MTL - After Cheating, I Became the Strongest Beast Master-Chapter 16 Taotie who works hard to make money

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Chapter 16 The Taotie who works hard to make money

 Good news, the beast master has awakened the rare passive skill Water Hidden.

 Bad news, this passive skill is not suitable for arena competitions, only suitable for ambush in the wild. More importantly, how should passive training be done? It's not taught in the book.

Chen Xing was lost in thought. When the time comes, he will take a monthly test on how he should let Taotie use a passive skill to deal with other people's active skills.

  【Race】Saltwater crocodile (Taotie)

  【Status】Healthy (slightly hungry)

  【Attribute】Water system

 【Energy Level】Level 5

 【Energy level upper limit】Level 38


 Passive skill: Water Hide

 After pondering over Taotie’s awakened talent skills, Chen Xing focused on the new skills that appeared in the stone book.

The pet trainer career tree only has one skill later - [Pet Skill Training]

 【Pet Skill Training】Enhance their skill training benefits by playing interactive mini-games with pets, and accurately observe the pet's mastery of skills. (0/2)

This seems to be the core ability of a pet trainer, which is to train pets’ skills.

 Chen Xing couldn't help but speculate on the three career trees. The pet trainer's ability is related to the skill of controlling the beast, and the pet nutritionist is related to the development and growth of the beast.

Then what will be the direction of the skills of pet caregivers? Treat the injuries of the beast?

 But if you are just treating the injury, it is better to just call a veterinarian or pet doctor.

  The functions of a pet caregiver are not just as simple as a veterinarian, but also include pet grooming, daily maintenance, etc.

Eh. Chen Xing suddenly thought of a possibility. Isn’t it possible that pet caregivers will have the ability to do manicures, hair dyeing, polishing and waxing, washing, cutting and blow-drying for beasts?

 Shaked his head to get rid of his divergent thinking, and refocused on the new skill to be activated [Pet Skill Training].

It only takes 2 skill points to activate. The skill description can not only enhance the skill training effect, but also accurately observe the mastery of the skill by the beast master.

Originally, he planned to activate the Beast Controlling Language knowledge and then save skill points to wait for activating Freeze-drying or Intermediate Pet Rice.

  But now there is a [Pet Skill Training] skill that has a beneficial effect on skill training.

  And only requires 2 skill points.

 The price/performance ratio made Chen Xing a little tempted.

  Hey, he wants all the skills.

 Chen Xing, who was lying in bed, was checking information on the Internet to see if any smart netizens knew how to train passive skills.

I just happened to find a help thread, and the subject of the question had the same problem as Chen Xing.

      Does anyone know how to train the passive skills of beast control? 》

 The reply from the first floor below: ‘Huh? Does your beast control also have passive skills? ’

'Damn it! I haven't awakened a single passive skill of my two beast masters! Is there no passive skills in this world? ! ’

  ‘O.oWhat are passive skills? geigei, can you show me your passive? ’

 ‘What kind of beast is the host? As far as I know, although passive skills are difficult to improve, it is not impossible. I summarized the following three points.’

  ‘What a **** good luck, passive skills and talent skills cannot be passed down through skill orbs, they can only be awakened by the beast master himself. ’

'It seems that there have been examples of the evolution of passive skills for controlling beasts, but they are basically irreproducible. I heard that many universities have established laboratories now to study how to evolve passive skills. Maybe there will be results in ten or twenty years. . ’

'Master, don't listen to other people's nonsense. I remember that there seem to be some beast masters who will evolve their passive skills as long as they evolve. There are also cases where the passive skills will undergo benign mutations under special extreme circumstances. But if you want to train to improve your passive skills, don't even think about it. Yes, passive skills cannot be trained. ’

 After closing the post, Chen Xing looked at many other posts.

 The answers that can be searched are not satisfactory. The answers are basically that passive skills cannot be trained. Even if there are some examples of evolution, they are only a few cases that cannot be copied.

 Forget it, if the passive cannot be improved, then it cannot be improved.

 At least judging from the responses of many netizens on the Internet, passive skills are still very rare and cannot be passed down through skill orbs.

There is also the [Pet Skill Training] skill. Maybe the skills in the career tree can give you a little surprise.

Turn off the screen and put your phone on the bedside table to charge, turn off the lights and lie on the bed.

 Go to bed early, the monthly exam will be in four days.

Skills cannot be improved for the time being, but it does not affect Taotie’s practice energy transmission ring structure.

The teacher's lectures these days also briefly mentioned the energy transmission loop structure. This is a closed-loop energy model developed by scholars. Its function is to increase the speed at which beasts can gather energy! The essence of the beast-controlling release skill is to condense the energy in the body into a skill framework structure and then release it.

 Simply put, releasing skills requires "reciting a spell", which can also be understood as "reading a note".

 Practicing this energy structure can shorten the "reading time" and allow the skills to be released faster.

The energy transmission ring structure they are currently practicing is the seventh generation. After six generations of scholars, the energy transmission ring structure has been improved and has been very perfect.

For students like Chen Xing, it is tantamount to precious magical secrets. It is equivalent to the fact that others in track and field competitions in the sports world are still using primitive running skills, but he uses unique running skills that have been studied by countless professionals. Running skills.

 Ten minutes later, Chen Xing suddenly regretted his ability to understand Taotie's words.

 As he was lying on the bed getting ready to sleep, he heard the chattering sound of Taotie in his ears.

 “Have a meal.”

 “Have a meal.”


 “You haven’t slept, you’re hungry.”

Taotie emerged from the quilt, and a giant crocodile turned over, pressing its cold body on Chen Xing. He opened his big mouth and shouted in Chen Xing's ear, "Hungry."


Chen Xing couldn't bear it any longer, clenched his fist and knocked **** the Bodhisattva!


 Why didn’t I find it so annoying before?

Is this the reward for being able to understand what it says?

Taotie, who was knocked on the head, crawled back to his seat in disgust.

Taotie's left eye was closed, and his right eye was slightly squinted. His right eye gradually became dull and lifeless as he glanced at the owner beside him, and his right eye slowly closed as well.

 Only when sleeping next to Chen Xing at home can it close its eyes with peace of mind.

 At least you have to turn a blind eye when sleeping outside.

 In a blink of an eye, it’s the weekend again. There are only two days left before the monthly exam, and the pet food cooked at home has long been finished.

 Chen Xing also started his own plan to make money.

 After having breakfast and packing up, Chen Xing was ready to go out. Today he was taking Taotie to participate in a young children's animal control challenge in the city.

This challenge is sponsored by a beast-controlling milk powder company in Jincheng. It is a long-term event held in Jincheng. There are two games every week. Although the bonus for passing the level is not much, it attracts a lot of people because of its fun. Audiences, and the highlights of the game can be edited and sent to the company's operation account.

 The content of the challenge is somewhat similar to that of Boys and Girls Rushing Forward, but it is a beast-controlling version for young children. As long as you can successfully pass the level, you will get a bonus of 3,000 yuan.

Chen Xing did the math and found that the money was almost enough for Taotie’s food expenses for half a month. Recently, as Taotie grew up, its appetite was also getting bigger and bigger.

Chen Xing found that if he wanted to keep it growing at its previous rate, he had to at least feed it enough. Although they are just ordinary animal meat, the price is not cheap when the quantity is increased.

Hand holding Taotie in his arms, he got on the bus. The driver took one look at Taotie’s size and didn’t let Chen Xing buy two tickets.

 Some small beasts can get on the bus for free, but those that are too big cannot get on the bus. They have to pay extra for tickets, and some that are too big have to buy several tickets.

 Arriving at the event site, there was a registration desk placed outside the spacious water park. Behind the registration desk was a large advertising curtain - "Siyang Milk Powder".

 Chen Xing, who had registered on the official website of Siyang Milk Powder yesterday, took out her ID card to confirm and got her player number plate.

 The water park, which is larger than a stadium, has rows of "levels" erected in it.

 Following the different types of beast control, the challenge tracks are divided into land tracks, water tracks, and air tracks.

Five-story high platforms have been built on three sides of the water park. There are many casual spectators standing on the railings outside the high platform, as well as some shops. It is said that the annual rent of these shops is enough to cover the bonus, not to mention the activity belt. The company comes to promote its influence.

This activity requires that the contestants must be no more than three months old in handling animals.

 The waiting area backstage was surrounded by animal handlers who were "coaxing babies".

It can be said that Chen Xing is an eye-opener. He is a little horned sheep that is not yet a month old. His owner is feeding him with a bottle and telling him how to challenge him later.

A little ADHD monkey no taller than the knees, jumping around like an acrobatic.

The bald eagle, which is already bald before even shedding its fetal hair, has already walked half of other people's journey at a young age.

 It was Chen Xing’s turn in the front team soon.

With the beast in his arms on the stage, the host looked at Taotie in Chen Xing's arms and said half-jokingly: "Here comes a big guy. How old is this beast?"

 “Just turned one month old.”

 “This is a month?”

 “Just one month.”

The host looked at the crocodile that was over one meter in Chen Xing's arms with an exaggerated expression, "That's a fast-growing crocodile. Well, I hope this one-month-old crocodile can succeed in the challenge."

 In fact, those who can participate must have passed the beast control test and will not be overage. The host said this to liven up the atmosphere. Whether the audience finds it vulgar or not, it is part of his job.

 Chen Xing knelt down and patted Taotie's head gently, "Behave well, I'll give you extra food tonight, and don't eat the meat along the way."

Taotie’s eyes lit up immediately.

There are only two words left in my mind - extra meals!

 Owled at the owner twice, and then dove into the water.

The organizer has placed scented baits in some places along the way. If the animal cannot resist the temptation and eats the scented baits, the mechanism will be triggered and the game will fail.

Taotie wags its tail and swims in the water. It smells the tempting smell of the bait and can't help but salivate.

 But when I remembered the extra meal that the host said, I swallowed hard and rushed forward with all my strength on my four little feet!

Fetching **** under water, drilling through rings, and underwater mazes. The levels that are quite difficult for young beast masters were passed one by one.

  In fact, these levels are very simple for mature beast masters. The main difficulties are obedience and restraint. As long as these two difficulties can be overcome, the whole level is relatively easy.

 When Taotie jumps over the last small waterfall and lifts the ball. The challenge also ended successfully.

 Chen Xing raised the gold medal from the host and kept smiling in front of the camera.

“You want to buy some supplements for your two children?”

“Yes, Sister Zhang, you have experience, please help me take a look.”

“If you don’t go to work today, I’ll accompany you to the city to have a look. My child just finished drinking the milk powder from Yu Beast. The brand of milk powder I drank last time was pretty good, and it’s on sale recently.”

"what's the effect?"

“The effect is not bad. Let me tell you, I heard from experts on the Internet that animal cubs need to drink milk powder just like children! Milk powder can promote bone development.”

"How about it? You see this brand is quite careful. They often organize some challenge activities on weekends. Last time my child brought the beast master and almost succeeded. The bonus is 3,000 yuan. You can buy it if you add more. There are five cans of milk powder." Sister Zhang took Liu Yuzhen to select in front of the specialty store on the high platform. “Buy three cans and get one free, buy five cans and get two free, and one can is only 699. Hey, what are you looking at?”

Liu Yuzhen looked away, looking a little dazed, and smiled at Sister Zhang, "Nothing, waiter, buy five cans."

 (End of this chapter)