MTL - After The Empress Acended To The Throne, I Was Forcefully Made His Greatness-Chapter 340 Kunlun

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After Zuo Daoqi left the palace, he went directly to live in the most famous inn in the city, and immediately began to practice.

The Tianyuan Festival is coming soon, and he has to make some efforts. If he wants to win back what belongs to him, the performance of the Tianyuan Festival is extremely important.

Even if he has just broken through the fourth floor, he cannot improve for a short time in order to stabilize his cultivation, but he actually has many points that can be improved.

For example, Taoism, which is almost superb in the hands of the three immortals, he has actually been unable to use fake methods.

Taoism, this is also a very good Taoism. If it can be thoroughly developed and used with one mind, even if he only has one person and one hand, he can still control several Taoisms at the same time. The improvement is self-evident.

After practicing for two days, Zuo Daoqi took off his coat, changed into dry clothes, took out the body-nourishing incense from the ring finger, and lit it slowly.

Just about to practice, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

It was the two of Mo Tu.

Seeing Zuo Dodge, a smile appeared on Mo Tu's stern face,

He was followed by Mr. Wen. After entering the room, he sniffed vigorously, then compared his thumbs,

Zuo Dodge laughed out loud, not disgusted by Mr. Wen's jokes,

There was a look of admiration on Mr. Wen's face.

He had to admit that Zuo Daoqi hadn't seen him in the past two years, and his mind suddenly became free and easy. He thought about the past, and after close contact with Zuo Daoqi, although he was a good person, he always gave people a feeling of scheming, as if his There are endless thoughts in people's hearts, and people can't get close to them completely.

But after returning this time, with the change of his heart and mind, the self-confidence exuded from the inside out made him curious about his experience in the past two years.

It's a pity that judging from Zuo Daoqi's previous performance, he probably wouldn't tell about his experience, and in those two years, the emperor still endorsed it. Even if Zuo Daoqi wanted to say something, he didn't know whether he could listen.

Mr. Wen complained slightly.

Zuo Dodge was astonished and looked at Mo Tu.

Is the nickname Mo Lengzi serious?

Mr. Wen was still terrified when he thought of what happened yesterday.

Zuo Dodge raised his eyebrows slightly, hearing the meaning.

No wonder Zuo Daoqi was so surprised, Cai Shu was able to walk to the emperor's tent and shoot that weird black nail at Emperor Zhengming, which was not something that could be done by simple forces.

The Killing God Sect behind him, no matter how powerful he is in Chaos Demon Sea, will definitely not be able to affect Da Jin in such a situation.

Let's look at Lin Qingzong's misfortune for hundreds of years, since the establishment of the Great Jin Dynasty, he has hated the Great Jin Dynasty to the bone, there are many real people in the sect, but in the hundreds of years, there is no one who dares, In other words, there are characters who can go to the palace to assassinate the emperor.

It is true that Linqingzong insisted on keeping a low profile, but if they really had the opportunity to assassinate the emperor and cause turmoil in the court, would they be able to sit still?

The matter of Cai Shu is even more complicated. This is obviously a big force that has been cultivating in the court for many years. It must be done from beginning to end and strive to be leak-free. Mo Tu was able to find out in such a short period of time. Either Mo Tu is a genius in solving cases, or this The clues are exposed on purpose.

Mr. Wen and Mo Tu nodded at the same time, their complexions became serious. It was still Mr. Wen who said, "I found the clue yesterday. Mingku, the clan's mansion, had contact with the person who killed Shenzong a few years ago. I was thinking about it." say first

I reported the matter to the outside world, but Mo Lengzi led his troops directly into the Mansion of Strange People to arrest Ming Ku, if I hadn't reacted in time..."

Speaking of this, Mr. Wen still couldn't help complaining about Mo Tu, but Mo Tu just put his hands on his chest sternly and looked at him with a look of disdain.

As if to say, he was right.

This Mo Lengzi seems quite arrogant.

When Mr. Wen saw him like this, he immediately became angry. The two of them had worked together for decades and were close friends. As for Mo Tu, he naturally didn't want him to die just like that.

Fortunately, there is Zuo Dodge next to him, Mr. Wen continued.

Zuo Daoqi was slightly surprised when he heard the words, this link is linked together...

Mr. Wen nodded,

Mr. Wen's eyes once again showed a touch of surprise, Zuo Daoqi was clearly not at the scene, but he knew the final outcome so well,

Left Dodge chuckled,

Several people fell silent.

Indeed, neither the emperor nor the clan government wanted such a scandal to break out.

And whether Ming Ku is the real murderer is irrelevant, after all what the emperor wants is an explanation, and at this moment, the emperor is obviously satisfied with this explanation.

Zuo Daoqi was thinking a thousand times.

If everything was planned by the emperor, then Jian Mingku, it was obvious that this was Ji Qianmang's counterattack against his interference in sending Zuo Daoqi into the Tianyuan Conference that day.

Although Zuo Daoqi is no longer the head of the Mansion of Strange People, he has some political savvy after all.

Mr. Wen coughed, pulled Zuo Dodge back, looked at him seriously and said,

Zuo Dodge replied with firmness and affirmation,

Mr. Wen breathed a sigh of relief.

Yes, he has never met Cai Shu, but he knows the method of killing Shenzong, which he cannot explain or prove.

But fortunately, if everything was directed and acted by Zhengming Emperor Ji Lingjun, Zuo Daoqi's words and deeds that day would not only not attract suspicion, but would make Ji Lingjun appreciate him even more.

After all, it was not a good time to speak at that time.

Mr. Wen continued.

Zuo Daoqi knew very well that this point, as Mr. Wen said, would really become a stain on him. After all, Li Fear was the person he promoted in the past, and he happened to know the method of killing Shenzong. A little hard to wash.

However, the officials in the court had been offended by him a lot in the past, whether it was the Minister of the Household Department, Su Xiao, whose son he beheaded, or the second generations who had competed with him for the position of the head of the Mansion of Strange People in the past.

Involuntarily, Zuo Daoqi recalled Cai Shu's assassination that day again. With a fatal blow, he shattered his whole body as a sacrifice on the black nail. , In fact, it is impossible to say the consequences of stabbing into it.

And for so many years, Zuo Daoqi couldn't help but be moved by this crazy behavior of smashing his body, soul, elixir, and even all the seeds of supernatural power and longevity.

He was thinking, if a killer who climbed to the top of the building did this, would he really be able to stop it?

The ending is not optimistic.

Just as Zuo Daoqi was thinking, Mo Tu seemed to think of something and asked.

Zuo Dodge didn't explain, and shook his head slowly, smiling at the two of them,

Mr. Wen and the two also smiled.

Zuo Daoqi didn't answer. It doesn't matter whether Cai Shu's assassination is successful or not. The important thing is the assassination.

However, because of the name of the Nailhead Seven Arrows Book, Zuo Daoqi couldn't help but waver in his guess about Emperor Zhengming. Was Ji Lingjun really so willing to use his own life as a bait?

The black nail, no accident, was not something Ji Lingjun, a fetal-breathing cultivator, could resist.

The fog was shrouded in fog, even though Zuo Dodge got the reminder from the queen mother, he still couldn't see the situation clearly.

Fortunately, he is not in the cage for the time being, as long as the matter is not his concern, there is no need to think about it.

After talking about the business, the conversation of several people also became casual.

Left Dodge smiled.

After the two left, Zuo Dodge became more homely, almost never going out, only occasionally when he was restless, he would go out of the inn to go to Guangling Street to relax.

And finally knew why Xinyue didn't let her see the child.

Because the child was never born at all.

Xinyue stood in the courtyard, her slightly plump body was even more endearing, she said to Zuo Dodge with her back.

Zuo Dodge stared.

Xinyue said in a cold voice without any politeness.

This is reality.

For many creatures in nature, children have a certain ability to protect themselves after birth, at least their limbs are considered strong.

Only in the human race, young children are completely protected by adults, and even before the age of 7, they cannot survive in nature at all.

In fact, this is not a proof of the lowliness of the human race, but a manifestation of the tyrannical evolution of the human race.

The evolution of human beings is perfectly in line with Dao Zun's explanation of Taoism, but all things in the world have gains and losses, and the human race has the aptitude that surpasses all races, but similarly, this aptitude is difficult to be completely inherited by the younger From Physiologically speaking, the evolution of human beings has led to further shrinkage of the female pelvis, and the time for young children to be conceived in the mother's body has become shorter.

Really premature.

So Zuo Daoqi couldn't help muttering in his heart, could he be pregnant with a little fox?

Xinyue glanced at Zuo Dodge,

Zuo Dodge's heart moved, thinking of the absurdity in the tomb before.

But no matter what he thinks in his heart, he will naturally not show it in front of Xinyue.

Zuo Dodge suddenly walked to the copybook beside him, and took a pen to write down.

Under Xinyue's curiosity, although she didn't turn her head, her spiritual sense saw Zuo Daoqi's movements clearly.

Zuo Dodge naturally noticed it, so he asked with a smile,

I am happy without saying a word.

Zuo Dodge laughed and left,

The sound faded away.

There was no one in the courtyard, so Xinyue turned her head and looked at the words. With a free and easy mind, Zuo Daoqi's words became much wilder, like graffiti.

It's not ugly either.

Xinyue reached out to caress her belly gently.

The word Kunlun should not be used casually. Before the three became enlightened, they lived in Kunlun.

There was a quirky smile on the corner of Xinyue's mouth,


The years of practice always pass quickly.

In the blink of an eye, days passed by.

One day an unexpected person knocked on Zuo Dodge's door.

A plump and handsome young man, dressed in brocade clothes, with jade osmanthus hanging from his waist, stood with his hands folded.