MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 569 This opportunity is given by you

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In the end, there was a huge gap between the two sides. Within a few minutes, Lin Wurenke, Ling Xiu and others on the second floor outflanked them, forcing the people in the lobby on the first floor to a desperate situation.

 There are only three people left. Fan was protected by two people beside him. He was covered in many colors and had used up all his ammunition.

Lin Wu turned on the switch on the wall, and the hall was suddenly as bright as day.

 She and Ren Ke led people over, without looking at the three people, and shouted to the stairs.

 After a while, Ling Xiu also came down with seven or eight people. Their condition was not very good. They were seriously injured. They supported each other and were very alert when they came down. They saw many people on the first floor and Lin Wu, and they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Ling Xiu was about to call Lin Wu when he caught a glimpse of Ren Ke and said as if he had seen a ghost: "You... you are still alive??"

"Why does everyone have to ask this when they see me? Do I look like someone who can't die anymore?" Ren Ke pushed his long and messy hair back unhappily.

Ren Ke put the blame on the three people in the middle not far away, raised his hand and fired neatly.

The man remained motionless, only staring at Ren Ke, holding the bleeding wound on the right side of his abdomen with one hand. However, the two people beside him were shot and fell to the ground before they had time to react.

 This did not move the man.

Until Ren Ke rushed over and punched the man hard in the face with lightning speed, knocking him to the ground.

 The air is slightly stagnant and silence spreads.

Ren Ke shook off his aching hand, looked coldly at the man on the ground who couldn't stand up for a moment, and sighed: "This is just interest, the real account, I will settle it with you later!"

Fan closed his eyes and calmed down for a moment before looking at Ren Ke and asked in a cold voice: "How could you..."

Ling Xiu also walked to Lin Wu and asked Lin Wu with his eyes.

Lin Wu first ordered two people from the Fourth Special Zone to come to him, told them the location of the control room on the second floor, and asked them to turn off the remaining protection systems.

Fan tilted his head suddenly and looked at Lin Wu with a look of disbelief. He didn't expect that she would know about the protection system.

Ling Xiu also looked at Lin Wu in surprise.

Lin Wu raised his eyebrows and said: "Isn't it obvious? I cooperated with Ren Ke. Even though you used so many reasons that I couldn't refuse to force me to do things, I still decided to help the city lord. Oh no—"

"It should be said that from the beginning, I didn't want to help anyone. Even if there was no city lord, I would do this. So I asked Ren Ke to fake death and escape, and started planning. Thanks to you, you cooperated with me to stimulate Ren Ke to kill me. It gave Ren Ke a legitimate reason to fake his death."

 “You and Ren Ke have already cooperated? This is impossible!”

Fan couldn't believe it, "You two have been **** for tat before. A few years ago, she caused Baihaizhu a huge loss. If Baihaizhu hadn't been prepared to let Ren Ke take away the fake money to recover the losses, I'm afraid Baihaizhu wouldn't have done it." I will keep you by my side again!”

"With this festival ahead, how can you shake hands and talk?! Not to mention that I gave you the position of Nine Rakshasa, and she has always been dissatisfied and resentful about it!"

"In the next few years, you will have no chance of contact. Except for her going to Lingnan of China to find you, but I arranged for people to keep an eye on you at that time, and you obviously didn't get along! All the people she brought were lost in Lingnan, because of you The punishment was not light. On the way back, she became even more resentful towards you and the conflict became even greater!"

In this case, how could the two of them cooperate? !

Ling Xiu also wondered: "Fan's people have been staring at you. In the past few years, you have had no chance to discuss cooperation in private. How did it happen? Could it be... that it was in the Lingnan Tiankeng? But before that, didn't you just have a lot of holidays?" Deep.”

Lin Wu and Ren Ke looked at each other.

Ren Ke leaned over and half-crouched in front of Fan, and said sarcastically: "You're right, I hate Lin Wu to death. I'm afraid I never dreamed that I would cooperate with Lin Wu. But the possibility of this cooperation, Isn’t it what you gave me?”

Fan frowned: "What do you mean?"

"That's when you asked me to disguise myself and lurk in Baihai Lord." Ren Ke said.

Fan was stunned for a moment.

Ren Ke mocked: "I begged for that time, I wanted revenge. You want Lin Wu to come back, and I care about you, so I am willing to personally bring back the person I hate the most. Before that, I I really thought I was different here with you, after all you gave me such a beautiful gift.”

 She pulled down her collar, revealing the silver chain around her neck.

 There are already cracks on the rabbit made of ruby.

Ren Ke pulled it off with force, hooked his fingers, and showed it in front of the man.

 “Because of it, I went happily.”

“But when I showed up on the cruise ship and was about to put on a show to sneak in, I found that I was completely weak and couldn’t move. I had been drugged without knowing it!”

“That night, if Lord Bai Hai hadn’t saved me out of kindness, I would have been played to death by those eight men who were enough to be my grandfather!”

As soon as these words came out, Fan was slightly startled, but remained silent.

 Made Xiu stunned.

 All the subordinates around him quickly lowered their heads in shock, reducing their sense of presence.

Lin Wu hooked his feet over a stool and sat down, crossing his legs, and added lightly: "Ren Ke didn't know who had given the drug at first. Those people on the cruise were having a lot of fun, and she thought she was careless on the ship. Got hit."

"Later she came to Lord Bai Hai, and I discovered her identity. He asked her to keep her and act with me in a play. That's when my cooperation with Ren Ke started, because -" She looked at her face The expressionless Fan said, "I accidentally found out something very interesting. Ren Ke's pendant has been soaked in secret medicine. It will be evaporated and inhaled by body temperature, and then slowly dissipate. If you find it later, it will disappear completely. Jing. The thing you gave to Ren Ke is very precious to her and never leaves her body. She is the only one who is affected by it. "

in other words-

“At that time, you wanted Ren Ke to die outside and not be able to return to Killer City, right?”

The words fell and the atmosphere became stagnant.

Fan raised his head and met Ren Ke's cold gaze.

After a few seconds of stasis, he said: "Why did I do that? It could also have been accidentally contaminated while outside."

 Ren Ke laughed sarcastically.

"I really can't shed tears until I see the coffin." Lin Wu crossed his arms, "Not long after that, I met my second brother You Yuan. He knew everything about the killer, especially in the killer city. Because he had A friend is in Killer City."

Fan's face changed slightly.

Ling Xiu asked in surprise: "At that time, You Yuan did use his connections to ask me to check something. Was it for you?"

Lin Wu nodded: "When I first started looking for people on the dark web to post tasks, I was looking for the source of the medicine. As I was searching, I met my second brother and the others. I told my second brother that the medicine was very important to me. So he came to you. After verification, the medicine came from the Killer City Laboratory."

Ren Ke stared at Fan: "What else do you have to say?"

  Brahma is speechless.

 Ren Ke asked: “Why?!”

Fan looked at her for a long time and then said: "Because you are too troublesome. I need to be an obedient subordinate, not someone who has emotions and becomes uncontrollable."

Ren Ke looked at Fan blankly, and suddenly laughed out loud. He laughed and cried.

 But she quickly wiped away her tears and said expressionlessly, "Thanks to you for giving me the opportunity to cooperate with Lin Wu."

Lin Wu leaned back, "But at first, Ren Ke didn't agree to me. She didn't believe you would do that to her. So in the end, I only reached a consensus with her. She cooperated with me and set up a scene with Bai Haizhu I will confuse Killer City with a trick and go back to verify you. At that time, Lord Baihai knew everything, so there was nothing to lose."

"You didn't surprise her. After I came back, you favored me and belittled her. In the end, you gave me the position of Nine Rakshasa. Even if I defected, you didn't do anything. You just went without saying a word. Go to the ice prison and be punished.”

“So in the end, Ren Ke is disappointed with you. But it’s inconvenient for us to contact you, and I have other things to do, so I can only stand still.”

Suddenly, Lin Wu paused and said: "Actually, do you know that Ren Ke has not given up on you yet. If you can be more sincere towards her later, she may not attack you."

"But unfortunately, you didn't. So not long ago, I saw that the time was almost up, so I asked someone to send a message to Ren Ke, asking her to find a way to catch me in the killer city. She went."

"This is a test for her. If she is really willing to cooperate with me, she will agree. So the moment we met in Huaguo, she and I virtually reached a cooperation."

"I know you sent people to monitor me. Everything that happens later, including the way back to Killer City and what happened in Killer City, is all staged for you to see."

It is also for this reason that when Bai Jing saw that Ren Ke wanted to take action, Lin Wu turned to Ren Ke to stop Bai Jing. She and Ren Ke still had things to do, and they couldn't let anything happen to Ren Ke there.

 In fact, telling Bai Jing so much at that time was risky for Lin Wu. She knew that the people sent by Fan to follow Ren Ke were watching her. But she really couldn't bear to see Bai Jing so sad and depressed towards Ren Ke.

After hearing this, Fan's face looked very ugly.

He didn’t expect Lin Wu to do that, but he also didn’t expect that Ren Ke would betray him!


Fan asked keenly: "Why did you think that the time was almost up, so you found someone to tell Ren Ke to find you? You were out at the time, how did you know the time, and how did you know that Killer City was going to find you? You -"

 He understood in an instant.

 “You still have people with roots in Killer City.”

“Moreover, it’s not that Killer City wants to capture you, but you made Killer City decide to find you?!”

Hearing this, Ling Xiu looked at Lin Wu in shock.

Ren Ke was stunned for a moment and looked back at her in surprise.

Lin Wu smiled, "Congratulations, that's right."

"Since I started preparing to take down Killer City a few years ago and get rid of this control on myself, how could I let myself be passively taken away by Killer City? Of course I have to seize the initiative. And We have to minimize the losses. I am not willing to let the people I worked so hard to raise die."

"So in the past few years, I have been looking for a force that is unfathomable and powerful enough to threaten you. Then I will take the opportunity to attack the city lord to solve this control."

"A few months ago, I found the Huo family. I have been confronting them, finding out their details, and arousing their hostility towards me, but I will not solve them. They should be my knives, used in Killer City Go up. Let them take care of the Killer City, and I'll find the city lord again."

"I've got a hold of that. Here in Killer City, of course I also need a proactive helper who can do what I want at the critical moment. So before I defected and left a few years ago, I left one person behind in Killer City. "