MTL - After Entering a Book, He Just Wants to be a Flower Vase-Chapter 14 dishonest little guy

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"The mobile phone is turned on 24 hours a day, and we can contact you in time if you have something to do."

"it is good."

"Respect your seniors, work hard, and don't complain when you get a little tired."

"I know."

"Don't mess around with me while I'm not here."

"do not worry."

"Remember to wear pajamas after you take a shower."

"rest assured."

"Eat less food!"

"...Uh, don't worry!"

Finally, the elevator door opened, and the mother-in-law Zhu Yao stopped nagging, and led Jiang Dao to meet an extremely low-key commercial vehicle.

Chu Yinlong's assistant, Xiao Yang, had already been waiting by the car. At this time, he greeted Zhu Yao with a smile, and told the driver to put Jiang Dao's salute away.

Zhu Yao exchanged greetings with Xiao Yang, exchanged WeChat IDs so that they could be contacted at any time, and told Jiang Dao to "be obedient", and turned to leave.

Jiang Dao didn't hesitate, and nodded to his assistant generously, "Brother Yang", then sneaked into the car door, and sat down next to Chu Yinlong.

Chu Yinlong turned his head, and before he could speak, a paper bag that was still hot was stuffed into his arms.

Jiang Dao squinted at him: "Here, egg tart!"

Chu Yinlong felt the temperature of the paper bag: "Just baked?"

Jiang Dao nodded: "Yes, it's sincere enough to put it in the oven at the right time?"

Chu Yinlong raised his eyebrows: "You baked so much yesterday that you ate them all?"

Seeing Chu Yinlong's surprised face, Jiang Dao snorted coldly: "I originally baked it for myself, but it disappeared when you sent the message... What kind of expression do you have? I know it's sweets! I'm exercising, no I'll be fat!"

Judging by Chu Yinlong's expression, he almost overlapped with Zhu Yao.

In this wonderful world, why is there so much malice towards sweets? You know, it was not easy for him to eat a bite of candy back then. He had to do many tasks and kill many mutant beasts before he could get a handful of white sugar...

Seeing Jiang Dao's furry appearance, Chu Yinlong couldn't help laughing.

He opened the paper bag, took out an egg **** from the carefully arranged carton, held it up to his eyes for a moment, and tentatively took a bite.

"Tsk, the sugar is not poisonous." Jiang Dao couldn't stand it anymore, "It's even more delicate... I put so much effort into making it for you, if you can't finish it, I'm going to scold you."

Chu Yinlong glanced at Jiang Dao with a smile, took a bite of the egg **** in his mouth, and carefully opened the paper bag, revealing the whole box of egg tarts inside.

Then he took out his mobile phone and threw it to the assistant sitting in the co-pilot: "Take a picture of us."

Jiang Dao:?

"Here, take the box." Chu Yinlong handed the egg **** box to Jiang Dao, then put his arms around his shoulders, half-embracing him in his arms.

Jiang Dao was speechless: "Why are you taking pictures?"

Holding the bitten egg **** in the other hand, Chu Yinlong stretched it towards the camera of the phone, and said, "Send on Weibo."

Jiang Dao: ...

Do people in the entertainment industry like to post on Weibo so much?

Although Chu Yinlong felt that this move was too naive, Jiang Dao finally took this photo cooperatively.

In the photo, he is holding a box of egg tarts, cuddling up to Chu Yinlong obediently, smiling at the camera in all his glory, showing no trace of reluctance.

After getting the photo, Chu Yinlong took back his phone, edited a Weibo post and sent it out:

"I got it. [picture]"

It was as concise as ever, and the period was placed very seriously.

Jiang Dao stuffed the egg **** box to Chu Yinlong again, and asked casually, "Do you need me to forward it?"

Chu Yinlong smiled: "Of course I need it." After speaking, he swallowed the remaining half egg **** in his hand.

Jiang Dao pursed his lips and reposted Chu Yinlong's Weibo: "Eighty per bite. Pay."

Beside him, Chu Yinlong, who was peeking at the screen, couldn't help laughing.

Half a minute after the two microblogs were posted, Chu Yinlong's official fan group exploded.

"[Shocked] [Shocked] Daddy Long took the initiative to interact with others! [Picture]"


"Fuck [vomit blood] [vomit blood]"

"Sisters who put away the knives, put away the knives quickly! Jiang Dao is one of our own [Shocked]"

"Ahem, I really didn't expect this wave..."

"Yesterday, I sprayed Jiangdao to catch the heat, now delete them all! We were trapped into the Mariana Trench by Brother Long again. This is [vomiting blood][vomiting blood]"

"...Why is Xiao Long Bao's painting style always so weird?"

"Who made us fans of an old father [heart tired]"

"Brother Long didn't say anything, why are you sure that Jiang Dao isn't trying to catch our attention?"

"Are you a new fan? You may not know our father Long [tired]"

"Yeah, Father Long rarely takes the initiative to interact with celebrities. Today's microblog is equivalent to Father Long himself speaking. Jiangdao is covered by him... What can Xiaolongbao do? Xiaolongbao is wronged, Xiaolongbao still dare not Say [crying] [crying]"

"It's useless to say it, Brother Long will be a fan [crying]"

「[crying loudly]」

「[Big cry] But even the way Daddy Long is a fan, I think it’s so handsome!」

So, almost in the blink of an eye, the Weibo of Chu Yinlong and Jiang Dao was occupied by a series of "tearful apologies", among which were some inexplicable "kdl". However, because the voice was too low, these comments were quickly overwhelmed by waves of "tearful apologies", leaving no ripples.

As for the two protagonists at the center of the incident, they no longer paid attention to the changes on Weibo.

Thirty minutes later, the commercial vehicle arrived at the airport. Chu Yinlong and Jiang Dao entered the waiting room through the VIP passage very low-key, and were quickly arranged to board the plane.

The last time I recorded the rice cooker, Jiang Dao flew in business class, but this time he traveled with Chu Yinlong, and Longcheer Entertainment bought first class for both of them.

Curiously, Jiang Dao laid the seat flat and murmured, "I can lie down and sleep..."

People in the book world just know how to enjoy it, and they can travel so comfortably.

Chu Yinlong's seat was just next to Jiang Dao's. Seeing Jiang Dao lazily spread out in the seat, he couldn't help laughing: "Sleep if you're sleepy, the flight will take four hours."

"I'm not sleepy..." Jiang Dao half-lyed in the seat and closed his eyes, "But I really haven't been able to sleep well recently."

"What? Are you too busy with work?" Chu Yinlong asked.

"Not busy, there's actually nothing to do." Jiang Dao closed his eyes and muttered in a low voice, "It's just that the surroundings are too quiet at night, and I can't sleep well."

Hearing this, Chu Yinlong had a weird face: "The environment is too quiet, so you can't sleep well?"

Jiang Dao said "hmm", dragging a lazy nasal voice: "It's strange?"

Chu Yinlong: "It's quite strange."

Jiang Dao still kept his eyes closed, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he said calmly: "It's not serious, I can catch up on sleep intermittently during the day, but I can get enough sleep."

Otherwise, even if he doesn't care about having dark circles under his eyes every day, Zhu Yao will get mad.

At this time, Chu Yinlong's assistant came over with a tablet computer and whispered something in Chu Yinlong's ear. Chu Yinlong took the tablet and buried himself in the affairs.

Jiang Dao didn't speak again, shrunk his shoulders, and nestled in the seat at a more comfortable angle.

After Chu Yinlong finished dealing with the matter at hand, he gave some instructions to his assistant, and when he turned around, he found that Jiang Dao had really fallen asleep.

Through the curtain, he looked at the flight attendants who were constantly moving around in the business class at the rear. Hearing the noise from the boarding economy class, he looked at Jiang Dao, who was sleeping peacefully, and unconsciously raised his brows.

Jiang Dao had a good night's sleep.

It wasn't until the flight was about to take off that the stewardess came to remind him to put away the seat and fasten the seat belt, and then he woke up, stretched himself, and felt refreshed.

Soon, the plane taxied, took off, and soared into the sky.

After enjoying a lunch on the plane, Jiang Dao flattened the seat again, and took a nice nap amidst the rumble of the engine.

At 3:50 pm, the flight arrived in Jiashi.

The commercial vehicle of the "Taoyuan Dreamland" program group is already waiting there, and has already picked up Mu Zhixing who came from Lushi.

Seeing Mu Zhixing, Chu Yinlong nodded and said, "Director Mu."

Mu Zhixing put down the thermos in his hand, nodded to Chu Yinlong, and quickly moved his eyes to Jiang Dao who was following behind Chu Yinlong.

Jiang Dao looked over, and as soon as he met Mu Zhixing's eyes, he straightened his body unconsciously.

Although, before knowing that Director Mu is also a flying guest in this issue, Zhu Yao took Jiang Dao to learn about the director's life and preferences, and made up all the films he directed. But at this moment when they actually met, Jiang Dao had a clearer understanding of Mu Zhixing—this person is not easy to deal with.

"Is it Xiaodao?" Mu Zhixing asked with a smile, "Hi, I'm Mu Zhixing."

"Hello!" Jiang Dao immediately put on a look of surprise and awe, "Jiu...uh, long time!"

Seeing Jiang Dao's bewildered and flattered expression, Mu Zhixing smiled and shook his head: "The acting skills are not up to par, little guy."

He was over fifty years old, with gray hair, and calling out "little guy" did not violate harmony at all, and he seemed a little kind.

Jiang Dao was slightly taken aback.

After looking at each other for a moment, the pastor also smiled.

"My agent said that I should be in awe of my seniors."

Since he couldn't fool the sharp eyes of the other party, Jiang Dao simply stopped pretending: "But I don't think you are fierce, and I can't be afraid of you... But I have watched your movies and interviews, and I respect you very much."

While talking, he found a place to sit down casually, and the awkwardness just now disappeared.

"Oh? Have you seen all my movies?" Mu Zhixing asked with a smile, "Which one is your favourite?"

"I like it the most..." Jiang Dao thought for a while, then replied, "Let's go to Homecoming."

Hearing this answer, not only Mu Zhixing was surprised, but even Chu Yinlong looked over in surprise.

"Really?" Mu Zhixing glanced at Chu Yinlong, and asked Jiang Dao with a smile, "Don't just pick the movie we collaborated on just to make us happy?"

"That's not true. "Han Xiao" is also a collaboration between you and Mr. Chu, and it's also about war, so I don't quite understand it." Jiang Dao said bluntly, "But in "Returning to the Nest"... those war scenes... are very real , quite impressed me."

Mu Zhixing's eyes fell on Jiang Dao's face, and he was silent for a long time.

"Little guy, you're dishonest." In the end, he smiled and shook his head, "You've never seen a war, how do you know if it's real or not?"