MTL - After the Drama, Action!-~ Works related (13)

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The two were stunned by their passionate and infinitely tense acting skills, but they heard Wei Hongying yell "It's over!"

Everyone just woke up like a dream.

Chu Yao immediately took the jacket that He Yuan handed over and put it on over the costume.

Chen Ran nodded to her, with a slightly apologetic expression, "If I offended you just now, please forgive me."

Chu Yao shook her head and said softly, "It's okay."

He Chengyi and Zhang Chengyao were a little surprised by Chu Yao and Chen Ran's performance just now. The interaction between the two was full of flames, which can be called an extremely tacit understanding.

Zhang Chengyao sighed, "There is too much tension between them. Those who don't know think that they have known each other for many years and have cooperated many times."

When He Cheng heard it, his expression changed. The scene just now made him see a completely different side of Chu Yao, charming but not slutty, and every move is breathtaking. During the short filming time just now, only He Chengyi knew how much his heart was beating. quick.

At this moment, He Chengyi looked at Chen Ran who was laughing at Yan Yan with Chu Yao, and felt more and more dazzling...Why are you so close? A look that is very familiar with Chu Yao? ? !

Zhang Chengyao suddenly said, "Damn it, why is Chen Ran so attentive to Chu Yao? Isn't it because he wants to chase her? Then I might as well chase her. At least I'm about the same age, handsome and rich. How could such a beautiful woman like Chu Yao want to run around the world with him, her skin is rough due to the wind and sun."

He Chengyi was awakened abruptly by Zhang Chengyao's words. He squinted his eyes and stared at Zhang Chengyao, "Why, you like Chu Yao? You are too slutty, not suitable for her."

Zhang Chengyao touched his chin, and said with a narcissistic expression, "What's wrong with the prodigal son? Haven't you heard that the prodigal son will not change his money when he returns? If I bring home such a beautiful woman as Chu Yao, my old man will be so happy."

He Chengyi looked at him coldly, those indifferent eyes seemed to be able to see through Zhang Chengyao's true thoughts. He Chengyi restrained his expression, and asked abruptly, "Zhang Chengyao, do you really like her?"

Zhang Chengyao's playful and disrespectful face suddenly cracked, he avoided He Chengyi's gaze, and looked sloppy, "I'm joking... just kidding, how could I give up the entire forest for a single tree. "

He Chengyi just smiled and said nothing... Then congratulations you are blind.

056 She is a heartthrob

In the past few days, David found that his actor was more and more often in a daze in the crew.

When He Chengyi first debuted, David started working as an assistant for him, and this job lasted for several years. David has been with He Chengyi for a long time, and he also knows a little bit about his character. The former He Chengyi always gave people a sense of indifference and alienation, as if he was out of tune with the whole world, and only when he was acting. the actual temperature.

During this period of time, He Chengyi gradually began to have a human touch.

For example, now he sometimes checks Weibo until midnight because of playing on his mobile phone, which is something David never dared to think about before.

For example, he would go to KTV to sing, walk the red carpet to participate in Chen Xing's annual meeting, and even perform on stage. If this was David two months ago, if he was killed, he would not believe that his actor would do such a thing. things come.

For another example, He Chengyi would take the initiative to invite women to dinner and take the initiative to fight for injustices... This made David even more unbelievable. He once thought that his actor had a cold personality, and he might devote his whole life to the acting career. Kaolin flower.

Only now did David realize that he was wrong, and it was a big mistake. He Chengyi’s previous actions were all because he didn’t meet anyone who could make him change. It melted.

But what surprised David was that his boss didn't seem to realize his inner feelings at all, and he treated people like friends, which was frighteningly slow. If the things He Chengyi did were placed on someone else, David could think that that person is a gentleman, elegant, and gentle, but is this actor He who has been cold for countless years? ? !

The slightest change in him is worth pondering carefully.

David looked at He Chengyi's slowness and became anxious. Fortunately, Chu Yao was surrounded by a few excellent men of the opposite **** these days. Seeing the situation, he got along well with Chu Yao. Seeing that his film star was finally anxious, David felt bitter in his heart Ah~

Of course, David didn't feel that Chu Yao wasn't good enough for He Chengyi. Chu Yao was so pretty. As a loyal face dog, David had already knelt down under Chu Yao's flourishing beauty. What's more, Chu Yao's advantages are innumerable, good cooking skills, high acting skills, good personality, good figure, not only beautiful, but also extremely dedicated, and he has brought the four characters of "beauty, heart and kindness" to the extreme .

In particular, Chu Yao's appearance in "Dynasty" is really beautiful to the extreme. Every outfit can be worn by her with a different sense of surprise, and she truly interprets that alluring enchantress to the fullest. There is no shortage of beauties in the entertainment industry, and the beauties David has seen are as numerous as stars. Whether they are cute, pure and beautiful, or charming, none of them are as smart and beautiful as Chu Yao, as if she was born with With an unparalleled aura, so moving.

It is normal for such an excellent woman to have a few excellent suitors around her, but he is also secretly sweating for his boss.

David found that his boss had been sneaking eyes at Chu Yao more and more recently. Sometimes He Chengyi pretended to be reading the script, but from the corner of his eyes, he was secretly looking at Chu Yao who was playing the opposite. When he was talking to Chu Yao, he looked at Chu Yao with a tenderness that he didn't realize.

What broke David the most was that He Chengyi secretly registered many accounts on many platforms, secretly monitoring Chu Yao's movements... Faced with He Chengyi's behavior, David felt chills, this is also a **** idiot Come on!

So you still feel that you are just friends with Chu Yao? For the first time, David felt that his boss probably had straws in his mind.

It was not Chu Yao's turn to film. He Chengyi was sitting not far away, looking at Chu Yao not far away with a smile on his face. That old mother's smile made David speechless.

David subconsciously covered his face, this made him too ashamed to look at it!

Today's scene is about Mrs. Yuzhu playing and fluttering butterflies in the garden. When she heard that Chen Wang's family was imprisoned, she immediately ordered the maid sent by Chen Wang to monitor her to be killed in front of Chen Wang. It shows that Yuzhu is ruthless and ruthless.

At this time, Yuzhu had already been the best in the harem for many years, and she also had her own child, which was Shen Ye when she was a child.

The role of Mrs. Yuzhu has faded away from the youthfulness of a young girl when she first entered the palace. She has engraved her charming style into her bones, and she no longer needs to show off her posture.

In the hearts of the courtiers and common people, Mrs. Yuzhu has already become synonymous with beauty and misfortune. She seduced the emperor not to go to court early, and she played with her opponents between applause.

So today Chu Yao's dress is more mature and charming. When she walked out of the dressing room, the staff present couldn't help but gasp. Is this **** human? Where did this evildoer come from?

Everyone had a premonition in their hearts that after Madam Yuzhu, there would be no Alluring Fairy Girl, and if there was anyone who surpassed the role of Madam Yuzhu in the future, maybe only Chu Yao could do it.

Even Wei Hongying was slightly taken aback when he saw Chu Yao's appearance today, his eyes were full of astonishment, Chu Yao gave him surprises every day, fortunately he didn't have a heart attack, otherwise he would be sent to the hospital every day.

The little actor playing Shen Ye is the recently popular child star Zhao Zixing, who is only as tall as Chu Yao's thigh. When he saw Chu Yao, he raised his head and stared at Chu Yao. He didn't recover for a long time, and opened his mouth wide to reveal that he just changed his teeth With crooked teeth and a look of surprise on his face, "Sister... Sister, you look so good-looking."

Chu Yao was quite happy to be called elder sister. She squatted down and looked at Zhao Zixing at the same level. She touched the top of his hair tenderly and said softly, "You are also very handsome~ I played you in the movie His mother and concubine, little Shen Ye."

Chu Yao smiled into crescent eyes, and there seemed to be bright stars in her eyes. Little Shen Ye stared blankly at Chu Yao, blushing, "Sister, you smile so beautifully, are you a fairy?"

When Chu Yao was happy, she immediately hugged Zhao Zixing, "Little friend, you are so obedient and can talk, sister likes you very much~"

Zhao Zixing's face turned red like a monkey's butt, and he buried his face on Chu Yao's shoulder, making everyone laugh.

He Cheng, who had a panoramic view of this scene, twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled, "David, Chu Yao is quite popular with children."

David shivered aside, "..."

What you said is right####Hahahaha trembling David, please assist as much as you want!

057 Finished

Chu Yao stayed in the "Dynasty" crew for more than a month, and finally finished filming the scenes. Today is Chu Yao's last filming scene in the crew, and it is also the ending of Yuzhu's lunch.

In Yuzhu's body, the sentence "good people don't live long, but disasters last for thousands of years" was not verified, because she was tortured when she was a girl in Chen Wang's mansion, she didn't have enough food and clothing, and she fell into ice water. At that time, Yuzhu The root of the disease has already been left, even though it has been warmed after entering the palace, it has already hurt the root bone.

A sudden wind and cold had already put Mrs. Yuzhu's life in danger. Even the most precious medicinal materials used by the most skilled imperial physicians can only be used to hang Yuzhu's life, but cannot be cured. The long-term bedridden has changed Madam Yuzhu's face, she looks pale and haggard with the sick face, Madam Yuzhu decided to close the palace gate, except for the imperial doctor who sees the doctor every day and the big maid who takes care of her personally, she refuses to see everyone ...All of them naturally include Emperor Wu.

Mrs. Yuzhu asked the palace maid to send a message to Emperor Wu, "The concubine has been ill for a long time, and her appearance has been destroyed. I can't see your majesty again." Until Yuzhu passed away, her most beautiful face remained in Emperor Wu's heart. Make Shen Ye the crown prince.

Chu Yao herself has acted in countless bento roles, and she has no resistance to such plots. On the contrary, death often casts a tragic color on the characters. Such characters are more likely to make the audience cry, and are easier to take prize.

Chu Yao, who has always been used to being beautiful in the crew of "Dynasty", has to wear pale sick makeup this time, which really affects her beauty, but she doesn't actually look ugly. Fragmented and different beauty.

Chu Yao always showed off her heavy make-up in the later stages of the film crew, but now she appears on stage with a white face, the contrast between before and after makes people feel bright. Chu Yao was lying on the bed in thin clothes, covered with the most expensive brocade quilt, but there was no trace of blood on her face.

Wei Hongying, who is used to continuous shooting of parting life and death, sees this picture of Chu Yao, and thinks of the arrogance and domineering, stunning beauty of the character Yuzhu before, and seeing Chu Yao's silent appearance lying on the bed now, Wei Hongying His eyes were reddened, and he felt a dull pain in his heart.

Chu Yao plays the role of Mrs. Yuzhu. Her performance makes the character under the camera more and more plump and three-dimensional. In Wei Hongying's view, this feeling is like watching her own child grow up slowly. Now that the children who have grown up are about to leave and receive boxed lunches, how can Wei Hongying, who is already delicate and full of emotions, not feel uncomfortable?

After Wei Hongying adjusted his mood, the filming officially started.

Mrs. Yuzhu's original luxurious and magnificent palace now only remains lifeless, empty and devoid of vitality, and the air seems to have a bitter medicine smell in every breath she inhales, bitter from the bottom of her heart.

Madam Yuzhu, the beloved concubine who was once the most famous in the world, was lying quietly on the bed at this moment, thin and slender, as if a gust of wind could blow her away, Yuzhu's face was pale and bloodless, but at this moment her eyes suddenly flashed After a gleam of light, the spirit is instantly refreshed, and it is already a scene of returning to the light.

Dagong Nu Shuli stood beside the bed, covering her mouth and crying, whimpering softly. Little Shen Ye was sitting by the bed, tightly holding Yuzhu's skinny and slender wrist, his eyes were reddish, tears were rolling in them but never fell... Shen Ye was afraid that his mother and concubine would scold him for not having a man spirit.

Yuzhu raised her hand suddenly, her beautiful eyes were looking at Shen Ye tenderly at this moment, she raised her hand and gently touched Shen Ye's cheek, touched his eyes, Yuzhu touched the wetness in the corner of Shen Ye's eyes , the corner of her mouth curled up, "Shen Ye, you are allowed to cry after the concubine mother is gone, and don't cry any more in the future, no matter what it is for."

Shen Ye couldn't bear it anymore, big teardrops dripped instantly, his nose twitched, but he didn't dare to cry, "Okay, I promise mother concubine. Can mother concubine promise me, don't leave a deep sigh?" Ye alone... I'm afraid."

Yuzhu smiled, and raised her hand to wipe Shen Ye's tears with her sleeves. The movement was extremely gentle, and she smiled, "People always have to grow up. When Shen Ye grows up, the concubine mother will only occupy a place in your heart." A little bit of position, because you have other more important things on your mind."

Shen Ye was taken aback for a moment, it was the first time he saw Yuzhu talking to him so gently, with such gentle movements, everything seemed to be in a dream. In the past, Yuzhu taught him to be brave, to intrigue, and to be unscrupulous. She always treated him with a straight face and a majestic posture. It was the first time Shen Ye saw her with such a gentle appearance.

The expression on Yuzhu's face suddenly changed, becoming serious and serious. She stared at Shen Ye closely with her eyes wide open. She held Shen Ye's hand firmly with both hands, almost exhausting all her strength, and pulled Shen Ye to the ground. Ye was in pain, the gentle mother and concubine just now seemed to be just a dream.

Yuzhu said word by word, "Shen Ye, remember, as long as you get close to your father, only he can give you everything."

Yuzhu stared at the void with wide eyes, as if she had lost focus, "Only in this world can you control your life if you have power..."

Yuzhu's words were engraved into Shen Ye's mind like a curse. He hadn't heard Yuzhu's voice for a long time, and when he saw that Yuzhu had closed his eyes, he left quietly.


Wei Hongying didn't know what kind of mood he was in. He said that the scene was over, but the scene was still silent. He turned his head and saw that no matter whether it was his assistant, the cameraman, or the lighting engineer, they all had a sad look like a concubine.

Many of the staff present hadn't recovered from this sad atmosphere for a long time, and they had burst into tears unknowingly.

Wei Hongying thought it was funny, these staff members had experienced so many crews with him, and they were so involved in the drama, I really didn't know what to ask him to say, but he was too embarrassed to laugh at others, because Director Wei himself was not much better.

In this scene, Chu Yao received the bento, and Wei Hongying wrapped her a shocking red envelope. This has always been a practice in the crew, as long as the actors receive the boxed lunch, they can receive such a shocking red envelope.

Wei Hongying said to Chu Yao, "Congratulations, let's go get together tonight?"

Chu Yao nodded, "Okay."

As soon as Chu Yao finished speaking, someone gave her flowers. He Chengyi brought her a large bouquet of lily-of-the-valley flowers, and Chu Yao filled them to the brim, but Chen Ran also gave her a bouquet of lily-of-the-valley flowers.

Chu Yao's expression changed slightly, lily of the valley was her favorite flower in her previous life, ordinary people would never give lily of the valley as a gift. With a calm face on Chu Yao's face, she thanked He Chengyi and Chen Ran with a smile.

As a result, Zhang Chengyao directly gave her a bouquet of fiery red roses. Seeing that Chen Ran and He Chengyi didn't look very good-looking, Wei Hongying laughed from the sidelines, "It's about you young people...I'm old and old, I do not understand."

Chu Yao couldn't help but support her forehead...

058 Finale Party

Chu Yao's wrap-up party was held at Tianxiang Restaurant not far from the film and television city. Since the filming of "Dynasty", Tianxiang Restaurant has become a regular gathering place for the crew, and there are fixed private rooms for frequent visits. The taste of the food here is very suitable for everyone Taste, color and fragrance are complete, making people unforgettable.

Wei Hongying used the pretext of Chu Yao's finale, but in fact, it was to satisfy his appetite. As soon as he entered the restaurant, he showed his ugly face, and reported a bunch of dish names from his mouth, which shows that he came prepared. This made Chu Yao couldn't help laughing.

A group of people went to the table, Lu Xingzhou sat on the left side of Chu Yao, and there was no one sitting on her right side, He Cheng walked towards this position subconsciously, but saw that Chen Ran was obviously aiming at this position, He Chengyi Seeing this, he immediately sped up his movements and sat down on the seat first.

Chen Ran glanced at He Chengyi with a look of complacency in the corner of his eyes, shook his head with a helpless smile, and sat on the seat beside He Chengyi.

After the dishes and drinks were served, Wei Hongying raised his wine glass to toast Chu Yao, "I am here today to toast Yao Yao on behalf of the "Dynasty" crew. Congratulations on your success! We will definitely cooperate if we have the opportunity in the future!" Wei Hongying said To put it simply, an outstanding young actor like Chu Yao has a bright future!

Chu Yao immediately toasted, smiled slightly, and the corners of her eyes were full of wanton and charming, "If there is a chance to cooperate again, then I wish Director Wei to win three gold medals in one fell swoop next year, and take me to wait for the popular and spicy ones."

Wei Hongying's personality is still relatively restrained and serious, but when he heard Chu Yao's words, he immediately smiled happily, and his eyes were so narrow that he couldn't find it.

Chu Yao heated up the atmosphere on the table with a few words. Chu Yao was in a good mood and drank a few glasses of wine, but her eyes were still clear and penetrating, and she didn't feel drunk at all, but a few blush flew out on both sides of her cheeks, which looked like ripe peaches It's sweet and pleasant, and you can't wait for someone to take a bite.

Sitting next to Chu Yao, He Cheng couldn't help glancing at Chu Yao from the corner of his eyes. Seeing this scene, his heartbeat seemed to speed up a lot, and he couldn't help swallowing. But He Chengyi still called the waiter and ordered another cup of warm milk for Chu Yao.

Chu Yao seemed to be drunk, with a charming look in her eyes, she smiled at He Chengyi, that smile was as bright as the autumn moon, "Thank you."

"No...thank you." He Chengyi felt his mouth dry when Chu Yao glanced at him. He seemed to be able to hear his own heartbeat in his ears, and each sound was heavier than the sound. It seemed that the next second would be from his Jump out of the chest.

Zhang Chengyao squinted his eyes, and his eyes moved back and forth between He Chengyi and Chu Yao, as if he had discovered something, Zhang Chengyao couldn't help but joked, "He Yingdi, there is not only Chu Yao at our table Ma'am, don't favor one person over another~" He pointed to Zhao Shuangxue and Qin Dan on the table meaningfully.

Zhao Shuangxue was still smiling, waving her hands nonchalantly, but Qin Dan's expression was a little off, but she was used to hiding her emotions in the entertainment industry for so long, and within half a second she was replaced by a gentle smile on her face .

Qin Dan said with a smile, "I am not so delicate."

The implication is needless to say, the people at the table have been in the entertainment industry for a long time, they are all the best of the best, a simple sentence can analyze you from inside to outside.

Lu Xingzhou immediately became unhappy when he heard this, but there was an impeccable smile on the corner of his mouth, "Yes, our Yaoyao is quite precious, beautiful and delicate, you reminded me that I should buy insurance for her whole body."

Qin Dan is not happy anymore, she always says that she is Chen Xing's favorite little girl, she has no shortage of resources, and everyone around her is supporting her, especially she looks somewhat similar to Chu Yaoyao, with the "Xiao Chu" Yaoyao's name debut, almost all the way smoothly, rarely encountered unsatisfactory things.

It's a pity that since she met Chu Yao, she has been unsatisfactory everywhere. When Chu Yao was around, she always attracted everyone's attention. Chu Yao was even more prominent in the "Dynasty" crew. Even the leading actor Zhao Shuangxue had to avoid her edge. Tried to provoke the relationship between the two, but Zhao Shuangxue avoided the topic with a smile every time, which really annoyed Qin Dan.

Even a starlet who just joined Chen Xing can challenge her, where should she put Qin Dan's face?

Qin Dan took a sip of his wine and said with a slow smile, "I don't think it's necessary to buy insurance. It's not too late to buy insurance when Chu Yao is in my or sister Zhao's place."

Lu Xingzhou's complexion suddenly turned down, his previously gentle eyes were now covered with clouds, as if a thunderstorm would fall in the next moment.

Chen Ran, who had been keeping silent all this time, suddenly said, "Miss Qin, I heard that you used the name 'Little Chu Yaoyao' when you debuted. As the younger brother of the Queen of Chu, I still have some respect for her." I understand, if I were to make an evaluation, I don't think Miss Qin is at all like the senior sister... After all, she has a natural face, after all, she treats people with gentleness and courtesy, and is never aggressive."

Chen Ran's tone increased, causing Qin Dan to tremble inexplicably, "What do you think? Miss Qin."

Although Chen Ran is now considered a fringe figure in the entertainment circle, his influence in the entertainment circle has not been weakened at all. His social circle is complicated, such as Chen Xing executives, well-known directors, super first-line actor, these people are all his friends, all of them are his friends. Chen Ran is someone Qin Dan can't afford to offend.

But the thing Qin Dan couldn't figure out was that she looked like Chu Yaoyao, Chen Ran should be kind to her, should be partial to her, why did he help Chu Yao instead?

Qin Dan's face turned pale, and he whispered, "I'm sorry."

Chen Ran smiled, his expression was as tolerant as before, as if the person with the stern expression just now was not him, "The person you should say sorry to is Chu Yao."

Qin Dan's face became even more ugly, and he looked at Chu Yao unwillingly, bit his lips, and said after a while, "Chu Yao, I'm sorry."

As the client, Chu Yao felt that she had been shot in the knee for no reason, and she squinted at Qin Dan. She was used to being tolerant to the juniors, but she would not tolerate others bullying her. Chu Yao smiled, but that smile was cold and cold, which inexplicably gave Qin Dan a chill, "It's okay, let's not make an example."


A group of people went out from the back door to wait for the car after eating.

Chu Yao wore a new pair of shoes today, with a height of eight centimeters high. When going down the steps, the center of gravity of Chu Yao's soles was unstable and sprained. Being supported by He Cheng with a quick glance, he firmly supported Chu Yao's slender waist, supported her arm, and whispered, "Be careful—"

After Chu Yao stood firm, she nodded to He Cheng and smiled slightly, "Thank you."

Chen Ran walked a step ahead of Chu Yao, and when he turned around to see this scene, the smile on the corner of his mouth stopped immediately, and he said softly, "Is it all right?"

Chu Yao was more careful going down the steps, "It's all right."

Chen Ran said, "My photography exhibition is on display at the S City Art Museum. Tomorrow is a working day and there are not many people. Are you interested in going to see it?" Yao refused, she was a heinous sinner.

Chu Yao was actually very curious about Chen Ran's experiences over the years, and she couldn't refuse such a small request from Chen Ran, so she smiled, "Okay, I will contact you on WeChat at that time."

Seeing that something was wrong with this situation, He Chengyi blurted out, "Can I go?"

Chu Yao looked at him with some amusement, "Who told you not to go?"

He Chengyi's slender eyes suddenly burst into joy, making his whole face look gentle...

059 Mind

After drinking for a while, when Chu Yao was woken up by the alarm clock the next day, she was a little dizzy, and the consequences of the hangover were manifested at this time. She gently rubbed the position of her temples, remembered Chen Ran's invitation, and then got up from the bed in a trance.

Washing, changing clothes, putting on makeup, curling hair, carrying a shoulder bag, and putting on a peaked cap, when Chu Yao squatted down to change her shoes, a message came from WeChat, she looked down, and it turned out that it was from He Chengyi The message said that he would drop by here to pick her up, and sent a photo of her downstairs.

Chu Yao immediately went to the bed and looked down, and she saw a car parked downstairs, Chu Yao immediately replied, after thinking about it, she took a few homemade breads from the refrigerator, paired them with the freshly warmed bread. The good milk is put into the bag.

Chu Yao opened the car door calmly and sat on the passenger seat, handed the breakfast to He Chengyi, and greeted with a smile, "Hi~ Morning!"

He Chengyi was not in a good mood when he got up early in the morning because Chen Ran was here today, but when he saw Chu Yao's bright and sweet smile that made people dizzy, and saw the breakfast she handed over, his mood was inexplicable The ground has changed very well, and the corners of the mouth are slightly upturned.

A good day starts in the morning.

Chu Yao asked softly, "Have you had breakfast? If you haven't eaten, put your stomach on it first, so as not to cause hypoglycemia...By the way, I made the bread myself, try it~" Chu Yao put her hands on her cheeks and smiled Looking at He Chengyi, I can see that she is in a good mood today.

He Chengyi came here after breakfast, but when Chu Yao asked, the words changed to, "I haven't had time to eat yet, thank you for your breakfast."

He picked up the red bean bread in the bag and took a bite. The bread was soft and the red bean paste sandwiched was sweet but not greasy. The delicate sweetness that melted in Zao's mouth made him squint his eyes.

Chu Yao carefully inserted the milk straw and handed it to He Chengyi, and joked with a smile, "I heard that you have a lot of acting roles recently, how did you convince Director Wei to give you a vacation?"

He Cheng replied, "There are some slack and slack at work. I ask for a vacation once in a while, and he dare not disagree." Then he took the milk in Chu Yao's hand calmly, took a sip, and the still warm milk instantly Softened his mouth.

Such a gentle morning made He Chengyi feel a little dazed.

After breakfast, He Chengyi drove to the S City Art Museum. The art museum is located in the city center. Although Chu Yao lived only 15 minutes away from the art museum, because it was rush hour, Chu Yao and He Chengyi was blocked halfway.

Chu Yao glanced out of the car window, and the cars on the road were like a long queue with no end in sight, and the horns sounded one after another. This is the rush hour in a busy city. Chu Yao had never seen such a scene in her previous life, and the development of S City and even China in the past twenty years has greatly exceeded her imagination.

He Chengyi didn't see any impatient expression on his face, he watched the traffic on the road, occasionally started the car and took a few steps forward at a slow speed, but couldn't help but glance at Chu Yao from the corner of his eyes.

Chu Yao is wearing a black turtleneck sweater inside and a black woolen coat outside. The color is so ordinary and indifferent, but she suddenly wears it with a coquettish taste. In the car, the air conditioner is on, and Chu Yao takes it off. Outerwear was just a turtleneck. She has a lazy and indifferent expression, and gently closes her eyelids. The skin on the side of her face is warm and white, and the whiteness seems to penetrate into people's hearts.

Chu Yao couldn't help but joked, "It is said that the traffic jam in City S is serious, it seems that even the superstars are not immune!"

He Chengyi was amused by her, and asked, "Is it boring, do you want to listen to a song?"

Chu Yao touched her nose, "Fortunately, it's not too boring, listen."

He Chengyi turned on the stereo in the car, and a soothing and deep French song poured out. The female singer's voice was low and hoarse. The woman in the silk nightgown is leaning against the window, exhaling smoke rings coquettishly, and whispering about the blurred love and longing.

Because of this lingering singing voice, the cramped space presents an ambiguous and moving atmosphere inexplicably.

Chu Yao opened the window of the car, and on the cold winter morning, the whistling cold wind blows away the atmosphere all at once.

For some reason, He Chengyi felt a little depressed in his heart.

The normal traffic order was gradually restored on the road. When Chu Yao and He Chengyi arrived at the art museum, it was neither too early nor too late, just in time for the art museum to open. The art gallery has specially opened up an exhibition hall to exhibit Chen Ran's photographic works.

Chu Yao saw that there were quite a few people there, and they all came for Chen Ran's reputation. Before Chen Ran faded out of the entertainment circle, his popularity was at its peak and there were countless fans.

Both Chu Yao and He Chengyi were wearing peaked caps, and Chen Ran was wearing a mask, waving at them from a distance. Chu Yao's eyes were in a trance for a moment, as if seeing the still green and young Chen Ran. Chen Ran led the two to visit the work and explained the story behind the work in detail.

All the works are arranged in chronological order. The first one is a landscape scene, and the composition and lens use are obviously relatively immature. Chu Yao glanced at the time, it was taken a month after her death in her previous life.

Chen Ran said warmly, "This is after a good friend of mine passed away. I have been indulging in grief for several months and haven't recovered from it. I can't even work. At that time, my agent asked me to go out for a walk... It was also from that time that I I fell in love with traveling and photography.”

Chen Ran stared at Chu Yao and said such a passage, with an unbelievably gentle expression, Chu Yao was slightly silent.

He Chengyi's eyes were dark, he somehow didn't like the way Chen Ran looked at Chu Yao, as if there was some secret between the two of them that he didn't know, he hated this unknown feeling very much.

Many of the subsequent works were shot in the same year. Most of the themes were scenery and the life of local people. The choice of composition, color and angle became more and more skillful. Later, the theme of the shooting changed. In the early stage, it can be seen that these photos belong to some famous scenic spots, and the environment is still relatively good. Later, the background environment became obviously worse, and it can be vaguely seen that the shooting location is relatively remote. mountains.

What is very impressive is that in a photo, the protagonist is only a little girl in dirty clothes, standing on the hillside and looking into the distance, her expression is lonely and full of expectation.

Chen Ran's voice was very gentle, with a feeling of slowly narrating, as if it could calm people's hearts, "My friend who died was devoted to charity during his lifetime. After her death, I took over part of the work of the charity foundation. Visited places I've never been before and seen things I've never seen before."

"The girl in this photo is called Sally, a left-behind child. Her mother ran away from home when she was very young, and her father never came back when she was seven years old when she went out to work. He sent back tens of dollars every year. There is only an elderly grandma in her family, and grandma was sick in bed later, she needs to take care of the whole family at a young age, she said that she really wants to go to school and play with the children, but she has no money..."

Chu Yao's voice was a little hoarse. Staring at the photo, she seemed to be able to see desire and expectation through the little girl's eyes, "What happened later? Did you donate to her?"

Chen Ran smiled, "Well, Sally has graduated from university and works in a state-owned enterprise. She got married last year and invited me to her wedding."

Chu Yao also smiled, and there seemed to be thousands of stars twinkling in her eyes, bright and warm, "That's good."

Chen Ran sighed, "Yeah, it's very good, but it's a pity that sometimes my personal ability is too meager. I hold the photography exhibition this time for the operation of a project of the foundation."

In addition to this photo, there are quite a few photos of this type in the following promenade, and some emotional people even wiped their tears silently in front of the photo.

As soon as He Cheng saw Chen Ran leading Chu Yao to admire the pictures one by one, and to understand them carefully, Chu Yao's expression became more and more moved, and her eyes became more and more gentle. He Chengyi pursed his lips slightly and followed behind the two of them without speaking.

He only felt that there seemed to be a natural tacit understanding between Chu Yao and Chen Ran. They had a common topic to communicate, but he was excluded, and he could not intervene in their communication.

He Chengyi's face was moved, he held his heart, only felt that it was sore and sad... why is that?

060 Knowing His Mind

After He Chengyi visited the photography exhibition, the three of them had a meal together. He went to the film crew in the afternoon and returned home at 5:00 pm. The usual family gathering is once a week.

At the dinner table, He Cheng looked absent-minded, Zhang Chengqiao and Zhang Chengyu looked at him several times, and even Zhang's parents looked at him a few more times, but He Cheng didn't notice it at all.

After the meal, He Chengyi's family and relatives played cards and played games. He hid on the balcony and smoked secretly. I saw his slightly pursed mouth and slightly confused face.

He Chengyi seemed to be stuck in some kind of difficulty, he didn't even notice Zhang Chengqiao's approach, "Give me a cigarette."

Zhang Chengqiao's voice broke He Chengyi's thoughts, he turned his head and saw his brother looking at him teasingly, gossiping and ambiguous.

He Chengyi handed him a cigarette, raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

Zhang Chengqiao lit the fire, took a deep breath, and exhaled provocative smoke rings, "Why, do you think the room is stuffy? Is there something else that bothers you? I remember that you don't have the habit of smoking." Zhang Chengqiao's expression was rare and serious A little bit of sincerity appeared in Taohua's eyes.

Zhang Chengqiao still remembers that when He Chengyi was fourteen years old, he once tempted He Chengyi to smoke, but was found by the Zhang family's parents and beat him up. It left a deep shadow, and he no longer dared to presuppose smoking on He Cheng's side.

The Zhang family always thought that He Chengyi was the most well-behaved child in the Zhang family.

He Chengyi leaned his back against the railing, his expression a bit lonely, "I just feel that something is wrong with me recently." He Chengyi clutched the position of his heart, with a confused and confused expression, "This position often feels numb, It will be sad, it will be sour, and sometimes it will dance very fast."

When Zhang Chengqiao heard this, his eyes lit up immediately, there is something wrong! How could he, a prodigal son in love, have such a dull younger brother, who reacted so clearly and didn't know his own situation? This is no longer ordinary slowness, but slowness to outer space!

Zhang Chengqiao took a deep breath, tried to calm himself down, and then said in a persuasive tone, "Do you only have such a reaction when you face someone?"

He Cheng thought for a while, and seemed to think of someone, his eyes suddenly lit up, and a happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Zhang Chengqiao looked at his young boy Huaichun, what else did he not understand... the rotten smell of love! !

Zhang Chengqiao couldn't help but sighed, and said with certainty, "You are in love with him."

"Ah, like it?" He Chengyi was stunned for a moment, chewing the word "like" in his heart, Chu Yao's delicate face seemed to appear in front of him, he matched the word like to Chu Yao's face, I don't know why, but I just feel that the surrounding air is getting warmer, as if the tip of my tongue has a sweet taste.

Seeing He Chengyi's shocked and puzzled expression, Zhang Chengqiao couldn't help but sigh...his silly brother.

He couldn't help asking, "Do you often subconsciously pursue her figure, and often can't help but look at her?"

He Cheng nodded, and looked into the distance with misty eyes, with a little longing.

Zhang Chengqiao continued