MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 461 Guilty

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  Chapter 461 The crime of pregnant

  He Lingchuan asked Zhao Dazui in the car: "Did anyone get injured in the village last winter?"

   "Ah?" Zhao Dazui didn't understand, "What kind of injury are you referring to? Frostbite, bruise or fall?"

   "...not easy to heal." The boar thorns are not easy to deal with.

  Zhao Dazui thought for a while: "I haven't heard of it."

  Jiao Yu interrupted: "Did someone die of illness?"

   "Ah, yes." Zhao Dazui nodded this time simply, "The old man Xu in Youtian Town has had tuberculosis for many years, and he didn't survive last winter..."

   "To die in the prime of life. Villagers or passers-by are counted."

   "Oh..." Zhao Dazui thought again, "Yes. In Xujia Village next to the Baita Temple, Xu's second child in his thirties lost his legs from freezing in the mountains, and died of high fever within a few days after returning home."

  He Lingchuan nodded and wrote down: "What else?"

  Zhao Dazui thought about it carefully, but couldn't remember it.

  He Lingchuan's heart moved, and he suddenly said: "What about the seriously injured or dead monsters?"

   "Then I don't know." Zhao Dazui chuckled, "Monsters don't usually live with us, so how do I know what's going on with them?"

   "Do monsters live in the countryside?"

   "Yes, most of them live in the countryside and have no contact with us." Zhao Dazui added, "Except for cat demons, cow demons, and bat demons who live under the eaves, but I didn't pay much attention."

  The monster is dead, so what does it matter to humans?

  Before dark, He Lingchuan rushed back to Youtian Town and split up with Jiao Yubing.

  He went to the largest pharmacy in the town, and General Ling insisted on following him, as if he was addicted to watching the excitement.

  Zhitian Township is the largest distribution center of medicinal materials in Chiyan. One-third of the country's medicinal materials are wholesaled from here. Of course, there are pharmacies and medical halls everywhere.

  He Lingchuan found this place, with a medical hall in front and a big pharmacy behind. After he went in, he went directly to the shopkeeper of the pharmacy, took out the red powder scraped from the pig's nest, and asked what it was.

  The shopkeeper is also an expert. After looking at it twice and sniffing it lightly, he couldn't figure it out, so he got a medicine powder and water to mix it with, and then called a few doctors to study it.

  He Lingchuan thought it was useless to see their posture, and now he missed his medicine ape even more. At least Ling Guang is not as unreliable as they are.

   Fortunately, the shopkeeper finally invited an ape out from the back hall.

  He Lingchuan Daqi: "The medicine ape?"

   "Exactly." The shopkeeper smiled and said, "This is our chief alchemist, Mr. Lu."

  Mr. Yaoyuan Lu's chin and beard were both white. He heard from the shopkeeper that he couldn't figure out the origin of the stone powder, so he took a pinch of red powder on his fingertips and spit.

  Including the four or five doctors, everyone saw that the pink powder became transparent.

   "That's right, this is Shiluo." Mr. Lu confirmed, "It's also called Shixue. Where did the customer get it?"

   "What's the use?"

"This thing is commonly known as the blood of the stone, and it is also considered the essence of the mountains. It is rarely used in medicine and alchemy, so ordinary pharmacists and alchemists don't recognize it, but in fact it can be used in some folk prescriptions." Lu Lu The gentleman is very precious, "In addition, it is also the material for making some magic tools. If customers take it to the craftsman, it may be easier for them to identify it."

  It paused for a while and then asked: "Stone nets are rare, and these are very fresh. Isn't it not far from the place where the customer chiseled it?"

   "This is mineral powder, not a plant. How can you tell if it's fresh?"

   "There is a smell of rocks on it, and there is a bit of rancid smell." Mr. Lu said convincingly, "It should have been dug out not long ago."

   "Exactly, I just dug it out of the pig's nest in Moon Mountain this afternoon."

  "Moon Mountain?" Mr. Lu was obviously stunned, "There are stone nets in Moon Mountain?"

"What is the problem?"

"I have been in Zhitian Township for eighty years, and this is the first time I heard of such a thing in Moon Mountain." Mr. Lu stroked his beard under his chin like a human being, "I just said that stone nets are very rare. The prescription with powerful medicinal effects must be it. This thing is very expensive, and the purified stone powder can be sold for a high price of five taels of silver for one tael!"

   "I just knocked this out, and it hasn't been refined yet. What do you think about the purity?"

  Mr. Lu fiddled with it for a while: "There are very few impurities."

  He Lingchuan put away the bottle and said with a casual smile: "Whoever finds the stone veins will get rich?"

   "If there are abundant reserves."

  The shopkeeper of the pharmacy couldn't help but interjected: "Guest, that's not the case. You can't do anything wrong with local medicinal or mining, unless the place belongs to you."

  Of course He Lingchuan knew, and laughed: "Yes, mountains and rivers have owners, who can mine casually? That's what I said."

  Getting the answer he wanted, he thanked the medicine ape, put down the small silver ingot, and left the medicine shop.

  He Lingchuan knew that Jiao Yu's errands would not be finished so quickly, so he followed the aroma to find a small restaurant for dinner.

   It’s a store, not a stall propped up by snakeskin sheds.

  But the seven or eight low tables in the shed were full of guests, each holding a pot and eating happily.

   That’s right, this stall specializes in canned noodles.

   There are seven or eight jars stewing on the stove, all of which are medicinal food. Whichever one is ordered by the customer, the stall owner will pour noodles into the jar.

  He Lingchuan ordered an angelica turtle dove soup, and ordered the local cloud silk noodles. As soon as the jar is opened, the aroma is tangy, and the soup inside is light brown, with only a thin layer of oil floating on the surface.

   Take a sip, it is mellow and warm, and the medicinal materials go well with meat. The ingredients are also stewed until the bones are crispy and the meat is rotten, you can just chew it.

  Smelling the aroma, the three wind drill beasts will not treat themselves badly, and order the same thing to eat. This is the kingdom of demons, and it is not uncommon for monsters to eat in towns. In order to take care of their big mouths, the stall owners serve them not jars but large bowls with open mouths.

  These sheep are indeed omnivorous. They gnawed on the little turtle doves and asked the boss to add more vegetables.

  He Lingchuan sloppyly finished one can, and he had already finished three bowls. He raised his hand and asked for another canned soup, this time with hot noodle sugar cakes.

  Sweet and salty, the taste is very interesting.

   What's even better is that this shed is opposite the pharmacy he just entered.

   While eating the second sugar biscuit, he saw the shopkeeper of the pharmacy come out and hurried out.

  He Lingchuan smiled, raised his arm and made a gesture.

   Passers-by saw him and thought he was greeting someone, but in fact there was a crow fluttering its wings on the tree, and it followed the big shopkeeper.

   Ready-made eyeliner, no need for nothing.

  There are crows everywhere in Zhitian Township, and no one pays special attention to its behavior.

  He Lingchuan asked the owner of the stall: "Two more sugar cakes, pack them up. By the way, this Shuojintang has a big facade. May I ask who is its owner?"

   "Who doesn't know in Youtian Town, this is the property of the Li family."

  He Lingchuan said, "So it's the Li family."

  After dinner, he went to the medicine market in Youtian Town.

   It is rare to meet a medicinal material wholesale place, so he must take the opportunity to replenish the stock? It's just that in Lingguang's absence, He Lingchuan's own quality control is not good enough.

   Walking around like this, shopping and shopping, it will soon be time to hold the lights.

   He Lingchuan stayed in the inn for more than an hour before Jiao Yu took advantage of the moonlight to return.


"I checked the account books of the township office, ignoring those who died of old age and disease. Last winter, there were seven young people injured or injured, three people missing, and two passing caravans reported their own death due to acute illness." It paused, "This It's human."

   "The monster clan, the one who died was the pig monster. Two monsters entered the township to seek medical treatment, so it was recorded, and the others are not clear."

  Yeah, monsters don't come to seek medical treatment, who knows they have been injured?

  He Lingchuan shook his head: "I really can't see anything from the official records. No wonder Fu Shanji couldn't handle this case well. The people behind the scenes know the officials too well."

  He relayed the trip to the medicine hall, Jiao Yu heard it and said: "In addition to water sources and medicinal herbs, this litter of piglets now has an additional stone vein, which is really rich in resources."

   "It's a crime to conceive Bi." He Lingchuan said, "It seems that our suspects are not only Li Wang Tu Sanjia."

  He has already inquired, and the three companies are all in the business of medicinal materials.

   However, Shiluo is rarely known locally, and these big households may not have been involved.

  He frowned again at this point: "But I couldn't figure out one thing: Since the murderer knows our whereabouts, why didn't he wait for us to leave Youtian Town or Zhitian Township before attacking?"

   "Yes, if you fail to ambush us like this, it will reveal the fact that they are active nearby." Jiao Yu asked him, "What are you going to do now?"

   "Must the water first, maybe the big fish will emerge by itself." He Lingchuan said to it, "Master Jiao, please find Li Dahu."

   "Now?" It was very dark.

   "Yes, now." He Lingchuan affirmed, "This effect is what I want."

  Jiao Yu is a man of action, and he found Li Dahu in less than a quarter of an hour.

  Li Dahu was dug up from his sleep. Although he was dressed neatly, there was **** in the corner of his eyes and he was yawning profusely. He is fifty-seven this year, and although he takes care of himself carefully, his energy is far less than that of a young man.

  The special envoy of the prince called him to come to the door overnight, and his heart kept beating. All the while asking Jiao Yu on the sidelines, is there anyone else going with him?

  Can make such a big business, which person is really clean?

  If all the old things are pulled out, then...

  He was feeling uneasy, He Lingchuan took out a note with a half-smile, and unfolded it for him to read:

   "Someone reported you."


  The next day, at the end of Yin time.

  The county magistrate of Baishi had just dreamed that he was promoted to an official and held a burnt banquet to be congratulated by everyone, when he was ruthlessly awakened by the old servant at home:

   "My lord, Li Dahu and Wang Dahu are asking to see you."

   "Now?" County magistrate Baishi rubbed his eyes, seeing that it was still dark outside the window, he couldn't help being annoyed, "Are they crazy!"

   "They said it was related to the courier case."

   Messenger? The county magistrate sat on the bed in a daze for a long time, regaining consciousness bit by bit, only then remembered the case of the missing messenger in Lingxu City.

  He didn't think in his heart that Zhitian Township had anything to do with this case, so he didn't think much about it in the past two days. Why did these two rich men rush to him in such a hurry?

   "Let them wait in the study."

  Two quarters of an hour later, the two townspeople, Li and Wang, had finished drinking a cup of tea, and the magistrate of Baishi came late.

  (end of this chapter)