MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 575 Lin Wu, you are a bastard!

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The room was filled with suffocating silence.

Ren Ke’s Ling Xiu stared at Lin Wu with red eyes.

She was calm and casual, with no change in her expression, as if what she was talking about was just something as trivial as eating and drinking.

 But the reality is that you are dying!

 “You left both You Yuan and Zheng Lian on the island.”

 “You won’t go to the Ice Prison either.”

 “You also refused to allow doctors to examine your injuries several times.”

 “So before tonight, you were planning and preparing to die?!”

 Ren Ke said through gritted teeth.

Just as Lin Wu was about to nod, she suddenly got angry and pressed Lin Wu against the back of the sofa. She held her down with one hand and raised her other hand high.

"Then why can't you just die quietly? Why did you drag us two together? Why did you ask us to send you to death and watch you die?!" Ren Ke growled, wanting to give Lin a hard blow. Wu punched out, but in the end the punch landed on the side of Lin Wu's head, punching the back of the leather sofa deeply.

She cursed: "Are you **** sick? Are you asking us to watch you die and then never forget you and have nightmares every day? Why are you such a bastard?!"

Ling was startled when he saw Ren Ke's movements, and stood up reflexively. He stopped when he heard the words, and watched silently, without stopping Ren Ke.

Lin Wu also fell silent for a moment.

In the invisible confrontation, Lin Wu finally didn't reply to her. He just hissed and said, "My wound is really open. Do you want me to die from the wound before I go into the sea?"

Ren Ke stared at her and opened his mouth to curse, but tears welled up first. She threw away her hand, suddenly turned her back to Lin Wu, strode forward and kicked off the wall as if she was out of breath.

"...I'll call a doctor for you." Ling Xiu took a deep breath and said.

"No need." Lin Wu calmed down, sat up straight, and said in a rare joking tone: "Actually, going to see the city lord is not completely useless to me. You don't know that people from the same clan can also make me injured quickly. Recovery. For example, in Damaya, I met a snake man, and he made me recover very quickly."

“So,” she said softly, “I probably didn’t enter the eighteenth floor injured.”

Ren Ke laughed angrily, "So what? It's not death!"

Lin Wu stopped talking.

The room fell silent again.

 None of the three looked at each other.

After five full minutes, Ling Xiu broke the heartbreaking atmosphere first. She looked very calm and asked: "Is it true that we can't take the city lord out first and then ask your master for help?"

Lin Wu looked at her: "The city lord can't deal with the extraterrestrial objects, and my master is also seriously injured. I went into danger, and so did they. There is no difference."

 “I can’t push what I should do to others.”

"Then have you thought about the people around you?!" Ren Ke finally turned around and said impulsively: "Didn't you find your biological family? Don't you want to spend a few more years with them?? And...and... That man of yours, with the surname Bo! In Lingnan, you were able to drop everything for him and go find him, but now? Why don’t you..."

Lin Wu's hand on his leg tightened slightly, and his fingertips curled up.

She forced herself to be calm and said, "Do you know why I chose you two to come together?"

“Because I know you won’t stop me like my second brother and the others did.”

Ren Ke’s voice paused.

Lin Wu looked at them.

Ren Ke cursed, turned around suddenly and strode out, slamming the door.

 Ling Xiu was silent for a few seconds and said hoarsely, "I'm going out to have a cigarette."

Lin Wu nodded.

Lingxiu also left.

The moment the door closed, Lin Wu's face showed the tiredness that could no longer be concealed, and he sighed slightly. She lay down on the sofa, folded her hands in front of her, and closed her eyes to rest.

 Outside, Ling Xiu got on the ship's deck and saw Ren Ke with a gloomy face in front of the railing.

 She walked over and took out the cigarette case from her pocket, only to find that there was only one cigarette left.

"It seems you have no part in it." Ling Xiu shrugged and lit a cigarette. When he was about to pass, he glanced at Ren Ke, paused, and finally held it between two fingers.

Ren Ke barely suppressed his emotions. Seeing this, he was quite shocked and surprised, "You are still addicted to smoking."

"It used to be, but it's better now." Ling Xiu said, "Before entering Killer City, my family went through huge changes. At that time, I was watched by debt collectors and enemies. My life was in danger every day, and I was almost sold to the Golden Triangle area. Pressure. If it’s too big, you’ll want to do something to relieve it, no matter what. Otherwise, you’ll really be driven into a lunatic.”

Ren Ke sneered: "You still want to live anyway."

Ling Xiu looked at the dark night. The clouds here were thicker, and there was a faint glow of the aurora mixed in.

There is also the outline of a glacier in the distance on the sea, which is majestic and depressing. Overall, it is spectacular and shocking.

Ling Xiu lowered her head and glanced at the cigarette in her hand. After a long time, she said: "I'm luckier than Lin Wu. I still have a way to vent, but she doesn't. She is more tense all the time than we think. She doesn't do what she should do, and is stressed. In her heart, something will go wrong. She has faced so many more things than us."

Ren Ke tightened his palms to avoid losing his composure.

“…Is there any diving equipment on the ship?” Ren Ke suddenly asked.

Seeing Ling Xiu's view, Ren Ke snorted coldly: "That **** Lin Wu, she has already planned who she will go into the water with, and she will definitely not prepare an extra set." She paused, and then said: "There should still be one on board. People, just in case.”

Lingxiu said after a while: "There is an emergency set, but it is not enough to be used in the polar oceans and will not last long."

"That's enough." Ren Ke thought for a while and suddenly said: "Once we go to the sea later, you can return to the island as soon as possible and search for the castle where Lin Wu lives."

Ling Xiu was stunned: "What's the use of this?"

Ren Ke said solemnly: "Lin Wu's master gave Lin Wu a hair string with mystical skills on it. As long as it is triggered, he will appear quickly. He was the one who saved us in Lingnan! He is a very, very powerful person. It can also deal with extraterrestrial objects!”

"Although he was indeed seriously injured as Lin Wu said, and it seems to be quite serious, he is in a critical moment and can't control that much. I just thought about it carefully, Lin Wu didn't wear a hair string, so he must have been taken care of by her. It's been placed on the island. You go back and find it and find a way to trigger it."

“Don’t tell Lin Wu this beforehand, we’ll talk about it later!”

Ling Xiu looked stern and nodded heavily.


 About an hour and a half later, the ship slowed down and gradually stopped.

 There is a knock on the door.

Lin Wu opened his eyes and sat up. At the same time, the people outside also opened the door.

   is Ren Ke.

Ren Ke snorted coldly: "We're almost there."

Lin Wu nodded, took a sip of water, got up and walked out to the deck.

From the corner of her eye, she noticed that Ren Ke had taken a bag. She asked, "What's in the bag? Equipment for me?"

"The beauty you think of is for my own use." Ren Ke said angrily, "You are so powerful, do you still need the things we have here? I'm afraid it won't catch your eye."

Lin Wu’s mouth twitched: “Did you suffer from indirect convulsions again?”

 Ren Ke: “Lin Wu!”

 “Myrrh. Go to the doctor.”

  …“…fuck you.”

Ren Ke shook his face and blew out his nostrils to express his dissatisfaction.

Lin Wu skillfully turned a blind eye and saw Ling Xiu when he went to the deck.

 The outline of the land has appeared not far away. It is not accurate to say that it is land, because it is a large piece of floating ice, with the ice layer at the end, and beyond that are the undulating glaciers. Although it is not very majestic, it is just the tip of the iceberg. What is hidden under the water is the behemoth.

Lingxiu had already calmed down and said: "The exact location of the longitude and latitude you provided is right there. It can be reached by walking in ten minutes according to the compass. The ship cannot go any further, so I will wait for you on the ice bank."

Lin Wu took the compass and nodded.

Ling Xiu glanced at Ren Ke vaguely and said, "Let Ren Ke give you another ride to make sure you can meet up with others."

Lin Wu wanted to say something, but Ren Ke glared back: "You didn't give us a chance to refuse before, and you don't have a chance to refuse now."

 “...” Lin Wu could only nod.

 Soon, the ship docked.

Lin Wu moved around, took nothing more, and got off the boat with Ren Ke.

 “Lin Wu, try to come back alive and well!” Ling Xiuhu shouted.

Lin Wu waved his hand and led Ren Ke forward without looking back.

Ling Xiu watched their figures disappear and immediately ordered people to return.

After Lin Wu and Ren Ke entered the interlayer of the glacier, they walked forward for a few minutes. Their field of view suddenly broadened, and they also saw the outline of the endless ice wall not far away!

 But what caught their attention was the light of fire not far away.

It was probably a military magnetic stove used for heating. The fire was quite weak, but it was very obvious in the night. They also saw a figure sitting on one side warming themselves by the fire. It was a man.

 “Is it him?” Ren Ke asked.