MTL - After Entering a Book, He Just Wants to be a Flower Vase-Chapter 102 Episode 2 My Name Is Bullet

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My name is Bullet, and according to my previous owners, I am a Malinois.

When I was very young, I experienced wars, which were loud and smoky. But I am not afraid at all, I think this is the way the world is, people will die often, and then some black energy will come out and entangle the people who killed them.

Later, after World War I, I was taken away by a group of people to a place called "Military Dog Training Base". At that time, I realized that there is still such a place in this world. It turns out that I have to learn so many things before I can be sent to the battlefield like people.

After many more summers and winters, I was wounded in a battle, one eye was useless, and many bones were broken.

I am very afraid that I will be killed and eaten by people, because, in my childhood memory, all my companions who can no longer fight will be killed by those people.

However, the owners of the training base did not kill me. They healed my bones and stopped my eyes from bleeding. Although that eye can no longer see, they still love me as before, and they will give me food and play with me.

However, I could no longer fight with my owner and I became a useless Malinois.

I don't like this kind of life very much. Although it is very comfortable, I can sleep when I want, and I can be lazy when I don't want to train, and I won't be punished again... But, I don't like it.

Until one day, two people came to the base.

I could see and smell that there was a lot of black energy wrapped around one of them, more than anyone I had ever seen.

I know that he must have killed many people, otherwise he would not have such a heavy black energy.

In the base, the companions were very afraid of the black air.

Of course I was afraid, but I knew they might need a companion, might go to war, might go off to something else.

I'm going to go with them and become a useful Malinois again.

Oddly enough, the man who was haunted by black air was not like those I have encountered before. He is not fierce at all, he still smiles at me, and is gentle when he brushes my hair.

I don't know why he has black air on him, he doesn't look like a murderer at all.

They took me out of the base and into a particularly gorgeous courtyard.

The man with black air told me that he would be my father from now on, and the tall, fragrant man would be my mother.

Mom corrects Dad, saying he's not my mom.

Dad was not happy, saying that Mom was not humble at all, and asked Mom to choose between "Mom who acts as a bullet" and "Let him play one time".

My mother finally chose to be my mother, and said that I would clean up my father at night.

How brave, actually dare to clean up a person with so much black energy on his body.

However, although my father has a lot of black air, he is really good to me.

He will cook for me, watch movies with me in his arms, bathe me, comb my hair, and take me to the training ground in the yard to play.

One day, my father specially stewed a whole chicken for me, which was delicious and carefully picked out the bones.

However, I ate all the chicken, and my father and mother could only use chicken soup to cook vegetable leaves. Mom looked a little upset, and Dad said it was a diet prescribed by the bodybuilding coach, and they couldn't eat meat for dinner.

I don't know what a bodybuilder is, but I'm going to be sad if I can't eat meat.

Mom looked sad too, but she still ate up all the vegetables boiled in chicken soup.

At night when my mother is not at home, my father will hold me and sleep on his bed.

The big bed is soft and comfortable, and my father would kiss my nose.

However, my mother found out when my father kissed me for the first time, and my mother was a little unhappy.

Dad kissed Mom too, and asked him "Why are you still jealous with the dog"... Then Mom kicked me out of the room and closed the door.

They probably had a fight on the bed, and I could hear the mattress vibrating, and my dad was yelling, as if in pain. But at the same time, he kept laughing. I don’t know why he laughed even when he shouted out in pain. I guess it’s because he’s about to win the fight, so he’s very happy.

I found out later that they liked to fight like this.

It seems that no one will win this kind of fight, but they have a good time, and they will kiss while fighting, and after the fight, they hug each other and make up as before.

But whether Dad seemed to have the upper hand or not, he was the one who yelled every time.

After a while, Mom and Dad took me to a place I didn't know, because Dad was going to learn skydiving.

I know about skydiving. When I was training before, I also learned skydiving with my master. At that time, the master would hold me, jump off the plane flying very high, fall down for a long time, and then open a big umbrella and take us to the ground slowly.

At first I was scared, but then I don't, I like the feeling of looking at the forest and river below from a high place.

It's a pity that my parents never took me when they went skydiving.

Don't know if they will also hug and jump down like me and the previous owner.

Mom and Dad still fight a lot.

And, I think I know why they're fighting.

I shouldn't be mistaken, every time they fight, the black air wrapped around Dad will dissipate a little bit. However, sometimes there is no need to fight, as long as Mom stays by his side, the dark energy on Dad will slowly disappear.

Later, my parents took me to a mountain covered with snow.

Skiing is something I don't know, but seeing how happy my father is every day, this must be a very interesting game, otherwise my father would not refuse to fight with my mother just to play skiing the next day.

They ended up fighting though, and Dad looked happier than when he came back from skiing.

Sometimes, Mom and Dad will go out and work together for a long time.

However, they will have a person called an assistant to take care of me, cook for me, take me for a walk, and then take a video to send to my parents.

The assistant was nice to me too, but I still like Dad.

After another two winters, my parents decided to take me to the place where they worked, saying that they wanted to give me a role. I don't know what a role is, but no matter what job I do, I will be serious.

I will definitely turn back into a useful Malinois.

I followed my parents to a place called "crew".

There are a lot of people here, and I have never seen what they are doing, but I can watch and I can learn.

My mother was dressed up like my former master, wearing colorful clothes and holding a non-flaming gun, and then everyone pretended to fight. I don't know why, but my father dressed up as a bad guy, beat my mother, and beat my mother repeatedly for a long time before "passing", and then continued to beat with another action.

It seemed like a fun game, and my dad took me to join in and let me yell at people.

I know it's not a real war, but I'm pretending to be serious. They praised me as a good dog, smart and human. I am very happy to be able to work with my parents.

However, I don't quite understand what the game of "filming" is playing.

Playing around, my father became my mother's comrade-in-arms. I heard from others that his kind of work seems to be called "undercover", which is a very dangerous job.

Later, there was a person in the "crew" who wanted to bully my father. I was so angry that I broke free from the leash and rushed up, throwing that person down.

But he has combed my hair before, and he has a good relationship with Mom and Dad, so he should be a good person, so I didn't bite him, I just yelled at him a few times.

Dad laughed, hugged me and kissed me several times, and told me it was just acting, not real.

I don't know what acting is. Anyway, no one can bully Dad except Mom!

After that, the "crew" took my parents and me to a big mountain, where we continued to play the "filming" game.

In the mountains, my mother was injured while filming, with a big cut on her leg and a lot of blood. Dad was very anxious and stayed with his mother until the helicopter flew, and he took his mother to the hospital together.

However, the next day, Mom and Dad came back to continue filming.

I could hear that my mother was breathing heavily during filming, and the wound must still be hurting, but there was no sign of discomfort on his face, and he was still filming seriously.

During the break, my father asked my mother if her legs hurt, and my mother smiled and said no, and my father knew immediately that he was lying.

Only then did I understand that "filming" is not a simple game.

Just like fighting a war, even if you are injured while filming, you must continue to persevere and not quit.

However, I don't understand why my mother would fight with my father even though her legs were injured, and let my father ride on him.

Could it be that this kind of fighting can still heal injuries?

For many springs, summers, autumns and winters afterwards, my parents insisted on filming. When not filming, they will take me to travel to various places.

I have not only seen snow-capped mountains, but also been to deserts, watched aurora, skydived with my mother in the canyon, and surfed with my father on the sea.

Of course, Mom and Dad still like to fight, not only on the bed, but sometimes in the bathroom, in the car, in the tent, on the beach, in the woods...

After an unknown period of time passed like this, the blackness on Dad's body became weaker and weaker.

One day, Mom and Dad picked up a litter of lost kittens while traveling, and Dad took them home.

At the beginning, the kittens were still afraid of their father, but after getting along for a long time, they became more and more courageous, and even dared to climb on father's head to fight.

Later, Mom moved into a new home with Dad, me, and the cats. It is said that this place will be our frequent vacation place in the future.

This house is on a mountain, there is a small river under the mountain, and there is a waterfall not far away. The yard of the new home is very large, with many different trees planted in it, and there is a vegetable garden behind the house. There is a pond in the corner of the vegetable garden, and there are many fish in the pond.

However, the cats seem to be very interested in these fish, I don't know if these fish can survive a winter.

Dad happily hugged and kissed his mother for a long time, saying that he liked this family very much.

That night, Mom and Dad fought again, several times, until the moon rose and set, it was not over yet...

The author has something to say: [Landscapes and rural areas, both cats and dogs] Achievement get!