MTL - After Playing the Fool and Marrying the Blind Villain [Transmigration]-Chapter 50

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Bo Yueming's biological clock was still as accurate as ever. When he woke up, the headache that had been silent for a whole night unleashed its strength again, and it penetrated all over the body in an instant.

Bo Yueming frowned and wanted to turn around, but the familiar weight on his arm made him stunned, his reason disturbed by the pain was finally delayed, he looked down—

Pei Yi was sleeping in his arms, perhaps because she had slept warmly, and there was still a trace of flushing heat on her cheeks.

Probably because Bo Yueming's movement of wanting to turn over disturbed her sweet dreams, Pei Yi randomly grabbed the material of the clothes with her hands on her chest, and groaned to stop, "Don't move, no, I haven't slept enough."


Bo Yueming immediately became "obedient" and stopped moving. He stared at the sleeping face of the kitten in his arms, and silently recalled everything that happened before going to bed—

Last night, his sudden return home shocked everyone in the Bo family at the dinner table.

Except for Bo Jiao who gave a genuine welcome, the eyes of the others were full of repulsion and resistance. Even so, their verbal greetings were still very nice.

Since childhood, Bo Yueming has been used to such hypocritical scenes.

In the past, Bo Yueming would have left the venue after the greeting, but at that moment last night, he deliberately "did not see" the true emotions in the eyes of others, and instead "found" a seat and sat down calmly.

After a few simple and superficial opening remarks, Bo Yueming directly stated that he wanted to return to the group headquarters and continue to work for the Bo Corporation. Not only that, he cited "Old Mrs. Bo" as the reason.

After all, the project of Wencheng Sports Center and the investment expansion along the coast were one of the most valued projects of Mrs. Bo before she fell ill.

Of course, Bo Yueming brought out the relationship of "Old Mrs. Bo" because he wanted to see other people's reactions, as he expected—

Mr. Bo seemed to be in some pain, and suddenly slapped the table and exploded, "After your grandma had an accident, you took her away without telling us, and now you want to use her to suppress me?"

"Bo Yueming, think about your birth and identity. If I don't recognize you as a grandson, what right do you think you have to influence my decision here?"

The moment these words came out of Mr. Bo's mouth, Bo Yueming thoroughly saw through the other's selfish, narrow-minded, and eccentric nature——

In fact, Mr. Bo doesn't care whether his wife will get up or not, and he doesn't value the so-called grandparent relationship. All he values ​​from the beginning to the end is only his own face and surname!

Being married to Bo's family back then was the best choice he made under his interests and disguise, and perhaps he did have a bit of true love for Mrs. Bo.

But later, the love between husband and wife gradually faded away, leaving only the disguise of superb acting skills.

He hates being called "Old Mr. Bo" by others, and his wife is a head above him, and he always feels that he has been swallowing his anger for decades!

During the period when his wife Bo Peizhi had an "accident", the mask Cheng Yangshan had put on for many years was finally getting weaker day by day, and he began to reveal the machismo in his bones.

Pedantic, ignorant and stupid!

The reason why Cheng Yangshan showed such extreme resistance and disgust towards Bo Yueming was because Bo Peizhi valued this grandson too much!

He didn't dare to let Bo Yueming go back to the headquarters of the group, for fear that the other party would firmly control everything about Bo's family for Bo Peizhi who was on the hospital bed!

Of course, Cheng Yangshan's deepest fear is—

Bo Peizhi's condition will get better, I'm afraid she will wake up and suppress herself again one day!


After realizing this ridiculous and absurd fact, Bo Yueming left the main house with a cold face, and after returning to his villa, his long-suppressed emotions finally reached the breaking point.

The strong wine entered his throat, and the hatred that had never been overflowed became more and more intense.

For a moment, Bo Yueming felt that under the control of alcohol, he would become extreme and extreme, and even rush out of the house to do things that would harm others and himself.

But at that time, Pei Yi came back.

Bo Yueming is not like Pei Yi who will be completely fragmented and lose his memory after drinking. On the contrary, he will clearly remember every move before and after drinking—

He remembered that Pei Yi held his wrist and said seriously that he believed in everything he did.

He remembered Pei Yi rubbing his head, trying to comfort his pain and anxiety.

He also remembered that when he clinged to Pei Yi while he was "childishly" drunk, the other party moaned and complained, but he ran away without leaving him.

Because of his blindness, Bo Yueming really can't "remember" the scene when he first met Pei Yi, but he can confirm—

Pei Yi, who "pretended to be stupid" and came rushing towards him that afternoon, unknowingly became the only valve in his inner world, intercepting his haze, regulating his pain, releasing his emotions, and giving steadily. He once also expected the company.

"Pei Yi."

Bo Yueming picked the broken hair between Pei Yi's forehead with his fingertips, and felt that he should choose a time to confess everything to the other party.

Probably itchy when the fingertips touched the forehead.

Pei Yi, who was sleeping, let out a "huh" and raised her eyelids, as if she was about to wake up.

There was a gleam of light in Bo Yueming's eyes, and he closed his eyes again and pretended to be asleep.


Not long after, Pei Yi woke up in a daze.

Instinctive clinging was faster than rational thinking, he rubbed his cheek against Bao Yueming's chest twice, and he opened his eyes reactingly when he realized that the fabric on his face was not right.

Pei Yi felt the strength of the waistband, and raised her head slightly to see Bao Yueming's sleeping face clearly.


You drank so much last night, you shouldn't wake up so early, right?

Pei Yi confirmed this idea to herself, and was not in a hurry to escape this time.

The hand in front of him unconsciously shifted direction, from thin Yueming's eyebrows to the tip of the nose, and then outlined the thin lips, until it touched the **** Adam's apple.

In his sleep, Bo Yueming remained motionless, letting him mess around.


Pei Yi seemed to think of something suddenly, and rubbed his fingertips back and forth on Bo Yueming's Adam's apple four or five times, and as expected, the circle around his Adam's apple was instantly filled with red heat.

Pei Yi seemed to have discovered a new continent, and she was amazed, "It can't be true, can it?"

He remembered that the company's female staff had discussed it during the team building dinner, saying that men with easily red Adam's apples are usually pure and abstinent, but they are also very capable after the ban is lifted!

At the beginning, Pei Yi, who secretly wrote down this matter, was out of curiosity, and when she went back at night, she rubbed her Adam's apple twice vigorously in front of the mirror.

Then, he dismissed it as "fake material".

Pei Yi's thoughts were distracted by the past for a moment, but her fingertips forgot to stop, and played around her Adam's apple in circles.

Unbearable, Bo Yueming failed to "pretend to be asleep", and firmly grasped the messy hand, "It's early in the morning, don't touch it randomly."


Pei Yi shivered in shock, "Second, Second Brother?"

Bo Yueming's head was still throbbing and hurting, he didn't open his eyes in a hurry, his voice was rare and hoarse, "Why did you come to sleep with me again?"

Knowing what to ask, deliberately fishing for cats.

Pei Yi remembered what happened last night, and withdrew from his arms unconvinced, "You, drunk."

I don't know who got into a child's tantrum when he was drunk, and kept clinging on to him, so what can he do?

Seeing Pei Yi withdrawing from his embrace, Bo Yueming didn't deliberately try to keep him, but stretched out his hand and rubbed his temple that was still hurting, "I don't know who poured it down, he was much more drunk than me."


I was angry, but I couldn't refute it.

Pei Yi, who was stuck, got up numbly, and ran away with her sleepy hair.


As soon as the closed door opened, the inspector's chubby figure quickly entered.

Facing Pei Yi and Bo Yueming who were standing and lying down, it immediately started a meowing accusation, as if it was very dissatisfied that it was left alone in the small living room last night.

Pei Yi quickly picked up her beloved pet and shook the pot hard, "Yes, he is bad!"

The inspector stared wide-eyed and thought for two seconds, his little paw grabbed Pei Yi's arm, and responded without understanding, "Meow!"


Bo Yueming opened his eyes and looked at the back of one person and one cat leaving, and laughed helplessly. He suddenly felt that he didn't have such a severe headache anymore.

After returning home last night, Pei Yi hadn't stepped into her small room yet.

Now entering the room and looking at the familiar layout, he suddenly felt a long-lost and unexpected sense of belonging. He took a deep breath, picked up the change of clothes and went into the bathroom.

Wash down with comforting warm water.

Taking advantage of the early sobriety, Pei Yi focused on recalling the plot of the original book—

The story of "The Wrong Love of a Rich Family" started from the banquet held by Mr. Bo, where the protagonists "Yan Cen" and "Pei Huan", the supporting role "Li Yu'an" and the "villain" Bo Yueming met after graduation from university.

After that, from the perspective of "Pei Huan", from the other party's initial efforts in his career, to the various interactions and exchanges with "Yan Cen" re-encounter, to his words of defense and acquaintance with important supporting roles such as "Bo Yueming" .

All in all, it is the plot of the steps in which the protagonist is crazily favored.

Pei Yi has literally passed the "three months in the blink of an eye" in the book, and it will be Pei Huan and Li Yu'an's birthdays in about half a month, and the most important life story in the book is on that day!

On the day of his birthday, both Pei and Li coincidentally chose the same restaurant to celebrate. Compared with "Pei Huan" who has many relatives and friends celebrating his birthday, "Li Yuan" has only his mother Anyang by his side.

Ever since her husband passed away from a sudden illness, Anyang's spirit has had some problems, sometimes good and sometimes bad.

At the dining table, "Li Yu'an" confessed the bankruptcy and closure of Liming Company with apology. Unexpectedly, Anyang lost control of his emotions when he learned about this, and shouted and cried.

Coincidentally, it attracted the attention of "Pei Huan" and others.

Then a series of twists and turns had to be omitted before the mystery of the two's life experiences was solved.

But since wearing the book, Pei Yi has witnessed a series of changes.

First of all, Yan Cen and Bo Yueming probably didn't have too much affection for Pei Huan, and Li Yu'an also hasn't experienced bankruptcy or company closure. Maybe the next plot will change accordingly?

Pei Yi doesn't want to speculate on the main plot that hasn't happened yet, what he cares more about is—

In the original book, Bo Yueming's eye condition showed signs of improvement after the "mystery of his life experience" was revealed, and he fully recovered within half a month.

Judging from this timeline, it is only a month at most.

During this month, Pei Yi can complete the structure of at least two new mini-games, prepare to rent a new house after his "escape", and even reveal his "recovery" situation with Qin Yishun, Shu Wan and others, Let them help hide his whereabouts in the future.

One month is short, but enough.

Pei Yi pressed the switch of the water flow, and her heart was filled with an indescribable and unexplainable complex emotion—

In the beginning, he chose to enter the Bo family according to the plot of the original book to make money and to better control the progress of the plot; later, he decided to leave the Bo family to completely get rid of the fate of cannon fodder in the original book.

Everything is moving in the direction he wants now, but why can't he look forward to it?

There was a knock on the door.

Uncle Kai's voice was blurred by the two doors, "Sir, are you in there? Are you all right?"

Pei Yi threw away these messy thoughts, quickly packed up and went out.

Uncle Kai was waiting impatiently at the door, and only reacted when he saw Pei Yi open the door with wet hair, "Oh, Mr. Xiao, you scared me, and you didn't make a sound after shouting for a long time.

Come take a shower. "

Pei Yi twirled the wrinkle on her fingertips indiscriminately, "Yeah."

Just now he was thinking about something and felt comfortable even in the warm water, so he didn't pay much attention to the time.

Uncle Kai signaled gently, "Shall we dry our hair before breakfast? The second young master has already gone to the group headquarters."

Although the atmosphere in the main house last night was a little stiff, but the group project still has to be business-like

Bo Yueming returned to the Imperial Capital with the news of the successful bidding of the project. He and Lin Zhong needed to go to the headquarters and report in front of the senior shareholders.

Pei Yi understood these important matters, and nodded obediently to Uncle Kai.

Bo Group Headquarters.

Bo Lihui strode into the office, with a trace of anger on his usually steady face.

Soon, Bo Guancheng also came in. He locked the door of the office, pressed the electronic glass windows that were automatically closed on both sides, and whispered, "Dad, don't worry."

"Don't worry? Why don't you tell me not to worry!"

Bo Lihui retorted with a suppressed voice, and pointed in the direction of the high-level conference room, "Didn't you see that group of shareholders are very satisfied with Bo Yueming? Almost all agreed that he should return to the position of general manager!"

Bo Guancheng didn't speak, but he was also unhappy in his heart.

"If you want me to say, your grandpa is an old fool! How could such a big profit project in Wencheng be entrusted to him without notifying our father and son in advance? It's all right now—" Bo Lihui patted the table, very angry , "How long did we plan to drag him off the horse, and now let him find a chance to come back!"

At today's meeting of Bo's senior shareholders, Bo Yueming just summarized and reported on the Wencheng project. As a result, some shareholders wanted him to return to the position of "general manager". The reason was simple—

Facts speak louder than words.

Although it is inconvenient for the second young master to have an eye accident, he is still able to do a good job in the project and make money for the group. As long as he is willing to come back, there is no reason to stop him.

Bo Lihui thought of the dumbness he had suffered at the meeting, and felt aggrieved, "Also, look at the attitude of the second room! Ever since that stinky girl Bo Jiao came back, hasn't she made trouble for our eldest room openly or secretly?"

At the meeting not long ago, the shareholder just mentioned it, and Bo Jiao immediately jumped out to agree, and Bo Yueming took advantage of this step to go up—

No matter how soft Mr. Bo and Bo Lihui tried to stop them, in the end they still supported more than opposed, and the decimal must obey the majority!

The agreed project report suddenly became a voting meeting for shareholders on positions!

"I'm so surprised! Those shareholders are usually dull and dumb! How come one sings more happily than the other today! It seems that we have discussed it!"


Bo Guancheng pushed his glasses, his eyes darkened, "Of course it has to be negotiated."

"Dad, don't forget, isn't the senior shareholder who jumped out to propose at the beginning, the most loyal defender of grandma when she was in office?"

Bo Lihui recalled it carefully, and frowned even more, "Guancheng, it's not okay to go on like this! Once Bo Yueming returns to the position of 'general manager', the advantages we accumulated in the early stage will be gone!"

"We don't know about your grandma's physical condition now, but your grandpa..." Bo Lihui glanced at the closed office door and lowered his voice, "Why does he support our eldest son so much? You also know the reason."

Mr. Bo hates his status as a "husband-in-law", and he is even more dissatisfied in his heart that his son and grandson are all named "Bo"!

After Mrs. Bo fell down, the father and son secretly communicated—

As long as old Mr. Bo "prefers" Da Fang and helps Da Fang control the Bo Group, then once Mrs. Bo passes away, Da Fang and his son will immediately change their surnames and follow the old man's surname!

At that time, even "Bo's Group" will be changed to "Cheng's Group"!

Knowing a son is like a father, and vice versa.

Bo Lihui has a very thorough view of his father, "Crown

Cheng, this is what your grandfather wants. If he thinks that the second room is more capable, he might not help us! "

After all, Bo Yueming's ability is obvious to all, and the performance of the projects he personally made when he was in the group should not be underestimated!

What's more, there is another Bo Jiao on Erfang's side. It's only two and a half months, but the ability shown by the other party also proves that she is not just playing tricks!

If Mrs. Bo died of exhaustion in the hospital bed, that's okay, but what if the other party really recovers one day?

Bo Guancheng took off his glasses and went back to his desk, "Dad, I understand what you said."

Bo Lihui took a deep breath, "Understood? You understand that you are not in a hurry?"

Bo Guancheng picked up the glasses cleaning spray, and the water mist slid down the lenses, "The position of the general manager can no longer be divided into two, it should be mine, and no one can take it back!"

Bo Guancheng picked up the glasses cloth and wiped the dirt on the lens extremely vigorously, "It's not so easy for Bo Yueming to come back."


But the shareholders have already voted, and it is a certainty that Bo Yueming will return to the group. What does it mean that it is not so easy to come back?

Bo Lihui suddenly remembered the man-made car accident at the beginning, and his heart tightened, "Guancheng, what do you mean by that? Some things can't be messed up anymore!"

Bo Guancheng knew what Bo Lihui was worried about, so he snorted, "That foreign **** has a lot of life, since I failed the first time, I won't take the risk a second time."

Since Bo Yueming went blind and got married, he hasn't really planned anything yet.

He originally thought that Bo Yueming would just calm down, but he didn't expect that he would seize that little chance.

Bo Guancheng put on his glasses again, but the malice deep in his pupils was not concealed, "Isn't there going to be a celebration banquet for the Wencheng project for him this Saturday? I'll prepare a big surprise for him."

Everyone, just wait and see the good show.

Drip drip.

The news on the workgroup kept vibrating.

Since Xiang Nansheng and Lou Yang took over as technical directors and art directors, Li Yu'an has recruited many new employees one after another. Even Pei Yi's leading planner has become a team of six.

"The Last Mist 10" is a relatively simple card game, and the construction preparations are in full swing.

Because of Pei Yi, the general gatekeeper who knows the key points of the game, and Xiang Nansheng and Lou Yang who are equally capable, the current push is going smoothly.

If there is no accident, they will plan to launch the first wave of internal testing on New Year's Day, and it will only be two months after the full play.

Pei Yi marked the content of the character plot copy that needs to be modified and sent it back to the work group, "The marked content must be revised and sent to me before get off work, no delay."

The planning team suddenly wailed and howled, "Mr. Will, it's only two hours before get off work!"

"I took a look at the segment that needed editing and was already scratching my head [wailing jpg]"


Seeing the complaints of the members, Pei Yi chuckled, "Leave the time for crying and complaining, and you can modify two more NPC dialogues. This amount of work is completely in time."

"I'll order dessert afternoon tea for you right away, but the work progress can't be delayed, finish early, rest early, and there will be absolutely no extra overtime tomorrow and Sunday."

Although I haven't been in contact with Pei Yi online for a long time, the entire planning team is familiar with Pei Yi's character—

They are absolutely strict during working hours, and they will never give them extra burdens after get off work, and there will be free desserts every now and then. Compared with the art team and technical team next door, their planning team is the fairy director!

Seeing the "thank you" superimposed in the group, Pei Yi quickly took out her phone and ordered some desserts as a reward.

The detective lying in the cat's nest seemed to have had enough sleep in the afternoon, got out and stretched slowly, then walked to the door and signaled to Pei Yi, "Meow~"

Pei Yi put down her phone, and got up to move her stiff shoulders and waist, "Let's go downstairs and ask Uncle Kai for dessert."


One person and one cat are familiar with the ground floor.

The inspector had just stepped on the ground of the first floor, and slipped out of the side door with lightning speed, Pei Yi let out a "hey", and had no time to catch this playful kitten.

Uncle Kai stood in the living room, looking at Pei Yi with a smile, "Mr. Xiao is down? The strawberry pie will be baked soon, wait a little longer."

Pei Yi looked back, and was instantly attracted by Bo Yueming's banquet attire today, and couldn't help but move closer, "Second brother."

Bo Yueming wore a champagne-colored three-piece suit, and there was a shimmer in the fabric upon closer inspection.

You know, this kind of suit color that is different from the conventional ones is very picky, and even the male stars in the entertainment industry who walk on the red carpet are rarely able to control it. After all, it is easy to look vulgar if you are not careful.

But this suit seems to be made for Bo Yueming naturally, it complements his arrogance and extravagance.

When looking closely, there is also a sense of indifferent aggression.

Pei Yi was admiring Bo Yueming's appearance, and suddenly saw him say, "I'm going to the celebration banquet now, you stay at home obediently."

The celebration banquet was attended by shareholders and employees of the group, so there was no special meaning.

Bo Yueming wanted to take advantage of this banquet to retest and win over the shareholders' minds. This was an important step for him to return to the Bo Group!

Of course, he had asked Pei Yi in advance, but the other party was unwilling to go out.


Pei Yi responded in a low voice.

He will be busy writing the structure of the new game later, confirming the revised content of the copywriting team, and he has no time and is unwilling to waste time on the boring celebration banquet.

Besides, he knew that Bo Yueming's trip today was to win over people's hearts and establish prestige. If he brought a "stupid" marriage partner, it would easily create a bad impression on other shareholders, and it was not worth it.

Lin Zhong entered the room and shouted, "Mr. Bo, the car is ready, and it's almost time to leave."

Bo Yueming nodded, and looked at Pei Yi again, "Pei Yi."


Pei Yi always felt that the color of Bo Yueming's eyes hidden under the glasses was slightly different today, but he couldn't see clearly for a while.

Bo Yue took a deep breath indistinctly, as if he had made some decision, "When I come back tonight, I have something to talk to you about, do you hear me?"