MTL - After Being Forced to Marry the Evil Star General-Chapter 56

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In the sight of everyone's curiosity and inquiry, a figure finally appeared at the gate, followed by eight attendants, and the leader was a young man, who looked at the people present with a blank expression and an indifferent expression.

"You are Mr. Zhao?" Prefect Yin stepped forward and asked, "I wonder if Mr. Zhao has a token?"

The man arrogantly handed the token to him, and the group hurriedly gathered together to verify the authenticity, but the man secretly looked at Zhao Yelan and Yan Mingting with a hint of eagerness in his eyes.

With a smile on the corner of Yan Mingting's mouth, he nodded at him.

Li Yucheng opened his mouth wide, staring at the so-called "Master Zhao", isn't he the little servant next to Zhao Yelan?

"It's really Mr. Zhao. This is the token of the imperial envoy." After the magistrate Yin finished speaking, he hurriedly led a group of people to salute, "I don't know if Mr. Zhao is visiting today, so please take a seat inside."

Gao Tan nodded, walked into the lobby, cleared his throat, and said in a dignified manner: "I'll leave you alone, I just came to inform you that I was ordered to investigate the matter, you just need to cooperate with me to handle the matter." .”

"Naturally, I don't know what Mr. Zhao is here to investigate? Is it related to the governor?" Yin Zhifu asked.

Gao Tan waved his hand, signaling him not to ask any more questions: "You just need to follow orders, and I will make arrangements. It's getting late, so I'll go back to the inn to rest. Where is the best inn for you?"

"General Yan is in that inn." Prefect Yin said.

Only then did Gao Tan look at Yan Mingting openly, but he didn't step forward.

Prefect Yin observed the expressions of these two people, they were not close at all, and they could tell at a glance that the relationship was not good. But even so, how could someone as proud as Mr. Zhao allow Yan Mingting to cheat behind his back?

"Why don't I send my lord and the general back together." Prefect Yin rolled his eyes and led the way.

These people also followed, and when they arrived at the inn, Zhifu Yin asked Gao Tan if he needed an extra room, or to live with Yan Mingting.

Gao Tan naturally wants to live separately!

Prefect Yin immediately understood that these two people had their own lives, so he smiled and asked for another upper room for him, both on the third floor. He deliberately stayed and waited for the others to go back to their rooms before starting to talk to Mr. Zhao.

"Lord Zhao has worked **** the journey, rest well tonight, and you will be energetic tomorrow." Yin Zhifu said.

Gao Tan nodded indifferently.

"General Yan has been in Jiangnan for some time, does your lord know?"

Gao Tan nodded indifferently.

"Then there is Mr. Fu Qian who claims to be the most beautiful man in the capital, do you know?" Yin Zhifu hinted a little bit.

Gao Tan nodded indifferently.

"The general has a very close relationship with that Mr. Fu, does your lord know about it?"

Gao Tan nodded indifferently, then shook his head violently: "Fu Qian?"

"Exactly." Magistrate Yin secretly delighted, and immediately began to complain, "My lord, you don't know that General Yan and this Fu Qian are actually having an affair!"

"An affair?" Gao Tan was at a loss.

"Yes, they are behind your back, good job!"

Gao Tan was shocked: "Where is Fu Qian? I'm going to beat him to death!"

"It's right next door!" Prefect Yin hurriedly pulled him back, "Don't worry, my lord. There is no need to rush this matter. Fu Qian was at fault. Could it be that General Yan was not at fault?"

"Next door?" Gao Tan rolled his eyes, and put on a look that no strangers should enter, "That's okay."

"No, all right?" Prefect Yin looked at him in surprise, "My lord, are you sure all right?"

"Oh, I mean, it's none of your business here, and I'll take care of the rest."

The family ugliness should not be publicized, and Zhifu Yin knew it well, and said with a smile: "Okay, if you need anything, you can come to me at any time."

In the middle of the night, the inn returned to silence.

Zhao Yelan's room was not silent at all, first a black shadow sneaked in, and then another black shadow jumped in from the roof.

"My lord, General, I'm here." Gao Tan whispered.

"Okay, you boy, you didn't reveal your secrets." Yan Mingting smiled and patted him.

Gao Tan scratched his head with a smile: "My lord said, as long as I keep silent, cherish my words like gold, and don't show any expressions, I can deceive many people, and no one dares to believe that there will be people at this juncture." Pretending to be an imperial envoy."

Moreover, Gao Tan has followed Zhao Yelan for many years, and he has long been fascinated by his temperament, no one is more suitable than him.

"What did Prefect Yin tell you just now?" Zhao Yelan asked.

"He kept saying that although he and the governor were Weng's son-in-law, they didn't know anything about his collusion with the bandits. He also said...that the general and..." Gao Tan intermittently glanced at Yan Mingting, then at Zhao Yelan.

Zhao Yelan: "You said that Yan Mingting and Fu Qian were cheating behind your back?"


Yan Mingting: "..." Why do these words sound so awkward?

"My lord, is it true?" Gao Tan asked in a low voice.

"Fu Qian is me." Zhao Yelan said.

"Yeah, I guessed it right!" Gao Tan immediately beamed with joy, "Then should I pretend to be very angry?"

"Still as before, don't talk if you can't talk, don't show up if you can't show up."

"it is good."

After Gao Tan returned, Zhao Yelan looked at Yan Mingting, saw that there was still some dirt on his clothes, and asked him to take a bath first.

There was the sound of water in the screen, Zhao Yelan sat outside the screen and asked, "Did you rush back from Quzhou?"


"How many days did it take?"

"Two days."

According to the distance, it would take four or five days at least, but this guy came back so quickly, Zhao Yelan asked, "Why are you coming back so early?"

"You asked knowingly."

"I just want to ask."

"Okay." Yan Mingting smiled, "It's because I miss you and I'm afraid that something will happen to you, so I want to see you soon. Is this answer satisfactory?"

However, he didn't get an answer, only heard slight footsteps, and Zhao Yelan turned around the screen and looked straight at him.

Yan Mingting subconsciously covered the key parts, and then thought, anyway, they are soaked in water, and they are husband and wife, so they are afraid of birds!

The water vapor was so dense that Yan Mingting's face began to turn red. He pretended to be calm and said, "Why, do you want to take a mandarin duck bath together?"

Zhao Yelan twitched the corner of his mouth, walked behind him again, looked down at his back, he was relieved that there was no new injury, and then turned away from the screen, as if he was just here for a casual stroll.

"Are you leaving now?" Yan Mingting poked his head, staring desperately at the situation outside the screen, "Shouldn't you stay for a while?"

"What's there to stay for?"

"Just..." Yan Mingting's mind suddenly recalled the gorgeous scene of the other party helping him wipe his body, his blood surged up, and he said with a flushed face, "Wipe me for me."

"Don't you have long hands?"

Yan Mingting wiped his body sadly, this man was clearly here to tease him on purpose, and he didn't even bother to put out the fire! Damn it!

Okay, since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!

After Yan Mingting got dressed, he sat down beside the bed without saying a word. At that time, Zhao Yelan was already lying down, and he raised his eyelids and looked at him idly.

The next moment, Yan Mingting grabbed his sleeve and slowly pulled it down, exposing his shoulders.

The corner of Zhao Yelan's mouth twitched.

Yan Mingting stripped off the sleeve on the other side, and finally stretched out his hand to untie his belt, and licked his lips pretendingly.

"Don't." Zhao Yelan suddenly pressed his hand, got up and held the bronze mirror to face him, "Take a look yourself, does it look good?"

Yan Mingting took a closer look, and saw that his clothes were partly unbuttoned, revealing his muscular arms, which was neither fish nor fowl, not at all like the half-exposed, lively appearance he imagined.


He pulled off his clothes awkwardly and stiffly, and silently prepared to make the bed. As soon as he took out the quilt, Zhao Yelan pressed his hand and led him to the bedside: "Forget it, for the sake of your hard work, I allow you to sleep on the bed tonight."

Yan Mingting immediately threw away the quilt in his hand, and got into bed quickly, for fear of being kicked off if it was too late.

The candles were extinguished, and the two lay side by side on the bed. They had been separated for a few days, and there were many things they wanted to say, but they couldn't say anything at this time, and they just listened to each other's breathing quietly together.

After a long time, Yan Mingting turned sideways and hugged him in his arms without any explanation. The other party struggled slightly, seeing that he couldn't push it away, he let him go.

Yan Mingting succeeded, and in the darkness, he quietly raised the corners of his mouth, touched his waist with his hand, and let out a "hiss": "Are you losing weight again?"

Zhao Yelan remained silent.

"So thin." Yan Mingting said so, but what he thought in his heart was that he was too thin, would he torture people badly? After all, that matter is physical labor, "No, you should eat more, take care of your body, and look fatter."

Zhao Yelan's face instantly collapsed, saying who is not good-looking? !

Suddenly, Yan Mingting was kicked **** the thigh and was almost kicked off the bed. Fortunately, he managed to stabilize himself, but the other party obviously didn't let him go, and said coldly, "Hold your bedding and get out!"

The cool wind was blowing, Yan Mingting was standing outside the room door with his bedroll in his arms, with an inexplicable expression on his face, secretly thinking that life is miserable.

The next day, Yin Pinglu learned that Yan Mingting had returned to Huaizhou, and immediately went to him and asked, "Where is Zuo Ran? Did you come back with you?"

"No, she returned to Beijing with the team escorting the governor. She said that she didn't want to be a hiding person anymore. This time, she followed me to arrest people and put in a lot of effort. I plan to let her go to the capital to expose Let her make up for her military achievements when the time comes, and with He Cuizhang taking care of her, there will be no danger, and the capital is much safer than here." Yan Mingting said.

Yin Pinglu nodded and breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you, General."

"I still want to ask you, do you want to leave Huaizhou now?"

Yin Pinglu shook his head: "If I leave now, I can't do anything, I can only be protected by you. Staying here, maybe I can help you, as long as you don't think I'm a burden."

"how come."

While talking, a thin old man ran into the lobby and shouted: "Master Imperial Envoy! Where is the Imperial Envoy? I want to see the Imperial Envoy!"

"Who is this person?" Yan Mingting asked in a low voice.

"Kuang Sheng." Yin Pinglu said, "A few days ago, my lord took me to take a look from a distance, and suspected that he was directing and performing the water report letter."

"Self-directed and self-acted?" Yan Mingting looked at the people in the lobby in surprise. Kuang Sheng was asking the shopkeeper which room the imperial envoy lived in.

The upstairs door opened, Zhao Yelan walked out slowly, and Li Yucheng and Gao Tan next door also came out one after another.

Zhao Yelan glanced at Gao Tan, Gao Tan immediately entered the mood, deliberately lowered his voice: "Who is looking for me?"

Kuang Sheng looked up, trotted upstairs, knelt down in front of Gao Tan with a plop, and said excitedly: "Master Imperial Envoy, I have something to report to you!"

"Let's go ahead and talk." After Zhao Yelan finished speaking, he told Li Yucheng in a low voice, go and take care of the other people present, and don't spread the news outside.

Then a group of people entered Gao Tan's room, and Kuang Sheng knelt in the middle, kowtowing unceasingly: "Master Imperial Envoy, you have to decide for the villain!"

"What exactly happened, tell me in detail." Zhao Yelan said.

Kuang Sheng found that it was this person who spoke every time, and he was a little puzzled, but he still talked about his own affairs in front of everyone: "The villain is a water reporter, and he is responsible for observing precipitation and water volume changes in the Huaihe River on weekdays. I added some water to the water package I reported to the court last month, and the villain is willing to accept the punishment, but before he dies, there is one more thing that I hope the adults can decide for the villain."

"What's up?"

"The villain wants to report on the county magistrate of Pi County, the common people, bullying men and women, disregarding human life!"

"The county magistrate of Pi County?" Zhao Yelan looked at Yin Pinglu. If I remember correctly, this person seems to have been mentioned by Yin Pinglu. He is her third brother-in-law. The relationship between husband and wife is not harmonious, but they get along very well with Yin Pinglu. it is good.

Yin Pinglu nodded slightly at him.

"Do you have evidence?" Zhao Yelan asked.

"The villain has a letter, which was written by my daughter." Kuang Sheng took out a badly worn letter, and couldn't help crying.

Zhao Yelan took the letter, and several other people gathered around and read it together.

This is a last letter.

The Kuang family was originally from Pi County, and Kuang Sheng moved to Huaizhou alone because he was awarded the post of water reporter.

The daughter married an ordinary family with an innocent family background in the local area, and the two ran a shop. Unexpectedly, Nazhi County accidentally saw her daughter's beauty, and secretly sent someone to kidnap her, tarnishing her innocence. And she already had a fetus in her womb, and she accidentally miscarried.

After her husband found out about this, he rushed into the magistrate's office with a knife, but was punished eighty times on the grounds of hurting court officials, causing his lower body to be disabled, and he passed away within a few days.

Her younger brother was furious. In order to get an explanation for her sister and brother-in-law, she came to the prefect Yin to sue, but was coaxed by the prefect Yin. When she returned home that night, she was retaliated against. blind.

The daughter thought that everything was caused by herself, so she wrote a last letter and committed suicide with hatred. At the same time, I also hope that my father will stop seeking justice for himself, so as not to incur a murderous disaster. They are just ordinary people, and they can't escape the palms of these people at all.

Several people looked at the weeping old man in amazement. His back was hunched, and his hair had already turned gray in his forties.

Yin Pinglu blushed with empathy, helped the old man up, and helped him to sit down on the chair.

For a while, only the crying of the old man could be heard in the room.

After a long time, Zhao Yelan said slowly: "You know that the officials in this area are colluding with each other, and the report is invalid, so you deliberately tampered with the false report, hoping that the imperial court will send imperial envoys to investigate whether they are corrupt? It is also convenient for you to contact the imperial court in person. report to someone?"

Kuang Sheng nodded: "Exactly."

Although he was a water reporter, he was paid by the imperial court, but this official position was very embarrassing, because it had never been established, and there was only a water reporter in a few states, so he had only one person to fight alone. Secondly, he is affiliated to the imperial court, but he is usually restricted by the local government, and this small official position seems to be very useless, so he is not valued by the government and the people at all.

He thought about secretly writing his grievances directly in the letter, but the letter had to be approved by the government before it could be reported to the imperial court.

So he prepared for a long time, just to wait for a good time. It will rain and many people must go to the capital at the same time, so that the emperor can find out that his letter is fake, and then suspect that some officials are obstructing it.

Fortunately, when the government approved it, they didn't understand the difference in precipitation at all. After checking that there was nothing special, they sent the courier to the capital. It also coincided with the draft in the palace, and there were many ladies from officials in the Jiangnan area, and there were also many entourages, so the emperor would definitely find out the clues.

"I arrived in Huaizhou in half a month, why didn't you come to see me?" Yan Mingting asked, "Don't you know I'm here?"

"How could I not know that, as soon as General Yan arrived in Huaizhou, everyone knew about it. It's not that I didn't want to look for it, but I didn't dare." Kuang Sheng waited for people from the capital every day, but when he heard Yan Mingting He came and went to Yin Zhifu's house, and then it was rumored that the general had a relationship with Yin Zhifu's daughter at the border. He was worried that Yan Mingting would be drawn by Yin Zhifu, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

"What bond?" Yan Mingting was even more depressed, "How dare you spread rumors!"

Yin Pinglu also frowned, and subconsciously explained to Zhao Yelan: "I have nothing to do with the general."

"Hmm." Zhao Yelan could naturally guess what Yin Zhifu'an was thinking, and asked Kuang Sheng, "Apart from this letter, do you have any other evidence?"

"Yes, but I didn't bring it here." Kuang Sheng didn't dare to bring all the evidence, fearing that the imperial envoy would be wooed, so he hid the rest.

"Okay, you go back now, you must go back in a big way, and let everyone know that you have come to see the imperial envoy." After Zhao Yelan finished speaking, he looked at Yan Mingting.

Yan Mingting understood, and said: "Okay, I will send him back personally."

Seeing this, Kuang Sheng became more and more confused about who is the imperial envoy.

After the two left, Zhao Yelan took the letter and handed it to Yin Pinglu: "It's up to you, Miss Yin's family, to act."

"Don't worry, I know what to do." Yin Pinglu took the letter and turned back to her room.

Only then did Xiao Gao lean forward: "My lord, it's my turn. What should I do?"

"Just stay in your room and eat and drink."

"Ah...Okay." Gao Tan also wanted to guess what the adults were thinking immediately like them, and then go to work with a "swish", how smart he looks!

"Go back to your room."

After Li Yucheng took care of the people in the inn, he went upstairs to look for Zhao Yelan. He was the only one left in the room, and asked, "Where are the others? They all disappeared?"

"Yes." Zhao Yelan poured himself a cup of tea.

Li Yucheng sat down next to him bored, glanced at him, and said, "Why do you look a little haggard today?"

The teacup that was brought to his mouth suddenly stopped, and Zhao Yelan looked at him in disbelief: "Haggard?"

"Yeah, my face is so pale, and my eyes are still a little black. Is it because I'm too tired these days and haven't had a good rest?" Li Yucheng asked.

Zhao Yelan walked up to the bronze mirror in disbelief, the more he looked at it, the more he felt that he was really haggard and vicissitudes. No wonder Yan Mingting dared to say that he was ugly last night!

"Do you want to try this?" Li Yucheng took out a copper box from his arms, "This is the Cheng family's best-selling powder cream. After applying it, the skin is delicate, white and smooth, and it is completely invisible. trace."

"Are you teasing me with girls' things?" Zhao Yelan gave him a blank look.

"Hey, you have a narrow vision. I didn't realize until I was in Jiangnan that there are many men in Jiangnan who wear makeup. There should be no distinction between men and women in beauty. In vain I thought you had the widest vision. You don't even have men. I like it all, but are you afraid that others will say that you like to apply powder?" Li Yucheng saw that he was unmoved, and gave the final blow, "Don't you want to be more beautiful? No one will reject beautiful things, including Yan Mingting .”

Zhao Yelan remained motionless.

Seeing that the persuasion was ineffective, Li Yucheng walked to the door resentfully, but heard the other party shout: "Wait."

Li Yucheng was overjoyed, it seemed that his uncle taught him the right thing! To sell something, the first thing is to find a suitable buyer, and then make them feel anxious, so that they are willing to spend a lot of money to buy!

He turned around and smiled: "Ten taels of silver, considering our relationship, I will only charge you the cost price, eight taels."

Zhao Yelan threw a silver ingot directly: "Don't tell it."

"Great!" Li Yucheng was satisfied with earning his first pot of gold, and suddenly felt that the sky was bright, "Wow haha, I will be the next richest man in Beijing!"

Zhao Yelan stayed in the room for a while before he heard the footsteps of Yan Mingting's return. The other party pushed the door open and said, "I have already sent the person home, and sent some more guards."

"Yeah." Zhao Yelan hid the things in his sleeves in a panic.

"What are you doing?" Yan Mingting walked up to him curiously, but kept staring at his face, his head getting closer and closer.

Zhao Yelan blinked quickly, turned his face away: "What are you looking at?"

Yan Mingting held his cheeks, rubbed his thumbs under his eyes for a while, and asked doubtfully, "What's on your face? Is it wall dust?"

"..." Zhao Yelan choked up, forgetting that he had excellent eyesight, so he threw the copper box in his sleeve out angrily, and hit Li Yucheng on the head who was eating wontons outside.

"Ah! Who is it? Who dares to murder me!"