MTL - After Playing the Fool and Marrying the Blind Villain [Transmigration]-Chapter 94

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The two still didn't think about going out, and asked the hotel room staff to bring dinner.

Bo Yueming cut off the meat from the charcoal-grilled pork ribs bit by bit, and handed it to Pei Yi's bowl. After seeing his lover eating to his heart's content, he took the initiative to start the conversation.

"When you were asleep, I asked Lin Zhong to check Weiyi and Xunya Technology."

Pei Yi raised her eyebrows, "Lin Zhong also followed you?"

Bo Yueming poured the sobered red wine to Pei Yi, and replied lightly, "Well, I live in the downstairs room, and I'll let Qiao Dong go to bed during this time."

Pei Yi took a bite of the meat, and a trace of yellow waste rippled in her heart.

This is just great.

Isn't it just the two of them left in this huge suite? No one bothered?

Bo Yueming noticed Pei Yi's trance, and called out, "Kitten?"


Pei Yi quickly fixed her eyes and put on a serious look, "What did you find?"

Bo Yueming focused on Weiyi and said, "Do you know the situation of Gu Jianshen and Ning Jing?"

Pei Yi took a sip of the red wine and nodded.

It was only at the beginning of this year that Gu Jianshen was transferred from 'Xingyun Fun Tour' to Weiyi's headquarters and became the manager of the copyright department.

Ning Jing is the general manager of Weiyi. She was originally in charge of game investment and had a higher voice than the former.

Bo Yueming opened the key point, "Weiyi has undergone a wave of high-level changes this year. The current acting director is Qu Yi, who was appointed by the board of directors to manage the Weiyi headquarters at the beginning of the year."

"The former executive director was Guo Guanghong, and now he has returned to the position of shareholder."

Pei Yi frowned slightly, "It's fine, why did Guo Guanghong quit? How old is it?"

Bo Yueming shook his head, "In his early forties, he's not old enough. Weiyi's internal changes have not been explained to the outside world in detail, but I guess—"

"It should be related to the decline in the stock value of Weiyi's game market in the past two years."

No one among the top shareholders of any group does not get along with interests.

Pei Yi nodded and continued to listen to Bo Yueming's news.

"Although Qu Yi is the acting director, since he took office, he has almost replaced the core positions of important departments with his own people."

For example, Gu Jianshen from the copyright department, and Ning Jing from the general manager.

Pei Yi saw the core of the problem, and hit the nail on the head, "What about Gao Pingfeng? Is it from the former director Guo Guanghong?"

Bo Yueming raised his glass and shook it, "Smart."

"Seventeen Days" is one of Weiyi's flagship games. Although the dungeon series launched in the past two years are not perfect and controversial, the player base is still there.

"Gao Pingfeng, as the general planner of the game, basically won't change his position if there are no major mistakes. What's more, Guo Guanghong is still a shareholder, so he can't do everything right."

Pei Yi was lightened by her lover's words, and guessed, "Second brother, you mean that Guo Guanghong and Qu Yi had a dispute over the position of 'director'? Guo probably wants to find the right time to go back."

Bo Yueming replied, "It's not impossible."

Pei Yi remembered something again, and frowned puzzledly, "But I don't think Ning Jing is particularly resistant to Gao Pingfeng's attitude?"

If they were from different camps, then Ning Jing shouldn't have given Gao Pingfeng the slightest chance. After the script was leaked, the latter's script was even an option.

Bo Yueming smiled lightly, "Xiaomao, the affairs of the company's management are not black and white."

When Pei Yi heard this, she realized that she was in a corner, "That's right."

Although they belong to different camps, Qu Yi is currently in charge of power.

As a high-ranking person, he must hope that the company will prosper, and he does not want any investment to go to waste, so he must use the most reasonable emergency plan.

What's more, if the two sides haven't torn faces on the bright side, they can't be absolutely perfect in human relations.

However, without harming the interests of the company, if Guo Guanghong and Gao Pingfeng can be rejected, they will exercise their rights "quietly"—

For example, if Pei Yi pointed out that Gao Pingfeng's assistance was not needed, and insisted that he could change the script in a limited time, then Gao Pingfeng would be useless immediately.

Pei Yi thought about it on her own, and then asked, "Second Brother, what about Xunya Technology?"

Bo Yueming replied, "There is no major change in Xunya Technology, and the two Zhao brothers are still in charge."

Xunya Technology made its fortune in Internet technology, mainly relying on video platforms to make money, and later acquired several game companies.

The general manager in charge of the game sector is named Lu Yao, and she can be regarded as one of the well-known strong women in the industry. Under the leadership of her tough wrist, Xunya Technology's status in the game industry has risen rapidly in just five years.

He can even sit on an equal footing with Wei Yi.

However, because of rumors such as "plagiarism", "deducting game manuscript fees", and "squeezing programmers"—

Reviews over the years have been mixed.

Bo Yueming helped analyze and pointed out that "some time ago, the script was exposed and spread. Although Xunya Technology fought back behind the scenes, the focus is still inside Weiyi."

Pei Yi's eyes darkened, "Speaking of it, it's Gao Pingfeng and Guo Guanghong's fault."

"Qu Yi and Ning Jing probably guessed it too, but they still chose to turn a blind eye." Bo Yueming added further, and then asked, "Do you know why they have such an attitude?"

Pei Yi shook the wine glass lightly, "Why else? Ywy is a small studio just started."

There can be long-term beneficial cooperation, but it is not irreplaceable. If something happens, it will reveal the usual high profile of a big company.

Bo Yueming asked back, "How did you deal with this?"

Pei Yi thought very clearly, "If Gao Pingfeng really leaked the script and caused me and the studio to work for nothing, then I will definitely have to find it later."

He can understand that big companies have their own conflicts of interest and act accordingly, but he will not forgive villains who infringe the interests of others for their own self-interest.

Bo Yueming asked him, "Have you figured out what to do?"

Pei Yi shook her head truthfully, "I have to think about it."

He just got the answer, so naturally he didn't think of countermeasures so quickly.

Bo Yueming put down the knife and fork, with a look of seriousness on his face, "Pei Yi, I have something I want to talk to you about."

Pei Yi was taken aback, "What?"

Bo Yueming was silent for two seconds, but still chose to speak out, "I know that you have your own principles in your career, and you don't want to rely on any outside and outsider help, and you want to rely on your own efforts to make the studio bigger and stronger."

"I respect your wishes, but can this outsider exclude me?"

Pei Yi took a light breath uncertainly, "Second Brother?"

Bo Yueming asked him in a very serious tone, "Why do you think I insisted on competing with Dafang before, and why I was willing to agree to grandma to stay in the chairman's position temporarily?"


"In order to have more rights and the right to speak, to protect the people I want to protect, and for you."

Bo Yueming spoke clearly, "Pei Yi, I'm not an outsider, I hope we can rely on each other in life and career."

"Not only if you encounter difficulties, I can help you to support the situation, but also if I encounter difficulties, you can also help me."

Bo Yueming never thought of interfering with Pei Yi's career from the beginning to the end, and they were not like what they said on the Internet, "Pei Yi and ywy are incompetent, so he spent money to find connections and go through the back door".

What's the use of making money and having capital if you don't use it on your lover?

"Bo's industry has very little connection with the gaming industry, but it doesn't mean that I can't be your backing, or that I can't help you, do you understand?"

Pei Yi stared at Bo Yueming in silence for a few seconds, and the corners of her mouth turned up little by little, "Second brother, do you know how I feel right now?"


"You seem to be wronged." Pei Yi also had a smile in his eyes, "I'm wronged and I won't let you come forward to help."

Bo Yueming didn't expect his little head to turn to this place, he had no choice but to say, "Yes, I am wronged, I want to help, I don't want you to be looked down upon and bullied by others in your career."

Looking at each other, Pei Yi saw Bo Yueming's seriousness and distress. He put down his glass and accepted the proposal from the bottom of his heart.

"Well, I think you're right."

The two of them are lovers, and supporting each other is the last word. Think about it in another way—

If it was Bo Yueming who was bullied by Dafang and others in his career today, then Pei Yi would definitely not be able to just watch his lover solve it on his own if he has the ability.

Bo Yueming asked, "Huh?"

Pei Yi went around and sat down next to Bo Yueming, "I've been a little tired writing manuscripts recently, my mind is empty, and I can't think of a way to make Gao Pingfeng feel embarrassed for a while."

He purposely said it in an aggrieved and troublesome manner, with a little deceitful taste—

"Second brother, with the shining title of 'Chairman of the Bo Group', do you think of a way to support me?"

How could Bo Yueming fail to see that Pei Yi wanted to be good-looking on purpose?

But since Pei Yi, who has always been strong in his career, is willing to let him help, he can't wait to ask for it.

"On the night of the 18th, Haishi will hold an auction and exchange party for corporate charity. I heard that it is a donation for the orphans of the orphanage."

Bo Yueming said the arrangement he had thought up early in the morning, "Weiyi and Xunya Technology will send people there, and Lin Zhong has confirmed that Qu and Guo are on the list."


Orphanage? Charity money?

Pei Yi's thoughts were slightly concentrated, and he heard Bo Yueming say immediately, "I will donate to charity in the name of the Bo Group and you personally, and after I get the admission qualification, I will accompany you to meet them."

Pei Yi thought about it, and hid some of his little thoughts, "Second brother, charitable donation is a great good deed, and I don't want to use my own name."

"I'll discuss it with Liyuan later. I happen to have some money on my card, and I want to pay the share that should be paid in the name of ywy studio."

Bo Yueming did not force this matter, and respected his lover's opinion, "Okay."

Pei Yi hooked her lips in joy.

From the moment Bo Yueming appeared in Haishi, he felt extremely stable and stable.

Bo Yueming looked at the large table that hadn't been moved much, and urged in a warm voice, "I'm just busy chatting, come, let's eat some more."

He has to find a way to help regain the weight lost by his lover during this period.

Pei Yi smiled coquettishly, "I want to eat spicy crab!"

Bo Yueming indulged, "Okay, I'll peel it off for you, wait a minute."

Ten p.m.

When Bo Yueming came out of the bathroom, Pei Yi was lying on the bed playing games on his mobile phone.

Their studio "End Mist" has been online for half a month, and the current increase in game users is very good, and the major social platforms and download software are all well received.

Once the krypton gold channel is opened, it will continue to create profits.

Pei Yi really didn't have the time to try the game a while ago, so he downloaded the official version when he had time. He used his own beta account, but registered a new account—

"Alcoholic Crispy Cat Evolving"

Bo Yueming approached and saw the id name on his game character, he couldn't help laughing, "Where did you come up with so many weird names?"


Pei Yi rolled up the quilt, raised her head and retorted, "Isn't this name fun? I struggled with it for a long time before I thought of it."

For those who are severely named useless, it is simply enough to be blown out.

Pei Yi thought of Li Yu'an, who had the same name, and resolutely betrayed his friend, "You haven't seen Li Yu'an's id nickname, and just wrote 'this pear can't be picked', and you don't know what it means."

It was very hard for Bo Yueming to hold back a smile, "You two are just about the same."

Pei Yi groaned unconvinced, sat up and continued to poke the game screen of the phone.

Bo Yueming hugged him from behind, "Aren't you tired? Look at your dark circles, do you lack sleep recently?"

Pei Yi leaned in his arms with peace of mind, "I've had enough sleep this afternoon, and I'm not too sleepy now. I want to finish the novice mission first before resting."

Bo Yueming kissed his earlobe, "Wouldn't it be challenging to play the game you designed yourself?"

Pei Yi didn't lie, "I still need to spend my time on the difficult dungeons, but the novice missions are not very challenging at the moment."

For the novice task, to use the limited props in the backpack to capture three junior zombies, it is nothing more than to spot the escape path of the zombies, and then use the props to attack, throw, and subdue them.

It couldn't be easier to do a series of fully automatic operations.

However, as the original architect, Pei Yi also made a bad joke—

If there are players who really can't pass the novice mission, they will get a special 'declaration of honor' and 'consolation props'.

After Pei Yi's introduction, he excitedly opened the challenge copy of the novice mission.

Bo Yueming's eyes flickered slightly, and the hands that were originally locked around his lover's waist began to move.


Pei Yi's breathing suddenly became chaotic, "Second, Second Brother."

Bo Yueming bit his ear lightly, and his tone remained serious, "You play your game, I'll play mine, and by the way, add a little more difficulty to your novice task."

Said, the strength of the hand is a little heavier.

Pei Yi's breathing trembled violently, and the props thrown on the screen missed their aim and smashed one of them.

Bo Yueming became even more provocative, "Little Mister, there are only five props left."

Pei Yi's ears turned red, and he raised a pistol, one of the props, "There are five chances left, what's the hurry... um..."

The stubborn words were only halfway through, and were replaced by soft whimpers.

A blush climbed from Pei Yi's neck to her cheeks, and the heat swayed around, making people lose their minds.

The props on the game screen lost their aim time and time again, until Pei Yi's palm lost strength and she dropped the phone limply by the bed, no one paid attention to it.

After three minutes, the novice task ends.

The word "failure" was displayed in black and gray on the screen, and immediately after that, two loud announcements appeared on the game's world channel:

-Ding! The player [Crispy Cat Evolving Alcohol] won the first defeat in the "Newbie Quest Copy"!

- You have obtained a time-limited item [Elementary Zombies Also Think I'm Like It], which can avoid three zombie attacks!