MTL - After The Empress Acended To The Throne, I Was Forcefully Made His Greatness-Chapter 410 Sorry family castrated you

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Zuo Dodge heard an unprecedented anger from her tone.

Finally, after the Queen Mother's words, all the waiters in the hall bowed and saluted one after another under the gaze of an eunuch, and then walked out, Huarong did the same.


As soon as the sound of closing the door of the main hall sounded, Zuo Dodge felt a soft and fiery body pressing on him.

The woman exhaled like blue, and the warm and scalding breath hit his ears.

"Dead man, you still know how to come here!"

Zuo Dodge came back to his senses in an instant, feeling somewhat unreal.

Was she just... performing?

Really... there is a way.

Zuo Daoqi returned and thought of Ji Lingshu again. These two people are so capable, will he be played to death?

"Xian'er, what are you talking about, I finally have a chance to get rid of that **** body, and I finally have a chance to be with you..."

"Hmph~" The corner of the Queen Mother's mouth flashed a touch of sarcasm, "What are you, the Ai family cares about you?"

A little sarcasm.

Zuo Daoqi couldn't bear it for an instant, he stood up suddenly from the ground, and hugged Zi Yunxian in his arms.


"Well~ take it easy~"

Zuo Daoqi doesn't care, this woman is too wild today, she must be treated well.

He actually made himself feel so uncomfortable in front of so many people.

As for the consequences, we will talk about it later.

The jade bed shakes, yin and yang meet, and there is a slow flow of jade liquid.

After a while, the paralyzed Queen Mother stood up suddenly, and pushed Zuo Dodge away, "Enough of mourning, you should get dressed."

After finishing speaking, he clapped his palms regardless of whether Zuo Dodge was okay or not.

Zuo Dodge was stunned.

You really care about yourself, don't you?

Seeing the figure swaying outside the palace gate, Zuo Daoqi, who was suffocating in his heart, directly unfolded the Daoji, suppressed his voice in it, and turned on the sprint mode.


A moment later, Zuo Daoqi, who was dressed in a crimson snake robe, stood respectfully in front of the empress dowager's fringed curtain, with respectful and slightly concerned eyes.

The Empress Dowager seemed to be asleep, lying flat on the jade bed, with only slight breathing accompanied by a little snoring.

The attendants waiting outside the hall also pushed open the door at this moment.

The queen mother seemed to be awakened, and suddenly sat up from the bed, "Who told you to come in, get out!"

The head **** looked puzzled, as if saying that you didn't clap your hands to let us in?

Zuo Daoqi coughed dryly twice, "Elder-in-law, Your Majesty just fell asleep, and now that you've come in, you've disturbed Your Majesty's rest again."

The **** showed a little bit of surprise on his face, but he quickly knelt down, "Your Majesty, forgive me for disturbing your sweet dreams. I deserve death for such a small crime."

The queen mother's voice was a little weird, and her voice was also a little hoarse, "Go out, don't come in without the call of Aijia."

When the group of people went out again, Zuo Dodge showed a little smile on his face, opened the curtain slightly, and looked at the queen mother with meaningful eyes.

It seemed to be asking her if she was convinced.

The Empress Dowager had such a strong temper, she was about to stand up again with her hands supporting her body.


Zuo Dodge smiled slightly, but he only felt bad breath.

The empress dowager's temperament really needs to be suppressed, it's a bit too wild.

The queen mother snorted coldly, "Tell me, what is the matter with Ai's family?"

Zuo Dodge listened to her talking about the business, and his expression changed slightly, "Don't talk about me, what's wrong with you, Xian'er, are these people watching you?"

There was a cold look in the Queen Mother's eyes, and she continued, "A few days ago, the Zi family announced that Zi Li would be allowed to participate in the Tianyuan Conference. gone."

"Just because of that?" Suspicion appeared in Zuo Daoqi's eyes.

Although Ji Lingjun likes to play with the emperor's tricks now, she is not so stingy.

The queen mother gave him a blank look, "I still want to know, don't you like to meddle in other people's business, you go and check."

There was a bit of embarrassment on Zuo Dodge's face.

What this says...

"Okay, since it's Xian'er's intention, I will naturally investigate and find out."

"Be careful, the emperor has an expert behind his back, and it is very likely that he is an old thing in the Jin royal family who is not dead and clean."

Zi Yunxian's words were full of deep disgust.

"Also, find a chance to help me teach that old guy named Huo Xian a lesson."

The queen mother expresses very richly, she has always been such a person, compared to Jiang Liyan's reserved, she is more outgoing, she will say what she has, and never hide it, although sometimes it makes Zuo Daoqi a headache , but get used to it, but feel very comfortable.

"This old thing is the most mortal. Last time, he actually asked Ai's family to go to the clan's mansion to subdue that old thing Ji Qianmao. He really regarded Ai's family as an ignorant woman in the harem."

There was a gloomy look on Zuo Daoqi's face, but he understood where the queen mother's malice towards Huo Xian came from.

This old thing is yin and yang, and has a hand.

"Okay, I will find a chance." Zuo Daoqi nodded heavily. The Queen Mother seldom asked him to do things. He would naturally take care of such a small matter.

As for finding out why the emperor targeted the queen mother, he will also investigate clearly.

At this time, Zuo Daoqi showed a bit of restraint on his face, and looked carefully at the queen mother's rosy cheeks.

"There is one more thing that I have to tell Xian'er."

The Empress Dowager stretched out her jade arms and hugged a jade pillow, "Tell me, what's the matter."

"The emperor asked me... to marry Changyi."


The jade pillow made of southeast red nephrite is said to be like cloth, but it is jade after all, and was crushed by the Queen Mother.

"What did you say!"

She gritted her teeth and said every word.

"Ji Lingjun asked you to marry that little **** in Changyi!"

Zuo Daoqi's expression froze in an instant. He guessed that the queen mother would be very annoyed. When he came, he wondered whether he should tell her. After he got happy, he felt that the queen mother was in a good mood before he spoke. He didn't expect that she was still so angry.

This caught Zuo Dodge a little off guard.

"Xian'er...means the emperor."

"I don't care who it is, anyway, I don't want to." The Queen Mother turned her head and stared deeply into Zuo Dodge's eyes.

"If you dare to marry Changyi, the Ai family will have you castrated! Could it be that you like that little girl's film!?"

you fucking...

Compared with Ji Lingshu, the queen mother is obviously more domineering emotionally, which has something to do with everyone's growth experience.

Zuo Daoqi said in a low voice, "Naturally, I like Xian'er the most in my heart. It is the emperor's intention that I marry Changyi. There are too many deep meanings hidden in it, and I can't bear to refuse."

"Three hundred years in the Great Jin Dynasty, Confucianism and Taoism dominated, even the ancient and resplendent Taoism was suppressed, and the turmoil in it..."

In fact, there are many contradictions in the Great Jin Dynasty. The imperial power and prime minister power, the local and the central government are only the most superficial, but the deeper level is the Taoism that has been suppressed by Confucianism and Taoism for three hundred years. After all, it has some other thoughts.

"And Xian'er, listen to me, Changyi is also a poor person..."

He rambled about the Changyi he knew, and explained the reasons why he was always so willful.

"She's used to getting attention in this way, Xian'er, don't hold too much resentment towards her, you know, I like you the most."

Fortunately, although the queen mother is domineering, her cultivation is still not as good as Zuo Daoqi's. After Zuo Daoqi used the supernatural power of delimitation to fix her, she understood and reasoned with her affection.

After all, she listened to it, but her expression was still a bit annoyed, "Then you must stay in this dynasty. If you want to leave, tomorrow I will let Gu Dao enter the capital and take you and me away."

Zuo Dodge went numb.

you really are...

He hesitated again and again, and finally decided to tell the Queen Mother everything.

"The name of the Emperor of Heaven, I think you should have heard of it, Xian'er. A series of things have happened to me. I suspect... I am the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven. When the Emperor of Heaven collapsed in the past, the treasury of the Emperor of Heaven fell into the hands of Ji Wuji, the great ancestor of Jin Dynasty. I want to find the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House."

"It's not for getting anything, I just want to prove...I'm just me, not someone else, even if it's the Emperor of Heaven, I don't want to."

The Empress Dowager's expression became serious in an instant. Although she was jealous, she still had reason and knew the priorities of the matter.

"Then you...forget it, leave it to you."

She spat out something from her mouth with a complicated expression, "Gu Dao met me a few days ago when he was wandering the soul at night. He gave me an amulet. I'm useless in this deep palace compound. Take it .”

This is a little jade with a strange appearance. It looks like a tripod, but it is covered with many golden strange scales. You can't see anything with the naked eye, but once you look at it with your spiritual sense, you will feel a sharp pain in your eyes.

It was as if the Ten Thousand Zhang Excalibur came out of the sky.

This is definitely a level beyond Yinshen.

Zuo Dodge could feel the Dao source contained in it for a moment.

"Xian'er, there's no need to be like this. Since it was left to you by the Eighth Prince, you can keep it."

"The Ai family told you to take it, so take it!" The queen mother said coldly.

Zuo Daoqi was stunned, seeing the seriousness in her eyes, he took the jade tripod a little touched.

"Also, you can marry Changyi, but she can only be a concubine, understand?"

Zuo Dodge instantly felt that the jade tripod in his hand was like a hot potato.

What the **** did you hear that the son-in-law married the princess, and he married the princess back home as a concubine.

When Dajin is a dying country?

"As for how to do it, that's your business." After the Queen Mother finished speaking, she clapped her hands again.

The two of them had been together for more than an hour, 'seeing a doctor' mixed with happy times, and seeing the Queen Mother calling in the attendants outside, Zuo Daoqi took advantage of the opportunity to say goodbye.

The Queen Mother yawned, as if she had just woken up. Although her eyes were a little hazy, her complexion was much better, as if she had really experienced a deep sleep for a while.

"I slept really comfortably this time. The Ai family hasn't slept so comfortably for a long time. Lord Zuo has a heart."

Zuo Daoqi laughed awkwardly, "It's just as long as the empress feels comfortable."

"By the way, the scenery of Ling County is really as you said?"

Seemingly remembering something, the queen mother said calmly in front of many attendants.

Zuo Dodge nodded, "Naturally."

"Bai Yan, you will go out later and tell your dying godfather to help me tell the emperor that Ai's family wants to live in Ling County for a few days."

The maid named Bai Yan raised her head in bewilderment, and said in a voice like a mosquito, "Yes."

How the queen mother disrespected Huo Xian was not something she could ask.

Hearing Bai Yan's answer, the Queen Mother winked at Zuo Dodge somewhat complacently, as if showing her prestige.

That posture made Zuo Daoqi couldn't help but feel a wave in his heart, he was really a goblin.

Just when Zuo Dodge was about to step away with Bai Yan, there was a sudden sound from outside.

"Princess Ji Lingrong of Changyi, please see the Empress Dowager."

Zuo Dodge's expression froze instantly, didn't he think it was messy enough?

He immediately raised his head to carefully observe the Empress Dowager's face. Sure enough, when she heard the words Princess Changyi, the smile that she had put on on her face suddenly disappeared, leaving only a deep majesty.

"Grandpa Zuo stay for a while, Princess Changyi is also an old acquaintance of yours, let's stay together to catch up."

Her voice was flat, but there was no doubt about it.

It smelled very sinister, even scarier than when Ji Lingshu saw Zhu Hongyan a few days ago.

Zuo Dodge had no choice but to stop.

A moment later, Chang Yi, who was dressed in a pale pink palace dress, walked in from outside the hall with quite cheerful steps.

Her face is exquisite, her red lips are bright but not flirtatious, her blush is just right, her slender eyebrows are meticulously trimmed, and her long skirt flutters like a peerless elf walking out of a painting.

"I have seen the Empress Dowager, I miss you."

Zuo Daoqi's face twitched, the tea smell was too familiar, he couldn't help but became more nervous, how would the queen mother deal with the idiot green tea princess?

He kept winking at Changyi with squinting eyes and mouth, but Princess Cha didn't seem to see it at all.

When the queen mother spoke and Changyi got up, she seemed to have just seen Zuo Dodge.

"Ah, Zuo Qing, you are actually here too, I still want to find you."

Zuo Dodge still winked, wanting Changyi to stop her performance.

"What's wrong with your eyes, Zuo Qing? Are you feeling unwell?"

Zuo Dodge sighed dejectedly, "It's okay, it's just that I've been wide open for a long time."

Changyi opened his mouth, and if he opened his eyes for a long time, would they become squinted?

Her eyeballs rolled slightly, she took a step forward with her dexterous little feet, and said cheerfully, "Brother Huang said you wanted to go around the palace, and people knew you were coming here just by guessing, and you are indeed here."

In this Yuchen Palace, she didn't feel the oppressive atmosphere at all, "Did the aunt ask you to do something? The aunt... no, the empress dowager, Zuo Daoqi is no longer a eunuch, you can no longer just do whatever you want." Get him, otherwise, the emperor's brother should be angry."

A bitter look instantly appeared on Zuo Daoqi's face. Did Changyi go to see Ji Lingshu first?

There are some different flavors in this tea.

The queen mother sneered, "So what if you send him off? Changyi, have you forgotten your identity?"

Apparently, after seeing the expressionless but majestic face of the Empress Dowager, Changyi was actually a little timid. She shrank her neck and lowered her voice a little, "Empress Dowager, you are the master of the harem, of course Do whatever you want."

A strange color flickered across Zi Yunxian's face, and he asked in a fit of anger, "Then you are teaching Aijia, how should you treat him who has changed his identity now?"

Changyi pouted, turned his head and glanced at Zuo Dodge, seeing him blinking constantly, he thought he was encouraging him.

The voice rose again.

"They won't send court ministers at will. The emperor's elder brother said that after the Tianyuan grand meeting is over, Zuo Qing will be appointed to an important position. He also said..."

As she spoke, she became shy, like a natural actress, her complexion inadvertently turned a little rosy, vividly expressing the shyness of a little folk girl who met her uncle for the first time.

Zuo Dodge's scalp was numb, and he felt that the queen mother's face was a little dark.

Sure enough, the queen mother got up directly.

"What a hassle!"

"Bai Yan, go out and see if your godfather has left. If he doesn't leave, someone will send Zuo Dodge to the cleansing room for me."

Everyone in the hall froze at this moment.

Zuo Daoqi jumped wildly, he is really the most vicious woman, he was enjoying the pleasure just now, but now he is about to **** himself.

He couldn't sit still on the high platform anymore, Changyi pretended to be stupid and didn't look at him, he took a step forward.

"Princess misunderstood. The Empress Dowager treated my ministers very well. I just discussed some medical skills with my ministers, but I didn't send any envoys."

After Zuo Daoqi finished speaking, he saw Changyi walking a few steps towards him with a cheerful face, with a strange excitement on his face, "Zuo Qing, do you still know medical skills? You are really amazing, can you help others to see?" ah."

The Empress Dowager's complexion became worse and worse.

She was originally dissatisfied with the fact that Zuo Daoqi wanted to marry Changyi, but now that Changyi was in her hall, it was obviously a demonstration.

Seeing that she was about to explode, Zuo Dodge took another step forward, with a pleading look in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, it's getting late. Your Majesty Yunchen will go through the palace again. There are still many places I haven't seen."

"Then come back tomorrow!" The queen mother didn't want to give him this face.

The pleading look in Zuo Dodge's eyes became more and more obvious, and his eyes blinked like fans.

"But it's getting late, and now the status of the minister has changed. If the foreign minister stays in the palace for too long, he will inevitably be slandered by the villain. The minister doesn't care, but the reputation of the empress and the princess."

The queen mother glared at him viciously, and then glanced at Changyi with a very strange look.

It seems to be saying, if you want to go, you can take this thing away.

Zuo Dodge understood in seconds.

He directly stepped forward and grabbed Changyi's arm.

"Princess, UU Reading I just remembered that His Majesty said he wanted to look for you, you should hurry over there, I'm leaving too."

Changyi actually didn't want to leave, but for some reason, being pulled by Zuo Daoqi, she seemed to have lost some strength, and was dragged passively by him. "Yeah?"

Zuo Dodge looked at her sincerely, and nodded vigorously.


When he walked out of Yuchen Hall, Zuo Daoqi quickly let go of Changyi's hand.

After all, it was the Ouchi Imperial Palace, and he and Changyi were not married after all, so it was really not good to be so promiscuous, and he would be impeached if he was not careful.

Changyi was thinking wildly all the way, and in just a few steps, his complexion was already as red as a red cloud. As soon as Zuo Daoqi let go, he walked away in a rather embarrassed manner.

"I'm going to find Brother Huang right now!"

(end of this chapter)

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