MTL - After Being Forced to Marry the Evil Star General-Chapter 86

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Zhao Yelan had sensed that something was wrong since he retrieved Yan Mingting.

No matter what, he would never believe that Yan Mingting let the horse run back alone just because of the urgency to urinate. Such a lame reason must be because something big happened, and he hasn't had time to figure out how to lie.

And during the two days of getting along, he clearly felt that Yan Mingting's smile was no longer as heartless as usual, and there was a bit of helplessness behind it, and after the smile disappeared, there was an endless sigh.

Zhao Yelan was so perceptive, he expected that he had something to hide from him, but he didn't expect it to be such a big matter.

The poison poisoned by the old general was colorless, odorless, and difficult to detect. The symptoms were dizziness and weakness of limbs.

So Yan Mingting was unable to come back with the horse that day, perhaps because he suddenly lost consciousness and fell from the horse. It may be that with the last sliver of reason, the horse asked someone to save him, or it may be that the horse has the consciousness of a savior, ran back alone, and brought someone to rescue him.

"Then... is there an antidote?" Zhao Yelan asked.

Yao Muze shook his head in embarrassment: "I'm a ignorant person. I only know that this kind of poison exists, but I don't have a cure for it. From last night to now, I searched all over the medical arts, but I couldn't find a solution."

"What about the other imperial physicians?" Zhao Yelan said as he was about to go in to find other people, but was stopped by Yao Mize.

"It's useless, I've already inquired about it this morning, and they haven't even heard of this poison." Yao Muze said sadly.

"This huge hospital can't find anyone useful, what is it worthy of being called a hospital! A bunch of trash!"

Zhao Yelan cursed a few times, turned around and strode away, summoned Yu Dali and other forty-eight people, and ordered: "You go to southern Xinjiang now, no matter what method you use, you must give me all the doctors with good medical skills. Bring it to the capital, go quickly!"

After they left, Zhao Yelan walked forward in a daze, and unknowingly returned to the General's Mansion, but just as he walked to the door, he heard Yan Mingting talking to Xiao Gao in the courtyard. He took a few steps back, telling the guards at the door not to communicate, and then stood outside the door, listening to the voices of the two.

"Xiao Gao, I will teach you everything I have learned all my life. You have to learn it quickly, okay?"


After showing him his kung fu, Yan Mingting said, "Three days, can you learn it?"

"Three days is too fast."

"The five days?"

"General, why are you in such a hurry, don't you have a long time to come? Can I learn a little every day?"

"If you finish learning earlier, you can better protect your adult. Don't you want to protect him?"

"Think about it, okay, I'll learn now."

Hearing the sound of fighting inside, Zhao Yelan's throat tightened, and he couldn't make any sound. He raised his foot and wanted to go in, but suddenly turned around and ran into the nearest sedan chair, got inside, held his face in his hands, and wept uncontrollably.

"Guest officer, where are you going?" asked the bearer.

After a long time, Zhao Yelan said, "Hanlin Academy."

The whole afternoon, Zhao Yelan sat alone in the hut of the Hanlin Academy, the door was closed tightly, and no one was allowed to go in and chat.

The colleagues were a little puzzled, Ruan Xian walked over and knocked on the door: "Brother Zhao, is something wrong with you? Talk to us, maybe we can help you?"

There has been no sound from inside. Ruan Xian came several times but got no response. He became more and more worried and asked the guards to knock on the door.

"Brother Zhao, offended."

After the door was knocked open, Ruan Xian stood at the door, and was stunned after seeing the scene inside.

I saw Zhao Yelan sitting at the table like a normal person, holding a pen to write, and gave him a sideways look: "Go out."

"Sorry, it seems I interrupted." Ruan Xian dryly closed the door again, not knowing what happened to him for a moment.

Zhao Yelan's eyes returned to the table, and the rice paper laid out in front of him had written how to deal with his property.

After returning to the general's mansion at night, Xiao Gao excitedly told him that he had learned a very powerful move from the general today and wanted to show him.

Yan Mingting walked up to him, and the two watched Xiao Gao show off his skills together. Yan Mingting gave pointers from time to time, and asked Zhao Yelan with a smile, "How is it? How is the apprentice I teach?"

"Reluctantly." Zhao Yelan said, "Xiao Gao is naturally talented."

"No matter how talented you are, you have to be guided by a good master." Yan Mingting raised his eyebrows.

Zhao Yelan snorted coldly: "Then I was also taught by you, why am I not like him?"

"That's your talent, isn't it?"

"So isn't it still due to talent?"

"I say I can't beat you." Yan Mingting scratched his head, laughed, and took his hand to eat, "Let's go, the kitchen made your favorite dish tonight, and I went to Huichunlou to buy it." Have some snacks, I'm sure you'll like them."

After dinner, Yan Mingting proposed to go out for a walk, took him to the street, and bought a lot of things.

"Jinxuan is in front, let's go buy some clothes."

"No, there are many at home."

"You still think you have too many clothes?" Yan Mingting asked in surprise.

Zhao Yelan was silent for a moment: "Let's go, then go shopping for clothes."

At the end of the checkout, Yan Mingting bought a dozen or so items for Zhao Yelan, and found that Zhao Yelan also bought a dozen or so items for him.

"What do you buy so much, I won't be able to wear it all the way through my next life." Yan Mingting said with emotion.

Zhao Yelan paused and gave him a blank look: "Then I'll buy it even more, buy ten more, and wrap up all your clothes in the next life."

Yan Mingting laughed loudly, handed a pile of clothes to Xiao Gao, and asked him to send them back to the residence first.

When passing by the gold shop, Yan Mingting didn't control his pace again, and went in to buy a few gold lock rings and pendants. After paying the bill and coming out, he found that Zhao Yelan came out of the knife shop opposite with several swords in his hands.

Yan Mingting didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and took those things: "I haven't seen you for a long time, I just wanted to buy you something, why are you thinking of returning the gift?"

"I have a lot of money, so I'm in a panic, can't I?"

"All right, all right, burn whatever you want." Yan Mingting said with a smile, but another word hit his lungs, and Zhao Yelan stepped on him several times.

The two of them wandered around for nearly an hour before returning home. Butler Tan looked at their bags and asked in surprise, "What day is it today? Or are you planning to go on a long journey?"

Both of them were silent for a moment, avoiding the question one after another.

After returning to the room, Zhao Yelan threw the candied haws he bought on the table: "Eat."

"You buy so much, when can I finish it?" Yan Mingting muffled a laugh, this guy almost bought all the candied haws on the whole street.

"Your teeth will rot until you eat it." Zhao Yelan said viciously.

"I don't know, I thought today was my birthday." Yan Mingting said.

Speaking of this, Zhao Yelan gave him a gouged look: "You liar."

Yan Mingting asked in a daze, "What did I lie to you?"

Who said on last year's birthday that every year has today, and every year has today!

Zhao Yelan was so angry that he beat him for a long time, and then kicked him out: "Get out, I want to take a bath."

Yan Mingting felt his long-lost temper outburst, and felt a little happy, standing outside the door for a long time. After going to bed, I was a little worried that the other party's body would not be able to bear it, so I hugged him and slept obediently.

Who knew that Zhao Yelan asked, "Are you dying?"


Zhao Yelan turned over and sat on him, bent down, and licked a few mouthfuls: "Isn't this pretty good?"

Yan Mingting was shocked, looking at his ups and downs in disbelief, no matter how hard he could restrain himself, he wobbled with him again.

In the second half of the night, Zhao Yelan didn't show any sign of weakness. He clung to his shoulders, smiled coldly, and whispered, "Yan Fangli, let's just die on the bed like this."

Yan Mingting was severely picked on by him, and the two of them hugged each other to death on the bed.

The next day, when Yan Mingting came together, Zhao Yelan immediately sat up and asked, "Where are you going?"

"The army is back. I have to meet them outside the city gate. The emperor will lead the courtiers to welcome them. Anyway, your Imperial Academy is not here, so you can sleep for a while." Yan Mingting tucked him in the quilt.

"No, I'm going too." Zhao Yelan couldn't miss this moment, he stood up, "Changing clothes for me."

Yan Mingting admired the mottled marks on his body first, then put on his clothes, and groped his neck for a while with his fingertips: "It's over, there are marks here too, where's your grease?"

"Never mind, let's go." Zhao Yelan pulled him and walked outside.

It's just that the two had to separate temporarily, Zhao Yelan walked to the palace, followed the team of monarchs and ministers, and went to the gate of the city to greet them.

The imperial army stood guard on both sides of the road, and the mighty team attracted the people to stop and watch. Everyone was waiting for the army's capital, with joyful smiles on their faces.

Zhao Yelan followed Zhao Xuan to the city gate, and saw a hundred thousand troops falling neatly on the endless road, when the dawn rose, Yan Mingting was sitting heroically on the horseback.

"Open the city gate to welcome the soldiers." Zhao Xuan said.

The city gate opened, and Yan Mingting was followed by a group of energetic lieutenants, followed by soldiers, and the common people cheered and called Yan Mingting.

After Yan Mingting waited for Zhao Xuan and others to go down the city wall, he led the lieutenants to return to his command. Zhao Xuan praised them for their bravery and fearlessness, and ordered to reward the three armies.

Just when everyone's attention was attracted, suddenly dozens of people in the crowd shot arrows straight at Zhao Xuan.

"Be careful!" Yan Mingting reacted first, drew his sword and intercepted the nearest arrow, "There are assassins!"

In an instant, the streets became chaotic, and the people screamed and ran around in fear. The lieutenants immediately protected the emperor and the courtiers to deal with the sudden stab in the back.

While evacuating the people, the imperial army found these assassins.

After Yan Mingting handed Zhao Yelan over to He Cuizhang, he jumped out to kill the assassins, killing a dozen of them within a short while.

He had an intuition that these people were arranged by Zhao Xu.

He didn't know what came to mind, he turned his head and looked towards Zhao Xuan, and saw a person dressed as a person from the Western Regions, with a veil covering his face, sneaking past him.

His eyes darkened, he picked up the bow and arrow from the assassin's body, pointed it at the man, and shot the arrow out with endless hatred in his eyes.

"Hmm!..." Zhao Xu just clenched the knife in his hand and was about to get close to Zhao Xuan. Suddenly, his heart ached. He looked down at the blood flowing from his chest, turned his head blankly, and then knelt down on his knees weakly.

Only then did the people around discover his identity, and Zhao Xuan said angrily, "It really is you!"

Yan Mingting walked up to Zhao Xu in two or three steps, looked at his kneeling posture, kicked him, raised the sword in his hand, and was about to give him another fatal blow, but was stopped by Zhao Yelan.

"Wait!" Zhao Yelan rushed in front of him, grabbed Zhao Xu by the collar, and asked forcefully, "Where is the antidote for the poison you poisoned the old general?!"

Zhao Xu opened his mouth, and blood gushed out of his mouth.

"Mengting..." Yan Mingting slowly looked at Zhao Yelan with a surprised expression, "You know everything?"

However, Zhao Yelan didn't have time to answer at all. He kept asking Zhao Xu, "Speak up! Where is the antidote! Do you believe that I cut you alive? Talk quickly!"

Zhao Xu spat out a mouthful of blood, and suddenly laughed: "Ha, haha, it seems that he has also embarked on his father's fate. The antidote...I don't have it either hahaha, only the eighth princess has the antidote, did he kill him?" Already? This is life!"

Zhao Yelan let go of his hand expressionlessly, and looked at Yan Mingting: "Kill him."

Yan Mingting raised the sword, and finally slashed his father-killing enemy with his hand, blood spattered on his hand.

"Don't get his dirty blood on it." Zhao Yelan took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands.

"Hurry up and **** His Majesty back to the palace!" Eunuch Gao screamed.

The nearest dozen or so imperial guards came forward to protect Zhao Xuan when he went back, and when he passed by Zhao Yelan, he suddenly smelled a faint fragrance.

Zhao Yelan was stunned.

"What's wrong?" Yan Mingting asked.

"No, no..." Zhao Yelan frowned, "Zhao Xu has been hiding in the capital, neither we nor the emperor have found him, so where is he hiding?"

Yan Mingting was stunned for a moment, and then began to think about this question, but the next moment Zhao Yelan said palely: "Hongxiulou, he hid in Hongxiulou!"

There is a secret passage in Hongxiu Building, outsiders can't find it at all, and he automatically ignored this place when he sent people to search.

"There is also Chinese New Year, the curfew is strictly controlled, the eighth princess has private meetings with men, all men stay at home, and only one place is open."

"Red Sleeve Building." Yan Mingting said.

Thinking of the familiar scent just now, Zhao Yelan became flustered: "Quick! Gu Niaoyao is likely to be among those forbidden soldiers, go and stop her!"

As soon as the words fell, a scream came from a distance: "Your Majesty! Come quickly, Your Majesty has been assassinated!"

Yan Mingting rushed over immediately.

Zhao Yelan walked slowly towards the chaotic crowd over there, but he didn't dare to go up to check when he was approaching, until the people in front dispersed and he saw Gu Niaoyao.

Gu Niao, who was dressed as an imperial guard, was already under control, and countless swords were aimed at her.

She also saw Zhao Yelan, threw away the **** knife in her hand, bent her mouth, with a blood stain on her cheek, showing a coquettish smile: "You are here, I have saved some of the best for you!" Spices and tea, remember to get them."