MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 12 Hu Yang Shanze

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  Chapter 12 Hu Yang Shanze

   One more step forward, and the baby will become a meatloaf.

  The child grabbed the rattle on the ground, coughing continuously from the dust raised by the horse's hoof. The parents finally squeezed out of the crowd, picked up the child and ran away without looking back.

  People on the street criticized one after another, and the white-robed passenger looked up at Uncle Hao as if he had never heard of it.

  Uncle Hao was expressionless.

  Liu Baobao was beside He Lingchuan, and coughed vigorously: "Who are you waiting for, do you know that riding a horse in a downtown area is subject to whipping?"

   "Who executes the sentence?" The white-robed boy laughed, not concealing his contempt, "You?"

  The man's gaze was like a needle, Liu Baobao's face was numb from the stare, and he couldn't help shrinking his head: "Heishui City has strict laws and regulations, how many more steps can you try?"

  After saying this, the boy ignored him, and only turned his eyes to He Lingchuan, as if he knew that he was the mastermind.

  He Lingchuan smiled at him, but the other party stared at him carefully before urging the horse forward again.

  The guest in gray behind never looked up.

  After such a short period of turmoil, the speed of the two of them also slowed down, and the men, women and children on the street watched them disappear at the corner of the street together.

  That direction is going out of the city to the northeast.

  Uncle Hao said at the right time: "Both of them have cultivation bases, especially the gray-robed man behind. I can't see the reality. That little ghost in white may be from a military family."

  He Lingchuan raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

  Uncle Hao once slaughtered more than a dozen big families in the capital city at night, and later he was given enlightenment by Taoist people. He practiced spells, dispelled hostility, and practiced profoundly. He enjoyed high-level worship in the He family. He said that the gray-robed guest is amazing, and He Lingchuan has no doubts about it.

   These two people are not like ordinary merchants, what are they doing in the borderlands?

   At this time, a few more people came to the street, and they were the patrolmen of Heishui City. They were also alarmed and asked the surrounding crowd: "What happened?"

   "Two people galloped across the market and almost trampled on a child!"

   Only two people? Then he's not the young master of the He family, it's okay. The patrolman was even angrier, and when he looked up, he saw He Lingchuan peeking out the window to watch the excitement, so he hurriedly said hello, his face relaxed, and the corners of his mouth curled up, "How is Master He?"

   "Okay, very good." He Lingchuan smiled, "Are you here to chase someone?"

   "Chasing!" The captain of the patrol said righteously. You said you were not allowed to ride horses, but you insisted. Isn’t this flouting the law? "It must be severely punished!"

  He Lingchuan showed them the way: "Those two people went to the northeast gate."

  The captain of the patrol thanked him, and led his men to chase after him.

  After they left, Uncle Hao said: "The guards can't keep them."

   "I know, just throwing stones to ask for directions." He Lingchuan shrugged, "This is Heishui City, can they go to war in broad daylight?"

  But the patrols returned about a quarter of an hour later, empty-handed.

  For such a result, He Lingchuan was not surprised but wanted to ask: "What about those two?"

  The head of the patrol did not expect that he was still waiting for the results here. He was a little embarrassed, coughed and said: "Those two are General Zhengbei and Xunzhou Mu's subordinates. They came to Heishui City on business, and they showed the official documents with fire seals."

  He Lingchuan let out a long "Oh".

  He knew that the head of the patrol was talking about the New Year's Praise of the General of the Peking University. This man led Xunzhou Mu, that is, the top military and political leader, and had much more power than the governor of Jinzhou.

  The state is the county. If He Chunhua, the prefect of Qiansong County, saw this General Zhengbei, he would respectfully call himself a "lower official".

  Several guards left quickly, and Liu Baobao seemed a little uneasy: "Those two people probably don't remember me?"

   "How big is it, is it worth worrying about?" He Lingchuan comforted him without sincerity, but he thought in his heart, why did the Xunzhou pastoralists come to Heishui City?

  Just at this time, two thunderbolts rolled across the sky. The rumbling blast made people's ears hurt, and the dogs on the street barked a few times, and ran away with their tails between their legs.

  People in Heishui City are not surprised, they just keep doing what they should do.

  He Lingchuan looked to the west and found that the horizon was turbulent, and there was a large thick dark cloud.

  The storm is coming.


   "A storm is coming." The boy in white robe looked at the sky, then at the man in gray, "Look, is this okay?"

  The two of them are in Calabash Mountain.

  It has seven hills, three of which are exposed rock and soil, as rough as a bald man.

  Although it looks ugly, Hulu Mountain is actually rich in rats, rabbits, foxes, deer, and sometimes people can hunt wild boars and gray wolves.

  The two of them were standing on a beast path, and they had checked several caves just now.

"Although the water and soil are not rich and beautiful, there are a lot of creatures, and the number is barely enough." The gray-clothed man held an extra purple golden pestle, with a monster with protruding eyes and a big mouth engraved on the top, and four hanging rings under his feet. The end is sharpened like a cone, shining with a metallic luster.

   Swaying in the wind, the one-foot-long pestle turned into a seven-foot purple gold rod.

  The man in gray stuck the purple-gold rod into the ground for more than a foot, and when it stood upright, he begged for a green copper coin from the boy in white and stuffed it into the animal's mouth.

  The beast's mouth closed on its own, biting the copper coin, and the red light in its eyes gradually became brighter.

  The man in gray began to shake the top of the pestle.

  The hanging ring under the monster's feet suddenly jingled, and it sounded confusing at first, but after listening for a while, you can find that it loops back and forth according to a specific rhythm, over and over again.

   And each time it's clearer, louder, and...further than the last!

  The chirping of insects and birds that filled the forest disappeared, only the ringing of bells reverberated for a long time.

  The young man in white robe took a long breath.

   He listened carefully to the ringtone with his concentration, but after a while he felt dizzy, his heart was beating and his ears were ringing, so he lost his focus and stared at the distant mountain in a trance.

   If you distract yourself, you can still bear it.

  It was about time to make tea, and there was a "crash" behind the two of them, and a distraught voice came over:

   "Stop shaking, stop, stop ringing!"

  The purple golden pestle stopped when he heard the sound, and the two looked back, and saw a Populus euphratica tree shaking its branches and leaves, rustling, and the sound seemed to come from the leaves.

   Populus euphratica is vigorous and weather-beaten. It seems to be at least three or four hundred years old. It is the largest tree nearby.

  The boy in white robe spoke first: "Are you the local Shanze?"

"I am Shanze from Huyang Mountain. I was appointed 200 years ago. Now it is called Hulushan." Huyang Shanze's voice is very strange, as if produced by the friction and vibration of countless blades. .

  It's like a person who hasn't spoken for many years, re-adapting to the ability to speak. "I have been in a deep sleep for a long time, and even the local officials cannot wake me up. Who are you?"

  It sensed the copper coin held by the Zijin Pestle animal head, and was very surprised: "Hey, this is the new dynasty's Sheji Order, it seems to be called... what kind of kite?"

   "Kite money." The gray-robed man patted the beast's head, and the blue copper coin fell into his palm. If there are idlers on the sidelines, they will see that this thing is slightly larger than ordinary copper coins, and the hole is opened at the top for easy tying.

  (end of this chapter)