunt Maria giggled. She gave the thin and pale Cyril a loving look, and felt particularly distressed for this child.

I felt that little Cyril went to the foggy forest alone and became a lot more mature, Aunt Maria sighed in her heart.

"Come in! Sensible Audrey has made dinner! Delicious cream of mushroom soup tonight!"

Aunt Maria led Cyril into the house.

It was dark now, and the warm kerosene lamps in the cabin glowed orange.

The light through the window, accompanied by the warm food smell, makes people relax involuntarily.

When he saw Cyril carrying the rabbit into the wooden house, Uncle Fitz strode over, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Good boy! You have the same ability as your uncle!"

In the past, hunters always called Cyril his nephew.

"But you don't have to worry, there will be opportunities later, take your time! Look at you losing weight again these days!"

Uncle Fitz is a burly middle-aged man with a beard. He has considerable arm strength all year round. With such a shot, Cyril, whose stamina value is only "1", can't stand still and stumble forward. step.

"Fortunately, you didn't go deep into the Foggy Moon Forest! That's not something you can handle!"

Uncle Fitz sighed, and he suddenly stared at Cyril and confirmed: "You are indeed only active on the edge of the foggy moon forest, right?"

Cyril nodded hurriedly, and calmly moved away from Uncle Fitz, who was a little dangerous for him at the moment (for fear that he would give himself two shoulders), raised the rabbit in his hand towards Aunt Maria said, "Mrs. Maria, please cook this for dinner."

Aunt Maria shook her head with a smile, and said, "You're welcome! The rabbit you finally called, this rabbit can be sold at the market for 5 silver coins!"

Cyril was about to say something when Audrey, Aunt Maria's daughter, came out of the kitchen with dinner, her little brother Lucien was following her sister behind.

The two of them were stunned when they saw Cyril who suddenly appeared at home.

Audrey quickly restrained her surprised expression, while her little brother Lucien pouted and muttered something.

Audrey brought a large pot of rich creamy mushroom soup to the table, and went back into the kitchen again, bringing out several good quality fluffy white bread and some nut fried skewers.

Cyril's face was calm, but his heart was looking at the food with anticipation.

After all, the various nutrient solutions of the interstellar age have replaced the traditional cooking diet, only those stubborn and conservative old gentlemen will still retain the kitchen utensils of the old era.

The young Cyril also managed to collect a set of kitchen utensils, and he also found a lot of recipes!

It's just that the busy book archaeology work forced him to choose a more convenient and quick nutrient solution.

He has long been fascinated by all kinds of food before the interstellar era.

Audrey sat opposite Cyril, while she was drinking soup, she caught a glimpse of Cyril eating a simple dinner slowly, her eyes involuntarily staying on him.

She watched Cyril slowly tearing the white bread with his pale and slender fingers, and then slowly dipping the bread into the soup and putting it in her mouth, her face seemed to be happy and contented What are the delicacies of the mountains and seas tasting.

Audrey suddenly had a strange feeling in her heart, she had vaguely known that Cyril was rejected by other boys of the same age in the town.

Cyril didn't go out very often, and Audrey had only seen Cyril a few times in the past.

To be honest, she gave her a bad impression, gloomy and gloomy, not like a teenager of their age at all.

But now, Cyril noticed Audrey, who was sitting across from him, was looking at him obscurely, and he naturally gave her a polite smile.

The pale face may have been slightly flushed by the moisturizing of the hot soup.

A pair of black almond eyes, which were getting bigger due to thinness, curved up gently, and the small tear mole under the left eye was shining.

Under the warm orange candlelight, he has an inexplicable temperament.

Audrey was stunned, her eyes turned away as if she was scalded, and she immersed herself in the soup in a panic, but the girl's earlobes were a little red.

Cyril has changed a lot. He is obviously the same person, but his temperament is completely different.

Audrey clenched the bowl in her hand, wouldn't those boys be jealous of his handsome appearance and reject him?

Stupid, superficial boys, so bad.

Cyril did not notice that someone was resenting the reasons for his gloomy past.

He was engrossed in the wonderful thing of having dinner.

The white bread is fluffy and soft, lightly split, and dipped in a thick cream of mushroom soup.

The fresh and smooth soup slowly penetrated into the honeycomb-shaped pores of the bread, and slowly filled Cyril's empty stomach for a long time.

The nut fried skewers are a favorite food of the small town children. They are wrapped in batter with dried almonds and raisins. They are then fried in a pot. Golden and crispy.

Cyril was content to eat the fragrant nut fried skewers, sprinkled with some Aunt Maria's secret seasoning powder, the taste is so good!

Although he didn't look at the data, he could feel that his physical strength was gradually recovering, "+1+1+1+1...".

Praise the food!

What kind of anti-human invention is that nutrient solution!

Because she made up her mind that she would repay Aunt Maria's family well, Cyril was no longer polite, and she was cheeky, imitating the little Lucien who was just burying his head in eating, and his actions became more and more fast.

He didn't stop until his stomach finally felt full.

Lucien stared at his big brown eyes and watched Cyril eat and eat all the time. He originally wanted to sneer at him, but inexplicably, he looked at the other party enjoying dinner. This calm and focused look even forgot to speak!

When he came back to his senses, he felt annoyed again, Lucien lowered his head, and stopped speaking in a fit of anger.

Aunt Maria and Uncle Fitz looked at Cyril very lovingly and urged him to eat more when they saw him stop.

After dinner, Cyril politely bid farewell to the enthusiastic Aunt Maria and Uncle Fitz, and he was finally able to withstand the couple's hug after he had eaten.

Audrey also nodded to him and said politely, "Be careful on the road, welcome to come again next time." Lucien was pressed by his mother and reluctantly said, "Goodbye ".

Cyril slowly walked towards the home in memory by the moonlight.

There are no night lights in the town, and no one stays outside on the road at this time, only the quiet night and the light of the kerosene lamps from the houses on the roadside.

Cyril finally reached the secluded cabin on the edge of the town. The room was dark, and the courtyard door was unlocked.

He gently lifted the door button up and entered the yard.

The courtyard was empty.

Cyril entered the room, he subconsciously wanted to control his brain to turn on the light, but then realized that this was no longer the original world.

He didn't know what to do next, when he felt a drowsiness sweep over him.

The first day of crossing, this encounter is also exciting, Cyril sighed in his heart.

"Anyway, tomorrow is another day," he muttered.

Cyril lay down on a hard wooden bed in the dark, picked up the quilt next to him and fell asleep.

The author has something to say:

The food is late!

Imitating the owl Zoe tilted her head: "Gugu! What's the plus? Can I eat it?"

The practice of "nut fried skewers" comes from "The Forme of Cury"

"Tomorrow is a new day." From "Gone with the Wind" Scarlett often said: "Anyway, tomorrow is a new day."