MTL - After Having an AI Boyfriend, I Will Never Be Afraid of Sunspots-Chapter 16

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What does it mean?

What is Lin Chen's attitude? Is there a secret or is it also full of expectations for the movie? Fans have made various speculations.

Such incidents quickly fermented without Bai Ruogu's knowledge, and screened the major hot search lists. Even Bai Ruogu, an 18th-tier person, has become popular, and many people have launched investigations into his actor career.

It can be seen to the naked eye that Bai Ruogu's fans are expanding rapidly. In the era of interstellar population explosion, the number of fans quickly exceeded 10 million and continues to grow...

Bai Ruogu and the crew drove the aircraft to shuttle in the universe. He was lying beside the transparent window and could see the meteorites floating randomly between distant planets and the universe.

However, these scenes were only for a moment, and the next second jumped to another space, showing a new scene in front of his eyes.

He looked at the intellectual brain in his hand, which showed the distance to the target.

When he first came in, he listened to the guidance of the ground staff, and used his brain to scan the synchronized navigation of the aircraft, which clearly marked the coordinates between the two points.

The vastness of heaven and earth, the sun brings light to some objects. In this vast universe, the aircraft is as small as dust.

Just when Bai Ruogu looked up at this world and calculated the time of the stars, the reminder sound of Zhinao sounded—

There are 10 seconds left to the target, 9, 8, 7…

Bai Ruogu quickly turned his gaze to the front, and as his eyes narrowed, a star became bigger and bigger, blocking the sun's light, and a shadow fell from the window of the aircraft.

It was as if the sky and the earth were silent, and then the aircraft shook violently. After a while, the hatch opened and the sunset outside shone in.

Bai Ruogu walked towards the door subconsciously, and everything that caught his eye widened his vision.

I saw mountains and peaks, rolling between the mountains, a thousand miles at a glance, and the distant peaks blocked half of the sunset and the rest was dark.

Bai Ruogu inhaled slowly, even though it was not surprising to others, it was a bit shocking to him, a man with a span of a thousand years.

He walked outside, and suddenly heard a "be careful", a strong arm pulled him, and the sound of a mountain sliding echoed in the air.

Bai Ruogu looked down and found that he was just standing on the cliff, and the next step was the abyss.

He was still in shock, and quickly turned around to find that the person who pulled him just now was Li Huai.

Li Huai was relieved to see that he was okay, turned around and walked towards the aircraft.

"What the **** is stopping here? What about something with such a high risk factor?!"

The people inside quickly reassured them, "Director Li, don't be mad, don't be mad, I specially asked people to stop here. Isn't the next scene a cliff? Let's go down as soon as we finish filming!"

"You guys don't know how to say hello in advance? What if someone doesn't know how to fall down ahead of time?!"

There was a voice of apology inside, and Bai Ruogu took a breath and didn't take it to heart.

After all, this is not a good place. The props team quickly came out and arranged, and left as soon as possible after filming.

After a while, everything will be ready, and the filming will officially start—

When Hua Xingyuan opened his eyes, the blue light around him and the special steel plate on the wall had disappeared, and he saw such a magnificent and mighty scene.

He took a deep breath, and the scene in front of him shocked him. Facing such an unfamiliar scene, he was subconsciously a little scared, and he was barely relieved until he saw the intellectual brain on his wrist.

A green indicator light is flashing on Zhi's brain, symbolizing that he is in a special space.

Stepping on the uneven ground with his feet, he was amazed by the near-real touch.

He tried to grab a handful of the leaves next to him, and he could feel the texture of the leaves themselves, but it would not cause any changes to the leaves, even a slight breeze could change the position of the leaves.

He continued to walk forward, and accidentally tripped over a stone without looking at his feet.

He "hiss", got up and covered his knees to observe the surrounding scene. The explanation from the outside echoed in my mind—

The experience will not cause any substantial harm to the body, but will try to simulate the real experience brought by the scene.

He stood up, feeling the pain but without any difficulty in his movement. He opened his arms, his face intoxicated, feeling the comfort of the cool breeze in the air.

"Is this a planet 100,000 light-years away? It's not bad. Let dad buy an aircraft and bring Xu Mo here for vacation!"

He continued to wander here for a while, and found that the climate here is suitable and the natural conditions are good, and he became more and more certain that this is a suitable place to relax!

He imported the coordinates into the brain so that he could find it later.

Just as he was walking around with his hips on his back, he suddenly heard an unusual sound...

His heart skipped a beat, and he, who often skipped classes to watch movies, instantly understood what the sound was.

He had thousands of ideas to justify that the voice was not what he thought, but when he turned his head to look forward, he saw a man covered in blood and wounds riding a horse and wearing a military uniform.

The horse's hooves swiftly stepped across the grass. The man held a gun in his hand, but his hand was full of wounds, and blood flowed from the horse's body along the barrel of the gun.

This gun is a very retro gun in Hua Xingyuan's cognition, basically a gun that should be placed in the museum and called the originator of the gun.

But this…

He is a rich second generation, and he is in contact with student campuses. Where have he seen this scene? The blood on the man's body almost made him faint!

He stepped back gasping for breath, but the horse ran so fast that it rushed right in front of him.

He retreated to the edge of the cliff, the horse couldn't see him, his front hooves raised in the face of the cliff, obviously startled.

He didn't understand what was going on, but the man on the horse seemed to be unable to support it and rolled down from the horse's back, falling directly to the ground with a loud "dong".

Hua Xingyuan's eyelids twitched, and he could feel pain just by hearing the sound.

But the man couldn't relax, he firmly held the gun barrel in his wrist and inserted it into the ground, his arms were bloody.

Hua Xingyuan clutched his beating heart. At this moment, he was very close to the man, and he could even clearly see the blood beads on his fingers.

He dared to look at the man. The man has neat short hair, eyes like pools, fierce eyes, high nose bridge, clear outline, lips are white due to excessive blood loss, and his body is tense.

The man turned around and stared at the direction he was coming from, as if waiting for something, holding the gun tightly in his hand, ready to fire.

This was the first time that Bai Ruogu saw Lin Chen in an acting face-to-face. The other party had a very strong sense of substitution. Whether it was his eyes, movements, or demeanor, he seemed to be a real person. Even because he was next to him, he almost made himself forget that he was acting.

As expected of a movie star...

While he was amazed, his heart became more and more fighting spirit. There is still a long way to go as an actor, he is just a fledgling, and there is still a lot to learn.

Soon there was a sound from the front, the sound of horses' hooves running towards this side, and a unique tone resounded in the air.

"Major Ashley, I advise you to surrender as soon as possible. Your team has been destroyed. Sooner or later, your country will be owned by our Tamon."

However, it hasn't been rampant for too long. As soon as a figure appears, Ashley pulls the trigger and the other party rolls off the horse directly, and there is no movement.

"Bastard! You must pay for your life today!" The companion made an angry voice, followed by the sound of gunshots.

Because of the location problem, Hua Xingyuan consciously brought himself into Ashley's camp, and even worried about it.

When the bullet penetrated into Ashley's body, the real sight and sound made Hua Xingyuan's eyelids jump, and he stayed in place directly at the exposed flesh and **** arms.

"Are you alright?" He didn't know how to express his emotions, he just asked stupidly, ordering the other party not to hear anything.

However, Ashley's expression did not change, and he shot at the wound again, and one person fell from the horse's back.

One shot after another, everything in front of him has gone beyond Hua Xingyuan's cognition. This is not a picture a student should see at all.

In the end, the bullets ran out, and the enemy rushed in front of Ashley. Ashley was shot with a lot of guns and blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth...

The enemy was extremely angry, and stabbed Ashley directly with a knife. Ashley pulled out the knife in his boots and used his last strength to stand up and insert it into the opponent's chest.

The people next to him were anxious to save their companions and kicked Ashley out directly. Ashley did not stabilize and fell off the cliff, and at the same time there was a matching knife stuck in his body.

However, he was not sad, and there was a trace of relief in his eyes.

He fell on his back and shouted heartily: "The empire is immortal!"

The sound was loud and loud, resounding throughout the mountain, and dispersing downward.

The enemy found that he had fallen short, and after scolding a few times, he rode away. Hua Xingyuan, who stayed behind, looked at all this blankly.

He gasped for breath, looked at the corpse on the ground in shock, and looked at the blood on the ground in panic, his legs softened and he just slumped.

He grew up in an era of peace, how has he seen such a scene of fighting? Especially when the bullet was fired just now, he almost squatted down without holding his head.

He touched his hair and almost stopped crying, but when he was breathing down, he suddenly heard a small muffled sound.

Hua Xingyuan was stunned, and when he reacted, he quietly looked under the cliff—

On a protruding stone on the mountain wall, there were a pair of **** hands. The hand was very strong, leaving a **** handprint on the stone.

Everything below is blocked by stones, which is why the enemies just now didn't find it.

Hua Xingyuan was timid, he wanted to back down, but an inexplicable sense of justice made him try to save it all.

Just then, he saw a very long vine on the edge of the cliff.

He made up his mind to stand up, intending to tie one end of the vine to the tree and let the other end down.

His hand grabbed the vine, but when he tried to lift it hard, the vine didn't move.

Hua Xingyuan forgot the rule that he could not change the facts, thinking that it was because of his lack of strength.

Just as he was pulling up harder, his body flashed due to improper control, and the whole person jumped straight down.

"Ahhhh-" he shouted loudly, only to hear a "bang" followed by a mechanical sound.

[End of experience]

With the director's "click", the scene was finally finished.

Countless crew members rushed to the edge of the cliff to help. Li Huai was watching the shooting effect when he suddenly heard a scream.

"Come on, come on! There's something wrong with Mr. Bai's safety equipment! The strap came loose just now, and the safety device fell off before it was opened!"

Li Huai's heart thumped, and he almost didn't frighten his soul away, so he hurried over.

Under the cliff, thousands of feet in the sky. Lin Chen turned on the safety device early, and the "small iron box" around his waist opened in an instant, wrapping his body to form a huge bubble that flew upwards.

However, the rope that tied the "small iron box" around Bai Ruogu's waist suddenly broke, and the whole person fell directly like a free fall.

The heart of the entire crew stopped, and many people covered their mouths with red eyes. Li Huai didn't know what he was shouting and smashing the land on the edge of the cliff. Lin Chen in the bubble was also stunned, and looked down blankly.

Bai Ruogu could feel the swift wind sprinting against his cheek, and his whole body fell down weightlessly.

He opened his mouth and didn't know what to say. Sometimes a person is the most flustered but he is the quietest.

His brain is in a mess, even if his IQ is not average, but there is no place around him to take advantage of, and there is no way for him to ease the current situation.

Is this the end of this rebirth? Such thoughts flashed through his mind, and he obviously did not want to accept such an ending, but he had no choice but to do so.

Just as he fell down, there was a vast sky in his sight, some dim sky and orange-red clouds on the horizon.

However, at this moment, a huge figure suddenly flashed in the center of the sky.

Bai Ruogu's heart was stagnant, although he couldn't see clearly, but there was a very familiar feeling.

In the next second, his brain rang, and the sound was not a mechanical sound unique to the brain, but a cold male voice that seemed to appear once in his sleep.

[The protection state is automatically turned on. ]

state? what state?

Bai Ruogu didn't understand and couldn't imagine it.

At the same moment, a half-length blue colossus with a height of several hundred meters suddenly appeared in the void.

The colossus had a transparent body with countless data flowing, and a pair of hands firmly caught Bai Ruogu and held it in the palm of his hand.

It was a person similar to the original model, and it looked like a man.

The modeler slowly lowered his head, and those blue eyes just looked at Bai Ruogu...