MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 463 frost dew town

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  Chapter 463 Frost Dew Town

   "Oh? Good guy, it seems there is an inside story?" He Lingchuan clapped his hands and smiled, "I just like inside stories. Come on, tell me quickly, why is there no good idea?"

   "This thing was ordered by the people above!"

   "Above?" He Lingchuan wondered, "Which one is above?"

  Wandahu fell silent.

  Jiao Yu suddenly asked him: "The courier in Lingxu City was killed, did you do it?"

  Wan Dahu panicked and shook his hands: "It's not me, it's not me, I don't even know what a messenger is!"

  He Lingchuan brought the topic back, "There are hundreds of piglets, how did your nephew kill them?"

  Wan Dahu remained silent.

  He Lingchuan suddenly pinched his chin open and stuffed a pill into his mouth.

  The medicine melts down the throat, and even a large family can't spit it out. "This medicine can keep you awake for the next two hours, no matter how tortured you are." He Lingchuan said lightly. His grandchildren were buried with him?"

  Wan Dahu wailed: "If I confess, they will die."

   "You mean, the prince can't even keep it?"

  Wan Dahu bowed his head and remained silent.

  Jiao Yu licked his paw: "I'll go get his grandson and eat it on the spot."

  Wan Xianneng was shocked: "Don't!"

  He swallowed again: "Master Special Envoy, if you can keep my grandchildren safe, I will risk my life and tell you everything!"

   "I promise on behalf of the prince." He Lingchuan promised without any psychological burden. Anyway, it was the prince of Chiyan Kingdom who fulfilled the promise in the end, so what does it have to do with him?

Wan Xianneng lowered his brows and drooped his eyes: "My nephew Wan Song is very talented. He was originally studying in the Taoist sect, but he was expelled because he accidentally killed his fellow sect. In those years, he was depressed and frustrated. I have always helped him. Later, he went out to wander alone. , I haven't heard from him for many years, I thought he died outside, but I didn't know that he suddenly returned to his hometown the year before last, he was proud of the spring breeze, and he had accumulated a solid net worth."

"You know, at that time, my business was no longer good, and my family was struggling. I even had to steal some belongings to maintain the expenses of such a large family. After Wan Song heard about it, he came to my door and wanted to drag me into a house with him. Business!"

  He Lingchuan raised his eyebrows: "The business of killing demons?"

"My lord, it's mainly about killing demons." Wan Xianneng said with difficulty, "I often build roads and build bridges in the deep mountains. There are many opportunities to meet mountain monsters and wild monsters. Although we are a demon country here, these guys are born in the mountains. To die in the mountains, to fend for themselves, Zhitian Township seldom and can not control them. Wan Song made their idea, saying that a nobleman in Lingxu City needs a kind of blood bead, which is made from the blood essence of the monster's whole body. No one cares about the monsters in the wild anyway, we use them to refine blood beads, and the money comes in much faster than the hard work of digging mountains and building roads!"

  Jiao Yu suddenly said: "How many monsters have you killed?"

   "If you don't count the litter of hairy pigs..." Wan Xianneng thought about it carefully, "There are probably more than sixty or seventy pigs. If it is as small as the bat demon, five pigs will be counted as one."

  Crack, click, the tiger subconsciously stretched out its claws and scratched the ground. Sixty or seventy in less than two years? State and county records appear to be just the tip of the iceberg.

  Seeing its gaze, Wan Xianneng shivered.

   "Don't scare him, he's just looking for monsters." He Lingchuan smiled at Wan Xianneng, "Continue talking. Originally, you only targeted monsters who were alone, didn't you?"

   "Yes, yes, in order to avoid suspicion." Wan Xianneng whispered, "Anyway, they sometimes kill each other, and they will die. No one will pursue this."

  Don't say it's a monster. Human beings are sometimes aggressive and will kill their own kind. Dozens of monsters die in the wild every year, what's the matter?

   "Then why did you take over a hundred boar demons in the whole nest last year? Didn't you want to attract attention?"

Wan Xianneng couldn't help but sighed: "We killed hundreds of boar demons at a time, of course it was because we wanted to mine the Stone Blood Mine to sell money, but on the other hand, the blood beads handed in last year were too few to meet the standard, so we had to do it at the end of the year." Hurry up."

   "How many blood beads do you have to hand in a year?" He Lingchuan asked him, "Do you have any in your hand? Show me."

"At least ten. The above said that in order not to cause trouble, there should be no more than twenty." Wan Xianneng pointed to the desk in the study, He Lingchuan walked over, opened the secret compartment according to his instructions, and grabbed a kit from inside .

   There is only one round bead in the bag.

  As Guanshi Lu said, it is round and the size of a bullet.

  He Lingchuan held it in his hand and squeezed it, it was actually very elastic.

   Now when he gets a rare item, he will approach the **** bone necklace to see if there is any demand for it.

   However, Shengu was quiet, obviously not interested in this thing.

   "How many blood beads can be condensed depends on the monster's size and Taoism. Only a few pig monsters can refine a red pill."

   "Can this thing be refined by humans?" He Lingchuan sniffed the red beads, and there was a faint fragrance.

   "No." Wan Xianneng smiled wryly, "Otherwise, would we still have to work hard to catch monsters? Bega would fight a random battle, and countless living people would be captured."

   "Then why do humans die or disappear so often?"

   "I don't know." Now, Wan Xianneng no longer hides his words, "Perhaps they were used as bait?"

  He Lingchuan frowned: "Bait?"

   "The new monsters that appear after the eruption of Emperor Flow Ore are often ignorant and bloodthirsty, and it is better to use living people as bait." Wan Xianneng said carefully, "I heard this from my nephew, I have not seen it myself."

  So this group of people catch trolls and wild monsters just like fishing, the difference is that the bait used by the fishermen is earthworm dough, but they use live people?

  He Lingchuan glanced at General Ling, and said coldly: "Why did you kill the wind beasts? They all have backgrounds, not mountain monsters."

"The higher-ups have temporarily increased the order." Wan Xianneng smiled wryly, "I heard that the supply of blood beads is in short supply, and it happens that there are a lot of new monsters that have been promoted by two successive emperor's blood in half a year. They appeared and fought and killed each other, no one can count the number of their lives and deaths, it is, it is the harvest season for us!"

  He Lingchuan recalled the last time Diliu ointment erupted, a group of demons fought and killed by the Three Hearts Lake, the cause was nothing more than a piece of Diliu ointment. Indeed, as Wan Xianneng said, their birth and death cannot be counted even if no one pays attention to them, even if this is a demon country.

"We caught a lot of new monsters, but the number of blood beads condensed is not enough. Seeing that the deadline for handing in is approaching, we have to... catch another one." Wan Xianneng also knows the hidden dangers and dangers of catching new monsters, but At that time, I couldn't control too much. "Wan Song is very sure, he thinks we will never expose."

   Speaking of this, he shed tears.

  General Ling was surprisingly silent, and stayed on the sidelines without saying a word, until then he said coldly: "It's amazing, it's amazing. The lives of our monsters are worth money with you."

  Wan Dahu sensed danger for no reason, and kept shaking his head: "I'm only responsible for receiving and delivering the beads, and my nephew will lead people to do the work of hunting monsters!"

  General Ling insisted on a definite answer: "You mean, they killed my children?"


  General Ling said several "good" words in succession.

  Wan Dahu sent another piece of information: "The leader who was originally in charge of hunting died in the pig's nest last year, and the speaker was replaced by my nephew."

  These guys are doing the job of licking blood from the knife edge, and the risk is not small.

   "Where is your upper family?" He Lingchuan raised a second finger, "Also, where is your nephew?"

   "Every time the deadline for handing in the blood beads comes, someone from above will come." Wan Dahu lowered his head, "The delivery has already been made in Shuanglu Town a few days ago. I don't know if that person is still there."

   "What's this man's name?"

   "My surname is Mai. He is tall, thin, and very elegant, but I don't know his name. We all call him Mr. Mai." Dahu Wan didn't dare to hide it, "The delivery location is the third house in Buffalo Lane, Dongtou, Shuanglu Town."

  General Ling asked: "The murderer... Where is your nephew?"

   "He, I can't find him." Wan Dahu smiled wryly, "He always comes to me."

  Seeing that General Ling raised his hoof to kick, he quickly hugged his head: "I'm serious, what I say is true! I will never joke about my grandson's life!"

  Nephew is just a nephew, how can it matter if you have your own blood?

   "It seems that your nephew doesn't trust you."

"He He…"

   Seeing his hesitant to speak, He Lingchuan laughed: "Are you afraid of him?"

   "Ah..." Wan Xianneng drooped his head, "Although he is his nephew, he is actually a desperado, and his character has been fierce since he was a child. Who wouldn't be afraid?"

   "Since that's the case, you should know that sooner or later you will be dragged down by him."

  Thousands of virtuous people can make words.

  If you walk too much at night, you will encounter ghosts, he understands. But the money came quickly, he...he couldn't get off the boat anymore.

  He Lingchuan ignored him, and said to General Ling: "If the general has no idea, just follow me first."

Now the goals of the two parties are actually different. If He Lingchuan wants to fulfill Fu Shanyue's entrustment, he has to go up and track down Wan Dahu's family, that is, Mr. Mai, while General Ling only wants revenge and vows to kill Wan Dahu. His nephew Wan Song.

  General Ling snorted and didn't object, but he couldn't help kicking Wan Dahu until his mouth and nose were bleeding, and three of his teeth fell out.

   "Stay and watch him." It guarded a wind drilling beast, "If you dare to make any changes, just... beat him to death!"

  At first, he wanted to say kill him directly, but General Ling saw Jiao Yu by his side and knew that he wanted to leave a prisoner for the county magistrate, so he changed his words temporarily.


  He Lingchuan rushed to Shuanglu Town, surrounded by people who could either run or fly.

   It only took more than two quarters of an hour to run this small dozens of miles.

  Tiger Jiao Yu was still sticking out his tongue and gasping for air, but the Wind-Drilling Beast was strolling in the garden without heaving its chest or abdomen.

  The talents of the two sides are different, and the wind drill beast is good at running, no matter how long or short it is.

  The Buffalo Lane house identified by Wan Dahu is easy to find. Its appearance is plain and low-key, and the door is very tidy, with only a few fallen leaves.

  (end of this chapter)