MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 1 00 strange man

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Chapter 1 001. Strange man


 It is still very hot in early August.

In a carriage on a train from the countryside to Beicheng, Lin Wünen's long white fingers slid across the flat screen and she calmly looked at the content.

 The voice of a young man came from the earphones.

“Boss, the movements of everyone in the Lin family in recent years are in the information just sent to you, including Lin Qian who was just found.”

Lin Wu hummed lightly.

 She was originally the daughter of the Lin Group in Beicheng, and she had two brothers who were six years older than her.

Logically speaking, she should be loved very much, but Mrs. Fang Ruling of the Lin family had a difficult delivery when she was born. Every time she saw her, she would be reminded of her own suffering, and she would never have a good look towards her. Even the rest of the Lin family did not treat her well.

When she was twelve years old, Fang Ruling couldn't bear it anymore and asked her father, Lin Shenghai, to send her to the countryside where the Lin family grew up to live with her grandfather.

 Six years have passed, during which the Lin family never greeted her, as if they had forgotten her existence.

Until two days ago, her grandfather, who went to Beicheng for medical treatment last year due to poor health, called her and said that the Lin family asked her to go back.

Lin Wu didn’t think that the Lin family suddenly realized their debt to her and wanted to take her back and treat her well.

As expected, grandpa said that the Lin family accidentally discovered that someone had mistakenly carried the child when Fang Ruling gave birth, and that she was not the daughter of the Lin family.

 This shocked the Lin family.

Especially Fang Ruling, she seemed to have suddenly regained her motherly love, and she did not hesitate to run around to find her child.

In the end, the real daughter Lin Qian was lost and recovered. The Lin family unanimously decided to hold a grand press conference to announce Lin Qian's identity and announce that Lin Wu and the Lin family would no longer have any relationship.

Since the Lin family had never contacted Lin Wu and didn’t know Lin Wu’s number, they contacted Grandpa Lin.

Grandpa Lin was furious and had no choice but to make the phone call to Lin Wu with difficulty.

Lin Wu’s eyes fell on Lin Qian’s photo on the screen, and then he swiped across it. It was a newly taken family photo of their family of five.

 In the past eighteen years, she and the Lin family have never filmed together.

Thinking of this, Lin Wu lowered his eyes slightly.

At this time, there was a sudden bang, and the carriage door was pushed open with great force.

Lin Wu turned his head and looked, only to see a tall and tall man appearing at the door. Before he could see his appearance clearly, the man suddenly fell to the ground.

 The pungent smell of blood spreads.

“Boss, what’s wrong?” The person on the other side of the earphone heard the noise and asked nervously.

"It's okay. Zheng Qi, tell the people below to continue investigating the matter and don't worry about the Lin family anymore." After Lin Wu finished speaking, he hung up and put down the tablet.

Unexpectedly, several tall and thick men suddenly appeared at the door, "Boss, this man is here! Catch him!"

Noticing Lin Wu, they pointed at her and said viciously: "Don't meddle in other people's business, be careful and you will die!"

The man on the ground remained motionless. Lin Wu looked back and looked at the person at the door indifferently, "I hate being pointed at."

“What’s wrong with you? Get out of here!”

  Several people rushed in, and the small carriage was immediately packed to the brim.

 The soles of their shoes were stained with unknown stains, making the floor very dirty.

 “You have soiled my place.”

Lin Wu’s eyes were slightly cold.

 A man turned around impatiently, raised his hand and struck: "You bitch, where did you get so many..."

His hand was not struck.

 —Being firmly held by Lin Wu.

The other party's face changed slightly.

"Second point, I hate it when others do something to me." As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Wu suddenly raised his leg and kicked the man out of the box, taking the others with him. The sudden change made them vigilant, and they immediately got up and wanted to take action. However, Lin Wu did not give them a chance to take action. He defeated them with three strikes, five divided by two, and they were left lying on the ground dying.

The flight attendant who heard the commotion came over quickly and said in horror: "Ms. Lin, this..."

 Actually, there was only one passenger in this carriage, Lin Wu.

 “Inform the conductor and he will know how to solve it.”

Lin Wu went in after saying that, closed the door behind his back, and looked at the man who had woken up, with sharp eyes: "Who are you?"

 Men's facial features are well-defined, their brows are strong, their nose bridge is superior and straight, and their thin lips are sexier than women's.

  He is the kind of thick-faced person with a handsome appearance that makes people feel astonished at a glance.

When he slightly raised his eyelids and looked at Lin Wu, the dangerous aura around the man quietly dissipated, and the corners of his lips were slightly raised, showing an indescribable lazy temptation.

 “Doctor,” he said.

Lin Wu folded his arms and leaned against the door, obviously not believing it.

 Where is such a doctor?

  The man coughed a few times and said, "Really, he's a very good doctor. Someone wanted me to perform an operation on him, but I didn't agree. He had a grudge. That's all I did."

Lin Wu's nose twitched slightly. There was indeed a slight smell of disinfectant in the smell of blood, mixed with the fragrance of pine and cypress.

 She listened to the chaotic footsteps outside, made sure she had cleaned up, took her bag, turned around and opened the door.

 “If you don’t want to die, just go back to your own car.”

After saying that, Lin Wu entered the empty carriage next door.

The phone rang softly, she took it out and saw that it was Zheng Qiqi who came over and asked her if the matter on the train was resolved and if he needed any help.

Lin Wu thought for a while and replied, "No need."

 She has been paying great attention to concealing her identity in the past two years in order to investigate an old matter.

  Not many people on the road knew about the news of returning to Beicheng. This thing should be a coincidence, not directed at her.

Lin Wu tidied up and lay down with his clothes on.

The whole carriage became quiet again. Lin Wu heard the sound of opening and closing the door next door, and the man's footsteps gradually faded away.

  She turned over and fell asleep.

 At four o'clock in the afternoon, the train arrived at the station on time.

 The driver sent by the Lin family to pick her up was already waiting.

 There is no one except the driver.

The driver's attitude was not too polite: "You are lucky, Mr. Lin and his wife are having dinner at Shenggui tonight. You couldn't go, but the eldest lady is kind-hearted and specifically asked Mr. Lin and his wife to let you go."

Lin Wu paused slightly: "Shenggui?"

 The driver nodded proudly: "That's right!"

Shenggui is the largest private club in Beicheng, and its decoration style is extremely low-luxury.

 The most important thing is that the boss behind Shenggui has a great background and is not afraid of offending anyone. No matter how big the moves made by the opponents who maliciously engaged in it, they were unable to shake Shenggui in the slightest, and were punished miserably.

 In addition, Shenggui implements a VIP reception system, and not all rich and noble families can register for VIP. The screening conditions are very strict, so the wealthy families in the North City will use Shenggui VIP to show their identity and status.

 After two visits, Shenggui became famous in the wealthy circles of Beicheng. Even important figures from the government departments would go to Shenggui.

The Lin family has only been rich for more than ten years, and their financial background is far from being a prosperous one.

But two years ago, the Lin family cooperated with the international financial giant Yunke Group, and their net worth rose accordingly. Several projects together with Yunke Group also made a lot of money, and their net worth is now quite high.

You can barely register with Shenggui by paying more registration fees.

   Thank you all for reading. I just want to have fun reading the article. If you like it, just keep reading. If you don’t like it, just click the cross in time to exit. It doesn’t matter. You don’t have to force yourself to continue reading if you don’t like it. Thank you to all the cuties who liked this article, the author loves you (ω)

  (End of this chapter)