MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 612 leave

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 Professor Yang finally said nothing, got up and left.

Gu Shiqing said tentatively: "Wuwu, do you really have no idea of ​​entering the laboratory No. 49?"

Lin Wu nodded affirmatively.

 The four of them felt relieved.

 Gu Siyin thought about it and felt that it was not safe, and was afraid that Professor Yang would not give up. She held Lin Wu's hand and said seriously: "Actually, I suddenly felt that it would be good to win No. 49."

Gu Chengbai immediately said: "I think it's okay."

 Rejection is not a solution. Only by solving the source of the problem can there be no hidden dangers.

  By capturing No. 49 and keeping No. 49 under the control of their Gu family, they can truly rest assured that they will not be threatened again.

 Gu Tangzhang also nodded.

The few people looked at each other and made a decision in an instant.

Lin Wu didn't care much about this and said, "It's up to you. If you need anything, you can contact Zheng Qi."

 She took the initiative to change the subject and relax the atmosphere.

 “I’m hungry, have you eaten?”

"not yet."

 Ju Luo and others came early in the morning, and they had no chance to eat.

Gu Tangzhang said warmly: "Dad is free and has nothing to do. What do you want to eat, Wuwu? Dad will cook it for you."

Lin Wu thought for a while, "I still want to eat noodles, any kind of noodles will do."

Gu Tangzhang immediately responded, got up and walked to the kitchen.

Gu Chengbai hurriedly said: "Dad, we are just like Wuwu, we can eat whatever we want, we don't have to choose."

"Get out of here, don't you have a servant? Tell the servant!" Gu Tangzhang refused without mercy.

Gu Chengbai sighed helplessly at his younger brothers and sisters.

Gu Shiqing dragged him to the kitchen, "Brother, we'd better be self-reliant. Maybe dad will get so angry when he sees us sitting around waiting for the servants that he'll scold us again."

Lin Wu hesitated for a moment, then stood up, "Then I..."

Gu Siyin pulled her to sit down and couldn't help laughing: "Wu Wu, we don't count."

As expected, in the end Gu Tangzhang only made food for Lin Wu, Gu Siyin and himself. Gu Chengbai and Gu Shiqing were truly self-reliant.

After breakfast, Gu Tangzhang called Gu Chengbai to the company, saying that he had something important to explain.

Lin Wu and Gu Shiqing exchanged glances, and Gu Siyin also knew that Gu Tangzhang wanted to explain the future settlement of the Gu family. He's getting ready to go.

Lin Wu did not stay at Gu's house, and asked Zheng Qi to pick him up. She went to the hospital to see the second cobbler.

Having had a good rest now, the second cobbler is in good spirits and looks much better.

Lin Wu went to visit Mr. Xun again.

Xun Lao had aged a lot. When she saw Lin Wu, he pulled her and kept asking her how she was doing recently, but she didn't mention what happened in Beijing recently, and only comforted Lin Wu in a roundabout way.

Lin Wu pretended not to have heard it and stayed with Mr. Xun all day and returned to Gu's house in the evening.

 At this time, Gu Tangzhang and others were there.

They just had dinner talking and laughing as if nothing happened.

 Then, Lin Wu received the message from Bai Jing.

 Her things are already done.

 Lin Wu stared at the words on the screen for a while, until Gu Siyin came to call her, jokingly saying that she accidentally saw a coat today and thought it suited Lin Wu very well. He wanted to give it to her and let her try to see if it fit.

Lin Wu followed obediently.

 After trying on clothes, the news of No. 49 also came through.

 They finally agreed to the request in the morning.

 The next moment, Lin Wu received a call from Bo Qingsheng. The Bo family also put a lot of pressure on No. 49 to make this decision. He had been paying attention and knew it immediately. "Are you going to the underground city next? When will you leave?" Bo Qingsheng asked on the phone.

At that time, Lin Wu was standing in the yard, looking through the large floor-to-ceiling windows at the four people Gu Tangzhang and Gu Tangzhang who were talking inside.

 The atmosphere seems to be very integrated.

 But everyone is waiting with veiled worry, as if something is about to happen.

Immediately, they noticed Lin Wu's gaze, looked at Lin Wu, and smiled.

"...Tomorrow night." Lin Wu lied with a calm expression.

  After hanging up the phone, Lin Wu sent a message to Zheng Qiqi, asking him to arrange a flight abroad tonight to meet up with Bai Jing.

When entering the living room, Lin Wu naturally put away his mobile phone as usual.

"I think about it, I haven't done anything for you yet. Just wait, I'll wash the fruits and make a fruit plate for you, so you can eat while talking." Lin Wu rolled up his sleeves and said with interest, and refused. They wanted to help, so they entered the kitchen and kicked the servant out together.

Lin Wu had paid attention to it before and probably knew what fruits Gu Tangzhang and the others liked to eat.

She quickly washed it, cut it into pieces, and put it on a plate.

“I’ll do it.” Gu Shiqing’s voice suddenly sounded from behind Lin Wu.

Lin Wu paused and looked back at him.

Gu Shiqing's eyes were so sharp that he seemed to be able to see through everything.

Lin Wu nodded and went to get some milk to heat. She had her back turned to Gu Shiqing, and she could feel Gu Shiqing's eyes always on her.

Lin Wu sighed in his heart.

 She wants to drug her, but there are many secret ways to do it, and no one will find out.

After the milk was hot, Lin Wu took the cup in front of Gu Shiqing. When pouring it in, he flicked his fingers slightly and flicked in some powder.

 No abnormalities can be seen.

Gu Shiqing looked at Lin Wu and followed her out without saying anything.

Gu Tangzhang and the others were talking about the current situation on No. 49. When they saw Lin Wu drinking water, milk and eating fruit, they also took in the food.

 It was late at night, and everything in the Gu family's mansion was completely silent.

In the backyard, the window of a certain room was opened. Lin Wu jumped out of the window. After gently closing the window with one hand, he jumped down and landed lightly.

  Thanks to the stranger's physique, Lin Wu didn't have any worries when he jumped down from the floor.

She quickly left the Gu family, saw Zheng Qi waiting two streets away, got in the car and drove to the airport.

Zheng Qi looked at Lin Wu in the rearview mirror and said softly: "Master, are you really planning to leave like this?"

"if not?"

Lin Wu sent a message to Bai Jing to confirm the meeting place.

Zheng Qi was silent for a few seconds and said, "Then you really don't plan to bring your subordinates with you?"

"I'll leave the matters in Beijing to you, I can rest assured." Lin Wu said, paused, and then said: "I gave Zheng Lian something before, and it contained my funeral arrangements. In case I don't come back, you guys Just follow the arrangements inside."

Zheng Qi’s hand holding the steering wheel paused: “I’m sorry that I can’t obey my order. If you can come back, you can definitely do it!”

Lin Wu said calmly: "I believe you."

Zheng Qi was silent.

 At the airport, Zheng Qi would no longer follow him, only Lin Wu went to find Bai Jing.

"As for my teacher, take good care of him and use the best medical resources. As for Mr. Xun, don't mention my whereabouts to him. If he needs anything, just do it." Lin Wu said.

Finally, he said: "As for the Gu family, you can do whatever you want. You can delay it as long as you can. But these things must be hidden from Lu Guichi. You also tell Lu Guiyan for me that Lu Guiyan can be **** if necessary. In short, we can't let him He goes to the dungeon.”

Zheng Qi hummed in a low voice.

Lin Wu saw that the time was almost up, patted Zheng Qi on the shoulder, turned and walked towards the boarding gate.