MTL - After the Divorce, the Boss Dressed As My Dog-Chapter 3

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The night is getting darker.

Standing in front of the mirror, Mu Yao touched her face.

Because the original owner lived in the country since he was a child, the servant took the money, but he didn't take care of the original owner very much, and let the original owner grow up extensively without knowing how to take care of it. Therefore, the original owner's skin color has always been dark, and after the military training a while ago, he was severely tanned, and now it is even darker.

She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she felt that the pimples on her face seemed to have disappeared a little, and even the pimple marks became lighter. Moreover, vaguely, she smelled a faint fruity fragrance, as if emanating from her body.

The taste is very light, a little sweet, it should be the taste that I don't know where it got.

Mu Yao didn't think much about it either.

She has always loved beauty. When she was beautiful before, she would take good care of it, not to mention that her skin condition is so poor now that she needs to take good care of it.

There were a lot of skin care products on the sink, and it was no wonder that the original owner had almost spent all of his living expenses. These skin care products were all famous brands, and they worked very well. She only chose moisturizing toner. After all, her skin is not in good condition now, and using too many products will increase the burden on her skin.

Coming out of the bathroom, Mu Yao saw that the pot of dog food on the ground hadn't diminished at all, even the ham sausage that Jiang loved most was still placed on the plate, and the figure of the little thing had disappeared.


Mu Yao walked to the small balcony, and saw it squatting in the corner, far away from the kennel, saw her come out, it glanced at her, then lowered its head.

For some reason, Mu Yao felt that its little eyes were extremely cold and resentful. Usually, whenever it was meal time, Ginger would squat down in front of her and remind her that he was hungry. Now its abnormal appearance made her a little worried if it was sick.

Mu Yao stretched out her hand, wanting to try to hug it again.

"Wang!" Jiang Yan yelled at Mu Yao, refusing Mu Yao's touch.

There was no way to get close, so Mu Yao had no choice but to give up, thinking about taking it for a checkup tomorrow.

The night is thick, the black cloth is dotted with starlight, and the surrounding is very quiet.

Jiang Yan got up and walked into the room. Mu Yao was already sound asleep. He walked to the door, climbed up the door uncoordinatedly with his front legs, and stood up with difficulty on his hind legs. He used two paws to touch the handle of the door. However, he overestimated the dog's height too much. Even if he stood up now, he couldn't reach the handle at all.

hateful! Now that he has become a dog, he can't even do something as simple as opening the door.

Grinding his teeth, Jiang Yan tried his best to restrain the shame in his heart.

The next day, Mu Yao was woken up by a knock on the door. Mu Wanhai asked a servant to inform her, and hurriedly prepared to go out. Mr. Jiang had already gone to the hospital.

After washing up, Mu Yao walked to the small balcony, and saw Jiang lying on the ground, sleeping soundly. Forget it, let's take it for inspection when she comes back.

The car stopped outside the door, and as soon as Mu Yao got into the car, she saw Mu Xiaoxue was already waiting.

"Xiao Yao, good morning." Mu Xiaoxue greeted Mu Yao with a smile when she saw Mu Yao.


Mu Yao noticed that Mu Xiaoxue was holding the script in her hand, she was not surprised.

In the book, after Mu Xiaoxue entered the entertainment circle, even if she didn't come from a major, relying on her koi system, she not only made friends with movie kings, popular florets, and even famous directors, it went smoothly all the time. Mu Yao looked at the rapidly reversing scenery outside the car window. If there was no need, she didn't want to face the heroine Mu Xiaoxue who had a koi system.

When he came to the VIP ward, Jiang Yan had already woken up.

Mu Xiaoxue walked to the hospital bed, "Jiang Yan, it's great to see you wake up, are you injured?"

Jiang Yan's face was pale, the small red mole on the corner of his lips was bright red, and his hard and cold brows were a little more sickly and youthful, but he was still handsome and attractive enough to make people's heart beat.

"It's okay." Jiang Yan responded. He raised his head, his eyes fell on Mu Yao who was standing behind Mu's father, his dark eyes were stained with disgust.

In the dream, he turned into the ugly dog ​​raised by Mu Yao. The dream was so real that when he woke up, he still felt the shame and shame of last night.

Jiang Yan lowered his eyes, his hands were slender and powerful with well-defined knuckles, instead of short and ugly dog ​​paws.

"Jiang Yan, I'll give you this necklace to keep you safe." Mu Xiaoxue took out a necklace, and the pendant was a black ornament.

She looked at him brightly.

"Thank you, I don't believe this." Jiang Yan refused directly without raising his eyelids.

Mu Xiaoxue has always been familiar with the character of the other party, and she was not angry when she was rejected, but it was a pity. She brought her own koi system and gave Jiang Yan a necklace, hoping to give him some good luck and keep him safe.

Next to him, Mu Wanhai smiled and said to Mr. Jiang: "Xiaoxue was so worried that she almost cried when she heard about Young Master Jiang's car accident last night. No, I can't wait to come to the hospital early in the morning."

"Father." Mu Xiaoxue's elegant face revealed a bit of embarrassment, and she explained, "Jiang Yan and I are friends, so it's normal to worry about him."

Mr. Jiang's sharp gaze swept over Mu Wanhai and landed on Mu Yao, his stern face softened, "It's rare to see you so quiet today."

"Grandpa Jiang."

In his memory, Mr. Jiang treated the original owner very well and loved him very much. Even though he knew the original owner's character was arrogant and often made fools, he didn't blame him at all.

"Stinky boy, Xiaoyao is here, and you don't know how to say hello?" Mr. Jiang turned his head and reprimanded Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan simply turned his head away.

"Old man, you probably don't know yet." Mu Wanhai said, "My youngest daughter is not sensible, but yesterday she ran in front of Young Master Jiang by herself and broke off her engagement with Young Master Jiang."

"I trained her last night, but this child is stubborn, you see..."

For a long time, Mu Wanhai did not support Mu Yao and Jiang Yan's engagement, and even wanted to find a chance to divorce. The shares of the Ye family belong to Mu Yao. If she really marries Jiang Yan, with the support of the Jiang family, it is absolutely impossible for him to **** the shares.

Mu Yao suddenly took the initiative to withdraw from the engagement, of course he was happy to see it succeed.

"break off an engagement?"

Mr. Jiang was startled for a moment, and he asked Mu Yao: "Xiao Yao, why did you suddenly resign the engagement? Tell Grandpa Jiang, is it because Jiang Yan, a brat, bullied you and showed his face? I'll teach him a lesson."

Mu Yao felt that Mr. Jiang really loved the original owner.

She shook her head, "No, Grandpa Jiang, Jiang Yan and I don't like each other, we won't be happy if we are forced to be together."

"Didn't you still like this brat a few days ago? Why didn't you like it all of a sudden?" Mr. Jiang was not easy to be deceived.

"He doesn't like me. We girls should be held in the palm of our hands. I don't want to chase after him." Mu Yao paused and tried to explain: "Besides, I found that I didn't really like him. He was just a little girl back then. I lost my mind, and lost my eyes for a while. Grandpa Jiang, I'm sorry."

Mr. Jiang sighed and waved his hands, "You don't have to say sorry, after all, it's this brat who has no skills and can't keep your heart." As he spoke, he gave Jiang Yan a hard look, as much as he hated it. .

Jiang Yan leaned on the hospital bed, and wanted to roll his eyes helplessly. Mu Yao was just like the old man's granddaughter, and his grandson seemed to be picked for nothing.

"Xiaoyao, even if you can't get along with this brat, you still have to come and see me as an old man." Mr. Jiang didn't force it, and let them solve the young people's affairs by themselves.

Mu Yao responded with a smile, "I will, as long as Grandpa Jiang doesn't find me annoying."

Jiang Yan pursed his lips mockingly, retreating to advance?

Go back to the small building.

Mu Yao put down bags of fruit.

After eating cherries yesterday, she kept thinking about them, so she bought a lot of them back. The dark red and black fruit inside the box seemed to have a fatal attraction to her. She also bought a lot of cherry tomatoes, which are bright red, small and cute, and she wants to eat them very much.

At the feet, **** has already rushed over.

The little thing rubbed against her trousers, the wrinkled head was still sad, but the chubby dog ​​body was shaking happily.

Mu Yao knelt down and stroked its dog's head, "Ginger isn't being petty anymore?" This guy can be regarded as letting her get close.

"Wow woof."

Jiang obediently rubbed the dog's head against Mu Yao's hand, then squatted in front of Mu Yao, looked up at her with the dog's head up, indicating that it was hungry.

It is very hungry today.

Mu Yao understood what the little thing meant, and remembered that it lost its temper last night and didn't eat dinner, nor did it eat breakfast this morning, so she went to prepare something for it.

While Ginger was eating the dog food with gusto, Mu Yao also washed the fruits. The plate was full of cherries and cherry tomatoes. Very appetizing.

She picked up one and put it in her mouth, and the sweet and sour juice immediately soaked the tip of her tongue.

I remember that when I ate it before, these fruits were not particularly delicious, and she didn't like eating cherries and cherry tomatoes so much. Why is she so greedy now? And at this time, the sweetness and crispness of the cherries, the sourness and sweetness of the cherry tomatoes, and the soft and waxy taste were infinitely magnified in her mouth.

She couldn't stop.

Not long after, she finished eating a plate of fruits, and Mu Yao felt an indescribable comfort all over her body.

"Wow, woof."

Over there, after Sheng Jiang finished eating the dog food, he consciously put his rice bowl in his mouth and put it on the small table, then walked back to Mu Yao's side in a brisk manner, wagging his tail happily, asking Mu Yao to hug him.

As the sun set, only a few orange rays of sunlight fell on the ward through the glass, and the coldness in the room faded away.

Chen Qinghui chatted with Jiang Yan, and he was basically the one who said, "That drunk driver deserved what happened to him. Your old man will not show mercy."

When he heard that Jiang Yan was in a car accident, he was frightened to death, "It's a good thing you're lucky, it's just a little bruise. When you're discharged from the hospital in two days, I'll cleanse you of your bad luck..."

It was starting to darken outside.

Chen Qinghui looked at the time, and he stood up, "Brother Yan, you have a good rest, I have an appointment tonight, I'm leaving first, if you are lonely alone, I will arrange for you a beautiful girl to accompany you."

"Get out of here." Jiang Yan said angrily.

The door was closed, and the ward became quiet again. The afterglow of the setting sun was swallowed by the darkness, and the light in the room gradually dimmed.

Jiang stretched his hand to press the switch of the bedside light, and the next second, a severe pain came from his head, and he passed out.

In a daze, the girl's soft voice rang in his ears.

"Ginger, get up, I'll give you a bath."

"Ginger, it's time to take a bath."


Ginger, lying on Mu Yao's lap, slowly raised his eyelids, and his round dog eyes quickly became clear.