MTL - After Playing the Fool and Marrying the Blind Villain [Transmigration]-Chapter 80

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In order to enhance the communication and learning among game producers, the organizer specially held a three-hour free exchange meeting in the afternoon.

The location is on the 16th floor of the hotel, and the organizer has carefully arranged the venue—

In addition to the major game CGs that have been launched on the market in turn on the main stage, the logos of each game studio company and past representative works are placed on different small platforms.

After entering the hall, Pei Yi and Li Yu'an looked around and walked to the small platform representing their own family.

The cute ywy among the cool logos, and the mini-game of "Der Fog 10" played on the small screen, compared with other studios present, immediately showed the status of "cute new".

Li Yu'an took a photo and sent it back to the group in the studio, and then he joked to his friends, "What should we do, Mr. Will? Our house is not good enough."

Pei Yi chuckled, "Sooner or later, people will not be able to see it."

Li Yu'an agreed, "Yes."

Pei Yi looked around, and the voice through the mask seemed a little dull, "Have you seen Ke Ming?"


Li Yu'an carefully identified the guests in the audience, and then pointed out a direction with his eyes, "You can see that he is not there on the small platform of the Cicada Studio, so he probably hasn't come yet."

Hearing this, Pei Yi pulled the mask down, he had already understood it thoroughly—

Of the game producers currently participating in the game design competition, only Ke Ming knew his true identity when he was in GM.

Pei Yi never thought that the relationship between herself and the Bo family could be hidden, but it would be good if fewer people knew about it and explored it.

Li Yu'an patted him on the shoulder, "will."


"I met a friend I knew before."

Li Yu'an pointed to a man in a black windbreaker, and explained in a low voice, "It's my classmate after I changed my major in college. I'll go say hello to him. Are you going?"

Pei Yi shook her head, but she didn't hinder Li Yu'an's normal social interaction, "You go first, I'll take a look."


Li Yu'an stepped away, and Pei Yi's gaze swung around again—

Stayed on the wine tower at the oblique corner.

Pei Yi was tempted by the seductive wine red, and walked over quickly.

He remembered Bo Yueming's past explanations, picked up his phone and snapped a photo and sent it to his lover, "Second Brother, do you think these wines are saying hello to me?"

Bo Yueming's messages came back quickly as usual, "Did you respond to them?"

Pei Yi's brows and eyes were tinged with a smile, "I'm waiting for you to nod."

Bo Yueming replied, "Drink, but be careful not to overdo it. You know how much you can drink."

Pei Yi forcefully typed out the word "um".

Before and after the relationship, Bo Yueming took the whole wall of wine to accompany him to practice his drinking capacity. Although he still failed to return to the ultimate goal of "drinking king", he at least made some progress from pouring one drink to not getting drunk.

Pei Yi got the long-distance permission from her lover in the imperial capital, and impatiently picked up a glass of red wine, swirled it and sniffed it.

Before he took off his mask and formally took a sip of red wine, there was a slight sound of footsteps behind him.


Hearing this greeting, Pei Yi turned around and looked over. The moment his eyes met, he recognized the person—

It was the man in the suit who accidentally bumped into him before signing in in the morning. He seemed to be the representative of the producer sent by Xingyun Fun to participate in the competition.

Pei Yi observed silently for two or three seconds, then nodded slightly, "Hello."

The man in the suit looked at Pei Yi with sporadic eyebrows and eyes, and asked uncertainly, "Is this Teacher Will? I am the representative of Xingyun Fun Tour."

Hearing this gentle and polite tone of voice, Pei Yi suddenly thought of a possibility, "Group Leader Gu?"

The other party nodded immediately, "Yes, I am Gu Jianshen."

"Xingyun Quyou", a subsidiary of Huaguo's top game production company "Weiyi", and the other party is the leader of the game copyright team of "Xingyun Quyou".

Gu Jianshen took a fancy to Pei Yi's original "Pros and Cons Tracking", and the two completed friendly cooperation and communication online, and even when the copyright transaction was completed—

Gu Jianshen also offered an olive branch to Pei Yi on behalf of his game headquarters, but was rejected by the latter.

Pei Yi took off her mask out of politeness, and stretched out her hand, "Hello, Team Leader Gu, I'm Will."

Gu Jianshen stared at Pei Yi's face, a little surprised.

Pei Yi sensed his expression and said bluntly, "What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"

"No, it's not."

Gu Jianshen was afraid of causing misunderstanding, so he quickly explained, "I thought Teacher Will didn't want to show his face, and I didn't expect you to be so young."

Pei Yi accepted his compliment with a smile, and put the mask back on, "Leader Gu, let's talk?"

He naturally has his own set of standards for judging people—

When they first cooperated online, the communication between the two was very pleasant.

Now that he met a real person, Pei Yi felt that the other person didn't look like the kind of person who would use his brains and thoughts, so he was naturally willing to give him the courtesy he should have when meeting him.

Gu Jianshen came to find someone with this idea in mind, "Of course, why don't you go to the lounge? There are too many people here. Since Mr. Will is wearing a mask, he probably doesn't want to be seen by more people?"

Pei Yi likes to deal with smart and sensible people, "Yes."

The two found a lounge next to the communication hall and sat down.

Gu Jianshen was the first to open the topic, "I didn't expect to meet Teacher Will here. I thought you said 'I prefer to be my own boss to make money' was just an excuse to decline, but I didn't expect it to be true."

Pei Yi raised her eyebrows, "Of course it's true. I've always been serious about my career."

He took a sip of red wine and smiled back, "I didn't expect to meet Team Leader Gu here, and to see you bring "Trace" to the competition."

After all, Xingyun Fun Games is backed by a top company like Weiyi. Once the game is launched, it will have its own various channels for exposure. Where does it need the extra blessing of winning titles in the competition?

Gu Jianshen did not deny it, "Whether we can finally win the award or gain popularity is really not what we value most."

Of course, if an award can be won in the end, it will be a good thing for the icing on the cake.

Gu Jianshen looked at Pei Yi, not hiding anything, "Actually, I have another important thing to do this time, which is to find suitable game projects for our company headquarters."

The current Gu Jianshen is not only the head of the copyright team of Xingyun Fun Tour, but has also been promoted to the copyright manager of Weiyi.

In the past two years of the original game design competition, the production level and competition have become more and more fierce. You must know that there are only three awards, and those games that are finally lost do not mean that they are not good.

What he has to do is to find high-quality game projects for his company, invest in cooperation or simply buy them out.

Pei nodded knowingly.

Gu Jianshen said sincerely, "Mr. Will, I am very interested in the concept of "The Last Mist 20"."

A while ago, the mini-games of the 10th version of "The Last Mist" were developing well. At first glance, the settings were aimed at the follow-up 20 or even 30 large-scale games.

As long as it is well-produced and properly promoted, it has the potential to become a hit game in the future.

Pei Yi heard his overtones, and replied simply, "Thank you, Team Leader Gu, for your compliment."

When a wise man speaks, he naturally stops.

Seeing Will's attitude, Gu Jianshen understood the unspoken answer.

If it were someone else and another game, he would have tried to throw an olive branch, but facing the person in front of him, he could only dismiss the thoughts deep in his heart.

Although the two parties didn't have much contact time, Gu Jianshen roughly felt the other party's career ambitions—

&l has his own business plan, and first uses the original mini-games of the framework to attract powerful Party A in the circle.

In fact, it is through the influence of Party A after the production and release of the game, to play the name of its own original architect.

Then, when preparing for a reunion, use the step-by-step game layout to go to the higher place step by step.

Right now, Will is holding a mature, well-formed game with no shortage of investment, so there is no need for big companies like them to step in and take away his business.

Gu Jianshen had to admire Will's planning ability, and also looked forward to where the other party would go in the end.

He raised his glass and said, "Then I wish "The Last Mist" a good ranking in the competition."

Pei Yi chuckled lightly, and said a question that was stuffed in her heart, "Group Leader Gu, I happen to have something I want to confirm with you."

"Please say."

"You must know better than me in Haishi, who are the behind-the-scenes composition of the competition organizer, or who are the investors?"

Gu Jianshen hesitated for a while when he heard this, and said truthfully, "Except for the unshakable relevant departments, the composition of the organizers is different every year."

"From this year alone, Youtu Forum, Xunya Technology, and our Weiyi all have funds to participate."


When Pei Yi heard about these three well-known companies in the industry, he suddenly understood.

No wonder the location of the opening ceremony in the morning, the Xingyun Fun Club represented by Gu Jianshen is so near the front? It seems that the "behind-the-scenes organizer" is always giving their family a pomp.

What about Ke Ming and Chanming Studios?

Could it also indirectly rely on Nanchan's game production, or even Xunya Technology behind the other party?

Gu Jianshen saw his silence, and explained, "Will, don't worry, neither Weiyi nor Xingyun Fun Tour is the kind of company that wins the title of victory by going through the back door."

Weiyi and Xunya Technology have been fighting openly and secretly for several years.

This time, Weiyi's headquarters heard that their rivals suddenly changed their disdain and joined the investment competition, so they followed suit and asked Gu Jianshen to bring their own project to the competition.

"As I said just now, even if you don't get any prizes in this competition, it won't have a substantial impact on the popularity of the game "Trace" in the future, besides—"

The four eyes are facing each other.

Gu Jianshen was confident and asked rhetorically, "Don't Mr. Will believe that with your own game structure and our company's game hard power, it's not enough to make "Trace" stand out among the many participating games?"

You can't take the ranking, and when the game is officially released, there will still be various exposure channels.

If they can get the ranking, then they are well deserved, and they are not breaking the rules of the competition.

Pei Yi liked to deal with straightforward gamers like Gu Jianshen, and raised his glass to signal, "Group Leader Gu, don't get me wrong, of course I don't doubt the game "Trace" or you guys."

What he suspected was someone else.

Gu Jianshen is honest and honest in dealing with people, but it doesn't mean that other people, other studios and companies are like this.

Gu Jianshen lightly touched his wine glass, "Of course, I believe that Mr. Will is also a person with game ideals and aspirations, although it may be too official—"

"But the original intention of us gamers is to make Huaguo games better and better, isn't it?"

Hearing these remarks, Pei Yi's affection for Gu Jianshen increased by another degree, "If Team Leader Gu hadn't been promoted to Weiyi's headquarters, I'd like to lure you to our studio."

"That's thanks to Teacher Will's approval." Gu Jianshen smiled back, "By the way, I said it online before, if I have the opportunity to come to Haishi, I will treat you to dinner."

Pei Yi didn't refuse, "Let's wait until the competition is over. Tomorrow and the next two days, we have to divide into groups to prepare for the game presentation."

Gu Jianshen nodded, "Of course, business is the most important thing."

When Pei Yi returned to the banquet hall wearing a mask, Li Yu'an was looking for him everywhere.

As soon as the eyes of the two met, Li Yu'an ran over, "Where did you go? I sent you a WeChat message and didn't reply."

"Sorry, I didn't hear the phone on silent in my pocket."

Pei Yi put the remaining half glass of red wine on the recycling rack, and explained, "I just met Xingyun Quyou. It should be said that I am the person in charge of Weiyi's copyright department. We chatted briefly for a while."

Li Yu'an came to his senses, "Xingyun Fun Tour? Is that the person we met at the registration gate in the morning?"

"Well, I sold the copyright of "Pros and Cons" through the Youtu platform before, and I was connected with him."

While speaking, Pei Yi looked around again, "Where's Ke Ming? Still not here?"

Li Yu'an said, "No, he hasn't shown up until now. From what I know about him, I guess he has a better backer, so I don't bother with this kind of communication."

Pei Yi nodded slightly, but she didn't really want to see Ke Ming.

"Liyuan, do you want to stay here?"

He drank half a glass of wine, and felt a little stuffy now that he was wearing a mask again.

"No, let's go back to the suite upstairs. I happened to inquire about something with my college classmate. I'll talk to you after closing the door."


The two entered the elevator.

Li Yu'an quickly learned the useful information and said, "Pei Yi, do you know which game and producer are the most popular winners in this Haishi circle competition?"

Pei Yi thought for a while, "Apart from Xingyun Fun Tour "Trace", which is backed by Dachang, what else is there?"

Li Yu'an didn't play charades either, "Deng Mufeng is the core person in charge of Mufeng Games' "Cang Hai Guan"."

Pei Yi's eyes moved slightly, "An ancient game in this competition?"

"Well, ancient martial arts."

Li Yu'an continued to tell what he knew, "I just checked, and there is a prototype novel for "Cang Hai Guan", and the author is Deng Mufeng's wife."

The length of this novel is very long, and it has been continuously updated for two years. There are millions of readers collecting and subscribing.

Three years ago, the original author deliberately left several undisclosed foreshadowings, and claimed that the novel will be changed into a game of the same name, and a new setting will be added.

Although it caused dissatisfaction among some serial readers, it can be regarded as a disguised way to promote the game drainage.

"Besides his wife being amazing, I know that Deng Mufeng himself is also very powerful."

In the past ten years, he served as the chief game planner of the large-scale ancient game "Ling Cage War".

This game became popular as soon as it was launched, and it is still ranked among the top three ancient martial arts games in China.

Deng Mufeng only took the position of general strategy before the release of the game. Later, it is estimated that he chose to quit due to internal struggles and disappeared for nearly ten years.

Therefore, the younger generation in the current circle hardly understand him.

The current Mufeng Games is a production company funded and founded by Deng Mufeng himself.

Li Yu'an said, "I heard that this game has been tested internally, and the response is very good, and the public beta will be released soon."

Pei Yi nodded, "Ancient games are wasteful in preparation, but if done well, it is indeed easier to get out of the circle."

"I said Teacher Will, are you aware of the seriousness of the problem?" Li Yu'an followed him out of the elevator, taking advantage of no one to reveal his worries—

""Trace" and "A View of the Sea" are both favorites to win awards, so don't we have to fight for the remaining one? With the addition of Ke Ming who is not clear, I am afraid that the result will not be as smooth as we imagined. "

Pei Yi didn't understand his friend's concerns, but now that he had come to this point, instead of being afraid of competition, it would be better to go head-on.

Pei Yi took out the computer from his suitcase, smiled and said with relief, "Okay, check with me the ppt and promotional materials for tomorrow's competition, so as not to make mistakes before the battle."


Li Yu'an was helpless and admired, "I really admire your calm attitude."

The selection of the original game design competition is divided into three rounds, and the content of the judging in each round of competition is different. The first round of primary selection is divided into two rounds -

Ten games form a large group, and five players will be eliminated in each game.

Pei Yi and Li Yu'an were assigned to the sixth place in the afternoon group, but in order to test the overall strength of other game producers, they chose to watch the morning game.

"Trace" and "Canghai View", which are considered to be the most popular awards, are both in the morning show, and judging from the content of the project released by Gu Jianshen and Deng Mufeng and the prepared ppt—

It is a certainty that these two primary screenings will be left behind!

Soon, it was the last one's turn for the speech competition in the morning session: Cicada Studio, "Killing the Alien Beast".

Li Yu'an looked at Ke Ming, who was confidently on stage, "Look, the big axis came out on stage, his nostrils are almost raised to the sky, and he is not afraid of falling while walking?"

Pei Yi smiled, "Let's take a look first."

Let's see what kind of game story "Destroy the Alien Beast" has become now. Is there any trace of plagiarism in the past?

Pei Yi instinctively felt that Ke Ming still had that kind of virtue, but he really didn't expect the other party's behavior to be worse than that.

It took less than ten minutes for Ke Ming to take the stage.

A thin layer of red anger emerged from Li Yu'an's cold eyebrows, and he couldn't help but curse, "Fuck, dogs can't change eating shit!"

It's still the main story of the game they learned about when they bid for capital, and even the settings and functions of "Alien Beast" haven't been greatly changed!

It's just that there has been a change in appearance. It is said that an overseas special effects modeling and design team was hired at a high price.

But the core change is in the game character design—

"Obliteration of Alien Beasts" has been upgraded from the original single-player protagonist line of "Alien" to a five-player team line, and each game character has different attribute settings and different abilities.

The most special thing is that one of the "protagonists" is a mutated wolf beast.

Others present may not know, but how could Pei Yi and Li Yu'an, who are the creators of "The Last Mist", not know?

Similar to the core protagonist group of "The Last Mist", as well as the most important "human zombie" who lost his memory!

This is blatant plagiarism plagiarism!

The morning session came to an end temporarily, and everyone left the venue one after another.

Unbearable, Li Yu'an walked up to Ke Ming, blocked the way of the other party and his assistant, and asked straight to the point.

"Ke Ming, what do you mean?"

Facing the long-lost anger, Ke Ming let out a playful smile in his throat.

He motioned for the assistant to take a step first, and he stayed alone to face Pei Yi and Li Yu'an, "What does Boss Li mean by that?"

Li Yu'an was afraid that his friend would reveal his secrets, so he directly asked instead, "It wasn't enough for you to copy the modeling appearance at the beginning, but now you have to copy the settings of the game characters?"

Ke Ming categorically denied it, "Mr. Li, don't be so angry. My main focus of this game is modeling, graphics and game experience, not those story games with empty fanfare."

"What did I copy? Do you have evidence? If you have evidence, you can report it to the organizer."

Ke Ming's skin was thicker than the city wall, and he even bit back, "I'm the one who finished talking about the game settings now, and you guys can talk about it this afternoon. Who copied who's time?"


It also depends on whether the official recognizes it or not.

Among the investors of this competition is Xunya Technology, and some unspeakable channels have already been arranged!

In this world, the winner is king, and a little-known small studio like ywy is destined to accompany you from the very beginning!


A thief shouts, "Stop a thief, shameless!"

Li Yu'an's fists were clenched, and he wanted to punch him.

Ke Ming reminded, "Mr. Li, there is still surveillance here. What do you want to do?"

Pei Yi saw malice and sarcasm in Ke Ming's eyes, and pulled back his furious friend, "Liyuan, don't bother with the dog, let's go."

Ke Ming's complexion changed suddenly, "Who are you scolding?"

Pei Yi looked at him coldly, "The dog can hear who I'm scolding."

Ke Ming choked, he didn't expect to fall into these few words.

It's a pity that Pei Yi didn't want to give him a stingy look, so he pulled Li Yu'an and walked out quickly.

Until the two of them came to the safe passage where no one was there.

Li Yu'an was still holding his breath, "Pei Yi, why are you pulling me away in such a hurry? He clearly wanted to disgust us on purpose."

"Of course I know, but Liyuan, think about it, if there is indeed a shady scene in this competition, then what's the use of getting angry?"

Rushing up to beat Ke Ming?

I'm afraid they will turn around and sue them for malicious harm, and they will get fishy all over for no reason.


Li Yu'an took out a cigarette, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it calmly, "I, I understand what you mean, but I just can't get angry!"

You can't just watch Ke Ming steal their hard work!

Pei Yi patted his friend on the shoulder, "Believe me, I won't just let him go, but right now is not the best time to fight back."

Li Yu'an heard something in his friend's words, "What are you going to do?"

Pei Yi recalled Ke Ming's past, and the coldness in his eyes became firmer, and he asked, "Liyuan, under what circumstances do you think a game will lose everything?"

Li Yu'an understood, and his eyes changed.

Pei Yi nodded silently, and the plan in his heart gradually took shape—

He wants to make Ke Ming lose all his money, and he will never be able to stand up again in this life!