MTL - After Being Forced To Raise a Crazy Milk Dog, I Am So Fragrant-Chapter 179 Jesus can't keep it, I say!

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  Chapter 179 Even **** can’t stay, I said it!

   She doesn't understand!

  Why, is he not good-looking enough, or his clip voice is not attractive enough.

   Doesn't he deserve to stay here?


  King Siwen, Cen Qing: …

  No one will let you stay here, you can do whatever you want, as long as you are happy.

  At this moment, the barrage in the live broadcast room directly swiped to take off, and all the melon-eating netizens were filled with righteous indignation, and they picked up the keyboards and started typing!

  There is water in the water glass: [Fuck! Am I right, am I not blind? What the **** is this dog man thinking about? 】

  There is no Notre Dame in Paris: [The Virgin Mary can't save them, I said! 】

  Giants never fall: [Did they not return to the city for too long, so they didn't know what happened, so they dared to be so arrogant to Sister Cen and Sister Jin? 】

  The gray rag has ashes: [How dare they? 】

  The white lily on the godfather's chest: [Even **** can't keep them, I said so! 】

  There is no water in the water glass: [If this is said from Sister Cen or Sister Jin, I still believe it, pick nose/pick nose. 】

  Giants will never fall: [The main reason is that this group of people are too ignorant of the heights of the heavens and the earth, right? Touching porcelain even touched the heads of my sisters Cen and Jin. Can this matter be tolerated? 】

  There is no Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris: [This is just a shuttle, I am not very satisfied. 】

  Giants never fall: [However, in the flashing shot just now, did you notice the woman who was thrown on the road? 】

  There is no water in the water glass: [I see, what's wrong? Doubt/doubt. 】

  There are no blueberries in the blueberry slice: [It seems that the woman's leg moved a little.... 】

  There is no Notre Dame in Paris: [Impossible, being hit by such a fast speed, and shed so much blood, there should be no chance of survival. 】

  There is no Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris: [Of course, if the Virgin Mary came, then I didn’t say that. 】

   There is no legend in Sicily: 【Let's just say, could there be a possibility that this woman is not dead at all, she cooperated with the group of people to deliberately pretend in front of me, Sister Cen and Sister Jin, and then come to touch porcelain? 】

  I grew up in secret: [The flashing shot just now was a little blurry, but I did see the woman's legs move a bit, one or two people shouldn't be dazzled, right? Spread your hands/shoulder. 】

  The ferryman didn't want to 996: [I testify, it did move a bit, but could it be that the woman was not dead yet, or her nerves twitched after she died? 】

  Giants never fall: [How about going upstairs to get some biology knowledge or something? 】

  Drawing pencils can't draw: [Anyway, there are Sister Cen and Sister Jin, and all ghosts, ghosts, snakes, demons, monsters, monsters and so on have nowhere to hide in front of my Sister Cen and Sister Jin! 】

  There are no legends in Sicily: [Where is this boy from the second year of middle school upstairs? He has an inexplicably naive feeling, no offense intended, thank you. 】

  Bai Baihe on Godfather's chest: [It seems that everyone is quite cautious when surfing the Internet. 】

  The ferryman didn't want 996: [It's not bad, if you say a wrong sentence, you will be scolded at least, and you will be raped by the Internet at worst. Who would dare to do that? Pick your nose/pick your nose. 】

  There is no Notre Dame in Paris: [Too bad, surfing the Internet has to be fully armed, tsk tsk. 】

  There is no legend in Sicily: [No way, there are too many mentally retarded people on the Internet now, and ordinary people can only protect themselves, but when it is time to speak up, we will not be vague, ha ha ha ha ha. 】

   Just when the attention of the melon-eaters in the live broadcast room was gradually shifting from the woman to network security, something happened...

  The group of men with submachine guns and rifles surrounded Cen Qing and the others one after another.

   "Brothers, it looks like they can't come up with any money!"

   "These four cars should be regarded as compensation, and the remaining two women can play for a long time."

  Responding to the malicious smile of the wretched man in the middle, they finally showed their malice completely.

   But this is their basic operation, and the abandoned woman is of course the same way.

  After the brothers got tired of playing, they touched porcelain on the deserted road, and the cycle repeated.

  Money and women, they all want to get their hands!

   Just when the group of men were about to rush up, Cen Qing looked behind them and said indifferently,

   "However, I'm afraid we won't be able to stay, but you really want to stay here."

   Immediately afterwards, there was a roar and the sound of flesh and blood being torn apart.

  The wretched man in the middle didn't know whose hands he died until his death.

  However, the law of heaven favors reincarnation, and whoever is spared by the heavens will sooner or later have to pay for the sins they have committed.

  The blood-stained woman shuttled among the men at an extremely fast speed.

  Wherever they went, the sharp claws quickly cut their throats.

   In less than ten seconds, everyone was harvested.

  Her pupils were bloodthirsty red, and a small piece of skin tissue and SR were hooked on the sharp nails.

  Although her bluish-white skin was covered by her hair, it still couldn't cover up the rancid smell emanating from her body.

   Obviously, she turned into a zombie.

   "Ah, this..., I was a little caught off guard by the reversal of the plot."

  Wilder was so frightened by this scene that he stuttered.

   Originally, he thought that Cen Qing was going to kill the Quartet for a while, but he was just thinking about where it would be better to hide, so as to save some blood on his body.

  But I didn't expect that the woman who was hit by him would suddenly collapse like a fake corpse.

   Then kill all the people in this group.

  The key point is that all the blood was splashed on him!


   On the other hand, it was Sister Cen and Jin Siwen, who hid themselves tightly and were not splashed by the blood at all.

  Wild:  …

  So, after all, there is no love anymore, right?

   "She, will she kill us all too?"

  Wilder almost bit his handkerchief, he looked aggrieved.

  The main reason is that he is the closest to that woman now, and at the speed just now, he probably doesn't even have a place to run.

  And that woman's sharp nails were only five centimeters away from his throat.

  Holy Virgin Mary, help!

   "Isn't it a bit late for you to start praying now?"

   Jin Siwen glanced at his timid expression, and said angrily.

   "It's not too late, what if the Virgin Mary hears it?"

  Wilder continued to pray, but his fingers were curled up slightly, looking extremely disturbed.

   In the end, Cen Qing couldn't stand it any longer, so he patted him on the shoulder and said,

   "You two are of the same species, and you don't have any enmity. Why did they kill you?"

   Mainly in front of outsiders, Wilder is too embarrassing to be so cowardly.

  So Cen Qing could only tell him the result

  Because this woman is indeed similar to Wilder, she is sane, but also possesses super attack and speed.

   Physical fitness is so good that it is better than Wilder.

   But it doesn't mean she is a supernatural being.

  Because in her body, zombification is far more serious than Wilder.

  Looking at the corpses lying on the ground, Charlotte's distorted face became even more terrifying, coupled with the blood stained on her body.

  The whole person is like a ghost crawling out of hell.

   Don't say it's scaring children, this scares Wilder enough.

   "Damn it, is there something she can't think of? Stop laughing, I'm scared to death!"

  Wilder beeped softly, but in the final analysis, he was still a cowardly group, not daring to offend Charlotte.

  Finally, it was Cen Qing who came forward and asked her doubts.

  This is almost near the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary. Although the terrain is relatively low, you can drive ten kilometers ahead to reach the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary.

   "I won't kill you, you go."

  Charlotte still retains human sanity, and she didn't go on a killing spree because of her super attack speed ability.

   On this point, Cen Qing thinks it is still possible to communicate with each other.

   "Can you deal with the rest of this group by yourself?"

   Cen Qing pouted his mouth and said to the person who was lying on the ground.

   "If I can't kill myself, do I still need you to help me?"

   "There has never been a free lunch in this world. If you want to help me, what do you want to take away from me?"

  After so many encounters, Charlotte has long been disappointed in this dirty world.

  She also changed from the original appearance of a student girl to a female Rakshasa with blood-stained hands.

   "I just want to know what happened to you?"

  What is the reason for a dead person to suddenly have the ability to surpass ordinary people, and he has not even completely turned into a zombie.

   Cen Qing always felt in his heart that this should have something to do with the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary!

   "It's just that simple?"

  Charlotte narrowed her eyes, obviously not convinced by Cen Qing's words.

  She thought that after these four people saw her abilities, they would let her do some unknown things.

   "It's that simple."

   Seemingly aware of her distrust, Cen Qing continued,

   "We are not interested in your ability, because we also have it."

   Immediately afterwards, a chill appeared in Jin Siwen's palm.

  Even under the blazing sun, this layer of ice did not show any signs of melting.

   Obviously, their abilities far outweighed the improvement in her physical fitness.

  Because no matter how fast the speed is, no matter how strong the strength is, it is still a physical evolution, not an evolution of mental power.

  The abilities they use don't need to consume mental power at all.

   In other words, Charlotte's abilities are not on the same level as Cen Qing and Jin Siwen's abilities.

  So, of course she doesn't have to worry about this.

   "What happened to me is very simple. I was kidnapped here, and then I was abused by them in various ways."

   "During the period, I tried countless self-help methods, but none of them worked."

   "In the end, all I got was a more vicious whipping."

   "After that, you also saw my results. I was beaten to death and then randomly discarded in the mountains and forests."

   "When it's time to use me to touch porcelain, then drag me out and throw me on the road, just to touch people like you."

  Charlotte's tone was flat, as if she was talking about other people's affairs.

  But under the scorching sun, what happened to her still made Wilder shudder.

   It's hard to imagine how a woman was beaten to death in despair...

  At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room has also changed from avoiding evil spirits to cheering on sister.

  Shawshank has no redemption: [I just went online to see my sister Cen, why did you just brush all evils to avoid dispersal, my sister Cen's prosperous beauty is not working anymore? ? ? 】

  The ferryman didn't want 996: [Let's just say, is there a possibility that the camera just switched to Sister Cen's side. 】

   There is no water in the water glass: [Just kidding, who dares to question Sister Cen's prosperous beauty, I will be the first to call him dead, hum! 】

  Giants will never fall: [All those who brushed against evil spirits just now come out and apologize, after all, those who died deserve to be tortured the most. 】

  There is Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris: [Jesus shook his head when he saw these bastards, and could only call Satan to come and clean up the mess. 】

  There are no blueberries in the blueberry slices: [If this group of things that can no longer be called human beings don’t go to hell, I don’t quite agree. 】

  Your friend is cultivating immortality...: [Hehehe, this group of people are not even worthy of supernatural beings, so they will be reduced to the realm of beasts in the next life. 】

   There is no legend in Sicily: [Tsk tsk, did you see, this shocked the Taoist priest who has always been ascetic and obsessed with cultivation, how much these beasts have done too much! 】

Shawshank has no redemption: [I just made up the previous plot, my sister is still too kind, this group of **** should cut them hundreds of knives, and then let them bleed to death, and then sprinkle on the wound if possible. Put salt or something. 】

  There are no blueberries in the blueberry slice: [Good guy, Satan has to give way to you when he comes. 】

  There is no water in the water glass: [One person can cut hundreds of knives, do you want to exhaust the young lady and pick your nose/nose. 】

  Dawn and Darkness Eternal: [I have something to say, I just want to ask, is this a supernatural person or a zombie? 】

  Bai Baihe on the godfather's chest: [Tsk, it's really hard to turn on the pot upstairs, just watch the live broadcast honestly, don't post barrage. 】

  There is Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris: [Although, I don’t know, why must the difference between the two be drawn? 】

   There is no water in the water glass: [It shouldn’t be considered a zombie, the young lady still retains the sanity of a human being, and she doesn’t bite or eat meat. 】

  There are no legends in Sicily: [It can’t be considered a supernatural power, either. She doesn’t have ice powers like Sister Jin, and sister Cen’s spiritual powers. 】

  There are blueberries in the blueberry slices: [Forget it, as long as you don’t harm humans and can make good use of your abilities, it doesn’t matter if you are a supernatural being or not. 】

  I grow in secret: [PEACEANDLOVE, thank you! 】

  (end of this chapter)