MTL - After Mermaid O Got Su Shuang’s Script-Chapter 16 beauty misleading

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The breakfast was as simple and delicious as ever, the difference was that he found a few meatballs soaked in soup in the soup pot.

Cang Hai really made meatballs for him to eat, and there were more than one.

Xiao Yu's eyes were smiling, but his mouth was still pretending to be pleasantly surprised: "Yo, let me see what a good thing this is! Wow, it's meatballs, freshly baked big meatballs!"

Cang Hai shook his head and laughed: "Can you exaggerate a little more?"

Xiao Yu took out all the meatballs and placed them on a plate, carefully poked one with chopsticks, the full soup overflowed from the small depression, and the aroma and heat escaped together.

"I didn't expect you to actually make meatballs. Don't you find it troublesome to make it?"

While speaking, Xiao Yu strung up a meatball and handed it to Cang Hai's mouth, it can be said that he was quite conscious.

Cang Hai bit off half of it, and commented while chewing: "The green-tailed hyenas that were hunted casually before are notoriously hard to chew. If it weren't for the fact that it was fresh enough, I wouldn't even bring them back. Unexpectedly, after the rat meat is made into meatballs according to what you said, its meat quality has been greatly improved, and with the addition of broth, both the texture and taste have been sublimated."

The more Xiao Yu listened, the more amusing he became: "Is there anyone who is so boastful?"

"If you don't believe me, try it." Cang Hai didn't deny that he was suspected of boasting, there were not many meatballs, and if he ate more, the little mermaid would eat less.

It's rare to have something that Xiao Yu likes to eat, but unfortunately, without suitable tools, the output of meatballs is so low that it can't be seen.

Even if he started preparations before dawn, he only made so few finished products.

There is no direct ratio between effort and gain. In the past, Cang Hai would definitely not waste time on such things.

Hearing that Xiao Yu was full of praise for the meatballs he made, the idea of ​​making up his mind not to make meatballs began to waver again.

what happened to him? When did the will become so unsteady?

Xiao Yu, who tasted the meatballs, was not much calmer than Cang Hai.

The meatballs were indeed delicious and juicy, but no matter how perfect the meatballs in the back were, they could not compare to the first half in his eyes.

Xiao Yu knew in his heart that he and Cang Hai joined hands to survive on the desolate star, and nothing is more important than survival.

Not to mention Cang Hai, even he doesn't care much about many minutiae matters.

For example, just now, Cang Hai gave him the leftover half of a meatball, absolutely no special meaning. It's just sharing food, not worth thinking about.

But he just **** cared, his mind couldn't help thinking about the tooth marks left by Cang Hai, and he sucked them into his mouth together with the meatballs...

Beauty misleads people.

Xiao Yu covered his head in distress, he seemed to be sinking deeper and deeper without knowing it, and what was worse was that Cang Hai should have no such thoughts at all. Of course he didn't dare to tell Cang Hai what he was thinking. Cang Hai was already his bread and butter, so he really didn't dare to ask for more.

He could only keep praising Cang Hai's cooking skills to relieve his inner dryness.

"No matter how much you praise me, I won't do it again," Cang Hai waved his hands righteously, "Don't try to corrupt me with sugar-coated shells, I won't eat this."

But I was thinking in my heart, if I have free time, it’s okay to do it occasionally.

But let the little mermaid know how rare meatballs are.

Things that are too easy to get are often not cherished.

Xiao Yu shut his mouth in embarrassment, silently packed up the pots and pans, and waited to go to the beach to clean them.

Cang Hai will probably never know how sincere his praise is, and it's not flattery just for the sake of eating meatballs.

Today there was a strong wind at the beach, Xiao Yu lay on Cang Hai's shoulders, even with Cang Hai protecting him from the wind, he was still blinded by the blowing.

The long hair behind the ears was even blown up by the wind, and the price of being elegant was that the scalp was pulled so painfully.

He didn't intend to complain to Cang Hai, after all, compared to him, Cang Hai was the one who faced the strong wind directly, and Cang Hai was only much more disturbed by the strong wind than he was.

The careful Cang Hai didn't give him a chance to be brave: "Come down, let me fix your hair for you."

Cang Hai's voice was shattered by the strong wind, but it was extraordinarily warm in his ears.

"Okay." Xiao Yu responded, and obediently climbed down Cang Hai's generous back, allowing Cang Hai to gather his flying hair and braid it into braids.

This process is quite cumbersome, Xiao Yu felt a little sorry: "Why don't you just cut your hair."

Cang Hai's hands kept moving: "If you cut it, it will grow tomorrow. Who can guarantee that it won't be a windy day? Be patient, it will be fine soon, good boy."

It was the tone of coaxing children again.

While Xiao Yu was annoyed, he couldn't help but indulge in it.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but felt that the current atmosphere was just right and he couldn't bear to destroy it.

The sudden wind poured into his mouth all-pervasively, and he quickly shut his mouth tightly, but he was still a step too late.

"Cough cough cough!"

The sea breeze carried a little wet sand, which made his tongue coating bitter and his throat uncomfortable.

Cang Hai didn't care about the unfinished strand of braid in his hand, he took two quick steps to stand in front of Xiao Yu: "Are you alright?"

Most of the wind was blocked by Cang Hai's back, Xiao Yu looked at the man who was close to Chi Chi, and unexpectedly had such a confused thought that the other man's chest was his safe haven.

He really wanted to shake Cang Hai's shoulders, so that the other party would stop exuding charm that had nowhere to rest.

But thinking about it carefully, he was the one who was tempted, and he was the one who was wronged.

This is really...

Xiao Yu lowered his eyes and closed his inner struggle, he spit out the sand in his mouth: "Fortunately, I took a breath of air, and it's a bit choking."

Cang Hai patted him on the shoulder and motioned him to turn around: "Let me help you tie up your braid first."

In this way, the violent sea wind will not be able to bully his head, but Cang Hai's back may suffer.

Xiao Yu didn't waste time, **** his hair as soon as possible, and Cang Hai could suffer less.

It's just that the sea wind is so strong, not only the waves are raging, but also sandstorms are set off on the shore.

With such bad weather, would they still insist on looking for space cracks along the coastline?

He questioned Cang Hai, Cang Hai did not hesitate: "Of course."

Cang Hai played with the soft hair in his hand, and the twisted braid that he had just given up naturally fell away. He re-braided it again, and then picked out the sand and gravel that he tried to mix in, and continued: "Natural disasters occur frequently, first the tsunami And the earthquake, and then the strong wind, what will happen after that, no one can predict. Xiao Yu, we don't have much time left. "

This planet is sending out a warning, all disasters are its dying cry, its life is coming to an end.

"Before that, I must find the space crack and take you out of here." Cang Hai said in a deep voice.

His voice was strangled intermittently by the noisy storm, making it indistinct.

Xiao Yu was able to hear his firm belief and courage from his tone, which is something that no violent hurricane can break.

The corners of the mouth were slightly raised, and a chuckle overflowed from the dry throat.

Xiao Yu responded without any hesitation or suspicion: "I believe in you."

Finally, Cang Hai stuffed the last braid into the reserved space: "It's done."

Xiao Yu touched the tied hair, the lines on it were very clear and neat, one can imagine how hard the person tied the hair: "Thank you."

"You're welcome, although I really want to try its feel, but now is obviously not the time." Cang Hai held the long sword in his hand, "Be careful yourself."

There is an enemy attack.

Xiao Yu looked worriedly at Cang Hai, who had already entered the state of combat readiness. The strong wind would disturb the surrounding sounds and affect Cang Hai's judgment.

Rather than waiting in place, he would rather stay on Cang Hai's back and be his eyes.

Cang Hai did not let Xiao Yu help him naturally has his reasons.

One is that the sandstorm affects the visibility. Even if Xiao Yu is present, his eyesight will be limited, and the effect he can play is not as good as expected; the other is that he can feel that the enemy's strength today is not bad. When he fights with all his strength, he cannot guarantee The little mermaid's safety.

here we go again.

The feeling of being spied on made Cang Hai feel alarmed.

He tentatively swung his sword to the right, but the light of the sword fell into the sea like a mud cow, and was quickly swallowed by the sandstorm.

This is not just due to the weather, Cang Hai concluded that the strange beast that was watching him was hiding in the sandstorm.

What kind of strange beast can still hide its body with the help of sandstorms?

Several guesses flashed through Cang Hai's mind, and his jaw became more and more tense, no matter what kind of strange beast it was, it was hard to deal with.

For the strange beasts that can take advantage of sandstorms, their living environment must be closely related to sand. They can be nourished in the sand, and the longer it drags, the better it will be for them. He must make a quick decision.

Cang Hai decided to use his body as bait to lure the strange beast to show up.

So Xiao Yu, who was hiding aside, saw the picture of Cang Hai putting down his long sword and sitting cross-legged.

A moment later, the ground centered on Canghai suddenly became soft, and the soil turned into quicksand in an instant.

Xiao Yu was in a hurry, and was about to remind Cang Hai to be careful, but he saw the other party getting up slowly, ready to go.

Cang Hai is waiting for the best opportunity.

The ground under his feet turned into quicksand, and his legs gradually sank under the action of the quicksand. Before long, he would be completely buried by the quicksand, unable to fight back.

It's a very clever move. If it succeeds, even the strange beast can kill the enemy invisible.

It's a pity that he had expected it.

The obstacles caused by quicksand to him were not even comparable to the ten-fold gravity training room. He was trained in high-force gravity all year round, and his control over his body was far beyond the cognition of strange beasts.

Maybe others will be trapped by quicksand, but Cang Hai will not.

Xiao Yu watched Cang Hai walk out of the range of quicksand safely, his steps were steady and light, as if walking on flat ground, as if the quicksand all over the ground was just a decoration for him.

This is too powerful!

He could hardly restrain his admiration for Cang Hai.

After walking out of the quicksand, Cang Hai swung his second sword.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, but the blade of the sword pointed at one place as swiftly and fiercely as electricity.

With the sound of the clash of gold and stone, Cang Hai was determined to find you!

The short confrontation allowed Cang Hai to confirm that it was a Red Sand Demon Scorpion. The Red Sand Demon Scorpion is a strange beast that is good at controlling sand and stones. The most common hunting method is to hide in the dark, wait for the quicksand to trap the prey to death, Enjoy prey.

Because of its elusive hunting methods, it was dubbed the title of "magic scorpion".

However, the fighting strength of the Red Sand Demon Scorpion itself is not strong. Cang Hai couldn't move two moves, and was pierced by a sword through the scorpion's tail and lost the ability to move.

Cang Hai jumped onto the scorpion's body, and made up a vital point with his sword, not giving the Chisha demon scorpion any chance to counterattack.

Obviously the enemy has been ambushed.

Cang Hai felt inexplicably uneasy in his heart, it seemed that he had missed some details, what was it?

He listened carefully to the sounds around him, the wind disturbed his hearing, so that he couldn't hear Xiao Yu's movement immediately.

Xiao Yu was actually crawling in the direction of Cang Hai. He thought that the crisis had been lifted, so he immediately wanted to rush to Cang Hai to celebrate.

No one noticed that behind him, a Red Sand Demon Scorpion quietly condensed into shape from the sand.

The pitch-black scorpion-tail needle was raised high, and shot towards Xiao Yu's back in the next moment!

The author has something to say:

I borrowed a shared bicycle today, but it was not okay when I returned it. Fortunately, the staff **** the bicycle, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

If you have borrowed a shared bicycle, you must confirm that it is okay before leaving. Distressed overtime deducted six dollars_(:з"∠)_